Jun Jiuling

Chapter 17 Curse or Coincidence


Miss Jun looked at Liu er.

Miss, you and Miss Lin just met at that time, and her little girl told me about it. Liu'er said, looking at the girls of the Fang family with a bit of disdain, The people of the Fang family are ashamed to hide it, Yang No one in the city knows.

The maids of the Fang family lowered their heads as much as they could.

At that time, many young ladies were there, and we girls were all waiting outside. I heard that I was living in Fang's house. That little girl took me and told me secretly. She said that you should stay away from Fang's house. Fang's house has been cursed. He The family will have no children or grandchildren. Liu'er imitated the exaggerated tone of the little girl and said.

Curse to cut off children and grandchildren?

Miss Jun frowned.

Who cursed it? she asked.

I didn't ask the specifics. I told that girl that we won't be staying at Fang's house for a long time, so she stopped talking, and I forgot to tell you, Miss. Liu'er said, curling her lips, It's better not to tell you Well, originally this Fang family was enough for us to worry about.

Miss Jun looked at the girls.

Is it the business enemy of the Fang family? she asked.

The girls bowed their heads and no one spoke.

Ask you! Liu'er raised her eyebrows and shouted, Hurry up and tell our lady about the harmful things that your Fang family has done, don't make your lady feel bad luck.

A girl raised her head with a pale face.

It's not something harmful. She couldn't help distinguishing, Yes, it was the angry words of the brothers who refused to accept it when the family was separated. It can't be taken seriously.

Miss Jun said oh.

It's the brothers who returned to Shandong after my great-grandfather shared the family property, she said.

Not to ask, but to say yes.

And there was no sarcasm or sarcasm in her tone, the girl dared to look at Miss Jun, her expression was still soft, unlike the girl standing next to her, Liu'er, whose mouth was almost behind her ears.

Yes. The girl lowered her head and said, At that time, those masters said some bad things out of anger.

Presumably, such a large family business could logically be managed by the eldest son, and the other brothers should share the management, but the great-grandfather gave the ticket number to the grandfather, and the other brothers were sent back to their hometown in Shandong.

The foundation of their branch is in Yangcheng, what is there in their hometown in Shandong, and they have no status when they go back. It's no wonder these brothers don't complain.

So just now she heard the girl say that her great-grandfather died and her grandfather inherited the family business, and then she thought that there was only one family living in the Fang family, and she didn't see any other relatives and clansmen coming and going, so she asked a question strangely.

Miss Jun nodded.

I see, she said.

Yes, it's just some angry words about the division, it's not a curse. The girl continued boldly, Everyone doesn't remember it. It's good for the brothers to talk about it later, but I didn't expect...

I didn't expect that the old man would have an accident, it's okay if the old man had an accident, and then the old man also had an accident. The curse words in the quarrel decades ago were turned out for some reason, and it became the Fang family's fault. Curse, to cut off children and grandchildren, and now the only heir has become a paralyzed man and will die soon after diagnosis, this kind of words has become even more ironclad.

The death of Miss Jun's mother and the death of Miss Jun's father have also become proof of the fulfillment of this curse, making everyone feel that the Fang family is cursed not only for men, but also for women, and it will also affect the husband and son-in-law. The method of recruiting a son-in-law to continue the incense has also been blocked, and no one cares about the children of this generation of the Fang family.

It's really miserable, no wonder the old lady would question the injustice of the sky.

Miss Jun stroked the corner of the table in silence.

What kind of angry words, isn't this the fulfillment of a curse? Liu Er said with a curled lip, There are too many angry words in your family, why are there so many dead men in your family?

The girls' faces were pale and red, and they didn't dare and didn't know how to refute.

The people of the Fang family were naturally not allowed to say these rumors from the outside world, they tried their best to suppress them, and they involved themselves. It would be bad for everyone if the Fang family fell, so they avoided talking about it.

But they were helpless to this careless master and servant who didn't regard themselves as Fang's family.

It's just a coincidence. Miss Jun said, You also said too many curse words. If they were all curses, then wouldn't there be more people dead?

Liu'er groaned, thinking that the young lady was right, but the girls standing there looked shocked, and never dreamed that it would be Miss Jun who refuted it.

Okay, let's go down, Miss Jun said softly.

The girls hurriedly responded and retreated in a panic.

Miss Jun glanced around the room, looking at the luxurious arrangement that even a small curtain hook was made of gold and jade.

I thought it was a beautiful land, but it turned out to be a dilapidated ship. She said slowly.


Although Miss Jun was free to do whatever she wanted in the Fang family and no one would stop her, she asked those girls and was reported to the eldest lady the next moment.

Mrs. Fang brought someone to see Mrs. Fang.

It's fine at other times, but now that I just divorced the Ning family, I'm not sure what Zhenzhen is thinking, so I specifically told my mother. She said.

Before Mrs. Fang could speak, there was a slap from inside.

Mrs. Fang looked over, and through the bead curtain, she saw three girls sitting on the kang in the bright second room, surrounded by a table. Throwing it on the table, she was the one who made the slap.

The face of the old lady Fang outside was similar to that of the third miss Fang Jinxiu who was happily waiting at the door to see Miss Jun's body that day.


But before Fang Jinxiu could speak, a girl sitting across from her spoke first. This was Fang Yunxiu, the eldest lady of the Fang family.

These accounts have to be aligned before the year, so don't delay. She whispered, Grandma is getting old, we have to share her worries, and don't worry about grandma and mother.

This last sentence is a bit of a warning.

Fang Jinxiu bit her lower lip, lowered her head and picked up the counter.

You, learn more from Yuxiu. Fang Yunxiu said, looking at another girl.

The second lady, Fang Yuxiu, kept her head down and flipped through the account book from beginning to end, writing quickly with the pen in her hand, as if she was ignorant of everything outside.

But when Fang Yunxiu finished speaking, she spoke.

Eldest sister, what do you want to learn from me? Everyone has their own ambitions. I'm used to meekness. I wish I could be like Third Sister, who can grab that Miss Jun and scold her. She said in a low voice, reading the account book and writing with a pen. Still did not stop.

Fang Jinxiu chuckled, Fang Yunxiu was a little helpless.

Okay, I can't even praise you. She said, Hurry up, both of you, if you don't align these account books before dark, I will punish you not to eat.

The girls smiled and stopped talking, bowed their heads and continued to work.

The old lady Fang outside had finished listening to the girl's story.

Just ask, it's not a secret. She said, The whole Yangcheng knows it, and we don't hide it from her. In her eyes, the Fang family doesn't care about having an extra bad name.

Mrs. Fang smiled.

However, it's different this time. The girls said that when that girl Liu'er spoke rudely, Zhen Zhen scolded her, saying it was a coincidence, so don't believe it. She said, with relief, Mother, I think Zhen Zhen Zhen is really sensible this time.

Old lady Fang smiled, but the smile was a bit cold.

Whether you are sensible or not depends not on how you say it, but how you do it, she said.

Mrs. Fang replied yes, looking at the girl.

Go ahead and work hard. Whatever Miss Jun wants to ask, just say it. Don't contradict her, and don't hide it from her, she said.

The girl replied yes, just as she left, a servant woman came in hastily.

Old lady, madam, Miss Jun has asked someone to ask something again, she said.

Mrs. Fang frowned slightly.

Didn't I tell you, just answer if you ask. She said.

The maid looked hesitant.

But, ma'am, Miss Jun is asking the manager of the ticket office this time, she said.

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