"As expected of a top-class sorcerer with [Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique], Geto Suguru. It would be great if I could get your power."

Yes, the man on the mountain is the thousand-year-old silver coin "Brain Monster" Noso.

"Although I know I'm not his opponent, I didn't expect that I could easily subdue a curse spirit with a curse spirit finger."

Noso smiled self-deprecatingly after a moment of silence.

"Forget it, at least I know his strength, there will always be other ways."

Noso left the top of the mountain and hid again. At least, he would not show up again until there was something to do.

After returning to the Jujutsu High School, Geto Suguru showed Sukuna's finger to Gojo Satoru.

"Is this the finger of the Curse King Two-faced Sukuna?"

Gojo Satoru picked up the finger and looked at it carefully.

"Well, it must be this one with such a strong evil curse power."

Geto Suguru affirmed.

"By the way, Jie, how did you find it?" Gojo Satoru asked.

"The target of this mission is said to be a first-class cursed spirit, but after I fought it, I found that it should be a special-class one. Although it is the weakest one, it is undoubtedly a special-class one."

Sugasawa Jie recalled.

"Really? Why can't I encounter a special-class cursed spirit? I'm so unlucky. I want to use them to try the automatic unlimited limit."

Gojo Satoru complained.

"You, really, you still complain about the lack of cursed spirits."

Sugasawa Jie said helplessly after hearing his friend say this.

With a click, the door was pushed open.

"Special-class sorcerer Sugasawa Jie, I heard from the report just now that you found the special-class cursed object [Two-faced Sukuna's finger] during the mission, right?"

A senior staff member asked.

"Yes, it's here."

Sugasawa Jie pointed to the finger in Gojo Satoru's hand and said.

"Please give it to us to seal it quickly, otherwise the leaked cursed power will attract a large number of cursed spirits."

The man said anxiously after seeing Sukuna's finger.

"Yes, yes."

Xia Yujie handed over the finger in his hand, and the other party immediately wrapped it with a special talisman paper.

"Thank you for your cooperation, I'll leave first."

The staff left immediately.

"What a hurried guy."

Gojo Satoru teased him as he looked at his hurried back.

"The cursed power of Sukuna's finger is still very dangerous to ordinary people, otherwise he wouldn't be so panicked, right?"

Xia Yujie explained.

"Really? I didn't feel it much."

Gojo Satoru said heartlessly.


Xia Yujie had to smile at such a good friend.

While the two were talking, the staff of the high school had already delivered the finger to the senior management.

"My Lords, this is Sukuna's finger."

Then he presented it respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work. You can leave first."


After the man left, the five old men started talking.

"It seems that the strategy of the Kamo family is indeed correct. It is clear that the report is a first-level cursed spirit, but a special-level cursed spirit appeared. If we rashly send an ordinary first-level sorcerer, we may lose a man."

One of the old men said, and the other four also agreed with him.

"Then, it's back to the old question. What should we do with this finger?"

"What else can we do? We have tried all kinds of methods before, and it can't be destroyed at all. Even if the seal is sealed, it will slowly be unsealed over time."

"I think we should keep it as before, and strengthen the seal regularly."


The four were discussing heatedly, but the fifth old man interrupted them.

"I think there are different ways now."


The other four looked at the old man.

"What do you mean?" One person asked. "How about letting Gojo Satoru try? Although that guy doesn't respect us, he will basically obey our requests." "You mean, let him use the Gojo family's technique to forcibly destroy it?" "Well, we can give it a try." "It just so happens that he is here to take charge of the center this time, so it's okay to let him try." Several people discussed it and then asked their subordinates to summon Gojo Satoru. "Hey, what's the matter again?" Gojo Satoru walked into the room with an unruly pace. "Hey, kid, even if you are the next generation of the Gojo family's candidate for the head of the family, you can't be so rude!" An old man said, not liking Gojo Satoru's behavior. "Ah? Who are you?" Gojo Satoru also replied unceremoniously. "Asshole..." "Alright, alright." Another old man interrupted the argument between the two. "I called you here this time to let you give it a try.”

“What attempt?”

“Destroy the special cursed object [Ryomen Sukuna’s finger].”


Gojo Satoru became interested after hearing what the old man said.

“If you are willing, then let me try.”

Gojo Satoru said domineeringly, revealing his blue eyes under his sunglasses.

Then Gojo Satoru returned to the classroom with his finger.

“Huh? Ryomen Sukuna’s finger, why are you back again?”

Xatsuyuki Kitasa asked, looking at the finger in Gojo Satoru’s hand.

“Those old guys wanted to destroy him but didn’t have the strength, so they asked me to try.”

Gojo Satoru said proudly.

“Is that so? Then let me see it too.”

Xatsuyuki Kitasa became curious after hearing what Gojo Satoru said, and the two of them immediately came to the back mountain of the technical college.

“Here, we don’t have to worry about destroying buildings or anything, come on.”

Xatsuyuki Kitasa said.

“OK! "

Gojo Satoru placed his finger on the ground far away and immediately activated the technique.

"Well, first, the maximum power [Technique Forward · Cang]."

He started with a Cang that rolled up Sukuna's finger and then continued to attract and gather the surrounding rubble and broken wood, like a small black hole.


Gojo Satoru felt that it was almost done, so he stopped, but after turning over the rubble, he found that Sukuna's finger was still intact.

"It seems that we need to add a little more strength, Satoru."

Suguru Geto teased.

"You don't have to tell me." ”

Gojo Satoru adjusted his state and launched the second wave of attack.

“【Spell Reversal·He】”

Red He exploded at Gojo Satoru’s fingertips and destroyed all entities in front of him.

However, the result was still the same. The surroundings had become bare, but Sukuna’s fingers were still lying quietly in the pit.

“Logically speaking, [He] has at least twice the output of [Cang], but it can’t even cause a crack? It’s really tough.”

Gojo Satoru had to admire him.

“But I still have a trick. If this trick can’t solve it, then it’s really useless.”

“Are you going to use all your strength? Satoru.”

Suyu Jie looked at Gojo Satoru’s serious expression and said.

“Yeah. ”

Gojo Satoru adjusted his state again and made sure it was perfect, then he pressed his thumb against his middle finger.


The purple sphere whistled out with a force that seemed to be able to destroy the world.

【Zhi】 crossed the mountain and left a long tunnel. Although the finger disappeared, but…

“Can’t even 【Zhi】 be solved? Forget it, let those old guys have a headache.”

Feeling the evil curse power of Sukuna’s finger in the distance, Gojo Satoru said helplessly.

“I didn’t expect to see Satoru being defeated. It’s really rare, hahaha.”

Although Geto was surprised that even the most destructive Zi couldn’t destroy Sukuna’s finger, he still found it more funny than seeing his best friend like this.

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