Jun Jiuling

Chapter 367 I have to leave

As the night darkened, the lights in King Huai's bedroom dimmed.

Your Highness, you should go to bed. Miss Jun said, looking at the round King Huai who was sitting on the bed with his eyes open.

King Huai groaned and lay down, but his eyes were still open.

This is clever perfunctory.

She didn't know his trick yet.

Your Highness, how about I tell you a story? Miss Jun said as she sat down by the bed.

King Huai immediately moved inward.

No, he said, his voice polite and distant, no need.

Miss Jun looked at King Huai, and then at the retreating palace ladies and eunuchs.

Your Highness, do you want to hear the story of hunting tigers in the mountains? She moved forward, looked at King Huai and raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice.

This was the story that King Huai loved to hear himself tell the most.

Never tired of listening to it, every time I hear it, I get excited.

I don't know if he has some feelings for himself? It's not that children are the most sensitive. Will this girl who tells the same story as his sister surprise and excite him?

Miss Jun restrained her nervousness and looked at Jiu Po.

Jiufu, it's sister, it's sister Jiuling who is here to tell you stories again.

No. King Huai didn't respond, he said bluntly, and at the same time moved inward again, Can you get up?

He also said, pointing to the quilt that Miss Jun sat under.

You've covered my quilt, I can't sleep well like this.

He doesn't express his dissatisfaction by crying and spitting like other children, and even expresses his disgust very politely, with the proud demeanor of a nobleman.

Children are sensitive, since the day he became King Huai, he should already know the environment he is in, coupled with Princess Jiuli's upbringing, let him use calmness to maintain the last bit of dignity like Princess Jiuli.

A child is a child, he only sees what he sees, you are his sister, he is close and dependent wholeheartedly, you are another person, no matter how similar he is, he will not be close to half.

This brat, Miss Jun breathed out, thinking of saying something else to attract him, when someone walked in from outside the door, she froze immediately, and knew it was Lu Yunqi who had come in without looking back.

Your Highness is tired from playing today, go to bed early so that you will be able to continue playing tomorrow. She said, stood up from the bed, and lowered the curtain.

Lu Yunqi didn't come in, but sat down outside.

He is like that these days.

Since Princess Jiuli left, he has not left, and still stays in King Huai's bedroom every night, not caring at all and not avoiding Miss Jun who is also in this room.

In his eyes, Miss Jun was just a doctor, or a suspect, or even a dead person.

Miss Jun knew this very well and didn't mind.

But today it feels different.

The lights in the bedroom were dim, and a line of sight kept on her in the night.

And this line of sight is different from before.

This is of course because of what I said and did today.

Miss Jun lay down on the couch, a little thankful to have survived this crisis, but a little anxious in her heart.

It's been so long since that incident, he still remembers what he did.

Thinking of the many women in that house who seemed to have pieced together themselves, she felt sick again.

She turned over on the bed and clenched her hands tightly under the quilt.

Doing those disgusting things, disgusting looks, what does he want to do!


The winter sun shines on the room, bright and warm, with a few windows half-opened, the room is filled with a faint fragrance, without the strong medicinal smell and dullness of a month ago.

There were also many more people in the bedroom than before, and the imperial physicians in official robes looked at Jiang Youshu who was taking the pulse of King Huai with concern.

Jiang Youshu's expression was serious, he examined his left hand and then his right hand, and took a long time before withdrawing his hand.

How is it? the imperial doctors couldn't wait to ask.

Jiang Youshu nodded with a relieved smile on his face.

Okay, he said.

The expressions of the imperial physicians were somewhat complicated.

It was really cured.

Jiang Youshu stood up and cupped his hands in the direction of the palace.

The emperor and the queen mother can finally rest assured. He sighed, and looked at Miss Jun's sincere expression, Miss Jun, Jiang is willing to bow down.

Miss Jun was not moved by Doctor Jiang's sincerity, she just nodded.

This gesture was very arrogant in the eyes of the imperial physicians, which added a bit of dissatisfaction.

Miss Jun didn't care about their dissatisfaction, and she didn't feel much about Jiang Youshu's humility and surrender. How could she trust someone like Jiang Youshu.

Regarding Jiang Youshu's visit to King Huai's pulse, Miss Jun's only reaction was that she would also be kicked out of Prince Huai's mansion.

But this is helpless.

There is no secret in Prince Huai's mansion, King Huai's health is getting better and the palace knows very well, although she has many ways to make King Huai's body appear seriously ill so that he can stay with him more, but King Huai's body is not suitable.

She looked at the energetic King Huai sitting on the bed.

It's no wonder that Doctor Jiang and the others claimed that King Huai had acne that was difficult to treat. King Huai's wind and cold this time were indeed fierce, and his body was almost hollowed out.

She dared not and could not let King Huai use medicine to cover up her improvement.

Although she really wanted to stay with her brother, it was not at the price of hurting him physically.

In that case, the new year is coming. I will go back to the palace to report to the emperor, and Miss Jun can go back and have a good year with peace of mind. Jiang Youshu said with a smile.

Miss Jun didn't say a word, but thanked him with a little salute.

Jiang Youshu was not dissatisfied with Miss Jun's attitude, and left with a smile, while the imperial doctors stayed behind.

Miss Jun, just tell us if you have anything to order. An imperial physician said with a half-smile.

I have nothing to tell you. Miss Jun replied immediately, looking at him with a smile, Your Highness, I have been cured, and if there is anything else, it is your business. Don't push it on me when the time comes. That's it.

What is this called! The faces of the imperial doctors were livid.

You are bold, are you cursing His Highness Huai Wang? An imperial doctor raised his eyebrows and shouted.

Miss Jun smiled.

There is no curse that can make people sick, only quack doctors can shirk their incompetence to make people die. She said.

This girl! simply!

The imperial physicians in the room looked angry, and gave up all the joy and admiration they wanted to force.

Mr. Gu, who was standing aside, smiled and looked at Miss Jun with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Miss Jun ignored this and walked up to King Huai. She squatted down and looked at King Huai who was sitting on the couch.

Your Highness, you are well now, and I am leaving. She said softly, You have to take good care of yourself, don't eat indiscriminately, don't...

Before she finished speaking, King Huai smiled and nodded at her.

Thank you very much. His childish voice was clear and he interrupted her kindly, This king will appreciate and reward you.

Miss Jun saw that he was about to speak again, but King Huai had already waved at Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu. He yelled happily, jumping off the couch, I'm cured now, and I can continue studying.

He walked towards Mr. Gu quickly, and Mr. Gu also greeted him with a smile and nodded.

No hurry, no hurry, he said.

It's urgent, I missed a lot of homework. Huai Wang said with a bit of seriousness and a bit of distress.

The doctors all laughed.

Your Highness really worked hard.

Your Highness is smart and will make it up soon.

They laughed one after another, and the atmosphere in the room was lively and joyful.

Ms. Jun, who was half squatting in front of the couch, seemed to be forgotten. She slowly got up and looked at King Huai who was smiling happily at Mr. Gu. She probably noticed her gaze. Mr. Gu raised his eyes to look over, and there was a smile in his eyes. , and it seems a bit meaningful.

Miss Jun lowered her eyes to salute him, picked up the medicine box and walked out without looking back.

Walking out of Prince Huai's Mansion for the first time in more than a month, the street is already full of strong New Year flavor.

No matter what, my wish has been fulfilled, Jiu Po's illness has been cured, Master's letter has also been obtained smoothly, Miss Jun patted the medicine box, and I can have a good new year.

The horse's hooves slammed, and Lu Yunqi was escorted by a group of Jinyi guards to the door. He reined in his horse and looked down.

Miss Jun glanced at him indifferently, then turned her gaze away and walked along the street past him, ignoring the glowing gaze.

***************************************************** ***********************

Thanks to Bing Yi from the south for rewarding the spirit beast eggs.

grateful? The last shot? Reward the fairy flower fate.

Thanks to md12 for rewarding He Choi.

Unknowingly, this book has been written for half a year. Many things have happened in the past six months. If you all go on the same road with me again, I have nothing to repay. I would like to repay you with the most sincere sincerity and write a story that makes everyone happy.

Thank you for your hard work.

What I did not do well, thank you for tolerance and tolerance, please believe in my sincere heart, sincerity in writing stories and communicating with people, and gratitude.

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