Jun Jiuling

Chapter 320 Hidden Secret

After all, it is about Lu Qianhu and Princess Jiuli, so you can say whatever you want behind closed doors, but you should be careful in front of outsiders.

Someone saw Miss Jun cough lightly, reminding everyone not to talk nonsense.

Then I'll make arrangements. A daughter-in-law said.

Mrs. Lin nodded.

Go ahead, I'm just a cook, don't be afraid of any taboos. She said.

The daughter-in-law responded.

Miss Jun got up and took out a handful of incense.

You can just light it when you go to bed at night. She said, and said goodbye, I'll come back tomorrow.

Mrs. Lin looked even more satisfied.

She is older and sees a lot of people, and the three aunts and six wives walking in the inner house are not busy, and if they are useful, they can't wait to boast about their flowers, and they want to talk about wealth and honor.

But after this girl came, she didn't say much, she didn't even ask about her condition, she just took her pulse and took medicine, and she left after the diagnosis, and she didn't stay for a long time without anything to say.

After all, she has practiced medicine for generations, and she is also the daughter of an official family. This nobleness is in her bones.

Dealing with such a person is more reassuring and worry-free.

Miss Lao Jun is here. Mrs. Lin said kindly.

Come back tomorrow. Mrs. Lin also said with a smile. After seeing her twice, she felt very close to the little girl.

Miss Jun didn't say anything more, saluted and took Liu'er to leave.

Miss, it will be cured tomorrow, so fast. Liu Er said happily behind.

Miss Jun hummed.

Yes, that's fast, she said.

It really is fast in this inner house, I can hear news from my sister so soon.

Walking to the second gate, there were already waiting chariots and horses, besides the chariot she was in when she came, there was another chariot, and a servant woman was urging a cook to get into the chariot.

Don't talk too much when you get there, just do what you are asked to do. The servant woman urged.

The cook kept saying yes.

Miss Jun stopped.

Is this the cook who is going to meet my sister?

She watched the carriage pass by, and couldn't help raising her foot.

I really want to go, I really want to follow...

Miss Jun. The maid's voice whispered in his ear, Please get in the car.

Miss Jun withdrew her gaze and got into the car.

The carriage drove out of Dingyuan Hou's Mansion, and left left and right with the one that went out first.

Seeing Miss Jun coming back, the two guys rushed to greet her.

The medicine ordered by Miss has been bought. They said respectfully.

Miss, are you making medicine now? Liu Er asked.

You wash off the medicine first, and I'll go out for a while, Miss Jun said.

Liu Er said oh, and went in happily carrying the medicine box, while the two guys looked at Liu Er and Miss Jun who had already left.

Just let her go out alone?

But it seems that neither the master nor the servant had any objection, they had to keep their mouths shut even when they opened their mouths.

There were more people on the street near noon, and the tea houses and restaurants were also overcrowded. Miss Jun walked through the busy street without stopping.

She walked into an alley, passed through and left the busy city, it seemed a little quiet here.

She walked out of the alley and stopped a few steps forward, her eyes were a little confused, as if she didn't know where to go, and she seemed to be a little scared because of the silence, she clenched her hands in front of her.

She had done one thing, strictly speaking it was a good thing and a bad thing.

In the third year of following the master, she began to prepare medicine for her father's illness, and then spent two years fumbling to develop a prescription under the guidance of the master's sarcasm.

You have to think about it, your father's illness can't afford a wrong prescription, otherwise you think why so many imperial doctors have never given your father a prescription for so many years. Master warned her.

She didn't know it before, but now she knows it with medical skills. It's really dangerous, so she took the prescription for a long time and dared not give it to her father.

Probably because of God's pity on her prayers and hard work, when she returned to Beijing that time, she unexpectedly met a person with the same illness as his father.

It was a young lad, and she decided to use him as a test drug.

Master would not agree to this kind of thing, and her father would also object if he knew about it. She dared not tell anyone, including this young man who was about to be tested by her.

She did this secretly, took the young man to a place in the capital, and asked him to use this prescription.

Make an agreement with this young man that if everything is safe after half a year, he will give the prescription to his father and promise him great wealth.

But later, instead of waiting for any news from this young man, the news of his father's death came.

She didn't find the young man again after she came back.

The young man either ran away or died. She asked her sister, and her sister said that her father had never used the prescription she entrusted.

In other words, her prescription didn't work at all.

Although she was not reconciled, she had no choice but to accept her fate, her father's short life, and her mother's Jielie's fate, and then she got married and her family was in trouble for a lifetime.

Unexpectedly, two years later, when she entered the palace to pay homage to the Empress Dowager, she was secretly stopped by a little maid named Bing'er.

This Bing'er had served her before, and she thought that she had encountered some grievances and wanted her to help.

Unexpectedly, Bing'er knelt down with a pale face.

Princess, the prince didn't die of illness. She said tremblingly.

Thinking of that moment, Miss Jun still felt her ears buzzing, and her whole body was like a lightning strike.

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

Bing'er told her father that she had used her prescription, and the young man was also cured, not dead at all.

His Royal Highness saw that young man and reprimanded His Royal Highness that you were fooling around, so he gave him some money and sent him away.

Later, His Royal Highness put away the prescription.

His Royal Highness is not useless. He asked my sister and I to cook the medicine, and he didn't tell anyone about the medicine.

The prince said, this is your filial piety, princess, so you have to try it anyway.

His Royal Highness won't tell anyone, for fear that everyone will worry.

But it still failed, didn't it?

No, no, no failure. Bing'er raised her head with a terrified expression, My sister went out to see that person a while ago, princess, that person is still alive.

Miss Jun closed her eyes, held back her tears, and dug her fingernails into her flesh.

Princess, if you don't believe me, you can ask my sister. My sister married and lived in the alley behind Guanmiao, the third house from east to west.

Miss Jun took a deep breath and stabilized her trembling body.

She didn't come here at that time, she couldn't come, if she came here, she would definitely be exposed, this is evidence, evidence that King Qi killed his elder brother and made troubles.

After she killed Queen Qi, this is the evidence.

She broke into the palace with a knife, and decided to fight to the death, otherwise, for King Qi, who had already established himself in the world, he could still cover the sky with one hand.

Only by killing King Qi first can we have a chance to fight.

In the end she still failed.

But she had another chance.

Miss Jun opened her eyes and looked ahead. The matter of testing the medicine with the young man was kept a secret, no one knew about it, and then she learned the truth suddenly, made a decision suddenly, and died suddenly, whether it was Binger in the palace, It's still Sister Bing'er outside, and even that young man hasn't been exposed yet.

As long as they are alive and well, they are still evidence.

Now is not the time to meet, and we can't make any arrangements, just wait a little longer.

Miss Jun raised her feet and turned around to enter the alley, but a person suddenly walked out of the alley, and they were caught off guard and almost bumped into each other.

Miss Jun let out a low cry as she was hit and fell backwards. The man reached out and grabbed her. When they saw each other clearly, both of them gasped.

It's you again. Zhu Zan said, and immediately let go of Miss Jun's hand.

Miss Jun, who was standing firmly, was almost pushed down by him, and she staggered a few steps to support the wall before she stopped.


Monday, come on.

Thanks to md12 for rewarding three spirit beast eggs and one fairy flower fate. (/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Thanks to 96 Jin for waiting for me, Bing Yi, Ling Xiaoqi, and Feng Yu from the south for their rewards and He Shibi.

Thank you very much/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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