Jun Jiuling

Chapter 100 Don't care about those who block the way

She had a waiter leading the way, so she definitely didn't want to leave, but was questioned by the Lin family.

What kind of person is she? Or what kind of person is Jun Zhenzhen?

Ning Yunzhao didn't care about it before.

He devoted himself to studying and learning, and didn't care about men and women. When he was ten years old, he made a vow to start a career before starting a family, so he treated those admiring eyes indifferently.

He heard that someone came with his marriage certificate, and he also heard the sisters talking privately about how unbearable the woman with the marriage certificate was, and he also knew that many people in Yangcheng felt wronged for him.

In fact, he was not unfair, because he didn't care at all.

He is a person, not an item that can be replaced at will, and the promises of others have nothing to do with him, even elders.

Because he didn't care or care, he ignored it and didn't think about it. At that time, in his eyes, she was what his sisters said.

But it's definitely not like playing chess under the tree during the Lantern Festival that day.

When the appearance of the woman in the sisters' mouth and the appearance of the Lantern Festival woman are superimposed on one person, he doesn't know what she is like.

But whether she is weak or not, she is a woman.

Ning Yunzhao hurriedly chased after him.

He didn't feel pity because of the woman, what made him do this was that maybe the reason why this woman did everything was because of the marriage letter with the Ning family.

Although it is said that people are responsible for what they do, she is still a child after all.

Jun Zhenzhen and her group had already gone up the stairs, Ning Yunzhao caught up and stopped again.

There were five men standing in the corridor on the second floor. They leaned against the railing and seemed to be doing nothing. One of them was cutting his fingernails.

Ning Yunzhao felt the smell of blood on his face.

Of course, it wasn't because the man cut his nails to the flesh, but because he knew the identities of these people.

They are Jinyiwei.

Although there was no flying fish suit and embroidered spring knife that could identify his identity, the middle-aged man in the middle with a fair face and an amiable expression like a shopkeeper was recognized by everyone in Yangcheng and even Shanxi.

Jin Shiba, the school lieutenant of Jinyiwei Thousand Households Institute in Shanxi.

Don't look at this kind of amiable appearance, there are dozens if not dozens of officials in Shanxi who died in his hands.

I would rather provoke the king of Hades than defy the factory guard.

If Lu Qianhu in the capital is the Great King of Hades, then these people in the various local guards are the little judges.

Decide whether you will meet Hades.

How are they here?

Ning Yunzhao's heart sank.

It is not uncommon for Jinyun Tower to have Jinyiwei behind it, but what is strange is that people like them appear in this corridor at this moment.

Of course, the people of Jinyiwei will not appear alone in a certain place by chance.

It seems that Jin Yiwei is about to intervene.

Although Lin Bo's official position is not high, he is good at making money, and the Lin family is a big family in Yangcheng, so it is not surprising that he can make friends with Jin Shiba.

Then this gets tricky.

Ning Yunzhao looked at the girl in front of him. Many people were scared when they heard Jin Yiwei's name. When they saw Jin Yiwei for real, they were stared at. They were afraid that they would be too scared to walk.

The two girls in front really stopped.

It's Jin Yiwei.

Fang Jinxiu and Jin Chuan also recognized it. Although they were not wearing obvious clothes, they did not conceal their ferocious aura, not to mention Jin Shiba.

Because he wanted to get involved in the family's business, he naturally had to recognize some important people. Jin Shiba's portrait and the real person's family had all been pointed out to Fang Jinxiu and the big girls.

It turned out to be Jin Yiwei?

Did the Lin family actually invite Jin Yiwei?

Jin Chuan's body trembled slightly, and she regretted that she didn't run out to tell the old lady.

What should we do now?

Fang Jinxiu also regrets it now.

She wanted Jun Zhenzhen to cause trouble, so that her grandmother could no longer protect her and tolerate her. Even if the Fang family lost some face and money, the loss of money and face was nothing. If Jin Yiwei got involved, it would be troublesome.

A hand reached out and took hers, leading her forward.

Fang Jinxiu froze for a moment, but was dragged forward without realizing it.

Without looking sideways, Miss Jun approached the people leaning on the railing with a calm expression.

The one who lowered his head and cut his nails blocked the way in the corridor because of his tall head and long legs.

The waiter who led the way didn't dare to let him give way, and the man who cut the nails was so serious that he didn't notice the foreign object.

Miss Jun continued to walk.

Stop quickly, are you going to step on other people's legs? Are you going to open your mouth and ask others to make way?

Fang Jinxiu couldn't help shouting in her heart.

Miss Jun didn't stop or ask, she just walked steadily.

Fang Jinxiu and Jin Chuan almost held their breath, and even looked surprised when they saw the faces of the people leaning on the railing next to them.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The next step is to step on other people's feet.

About to step on it.

stepped on.

Fang Jinxiu yelled in her heart, watching Miss Jun's skirt move slightly, and at the moment she stepped down, she retracted her front foot.

Fang Jinxiu was dragged and walked over, completely numb.

Why is she not afraid?

Is it because you are stupid, arrogant, ignorant and fearless, so you are not afraid?

The waiter came up behind him, his face was full of surprise, and he was even a little rude when he looked at Miss Jun.

Why are you not afraid?

Is it because you feel that your father is indeed a good official for the country and the people, and you are not afraid because you are an upright official?

Seeing their gaze, Miss Jun stopped and seemed a little surprised, then looked back as if remembering something.

The Jin Yiwei were still leaning in the corridor and looking at her, their expressions were a little surprised.

Why are you not afraid?

Of course she is not afraid, because she is Princess Jiuling, Lu Yunqi's wife.

Her family is full of brocade guards, no matter how vicious they are, they will bow their heads and kneel to salute her when they see her, as docile as lambs.

Everyone knows that Lu Qianhu loves his wife like his life, and if Princess Jiuling is upset, Lu Qianhu will make your family unhappy.

She just got used to not being afraid and forgot how to be afraid.

That being the case, so be it, the faked fear is meaningless in the eyes of these people.

Miss Jun smiled and continued walking.

Fang Jinxiu only felt her body stiff and numb being led forward by her, and felt the sharp gaze behind her.

Several men looked away.

She's really not afraid. One said seriously, It's not just pretending.

Jin Ye looked at the girl's back and frowned.

The people around him immediately tensed up, waiting for his order to grab the girl and throw her into prison.

They have never been the kind of people who cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade.

Where have I seen her? Jin Ye said, frowning in thought.

where? The people around were stunned.

As soon as Master Jin finished speaking, someone also said ah.

It's her. A man leaning on the colonnade said with a bit of surprise.

who is it? Everyone looked at him again.


The surprise of the people behind them suddenly dawned. Miss Jun didn't know that she had already entered the room.

Seeing her coming in, a man standing in the room immediately had red eyes.

Mr. Lin is a well-maintained middle-aged man with a broad forehead and a short beard. His appearance fits the official appearance that all emperors like. The hearty and approachable appearance of liking.

But at this moment he couldn't maintain his demeanor.

I want an explanation. Lin Zhubo's face was red and he shouted hoarsely.

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