Jun Jiuling

Chapter 361 Sleeping Together

The night was thick and the bed was set up. Princess Jiuli stroked Jiuzheng's forehead and looked at Miss Jun who was walking over.

Miss Jun, go and wash up, she said.

Ms. Jun's clothes were already wet with sweat three times after performing acupuncture, boiling medicine and feeding medicine, and she didn't refuse to thank her after hearing the words.

Miss Jun, please. A court lady led the way.

The washing room is next door.

This is Jiufu's clean room. Miss Jun glanced at each one, and it didn't change from before.

She walked slowly past a closet, reached out her hand seemingly unintentionally, accurately penetrated into the gap between the closet and the wall, and touched a box at the same time.

A smile curved the corner of Miss Jun's mouth.

This brat really hid the toy box here.

However, Jiuli is married, no one is in charge of him, and he will not be discovered, so what is he still hiding?

Miss Jun's eyes darkened.

Probably when I was playing, I hoped that someone would find out and someone could scold me.

Playing everything alone is lonely and boring.

Miss Jun. The two maids turned around from the bath, The water is ready.

Having said this, she came forward, and Miss Jun stretched out her arms without any restraint, and they helped them undress.

One by one, the clothes were untied and faded until there was no strand left.

The maid bowed her head and stepped back, watching Miss Jun stepping into the bath, submerged in the water.

This Miss Jun was really calm and composed. The two maids looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This kind of service and bathing by a strange maid in a strange place does not feel restrained or uncomfortable at all, but seems to be a habit.

As a palace maid of Prince Huai's Mansion, she is isolated from the world, and she doesn't know any news from the outside world. It's just because there are so many people coming from outside these days, coupled with the words of the imperial doctors, they know that Miss Jun is very good at medicine. As for what it is I don't know where I came from.

Maybe doctors with good medical skills are very indifferent.

The two court ladies lowered their gauze curtains and bowed their heads, took a few steps back and waited quietly.

A maid came in and whispered to the two of them, pointing to the wardrobe outside, the two maids were a little surprised, but they immediately responded yes.

Miss Jun didn't wash for long, and she came out soon. Two maids took out a sheet to wrap it up and wiped it for her. At the same time, they led her to the outside.

Miss Jun saw that these were women's clothes. Jiu Po ​​was ill, and her sister must be here for food and lodging, so the clothes were naturally prepared.

It stands to reason that she can wear the clothes of the court ladies in her current status, but she didn't expect it to be the clothes of Princess Jiuli.

But it was thanks to her that she knew that it was Princess Jiuli's clothes. If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't think so at all, they would just think it was the servant girl's clothes.

My sister is like this, always doing some kindness that is difficult for others to find, and she also says that it is something that moistens things silently.

Miss Jun spread her arms and was dressed by the maid. Suddenly her body froze and she couldn't help but take a few steps forward.

The maids were caught off guard and almost tripped.

Miss Jun? They asked hurriedly, watching Miss Jun stop in front of the closet, looking at a piece of clothing.

Does she still want to choose her own clothes? The two court ladies looked at each other, which was a bit too impolite.

Looking at the shirt in the closet, Miss Jun felt her eyes watering.

This is not my sister's, this is her obscene clothes.

One of her old clothes was made for her by her mother on her own birthday the year before her father and mother passed away.

She later married in this obscene garment.

She died, and her bones were buried in the Lu family's cemetery. Is this obscene garment the only thing left beside my sister and Jiufu?

Miss Jun reached out to press her heart, lowered her head and coughed dryly to hide the tears that were about to burst out.

Miss Jun, are you alright? the two maids asked in concern.

Miss Jun stretched out her hand to press an acupuncture point on her wrist, which made her cough repeatedly. The maid outside was startled to bring tea, and Miss Jun slowly recovered.

Ashamed. She said in a hoarse voice, taking tea to moisten her throat, and wiping the tears off her face with a handkerchief, I have this old problem of dry cough.

Can she be cured? Several court ladies looked at each other. Is this the so-called involuntary medicine?

Miss Jun took a deep breath and put down the teacup, calming down.

Okay, let's go out, she said.

The lights in the bedroom were dimmed a bit, and there was only a night light by King Huai's bed, Princess Jiuli was sitting by the bed and was moistening King Huai's lips with chopsticks.

Lu Yunqi stood aside and looked at Miss Jun who came out.

Miss Jun ignored his gaze, and didn't seem to care that she was wearing obscene clothes, so she walked straight to the bed, leaned over to look at King Huai, stroked his forehead, cheeks, neck behind ears, and felt his pulse again.

I can't see anything yet, she said.

Then just wait. Princess Jiuli said, and smiled at Miss Jun, Miss Jun, rest first, your Highness will be good after you rest.

Miss Jun nodded.

Then I'll rest first. She said, turned and walked to the bed next to her, took off her shoes and lay down.

Princess Jiuli glanced at Lu Yunqi.

You rest too, she said.

Like a wife greeting her husband with concern.

More than just like, they were originally husband and wife.

Miss Jun, who was lying on the couch with her back facing inward, thought to herself.

I'm right here. Lu Yunqi's voice came, the voice was mellow, but it could not be refused, like a domineering husband.

Of course he refused to leave, but wanted to watch, so as not to let the emperor's arrangements go wrong again, just like he did back then.

Elder sister definitely won't leave. From the short moment just now, it can be seen that she is definitely not willing to leave Jiufu's side for even a moment. Even if she dies, she will watch him die with her own eyes, unlike herself .

I don't know that I only let her know a few days after my death, but it certainly wasn't at that time. They wanted to cover up and decorate their chopped-up corpse. My sister came to cry, my sister.

Miss Jun closed her eyes.

She will not go to other places to rest, she also wants to be here, and she also wants to watch her sister and Jiufu.

Princess Jiuli didn't speak any more, and the room fell into silence.

But at dawn, Jiuzheng's fever did not subside.

His fever is hard to get rid of. Princess Jiuli didn't rush to reprimand, but instead showed a very understanding expression.

Even if she sees Jiuzheng dead at this moment, she will probably do the same.

It's all right, he was going to die, she might say.

Already resigned to this point.

Miss Jun felt like laughing and crying, so she took a deep breath.

But she didn't believe it, she believed that God was fair, let her live, and let her learn superb medical skills from her master, and let her come to the capital when Jiu Po ​​fell ill, so she could stand firm. The reason is to treat Jiuzheng.

How could Jiufu die? Will not.

It's okay, I'll do it again, I think the fever has subsided a little. She said, taking out the golden needle, I'll give it to Jiu... first, and then I'll use the needle for His Highness, and then I'll boil the medicine.

Hearing her say this, Lu Yunqi, who had been standing quietly by the side without saying a word, looked over.

Why don't you let others make the medicine? He asked lightly.

Princess Jiuli also looked at her.

Isn't this faster? Lu Yunqi continued, looking at her with cold and sharp eyes.

Miss Jun stood up straight and met his gaze, looking at him.

Because I'm worried. She said, Master Lu, you also know that I made a bet with the imperial physicians. There are many people waiting for me to lose, but I don't want to lose. I don't trust anyone except myself.

It turns out that they don't agree with the imperial doctors, so it's no wonder they are so cautious. Princess Jiuli smiled and looked away.

Seeing that she also looked away for a moment, Lu Yunqi waved his hand.


Thank you Zixing Qiyue,? The last shot? , Ling Xiaoqi, Bingyi from the south, md12 reward He Shibi, okay?

Thanks everyone and have a great weekend

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