The singer risked her life to go out and look for people. During this time, she used her magical power to bless her physical skills and saved 13 students before the cursed spirit killed more people.

If it weren't for the fact that her skills were more auxiliary, she wouldn't be so passive.

"All of you stay where you are and don't move. I will cast a barrier to help you delay time."

After the singer finished speaking, the remaining 13 people in the field were particularly obedient. After the adrenaline was secreted and the frantic running was met with fatigue that made them unwilling to move.

In addition, the singer did perform many means to save people, so that everyone obeyed her orders obediently as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Seeing that everyone stopped moving, the singer began to set up a barrier.

Her technique is rather special, and she can only develop in the field of barrier.

In the dim school playground, the singer's white witch costume fluttered in the wind, and her wide sleeves were like dancing clouds. Her long, black and shiny hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall. A few strands of hair swayed gently in the breeze with her dance steps, and her footsteps were as light and graceful as stepping on the clouds.

Her arms drew graceful arcs in the air, and the bells in her hands made crisp sounds from time to time.

She raised her head slightly and opened her red lips slightly.

A string of mysterious and ancient spells slowly uttered from her mouth, the sound was ethereal and gentle, as if it could penetrate Penetrating the soul.

As she sang, mysterious rays of light emanated from her body, like shining meteors.

Her figure spun rapidly, and her shrine maiden costume was like a blooming flower.

The light gradually gathered and formed a circular barrier with a diameter of five meters on the ground.

The barrier flickered with strange light, protecting the 13 surviving students firmly inside, and resisting the cursed spirits outside who were ready to move.

At this moment, the singer was no different from a savior in the eyes of the students who witnessed their classmates being brutally killed by cursed spirits.

At this time, Zenin Suke also came to the tent set up by the singer. Ordinary sorcerers must remove the tent if they want to go in to support.

However, his Magatama Samsara Eye has the ability to travel through space, and it is too easy to ignore the loss of the tent and enter the school.

If Zenin Suke does not remember to consume the cursed power to travel through space, his speed can be faster than Gojo Satoru who uses Cang to travel.

At this time, the situation with the singer in the school has entered a white-hot stage.


Another scream sounded, and less than a minute later, the curse spirit began to move towards the barrier.

Even though the students could not see the figure of the curse spirit, they could hear its heavy footsteps.




The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and all the students were so scared that they covered their mouths tightly and dared not make any sound, as if they would not be discovered by the curse spirit as long as they did not breathe.

Everyone's face was filled with fear and despair, their bodies trembled slightly, cold sweat broke out, and they seemed to realize that they were about to be killed by the curse spirit.

The street lights on the playground flickered, and the playground behind them was originally empty.

As the lights went out, everyone's fear was magnified infinitely. In this extreme situation, they actually saw the figure of the cursed spirit.

It was as if a rotting corpse was walking in the darkness, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

The cursed spirit in the dim playground was already infinitely close to the barrier.


Everyone only saw the cursed spirit stretched out his hand and slapped the barrier suddenly, and then cracks appeared on it immediately.

Like porcelain that was about to break, the barrier could not withstand three attacks at most.

All the students and the singer could only stand there and wait for their fate to come. Kameda Ichiro didn't even have the courage to look back.

"We're going to die." Everyone thought of the same thing

"Aren't you a specialist in dealing with cursed spirits? Why are you so weak that you can't even save me!"

Ichiro Kameda, who was huddled in the corner, seemed to foresee his own death, and roared at the singer in collapse.

However, what he didn't know was that if he hadn't scared away all the students, giving the cursed spirits the opportunity to defeat them one by one, at least more than half of them would be alive now!

The singer turned around with a cold face and walked towards the other party.

She wanted to teach these people a lesson and tell them that their current situation was caused by Ichiro Kameda, otherwise these people would likely spread bad words about sorcerers after they survived.

At least she couldn't let the rescuer bear the infamy, and just when she was about to attack Ichiro Kameda and the barrier was about to be smashed by the cursed spirit, a turning point appeared.


There was a space fluctuation outside the barrier, and a person appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

""Zuzhu, you are finally here." The singer shouted in surprise.

The students in the barrier had not yet reacted, because Zenin Zhu's appearance was very abrupt, just like the legendary space transfer, which was incredible.

At this time, Kameda Ichiro, who had just collapsed, crawled from behind the crowd to the front and shouted in surprise:

"Great, you must be stronger than this woman, please save me."

Zenyuanzhu heard the voice and looked at the boy with messy clothes, which was caused by the singer kicking him to the ground.

He ignored it and stretched out his hand to break the barrier and hugged the singer into his arms and said gently:

"I'm late, sorry, are you okay?"

Zenyuanzhu's actions made the surviving students feel like a roller coaster and escape from fear. At least the power of the curse spirit would not be amplified. However, Zenyuanzhu didn't think so much, because even if the fear of the curse spirit here was 10 times, he would not take it seriously.

From his appearance, ignoring the curse spirit, and breaking the barrier that the curse spirit had tried its best to break with one finger, it can be seen that this man is terrifyingly strong.

Even the curse spirit was so scared that it dared not move. If the curse spirit had sweat glands, its back would definitely be wet now.

The instinct to survive told the curse spirit

"That man was clearly full of flaws, but if it dared to attack him, he would definitely die without a burial place."

However, even the cursed spirit could understand this truth, but Kameda Ichiro did not understand it.

"Are you listening to me? Believe it or not, I will ask my dad to complain about you!" Ichiro Kameda, who was trembling in the corner just now because of the curse spirit, now saw that the curse spirit was motionless and returned to his usual arrogant nature.

In his opinion, Zenin Suke is nothing more than a powerful security guard. As long as he gives money and puts pressure on their top management, the other party will treat him respectfully.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zenin Suke was not a sorcerer at all, but a curser who had killed more than 100 ordinary people and was wanted by the top curse masters.

Even the curse spirit, which dared not move easily, turned its head to Ichiro Kameda, as if to say:

"Brother, you are really brave. I dare not say a word!"

The singer's face changed, but she did not speak to stop him, because she knew that whoever touched Zenin's bottom line would die on the spot.



Sure enough! The singer's guess was correct.

Kameda Ichiro, who was so arrogant just now, was kicked in the chest by Zenin's assistant, and 7 or 8 ribs were broken on the spot.


"beg···Please let me go, I····I will never dare to do it again."

But how could the Zen temple assistant listen to his plea for mercy? Instead, he said contemptuously:

"You just offended me and I gave you a chance. If you don't cherish it, you should be more careful in your next life."

"If I had the chance to do it again, I would like to meet the singer earlier."

In this cruel scene, Zenin Suke even had the mind to tease the singer.

Then he threw Kameda Ichiro at the feet of the cursed spirit like throwing a dead dog, and said coldly:

"Eat him."

The students next to him looked at this scene with horror in their eyes.

They thought a savior had come, but instead, Satan had come.

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