The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for him to recover.

Shen Er hugged his arms and waited for him to recover. No, it's not easy to use a sorcerer as a weapon. No wonder the sorcerer can be sold at such a high price. Shen Er accepted it instantly.

How important is a handy weapon that can't talk and won't suddenly vomit while fighting.

"Who are you?" A steady and vigilant voice came from behind them.

Obviously a sorcerer who came later. It remains to be seen whether he stole the job or strayed in, although he wanted to say so.

"The tent has been set up. You are an expert." Shen Er's eyes became dangerous.

"Kid?" Steady steps sounded in the dark corridor, and the voice of an adult male continued, "You don't even know what you are really facing, and you just came here with the momentum. Give up, go back now."

"Go back to your peaceful daily life."

"You are so annoying, do you think you have a few years of life experience, so you are happy to teach others how to do things? Sorry, whether it is the cursed spirits here, the sugar in Gin-san's stomach, or the bounty that has not yet been obtained, I will not give them up!" Gintoki wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth and showed a serious expression.


The extremely dangerous breath made the man summon the cursed body reflexively, and before a group of furry creatures really rushed forward, he reached out his hand to stop them.


"The battle for the cursed spirits begins now! Whoever purifies first will own it, don't complain when the time comes, uncle!" Gintoki took a step forward and rushed forward with Shinji.

"Wait!" The uncle was caught off guard and was half a beat slower.

He hurriedly chased after them, only to find that he couldn't catch up with the two young people. They were obviously children? Are they really children?

"What are you doing? Whoever you exorcised first, you should turn around and kill that man now." From Shen'er's perspective, it was easy to understand. The bounty on the black market was not accepted by someone else.

At this coincidental time, he happened to arrive at this place. How could it be an ordinary sorcerer who passed by with good intentions? It must be a colleague who was trying to steal business.

They were all trying to steal business.

Of course, he would kill the one who was trying to steal business. Anyway, all sorcerers were the same to him.

"Hey, you're just fighting over a disagreement. Are you stupid? He's not the target of any mission. Even if you make his head move, it won't add a penny to your pocket. Isn't it the most time-saving and labor-saving to retreat after dealing with the cursed spirit? Who wants to work unnecessary overtime?"

"After killing him, his wallet also belongs to me... us."

"The 'we' must have been added after you reacted, so stiff! But it's totally disproportionate. Your way of survival is good, but human life is much more important than you think. While taking the life of others, you must also be prepared to have your life taken away. Do you really want to fall there?"

It's impossible. It's impossible to kill him with just that level of sorcerer.

Jiner thought so instinctively.

He should be able to say it calmly.

He said to Gintoki: He doesn't need to have that kind of awareness. Because he will be the only one to win, and it doesn't matter if he dies. He doesn't consider whether to take a life or be taken away for a wallet of unknown weight.

Just like a floating duckweed separated from the world, it doesn't matter where he dies.

If he doesn't plunder, someone will come to plunder him.

If he doesn't fight back when being bullied, he will be devoured, and even the last struggle will become a joke for others to play with.

This world is not beautiful in the first place. Ugly and dirty are the norm. The warmth that Gintoki once embraced is as rare as a miracle.

"Naive little devil."

But it takes time to find the curse spirit, and Jiner didn't have time to argue with him. He just said a word to express his attitude, and then ran non-stop to the depths.

It's too troublesome to go back and kill the curser now.

Jiner and Gintoki ran non-stop along the deepest place where the curse power is the most filthy.

Gintoki ran very fast after having a sense of competition, shouting: "My money——!" He ran all the way.

Jiner felt that the strange touch just now turned into an illusion.

"It doesn't matter if you don't run straight. Everyone is dirty anyway, and people will automatically produce mud. But as you run, you will find the right path, and the mud on your body will mix and fall off, and then you will feel relaxed."

"What are you talking about?

. " Shier suddenly jumped to the side.

Gintoki also retreated to the side to avoid the cursed spirit that rushed over.

Cursed spirit? Cursed spirit...

Look at the light white translucent, long black hair, and red sharp claws piercing him. No matter how you look at it, it feels like something else.

"It's a cursed spirit, idiot."

Yes, cursed spirits, this world has such a specialty.

Gintoki suppressed the emotions that surged up. After a smooth start, he punched the cursed spirit in the face with his fist without any hesitation. The light appearance seemed to be just an illusion. At that moment, it was like a soft white flower blooming, and the stench of the curse and the liquid gushed out together.

"Since you are not a ghost, don't pretend to be light and fluttery to deceive people! Bastard——!!! Kill you! "

Gintoki shouted the decisive line with indignation and passion. The cursed spirit was pierced by this blow, and its body rolled thirteen times in the air, and finally fell to the ground miserably. Under the long hair was a face full of eyes, which was horrible to look at.

"You will have a nightmare tonight after seeing this. How are you going to compensate me for mental damages?" Gintoki was unyielding, and kept hitting the cursed spirit's face with cursed power in his hands. After making every eye blurry as if to relieve his anger, it was finally exorcised.

"Great, I should be able to have a dream of only desserts today." Gintoki wiped the sweat from his forehead refreshingly.

"How did you do the task?" Shener was curious.

"I have a normal curse tool! "

Shier's eyes look at the nose and the nose looks at the heart.

In the final analysis, it's because the Zenin family is too stingy. They are so stingy when giving something. They are always thinking about the recovery of the curse tools after the death of the person. Is this human rights? Is this what it feels like without human rights!

"You guys!"

"So you are so long-winded, are you the father!"

Gintoki turned back and shouted suddenly, and the uncle who had just met came late behind him.

Seeing that Shier was about to enter the state of meeting the enemy again, Gintoki calmed down and spoke first, "I know, I know, you are Michiko's father, right?"

A question mark appeared above the man's head.

"When a daughter grows up, she will inevitably enter this stage. I hate the old father's preaching, don't mix underwear together, and there is a smell of uncle on the pillowcase. These are inevitable things, but this uncle, in fact, compared to looking for my daughter in such a dangerous place, Gintoki recommends that you look for her somewhere else. ”

“Like, a factory that makes female ghosts or something like that.”

“Whose daughter would be there!”

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