Jun Jiuling

Chapter 323 Where is Home?

The assassin didn't come out to intercept and kill along the way, but came to ambush at the gate of Lu's house.

Really courageous enough, but also desperate enough.

The horse that was hit by the arrow had already gone mad, and the Jin Yiwei guarded Lu Yunqi and retreated. At the same time, the two swung their knives in unison, beheading the mad horse on the spot.

At the same time, a miserable cry sounded in the dark night and then disappeared.

The front of the door was quiet again, and there were no desperadoes swarming up, and no feathered arrows came rushing again.

My lord, there is only one. The Jinyi guards who returned from the killing dragged a corpse to report.

The corpse had been hacked to pieces.

Those who have not been confirmed dead cannot die again, and will not be brought in front of Lu Yunqi.

Lu Yunqi didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, and was about to walk towards the house staggeringly, but there was another commotion in the distance.

That's when Jin Yiwei, who was in ambush, discovered the change.

The Jinyi guards here immediately moved again, and at the same time, a Jinyi guard hurriedly stood beside Lu Yunqi, reaching out to help or use his body as a human shield when necessary.

This is what everyone is used to.

The hand of Jin Yiwei was about to support Lu Yunqi, who was a little unstable, but at this moment, there was an extra dagger in his hand, and it pierced Lu Yunqi's heart with a cold light.

This sudden change happened in an instant, and the Jinyi guards around saw it but had no time to move.

grown ups!

There were exclamations everywhere, but the next moment Lu Yunqi was stabbed and fell to the ground.

Lu Yunqi stood up straight, the dagger stopped in front of him, sticking to his robe, but he didn't go any further.

This Jin Yiwei's neck was strangled by Lu Yunqi with one hand.

Lu Yunqi's strong body was lifted vigorously, and the hands pinching his neck were like iron tongs, instantly making the man's face livid and let out a clucking sound.

The pain of suffocation did not last long, Lu Yunqi stretched out his other hand to hold his head, and shook it violently.

This Jin Yiwei fell to the ground like a torn sack, and he was completely dead without making a sound.

The neck and skull were deformed, and the blood sprayed from the nose and mouth stained the ground, and also splashed Lu Yunqi's foot.

It can be seen how powerful this twist and fall is.

Because Lu Yunqi seldom goes out and is always surrounded by countless guards, everyone thinks that he is vulnerable and that's why he is so defensive, but it is not the case.

No matter how many barriers there are in front of him, the last and most important barrier is himself, and it is always unreliable to pin his hopes on others.

The brocade guards all surrounded, and one of them looked at the people on the ground.

Not one of us. He said, kneeling down at Lu Yunqi, Small dereliction of duty lets people sneak in.

Lu Yunqi watched as he reached out to take the Xiuchun knife from his hand, raised his hand and chopped it down.

That Jin Yiwei's body was stiff, but he didn't move, with the determination to die.

The knife wind slid past him and landed on the dead man on the ground.

This is hacking without any rules, not like a man playing with a knife, but like a butcher in a butcher shop.

Facing the dead pig and the unresisting corpse, he vented wantonly and fiercely, and the dead on the ground turned into a pile of blood and mud in a short time.

The smell of blood spread in the night, thick and frightening.

Lu Yunqi threw down the knife in his hand, his expression still blank, as if there was only a lump of rotten pork in front of him.

I just want to go home, I want to go home, dare to stand in my way. He said, and walked home covered in blood.

The servant girl who came in looked at him with a bit of fear, who was splashed with blood and flesh.

Tell the princess quickly that your lord is back. They whispered.

Lu Yunqi had already stood in front of Princess Jiuli's courtyard, but stopped when he heard this sentence, turned and walked away.

The girls and servants who came out of the yard were stunned and looked at each other in bewilderment.

The lights in the garden at night were dim, and Lu Yunqi, who had walked through it for an unknown amount of time, finally sat down on the ground exhausted, then lay down on his back again, spreading his hands and feet, looking at the dark night sky.

Go home. He murmured, closing his eyes.


The sun shines all over the land, and there are many scenic spots and bustles. The capital city in August is even more bustling and lively.

Here we are! The driver on a carriage pointed to the front and shouted joyfully. He took off his bamboo hat and revealed a dusty face. He seemed to be dancing with excitement, I saw the capital.

Fang Jinxiu leaned out of the car and looked at him with a frown.

Chen Qi, don't be ashamed and conspicuous, just sit down. She said, and raised her eyes, It's still a long way from here to the capital.

That's it, Chen Qi looked at the passers-by on both sides with a hidden smile like a bumpkin, then looked at the city in front of him, and sat down with a sneer.

It looks quite close, but it looks like a dead horse running over the mountain. He said.

Fang Jinxiu did not speak, nor did she enter the car again.

I finally arrived. I didn't expect to walk for such a long time. I'm really exhausted. Chen Qi said again, stretched his waist, and thumped his shoulder.

Who told you to follow? I don't know how to ride a horse. Fang Jinxiu said, If I had been riding a horse by myself, I would have arrived long ago.

After deciding to leave Yangcheng and come to the capital, Fang Jinxiu went to say hello to Chen Qi and Chen Qi's mother. After all, they had to take care of them. Unexpectedly, when they left the next day, Chen Qi would follow.

Take me to the capital to make a fortune. He begged, I heard that anyone who sells sugar in the capital can get rich.

Fang Jinxiu couldn't hold him back, so he had to let him follow.

Because Chen Qi didn't know how to ride a horse, Fang Jinxiu had no choice but to buy a carriage, and the two of them went on the road together, and after more than half a month of nonstop, they finally arrived in the capital.

Capital city, Fang Jinxiu looked at the city in front of her, but she didn't expect to come here.

That's it, it's so far from Yangcheng to the capital, she never thought about it before.

You have wings, and you can fly even if you drop to the ground.

Fang Jinxiu took a deep breath, took out the letter and glanced at it.

The address on the letter is already familiar by heart.

After walking for an hour, the two finally entered the capital, and the shock brought by the prosperity was evident one by one. Chen Qi led the horse and the cart, and directly inquired about the street where Jiulingtang was located, not the medical center of Jiulingtang.

I don't know how Miss Jun's medical clinic is like? Chen Qi turned around and asked, It's only been open for less than two months. The capital is so big, even with the help of De Shengchang, the medical clinic depends on it after all. It is not possible to become famous overnight with a foothold in medical skills, and there must be few people who know about Jiulingtang.

Fang Jinxiu snorted.

Not necessarily, she said. You don't know her.

I know, everyone in Yangcheng knows that Miss Jun is a miracle doctor. Chen Qi said, But it took a lot of effort and a lot of money to be known. It's not so fast now.

Fang Jinxiu snorted again.

You don't know how evil this woman is.

Every time it was an astonishing move.

As long as she wants to, she can do it.

The carriage came to the street where Jiulingtang was located.

This place is a bit remote. Chen Qi said, looking around and frowning, It should be opened in a more lively place. It's not like De Shengchang can't afford to rent a shop.

Fang Jinxiu snorted.

Whether you stay or not is still the same thing, I'll just call myself the shopkeeper. She said.

Chen Qi laughed, holding the horse and shaking his head left and right, his eyes lit up soon.

There. He said happily, pointing.

Fang Jinxiu looked over, and the plaque of Jiu Ling Tang appeared in sight, and her heart couldn't help but feel hot.

After traveling for so long, I finally arrived home.

This thought flashed through her and she poohed again.

It's inexplicable how she makes this place her home.

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The update time has been postponed, because I want more people to see the summary posted last night. In the free chapter, if you haven’t seen it, you can go and see it now. Thank you, I still want you to see it with your own eyes. .

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