The closer you get to him, the more you can understand.

The most valuable thing about Gintoki is not his rare technique or his incredible strength.

But his soul.

He has never been a child from the beginning. He has a soul as strong as that of an ancient warrior, and a backbone that would rather be broken than surrender no matter what the environment.

It's such a small body.

But he is already leading many people forward.

"Stop sighing, you should go in." The companion pointed to the martial arts field.

There is no doubt that today will end with Gintoki knocking everyone down.

Zenin Soshiro twitched his mouth.

He felt pain all over his body: "Why don't you go, I'll monitor him today. It's so boring to stay here and watch him, it's more interesting to be next to him, I'm willing to bear this boredom for you."

"Well said, but I don't want it."

Zenin Soshiro walked in, looking back every few steps.

Because he sensed Gintoki's strong personal wishes, he provided edamame cream Kikufuku every day, and even purchased it all the way from Sendai. The Zenin family raised an extra purchasing team for edamame cream Kikufuku.

Gintoki quickly put what happened just now behind his mind.

He didn't like to remember troublesome disputes. If Naoya could be more sensible and leave him, there would be nothing wrong.

The corners of the black kimono fluttered, and Toyako met the opponent without hesitation. Gintoki never showed mercy in the martial arts arena, just like when Jinri was torturing him, Gintoki would treat everyone equally with a wooden sword.

This is called getting caught in the rain.

Then tear up everyone else's umbrellas too!

But the more fundamental reason is of course:

"Edamame Whipped Cream Kikufuku--!" Gintoki shouted Edamame Whipped Cream Kikufuku's name as if he was shouting a special move.

The kid who was blown away screamed in pain and shouted across the martial arts field: "Who would use Edamame Whipped Cream Kikufuku as a skill! Do you like Edamame Whipped Cream Kikufuku so much!"

"What a joke, Gin-san's favorite is still strawberry parfait. Look, you can see the page by searching for Sakata Gintoki in Baidu."

"Why search for Sakata Gintoki? Because of Sakata Kintoki? Don't go to ancient legends without permission! But compared to that, who would record all your preferences on the Internet!"

Gintoki touched his chin: "Gin-san is actually quite popular. Kids without hair won't understand, it's that kind of adult charm."

This time, it's not just the kid who was blown away who can't hold it anymore, the children all complained collectively.

"You are still a kid, aren't you?!"

It became the collective harmony of the martial arts arena.

"Wait, we are going from the Peeping Tom family to the Chorus family. Is the newly awakened talent music? Is it really okay to embark on the path of art?"

"Who is the Peeping Tom family?" The Bing member who was indeed peeping openly immediately challenged, "Say surveillance, surveillance!"

"Even if it is surveillance, it doesn't change your nature. Is it enough to sound good? Is this the extent of your ambition? Come on, I feel like I can publish a short story full of red bean buns, Jimmy-kun."

"Who are you calling Jimmy-kun!" After a Bing member was slapped away, a new companion immediately took over.

"Yes, yes! Ahhh——"

"No one here calls that name. It sounds small and inconspicuous, like a guy with glasses."

"Hey, hey, then they are all glasses. Although it is close to the correct answer, it is a pity!" Gintoki swung the man away with a bat swing, "More like a net O prince than glasses."

"It must be weird to add O in that position!"

"Is it? Now readers can accurately read the meaning of Gin-san from the beep beep—— and XXOO. It's amazing. It's like taking off glasses to look at mosaics with perseverance."

"In the end, they are all glasses!"

Gintoki swung away the last member of Bing who came one after another. He rubbed his hands happily and walked towards Edamame Whipped Cream Kikufuku.

Before he picked up the dessert, he heard movement at the door.

Gintoki looked up.

Zenin Jiner, who hadn't been online in this article for a long time, looked at him against the light.

The smell of blood was so strong that he could almost smell it. The messy black hair covered his forehead and stuck to his eyes, but it did not block his vision.

Staring like a beast, with shrunken pupils.

Shiji whispered, the voice seemed to be squeezed out from his throat: "Gintoki."

Without any hesitation.

Not caring if there were any obstacles in the middle, they were like an arrow, on a fully drawn bow, and now they had to shoot. The moment Toyako and Yuyun touched each other, even if Toyako could withstand it, Gintoki's arm was slightly painful because of Shiji's too strong arm strength.

Gintoki hurriedly avoided the head-on confrontation, using his body that was easier to move than Shiji, and fought several times on the side in an instant, and they were able to confront each other for a while.


Eh? Why are they fighting suddenly?

Although it seems that they have communicated perfectly through incredible radio waves, so they attacked at the same time. But in fact, Gintoki was still confused while fighting in a stalemate.

Why did Shiji attack with a dark look!

It was just like Takasugi who challenged him to a fight. A certain DNA in his body was triggered, and then he started fighting naturally!

Even if Gintoki wanted to take a roundabout tactic, Jiner would obviously not let him do it easily.

As if to make up for all the missed fights during this period, Jiner fought with Youyun at Lake Toya. Both sides put their strength on their weapons and loosened their hands holding Youyun.


This was rarely seen in Gintoki's usual battles.

The damage done by bare hands is far less than that done by swords in the hands. Once you loosen your hands on the battlefield, losing your weapons is almost equivalent to giving up your life.

In this less than a second, Gintoki's body lost balance due to Jiner's sudden force release and rushed forward.

Even if the consciousness noticed it, the body could not retract the action immediately.

And where he rushed forward, Jiner had already clenched his fists.

This was a fatal mistake.

Because Jiner was not a soldier on the battlefield, but a tyrant bound by heaven and curse. He can use all weapons with ease, not just because he is strong, but because he is strong enough, he will choose the most appropriate weapon according to different situations.

Among them, the body is naturally one of the weapons. And it is the purest and most direct weapon.

Is that it?


The reason why Gintoki is better than Shier now is his flexibility. However, at the age of six or seven, his body is still in the soft stage. So unlike the uncle who can only imagine in his mind, he will get cramps or fractures if he actually does a little difficult flexible movement.

Gintoki can perfectly present the acrobatic movements.

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