"Master, why are you still here? Go to the dojo quickly. Have you forgotten what you planned for today?"

Suddenly, a young man broke into the forging room.

Gojo Shunichi, who was testing the sword, and Gojo Satoru, who was watching from the side, turned their heads subconsciously.

"Kotetsu? Why are you here?"

Gojo Shunichi retracted his purifying worm, his eyes full of confusion.

The young man in front of him was called Gojo Kotetsu, a knight in the Gojo family's kendo field, and his favorite disciple.

In today's Japan, general swordsmanship schools divide disciples into several categories, such as knights, knights, kaiden, menkyo kaiden, and so on.

If you have to describe it, knights are equivalent to disciples who have just entered the door. They are in the probation period and only need to practice basic skills, while knights are included in the school and have begun to formally learn the art. They can already learn certain techniques within the school.

Kaiden means that the skills within the school have been fully learned, and they are allowed to report the name of their own school in external competitions.

For example, Gojo Kotetsu, he did not dare to directly sign up and say that he was Gojo Kotetsu of the Gojo Kyokushin style before competing with others. He could only say one sentence when others asked him off the field. He practices the Gojo Kyōgi-ryu technique, but because he does not have the title of Kaiden, he has no right to speak of it.

The last term, Menkyo Kaiden, means that one can teach the skills of this school to outsiders without getting permission, which means that one can be a master and has the qualifications to open a dojo and accept disciples.

Gojo Shunichi himself is the Menkyo Kaiden of the Gojo Kyōgi-ryu. Not only can he teach in the dojo of the Gojo family, but even if he leaves the Gojo family, he can open his own dojo outside and accept disciples to teach.

Looking at his apprentice, Gojo Shunichi's expression was a little dazed.

During this period of time, he was revolving around the forge, Gojo Naruto and Gojo Satoru, and he could not remember any special arrangements he had.

Moreover, this time, it was the disciples of the dojo who came to see him.

Could it be related to the dojo?

""Ah? Master, don't you know? Didn't Master Xiong Yan inform you?"

Gojo Kotetsu's eyes widened and his face turned pale.

He thought Gojo Shunichi just forgot the time, but he didn't expect that his master didn't know about this at all.

"A month ago, Master Zaemon of the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu issued a kendo challenge to you, and we agreed to have a duel at the Gojo family dojo today!"

"This battle will determine whether you can enter the ranks of the four great masters of kendo. You wouldn't be unprepared, right?"

Gojo Kotetsu found Shunichi confused and was very anxious.

The duels between kendo masters are very cautious. If one of them is slightly unprepared, he may lose in the battle.

He remembered that every time before, the master would prepare for a long time in advance when facing the challenge of the master.

This time, Master Yagyu Saemon of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu has already arrived at the dojo, but the master is still"playing" here. He really couldn't imagine it.

"Hmm? This guy Yagyu Saemon challenged my ranking? When did it happen?"

Gojo Shunichi frowned slightly, he had no impression of this agreement at all.

However, recalling what Gojo Kotetsu said just now, he seemed to remember that before he had a conflict with Gojo Kumaen, Gojo Kumaen seemed to have mentioned the challenge of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu.

Originally, Gojo Shunichi himself did not accept it.

It should have ended in an unpleasant ending, but he never thought that this guy Yagyu Saemon would come directly to his door!

Hearing what his apprentice said, it should be Gojo Kumaen who agreed to the other party on his behalf.

Thinking of this, Gojo Shunichi's face turned black...

Now that his dojo has been attacked, no matter how inadequately prepared he is, he can't hide aside and not appear.

However, Gojo Shunichi was a little entangled in this.

In his unintentional calculation, he seemed to have foreseen his failure this time. After all, Yagyu Saemon's strength was almost the same as his.

Now, the opponent is well prepared, and he is not.

In this battle, the probability of his winning is very small……


"Master Wu, Master Ming! I have to accept the challenge of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu first, so I may not be able to accompany you for the time being."

Gojo Shunichi hesitated for a moment, and was about to hand the Qingmu in his hand to Gojo Ming.

He had not yet finished exploring this Zanpakutō, so it would be best to hand it over to the forger for management.

However, to his surprise, Gojo Ming shook his head.

"Qing Chong has already belonged to you, it is your partner! Every battle you fight has the possibility of getting its recognition. This time, you can use this Qing Chong to try the sword challenge."

Gojo Naruto naturally wouldn't take over the Qingchong.

As a borrower of the sword, Gojo Shunichi could only gain his combat experience when he used Qingchong.

If Qingchong was left with him, it would eventually end up gathering dust in the warehouse.

After all, he still had the more convenient Sode no Shirayuki to use, right?

Therefore, he should make the best use of everything and let Gojo Shunichi get started with Qingchong as soon as possible. In this way, perhaps he could open the initial release and achieve the Bankai as soon as possible to help him.

This is the result that Gojo Naruto wanted to see.

Seeing Gojo Naruto so decisive, Gojo Shunichi did not refuse and nodded firmly. Yagyu Saemon and he were not only kendo masters, but also sorcerers.

His"Cicada Ming" had disappeared. If he temporarily changed to a cursed sword, he might find it even more inconvenient to use.

Although the Qingchong was not similar in shape to the previous Cicada Ming, he could feel an incomparable sense of familiarity when holding it.

At least, he didn't have to worry about being too unfamiliar with the weapon.

""Shin'er, let's go and watch! We will all have Zanpakuto before and in the future, so perhaps, we should also learn a little about kendo?"

A hint of curiosity emerged in Gojo Satoru's azure eyes.

He always knew that Gojo Shun'ichi's kendo level was very high, but he didn't know how high it was.

Now, the master of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu came to challenge, and this was also a rare opportunity for a master to duel.

Zenin Shin'er was not interested in this kind of thing at first, but when he heard Gojo Satoru talking about learning kendo, his heart was moved.

"Yes, I have never seen a true sword master duel."

Zenin Jiner and Gojo Satoru hit it off immediately, and then both looked at Gojo Naru at the same time, wanting to know Gojo Naru's decision.

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