Wang Cheng didn't care about it, he didn't know him anyway, and he didn't care if he ignored him, so he went to his seat and sat down.

Both Zhang Xiuhua and Zhang Hanwen gave Wang Cheng winks, telling him to look at the director He Lei staring at him over there...

After He Lei greeted An Keru with a smile, he turned around, stared at Wang Cheng with a dark face, and said in a deep voice, "Wang Cheng, Zhang Hanwen, you guys, go on stage right now!"

He didn't want to say anything more to Wang Cheng. He just asked Wang Cheng to end the performance quickly. He would call Liu Jinfeng immediately in the afternoon and ask Liu Jinfeng to send someone to invite the old man back. Come, now he has to beg Liu Jinfeng to go back again, thinking about it makes his face even uglier.

Other people around could see that He Lei was holding back his anger, so they didn't dare to speak, and they didn't dare to vent their anger.

Wu Han, Li Feifan, Mo Jinhua and the others all looked at Wang Cheng and Zhang Hanwen quietly, with amused and pitiful eyes...

Zhang Hanwen and the others got up cautiously, they didn't go to the stage immediately, but they were all waiting for Wang Cheng.

As for Wang Cheng, he also put down his things on his own, and then put on the mask as before, and walked out first, followed by Zhang Hanwen and others.

Seeing Wang Cheng and his party on the stage without any further incidents, both Zhang Xiuhua and He Lei heaved a sigh of relief at the same time!

On the stage, the host wanted to say something.

Sitting there, An Keru said directly with a blank face: "Okay, let's start directly..."

She also wanted to end it quickly, and didn't want to waste time with Wang Cheng here.

Zhang Hanwen and the others all looked serious, taking deep breaths to adjust their state and cheer themselves up.

Only Wang Cheng could tell from his eyes that he was still very calm. In such a scene, he didn't have the slightest pressure.

The music starts immediately!

A whistling electronic music prelude sounded, and then entered a rapid rhythm...

Zhang Hanwen's singing sounded.

"Preparation period..."

"All the outfits must be brought together... roll call..."

"Get ready, go to the street with me to parade..."

In very rhythmic singing.

Several people stepped onto the stage, as if they were going to bomb the street for a parade.

Everyone dances in a different style.

However, it doesn't look chaotic at all, but very dynamic, with amazing visual effects.

Wang Cheng wore a mask, and was still in the middle C position...

Moreover, Wang Cheng's appearance was different from others. He turned somersaults and came to the middle, and then spun his hands on the ground, showing a very difficult street dance move, which made everyone's eyes brighten.

At the same time, what made their eyes shine was this song!

"The body is going to prove it today."

"I can do all kinds of dances..."

"Broken your glasses..."


Several people acted in unison in an instant.

Uniform steps, uniform arms waving, uniform head turning movements...

Everyone who watched was stunned, and the dance movements were different from everyone in front of them, creating a contradictory sense of impact, which was even more impactful.

The scene became extremely quiet!

An Keru, who was originally impatient, sat up straight unconsciously, her eyes were fixed on Wang Cheng and the others on the stage, watching every movement. She had studied dance and could quickly learn from Wang Cheng and the others. During the dance, it can be seen that there are several difficult moves, and several different dance moves are displayed...

It also fits perfectly with the music!

Guo Taohua and Huang Lin also watched carefully with their eyes wide open. This was simply the best live performance they had ever seen.

Yang Xiao's eyes almost opened, and he stared straight at Wang Cheng in the middle.


All the trainees were stunned.

Wu Han's eyes were full of shock and disbelief—is this a song made by Wang Cheng himself?Is this their own choreography?

He believed that this was an MV produced by several top producers in China!

Luo Qiang, Danny, and Li Feifan next to each other had similar expressions, staring at Wang Cheng and Zhang Hanwen with wide eyes.

There was some frustration in the eyes of the two gold medal dancers...

They thought that they were already close to Wang Cheng.

Now find out...

Wang Cheng is still unfathomable.

Director He Lei and several program staff members also stared wide-eyed, looked at each other, and saw some disbelief in each other's eyes...


Is this a work they wrote, directed and acted in?

Are you kidding me?

44. The scene frozen in time!Wow, so handsome...

Hundreds of pairs of eyes were fixed on the rhythmic figures on the stage.

At the same time, prick up your ears and listen to the same rhythmic singing...

"Little brother."

"The little... ability to be cool when you are young..."

"Listen carefully, get up and study..."

"Great kindness to accept apprentices..."

"If you want to learn, you have to tighten your skin..."

"I wanna know..."

"Can you..."


Zhang Hanwen and the others were all wearing earphones, pretending to be singing, but in fact, of course, they were just moving their lips to pretend, and they had to concentrate on every movement, so how could they be distracted from singing?

Several people moved in unison.

Only Wang Cheng still didn't wear a headset in the middle, just wearing a mask, dancing more difficult dance moves than them, and switching to a new dance style after a few moves.


Mechanical dance!

even latin...


All of them are shown. Although there are not many movements shown in each dance, they really show their professional movements, which are very standard and very beautiful, as if they are professional dancers who have practiced for many years.

This made An Keru stare straight...

She is a dance major. Ask yourself, she doesn't know how to dance so many dances, and her control over her body is far worse than the current Wang Cheng. feed...

Huang Lin and Guo Taohua also looked a little excited, their faces flushed slightly, and they paid more attention to this song.

Although, this song is relatively ordinary in Wang Cheng's eyes.

However, in the current Chinese music scene in this world's current traffic era, it is already an absolutely rare masterpiece!

This song is enough to be the title song of an album, and it has a high probability of becoming a hit.

The unbelievable expression in the eyes of the two became more intense.

They couldn't believe that this song was composed and recorded by Wang Cheng in the past few days?

When they didn't record this program, they still had other work to do, so they just occasionally heard the news from the program group and didn't pay attention. When they heard that Wang Cheng wanted to record the song by themselves, they laughed However, I didn't take it seriously, I didn't even remember it...


Now, Wang Cheng brought them a big surprise!

Yang Xiao, the youngest, is already like Wang Cheng's fan girl at this moment. He raised his hands and shook his waist and head lightly with the rhythm. If so, she might have to stand up and dance with Wang Cheng...

The audience in the auditorium under the stage looked straight at them. Many fans of Wang Cheng couldn't help screaming excitedly, but they were afraid of disturbing the performance of Wang Cheng and others on the stage, so they used their hands He covered his mouth, but his face was flushed with excitement, and his body trembled slightly.

The expressions of many trainee contestants became even more complicated.

Contestants such as Wu Han and Li Feifan all watched the performance on the stage with blank looks, and they still didn't believe it was real...

Why can Wang Cheng compose such a beautiful work by arranging the music himself?Can you still arrange such a wonderful dance?

They are all trainees, why can he do this?

When Dongxing Entertainment Company trains trainees, do they teach these things?

Wu Han, Li Feifan, Mo Jinhua, and Zhou Jianjun all looked curiously at Wang Cheng, Zhang Hanwen's agent, Zhang Xiuhua, and wanted to know how their company trains Wang Cheng and what they usually teach in class...

And Luo Qiang and Danny, the two gold medal dancers, as well as the powerful dancers hired by other companies at a high price, also stared at Wang Cheng's dance moves with wide eyes, automatically ignoring Zhang Hanwen and the others.

Because, none of them expected that Wang Cheng could integrate so many dance moves into it, and it still fit so well with the rhythm of the music.

It was a way of dancing that none of them had ever imagined before.

"yougonnknow... can you do it..."

"Don't doubt your abilities!"

"yougonnknow I'm the champion!"


Following the rhythm of the lyrics, Wang Cheng turned around and came to the middle of the front of the stage, with his arms folded and his mask on, which also made people feel the arrogance of self-importance exuding from him.

Zhang Hanwen and the others walked to the sides of Wang Cheng, surrounded him like stars and moons, and everyone looked at Wang Cheng with admiration...

Just like the lyrics, Wang Cheng looks down on the world like a world champion!


The crowd dispersed again, and as Wang Cheng showed off his dance together again, it was another pure and cool street dance move.

"I have a particularly remarkable nerve..."

"The more you jump, the more energetic you will be!"

"Without a teacher, you can learn by yourself, and the two veins of the governor are very smooth."

"Eighteen dances..."

"Iwannaknow, no, no, no..."

"You're gonna know."

"Don't doubt your abilities..."

"yougonnknow I'm the champion..."


The lights dimmed for an instant.


Wang Cheng and the others quickly moved up the chairs that had been prepared in advance, one for each...

Under everyone's curious gaze.

The lights turned on again in an instant, and there was a beam of light on everyone's body, as if to say that everyone is their own protagonist.

Each of Wang Cheng and the others had a chair, and used the chair as a prop to show attractive dance moves back and forth on the chair. The chairs seemed to come alive, and they cooperated just right every time, showing another vitality.

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