Jun Jiuling

Chapter 11 Sisters and Aunts

Miss Jun's car curtain was not put down all the way, and the little girl stayed up all night in the fright of being hanged, and now she really can't accompany her obediently to rest.

Not long after leaving Beiliu Town, he walked on the official road, and as the distance from Yangcheng got closer, there were more and more people traveling on the official road. Before entering Yangcheng, he could already feel the bustle and bustle.

Zezhou, Yangcheng.

Although she has never been to this fortress in the northwest, she is no stranger to it, not only here, she is no stranger to the places north of the capital, but it is on the map and in the book.

The customs in the north are open, and there is nothing wrong with a girl like her raising the curtain of the car to look out. Occasionally, pedestrians on the road will cast their eyes and glance past.

Miss Jun focused on the scenery in her sight, avoiding thinking too much about the past.

She already knew very well what happened in the past, there was no need to spend energy on it, repeating it over and over again, except for making herself painful, remorseful and resentful, almost crazy.

She just needs to know who she is, what the situation is now, and what to do is enough.

To know these three questions, she had to keep herself awake.

Look now, look ahead.

When the carriage passed through the tall gate of Yangcheng, the girl Liu'er woke up, looked outside the carriage and curled her lips.

I'm going back to that house again. She said with disgust and helplessness.

And this time is even more different from the previous ones. The previous disgusting home was just a temporary place for their master and servant to function like an inn. The Ning's family in Beiliu Town is their real home.

Because I thought in my heart that all of this was temporary, and after getting through it, the clouds would break through, so I was able to tolerate myself living in this humble environment.

But now the marriage certificate is gone, the marriage contract is gone, the young lady has nowhere to go, the future is not clear, only endless darkness.

What can I do next?

A bit of bewilderment appeared on the little girl's always arrogant face, and she was still in a daze until she entered Fang's house.

Miss Jun looked at the Fang family's house seriously.

The Fang family's house is located in the center of Yangcheng. Although it cannot be compared with the Ning's house in Beiliu Town, it occupies a large area in the city, with carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions, and the courtyard houses are well arranged.

The carriage passed through the lane and entered the inner courtyard. Before the car stopped, Miss Jun heard noisy footsteps outside.

It was the people in the family who heard the news and picked it up, so they must also be very worried.

...pull it back.

….do you died?

.. is it really dead?

Along with the sound of footsteps, a thin female voice sounded. This voice was not so much worried about, but excited and looking forward to.

Not all seem to be worried.

Miss Jun pursed her lips and looked out the window in the direction of the speaker.

A dozen red and green women, some old and some young, emerged from the gate of the hanging flower courtyard.

Miss Jun's gaze fell directly on a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

The girl was very beautiful, and she stood out from the crowd, her eyebrows and eyes were flying, with a bit of sharpness like Mrs. Fang.

At the same time Miss Jun looked at her, she also looked over, and their eyes met.

The third miss of the Fang family.

In Miss Jun's memory, she recognized Mrs. Fang's youngest granddaughter.

Seeing the girl behind the car window, Third Miss Fang was startled, and then she showed undisguised disappointment and contempt.

I'm worthless, I don't even dare to die. She poohed, turned around and left.

The surrounding noise stopped, and the girl and servant kept silent, looking nervously at the girl sitting in the car.

In the spring of the third year of Taikang, Miss Jun was picked up from Funing and met her cousin at Fang's house. Everyone felt sorry for this cousin who lost her father and mother, and took out their favorite things as a gift.

Miss Jun asked the little girl to pick it up, and did not give a gift in return. Of course, this was not a normal visit to relatives, and her father was newly deceased and had no intention of doing anything else. The cousins ​​of the Fang family did not feel rude.

But the next day, Third Miss Fang saw that the handkerchief she had given out was being held by Miss Jun's maid, Liu Er, and used to wipe the mud off her shoes.

Miss Fang San went up to question, and Miss Jun said that such a cheap thing for her girl was already very valuable.

At that time, Miss Fang San had a fight with Miss Jun, and after the fight, Miss Jun was about to hang herself with a rope, forcing Mrs. Fang to give Miss Fang San a reward.

The two became enemies because of this, and in just half a year, there were several times of friction. If Mrs. Fang hadn't been pressing down on Miss Fang, I don't know what would have happened.

Knowing that Miss Jun had hanged herself, Miss Fang San was not only not worried, but also rushed out with an attitude of being glad to see her dead. After being insulted like this, Miss Jun was afraid that she would immediately make another scene and die.

The girls and servants were all ready to stop Miss Jun who was about to make a scene in time.

But Miss Jun sat still, didn't she hear what Miss Fang San said?

Fang Jinxiu!

There was a sharp shout from the carriage, and then a little girl jumped out.

Fang Jinxiu, you are cold-hearted, you just want to curse my lady to death.

Liu Er aggressively looked left and right, as if she would immediately pounce on someone whenever she saw someone.

The girl in the car heard it, and it was impossible for Miss Jun who was sitting by the window not to hear it.

The expressions of the two maids who were about to help Mrs. Fang get out of the car changed, and they hurried over regardless of Mrs. Fang.

Who is talking nonsense in front of the third lady? They raised their eyebrows and shouted, Find it out and sell it!

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to stop Liu'er.

After a half-day bus ride, Miss Jun is also tired, help her down to rest.

They persuaded Liu Er nicely and blocked Liu'er's sight, and also blocked her way to chase.

This is obviously protecting his own lady and bullying her lady.

These bullying slaves.

Liu'er jumped to scold her, but Miss Jun lifted the curtain and got out of the car and called out to her before throwing her away to help her.

Watching Miss Jun walk down, the maids looked even more nervous, but Miss Jun just looked at the old lady Fang who got out of the carriage over there, she didn't cry or scold, and she didn't want to bump into the carriage or old lady Fang.

Seeing Mrs. Fang, the servants and maids saluted in unison.

Let's go. Mrs. Fang glanced at Miss Jun who was standing quietly beside her and said, instead of walking towards the second door, she walked to the other side of the aisle.

Over there was the direction of her own residence, and Miss Jun knew it after a little thought, and she followed suit, and there was another sound of footsteps inside the second door.


A gentle yet anxious voice came from inside.

Miss Jun heard the sound and looked around, and saw a thirty-five-six-year-old woman walking quickly, describing her as soft and gentle.

Miss Jun's aunt, Mrs. Fang.

Mother, you're back. She said, her eyes quickly fell on Miss Jun, her face was filled with joy and a bit of sadness, Zhenzhen, it will be good if you come back.

This is a woman who is duplicity on the outside, gentle on the surface, but vicious on the inside.

Miss Jun's memory said.

All the concubines in the world are not close, and there is no good thing.

Miss Jun lowered her eyes and saluted her slightly.

This action was so sudden that Mrs. Fang was so startled that she forgot to say the words when she came to her lips.

I'll go to her place and ask her something. Mrs. Fang said, Go back first.

When the elders ask the younger generation, they don't go to the elder's house, but the elders go to the younger generation's place, because Miss Jun and the Fang family are tired of seeing each other. My wife didn't like her standing where she was.

This troublesome and helpless child.

Miss Jun pursed her lips, leaving a lot of trouble.


Went out for three days, and won the sixth prize of Forbes Original Girls Zhu Sha. I got the sixth place in the general list, thank you, thank you, I would not be where I am today without you!

Now the new year has begun, and the new journey of the new book has also begun. Please accompany me for another year. Jun Jiuling will start to be updated normally, no longer be lazy, it will be on the shelves in February, and later in January Will increase the amount of updates.

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