The next day, Shinichi woke up and found out how bad Fushiguro Shier's sleeping posture was. There was only one bed in Fushiguro Shier's room, and Shinichi endured his rampage all night.

It was very uncomfortable to either kick him or put his arms on him, but although Shier's sleeping posture was bad, he didn't have bad habits such as snoring and grinding his teeth.

"Hey, uncle, it's dawn."

Shinichi pushed Fushiguro Shier after waking up to try to wake him up. After all, it was time to do training after returning.

"Well... you go first, finish the basic training first, and I will teach you the rest in the afternoon. Okay, go quickly."

Fushiguro Shier reluctantly took the quilt away and left Shinichi alone on the empty mat.


Seeing Fushiguro Shier like this, Shinichi had to act first, but when he came to the corridor, Shinichi thought of a problem, but he couldn't go to training in a kimono, right?

"Hmm... it should be okay to quietly go in and take the clothes and then come out? It should be..."

Shinichi was standing outside his room and felt depressed. What on earth was he thinking? How could he just go into a girl's room? No, absolutely not.

In order to preserve his innocence, Shinichi had to settle for the next best thing and come to his brother's yard.

Although it was just dawn, the servants were already cleaning. Shinichi's yard was not taken care of by anyone else because he had asked him to do so and he often cleaned it.

Seeing Shinichi's clansmen, they immediately greeted Shinichi, and Shinichi responded one by one. Finally, Shinichi came to the room of Kamo Kenki.

Of course, adhering to the principle of politeness, Shinichi still knocked on the door.


After a while, there was a sound of rolling and stumbling in the room, and then Kamo Kenki opened the door.

"Shinichi! What's the matter with you coming to see me so early?"

From Kamo Kenki's messy clothes, it is not difficult to see that he was really anxious just now.

"Ah, nothing, I just want to borrow your sportswear for a while, I'm going out for training."

Shinichi told Kamo Kenji his purpose.

"Ah, no problem, wait for me to get it for you."

After that, Kamo Kenji returned to the room, and after a few minutes he came out with a set of sportswear, but he was also wearing sportswear.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Shinichi wondered, why are you wearing it when I go to train?

"As a brother, I have to work hard with Shinichi, Shinichi has the purple eyes to assist him and he works so hard, so I have to work hard too!"

Seeing the passionate Kamo Kenji, Shinichi had to take him with him, and the two of them also called Kamo Kengen on the way. Kamo Kengen, who was confused, saw the two people outside the door bursting with enthusiasm and then put on his clothes and prepared for training.

So on this day, the originally quiet morning had two more ignorant little ghosts.

Kamo Kenji, the head of the Kamo family, got up early today, so he prepared to breathe some fresh air, but he saw a scene that he would never forget.

"That's it? Shinichi, Kenji, and Kengen?"

Kamo Kenji once suspected that he hadn't woken up yet. He rubbed his eyes and confirmed it again and again before he realized that he was not mistaken.

"I didn't expect Shinichi and the others to work so hard. It seems that they are looking forward to the competition in two years. Well, as a father and head of the family, I can't slack off and must prepare more rewards for them!"

Because it was dark early and bright late before, few people saw Shinichi's training, but since the daytime has become longer in summer, more and more people have seen Shinichi training alone in the morning. Of course, these people include adults and Shinichi's peers.

So the adults in the family also asked their children to work harder, but it was hard for those who had to work harder for no reason.

If they knew that it was Shinichi who caused this result, they would probably open their mouths.

"Kamo Shinichi, Aminus! You roll your horse!"

But, this is all later.

Unlike Shinichi who trained every day, Kamo Kenji and Kamo Kengen were exhausted after about half of the training. Although they still wanted to hold on, they were persuaded by Shinichi to go back. After all, it is difficult to recover from physical fatigue.

"Hu... Hu..."

At this time, Shinichi was climbing the mountain, but he was carrying a huge stone behind him. This was added after Kamo Kenji and Kamo Kengen left, mainly because he was afraid that they would not be able to accept the reality after seeing it.

Finally, Shinichi reached the top of the mountain. A year of training has basically made him adapt to this kind of air, which means that his control over breathing is already good.

Shinichi rested at the top of the mountain and then started other training, such as using [Blood Piercing] to penetrate a wooden sign a hundred meters away, using [Karri Purification] to cut a wooden board evenly, using [Blood Binding] to catch rabbits, or controlling the specific direction of [Supernova], etc.

Of course, he would prepare in advancePrepare blood bags on the mountain. It would be too conspicuous if you bring them from the bottom of the mountain every time. Sometimes Fushiguro Shiori also brings them up from the bottom of the mountain.

After doing all this, Shinichi started to walk back. Now he was a little uncomfortable with the sweat on his body.

After entering the bathhouse, Shinichi started to hum a song while taking a bath. It is worth mentioning that Shinichi prefers showering to bathing, mainly because it is convenient, but he still goes to the hot spring to soak for a while in his spare time.

After taking a bath, Shinichi habitually returned to his room. After he changed his clothes, he felt sleepy again. After all, he would still be tired after getting up at five o'clock and training for two hours.

So Shinichi simply went back to "his" bed, but... Why does it feel that this bed is a little different today? Forget it, I'm sleepy, I'll sleep first.

Shinichi, who couldn't resist the sleepiness, fell into a peaceful sleep, but he didn't expect that when he woke up again, it was the darkest moment of his life.

"Hmm... Sister, are you awake?"


After getting her sister's reply, Mimiko felt around and found a flat "back" and curled up.

"Nanako, why are you sleeping with your back to me?"

Obviously, Mimiko was dissatisfied with her sister's behavior.

"No, didn't you sleep with your back to me?"

Nanako also replied.

The two felt something was wrong and sat up, but Shinichi was still sleeping peacefully.

"This is, Shinichi-sama."

Mimiko blushed and asked her sister, but it was obvious that Nanako was also in a state of brain failure.


Shinichi seemed to feel something was wrong, something because the quilt was lifted up so he felt it.

"Uncle Shinji, what are you doing?"

Shinichi, who was confused, sat up immediately, but he saw something he shouldn't see.

The clothes of the two girls were a little disheveled because of sleeping (I saw a meme saying that girls' clothes will be rolled up the next day if they are well dressed before going to bed) and Shinichi happened to keep his eyes on the chest.

Shinichi immediately covered his eyes after realizing something.

"Sorry... I didn't see anything, nothing!"

Shinichi got up and ran out quickly, but fortunately, Shinichi had the habit of sleeping with clothes on, so the two sisters did not make an equal exchange with him~

ps: The author was lying in bed writing this chapter and it was a bit funny, like a maggot arching up, hahahaha.

If you want me to be a stud, give me a five-star rating, readers!

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