If Gojo Naruto attacked the Gojo family's top brass, how would Gojo Satoru react? Would he be like Zenin Shinichi, constantly sizing him up and preparing to subdue him? Zenin

Shinichi shook his head:

"Shinichi, it was indeed me who did it! I advise you not to use the spell, or I'm afraid you'll be in even worse trouble."

Zenyuan Shin'er took a step forward, and before he finished speaking, he had already come to the side of Zenyuan Shin'ichi and gently patted his big brother on the shoulder.

"Even, you……"

How can it be so fast?

This thought emerged in Zenin Shinichi's mind, and the spell he was about to release was instantly broken by a punch from Zenin Shinji.

He turned his head to look at Zenin Shinji in shock. He had never thought that his younger brother was so strong.

He had heard before that Shinji had fought back and forth with Sode no Shirayuki's spells in the Gojo family, and he thought it was just a joke at the time.

Now seeing the true strength of Zenin Shinji, he was completely shocked.

Isn't Zenin Shinji the carrier of the Heaven and Jujutsu?

Isn't he without any cursed power?

Why is he so strong?

As Zenin Shinji subdued two people one after another, Zenin family representative Zenin Naohito and Zenin Shinsuke, who is still recovering, rushed to the scene.

""Shiner, what are you doing?"

Naohito didn't know what happened, but he guessed that there seemed to be a conflict between Zenin Shan and Zenin Shiner.

Zenin Shinsuke behind him was full of disbelief. He never thought that Zenin Shiner could subdue Zenin Shinichi so easily.

In his opinion, although Zenin Shinichi's talent was not strong, he was also a sorcerer with spells.

How could he be subdued by Zenin Shiner who had no spell power at all?

While he was shocked, the voice of Zenin Shan rang out:

"Naohito, Zenin Shinji betrayed the family, he is not going to hand over his Zanpakutō.

Zenin Shan's words made Zenin Shinsuke and Zenin Naohito's eyes subconsciously fall on the weapon on Zenin Shinji's waist.

It is impossible that there is any other weapon besides the newly forged Zanpakutō by Gojo Naruto that can be carried by Zenin Shinji, who has always disliked using weapons.

"Shin'er, is it as Shan said?"

Naobi looked at Zenin Shin'er with a serious face, feeling a little heavy.

For some reason, he was not too surprised by Zenin Shin'er's decision.

He guessed that Zenin Shin'er had been hiding his strength, but he did not expect that Zenin Shan, who was only slightly weaker than himself, could not withstand Zenin Shin'er's attack.

"Uncle Naohito, yes! Katen Kyoukotsu told me that they don't like to be touched by others, so you are not qualified to touch them."

Zenin Shin'er's left hand was still on the left sword Katen. The two attacks just now did not make his left hand move at all.

"Jiner, you are not going to hand over this Zanpakutō?" Zenin Naohito confirmed again.

Zenin Jiner grinned:

"This is my Zanpakutō, why should I hand it over?"

Zenin Naohito's eyes narrowed, and he whispered,"Shiner, you are a member of the Zenin family, your last name is Zenin, and everything should be for the family." Naohito realized the change in Zenin Shiner, but he didn't want the situation to become irreversible, so he still tried to persuade him with words.

But, unfortunately, Zenin Shiner was already impatient enough.

"Uncle Naobi, I am the waste of the Zenin family. When did the Zenin family start to rely on waste?"

Zenin Jiner laughed sarcastically.

"If necessary, I can kill all of you at any time. What kind of sorcerer? They are just a bunch of chickens and dogs."

Zenin Jiner's words changed the faces of everyone present, including Zenin Naohito. No one expected that a person like Zenin Jiner who had no sense of existence in the family would say such a thing.

Zenin Jiner may be very strong, but the words just now were equivalent to firing a map cannon, despising all the sorcerers of the Zenin family.

Just when Zenin Naohito was about to refute, a strong pressure spread from Zenin Jiner.

In an instant, Zenin Naohito, Zenin Shan, Zenin Shinichi and Zenin Shinsuke seemed to have lost control of their bodies.

At this moment, the one standing in front of them was no longer Zenin Jiner, but more like an evil ghost.

——【Is this the true strength of Zenin Shinji? How is it possible?】

This thought emerged in the hearts of the four people at the same time.

How can a person without any cursed power have such a strong pressure.

Unlike the pressure brought by the strong cursed power, the pure physical threat emanating from Zenin Shinji.

It seemed that if they moved casually, Zenin Shinji could directly blow their heads with a punch.

Zenin Shinji did not seem to be exaggerating at all. The four of them were really like chickens and dogs in front of Zenin Shinji.

After a moment, Zenin Shinji's pressure slowly dissipated, and the bodies of the four people finally gained freedom.

Zenin Naohito and Zenin Shan looked at each other, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

A freak like Zenin Shinji appeared in the Zenin family that only believed in cursed power, which completely subverted the imagination of Zenin Naohito and Zenin Shan.

And Zenin Shinsuke was full of confusion in his heart.

This man who had always been called a waste by himself actually had such a strong strength that even the acting Zenin Naohito could not move under his pressure.

Is there something wrong with the theory that I have been learning? Why have my three views been overturned during this period of time?

From Gojo Naruto to Zenin Shinji.

The two"wastes" with no cursed power are destroying my heart.

From the cursed Zanpakutō to the incomparable strong physical strength, all of this seems to be inconsistent with the common sense of the entire curse world.

Zenin Shinsuke began to doubt himself and doubt what he had seen and heard in the past.

At the scene, compared with the shock of the other three people, Zenin Shinichi's heart emerged with joy.

Such a strong man is his younger brother.

According to the current situation, Zenin Shinji is equivalent to the strongest in the Zenin family. If he can get the support of Zenin Shinji, can he get a higher status in the Zenin family?

Zenin Shinji has begun to think about how to use Zenin Shinji to gain more benefits for himself.


Seeing that Zenin Jiner was about to leave, Zenin Naohito and Zenin Sen looked at each other and reached a consensus. They couldn't let Zenin Jiner leave like this.

If they were after Zenin Jiner's Zanpakutō before, now, Zenin Jiner himself is full of value to the Zenin family.

The theory of power of spells is not wrong, and Zenin Jiner is not wrong.

At the moment when the six-eyed god of the Gojo family is growing, a strong existence like Zenin Jiner is also the basis for the Zenin family to compete with the Gojo family.

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