"Glass! You said that Naruto-kun is also going to help you forge a Zanpakutō?"

Ieiri Inami suppressed his inner excitement and confirmed in a low voice.

"Yeah, that's right"

"However, he might have to spend some time looking for the materials for his Zanpakutō."

""It shouldn't be that fast, right?"

Ieiri Naoko responded, and then continued to eat nuts attentively.

Ieiri Inami thought of what Naoko had just said, that Gojo Naruto needed cursed tools as materials to forge his Zanpakutō, and immediately replied:

"What kind of materials do you need? Dad can also help Ming-kun find them!"

After hearing the news, Ieiri Inami was even more anxious than Nitroko.

""Ah? I don't know, I didn't ask."

Naoko didn't even raise her head, her eyes still stayed on the snacks in front of her.

A trace of regret emerged on Ieiri Inami's face. Although Gojo Naruto was just a boy, he was also a man.

He knew that men were forgetful, and Gojo Naruto's promise to Naoko might just be something he said casually.

If it was something else, Ieiri Inami might not care too much.

However, this is a Zanpakutō! There are only four in the world at present. Although there may be more in the future, it is still an extremely rare cursed tool.

Now that Gojo Naruto has agreed casually, he must make this matter a reality.


Ieiri Inami coughed lightly and said to Nitro:

"Glass, since Naruto-kun said he would help you forge your Zanpakutō! Then, we can't just leave everything to Naruto-kun, right?"

"As for the material, let our family provide it. When you go to the Gojo family later, remember to mention it to Naruto-kun, and your father will help you collect the magic tools that meet the requirements."

Hearing these words, a trace of doubt appeared on the young face of Naoko Ieiri, but then she nodded.

Although Naoko is much more mature than her peers, she still does not realize the complexity of adults and men, and just regards it as her father's concern.

"Well, OK! I will ask Gojo Naruto about it later. Indeed, it is difficult to find materials. Zenin Shinji also provided the materials for forging the Flower Heaven Bone."

After saying this, Ieiri Naoko no longer paid attention to Ieiri Inami and devoted herself to the snack business.


Otsutsuki family.

Ever since he met Gojo Naru, Otsutsuki Yuto has been paying close attention to the information of the three great families.

Originally, he didn't care too much about the Gojo family, a distant relative. He went to the Gojo family by chance and happened to be in the same city.

Unexpectedly, he met an interesting relative.

Gojo Naru, a person who changed his mind!

Before, he just wanted to be an ordinary person, and he didn't like the profession of sorcerer too much.

However, after experiencing the battle between Gojo Naru and Zenin Shinji and seeing the magical Zanpakuto, Otsutsuki Yuto felt that his bloodline should be passed down well.

He knows his own strength very well, and he is not weak in the entire sorcery world.

The fundamental reason why he has not yet emerged is that he is too low-key. He does things like exorcising cursed spirits casually and has not joined the Sorcerer Association.

But now that he has made changes, then naturally, he has to slowly integrate into this sorcerer society.

The Gojo family, the Kamo family and the Zenin family are the three great families that he cannot avoid.

"Zenin Shiner did such a thing, but the Zenin family didn't even say they would expel him from the Zenin family?"

"It seems that Zenin Shinji's strength is really extraordinary! When he fought with Ming before, he really didn't use his full strength."

"However, Zenin Jin'er actually already has a Zanpakutō? Moreover, this Zanpakutō seems to be related to the Zenin family's shadow magic."

"This is going to be interesting! What kind of decision will the Zenin family make?"

"I feel like I can't see anything interesting when I travel. Why don't I go find Naruto and Satoru to play with? After all, they are distant relatives. It shouldn't be a big problem for them to communicate with each other, right?"

Otsutsukoshi Yugito talked to himself and persuaded himself to go to Tokyo instead.

Anyway, he would not admit that his real goal was Naruto Gojo's Zanpakutō.……


Zenin family.

Knowing that the scandal within the family was exposed, Zenin Osamu's expression became more gloomy, and Zenin Naohito's heart was full of helplessness.

Only a few people at the scene knew about the incident with Zenin Shinji, and he and Zenin Osamu would naturally not leak such things.

Then, only the other two people at the scene had this suspicion.

After the previous battle, Zenin Shinsuke had been in seclusion, deeply hit by Zenin Shinji, and was still adjusting his state.

Then, the only suspect was Zenin Shinichi.

Zenin Naohito was very dissatisfied with Zenin Shinji's behavior, but he also knew Zenin Shinji's true thoughts.

It was nothing more than wanting to put pressure on others through the outside world to let others know that Zenin Shinji lost to Gojo Naru again, and at the same time to emphasize the strength of Zenin Shinji as the basis for his competition.

However, Zenin Shinji probably didn't expect that the public opinion in the curse world was more concerned about himself and Zenin Osamu's defeat at the hands of Zenin Shinji. They were more concerned about the strange shadow spells that Zenin Shinji's Zanpakutō Hanaten Kyōkotsu could release.

Not many people paid attention to the fact that Zenin Shinsuke lost to Gojo Naruto again. Even if they paid attention to this, they were more concerned about the third technique of Gojo Naruto's Zanpakutō Sode Shirayuki.

Zenin Shinji made a mistake this time.

If he had not revealed all the information, but only leaked the news of the battle between Gojo Naruto and Zenin Shinji, perhaps this would have dealt a greater blow to Zenin Shinji.

After all, now, Zenin Shinji has become an insignificant existence in the entire world of curses, and no one would care.

But, in fact, Zenin Shinji, who has a low talent for curse power, is the same in the outside world.

Now when Zenin Shinji is mentioned, others can at least think of him as a genius of the Zenin family who lost to Gojo Naruto twice.

Moreover, as Gojo Naruto's reputation grows, the fact that Zenin Shinji was defeated by Gojo Naruto is actually not so shameful.

But, what about Zenin Shinji?

Except for the internal staff of the Zenin family, other outsiders would not pay attention to it at all. Even the fact that he is the elder brother of Zenin Shinji, outsiders may not know it. What

Zenin Shinji did this time had little effect, and even exposed the narrowness of his vision.

After all, at this time, it is the time when the prestige of the Zenin family needs to be improved the most. Zenin Shinji actually squandered the prestige of the Zenin family for his own selfish desires. At this point, his road to competing for the agency has been blocked.

Can't Zenin Shinji see that even Zenin Shan has given up competing with him at this time?

Looking at Zenin Shinji, who has a rough face and a smile on his face, Zenin Naohito shook his head calmly.

However, to be honest, the matter of Zenin Shinji did give Zenin Shinji the confidence.

Before the Zenin family can't subdue Zenin Shinji, Zenin Shinji, as the biological brother of Zenin Shinji, the family can't touch him at will.

He already has his own ideas in mind. In the future, he will gradually sideline Zenin Shinichi and take back the rights he had previously given to him.

Now, Zenin Shinichi's most important goal is to bring Zenin Shinji back to the family.

There is no doubt that Zenin Shinji is powerful.

Whether it is to study this Zanpakutō or to study Zenin Shinji's strong body, the premise is that Zenin Shinji returns to the family.

I hope Zenin Shinji can do the last thing he asked...

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