That Fergus Enress, who had unified theocracy and monarchy, was the biological father of the current southern emperor, Emhyr Enress. The latter was overthrown and murdered by the usurper, but his good son had already reported it for him a few years ago. The revenge of one arrow killed the usurper and regained the power of the empire, and once again allowed the Sun Cult to enter the political arena in the south.

"The Prince's Revenge as soon as it appeared."

Roy felt that with the restoration of the Sun Cult and the Nilfgaardian Empire continuing its northern expedition, it was guaranteed that no fanatics of the Sun Cult would come to Elland.

"So can it be concluded that the murderer, that high-level vampire, is a remnant of the Sun Cult?"

"According to the description in the travel notes, he killed the sinners who committed the seven crimes one by one in order to offer sacrifices to the supreme being. The murderer was a tall male vampire, and male believers usually participated in the ceremony to pray for the woman or spouse they liked .This should also be the motive of the murderer."

"The mortuary sites are gathered around the palace—it's no coincidence!" Roy's expression froze suddenly, and Yael, who was opposite him, looked blank.

"In the palace, there is a woman that the murderer likes. The murderer is showing his love to the woman in this way! If this woman is a maid, it would be a big deal to spend a lot of time for an ordinary maid..."

"Does Prince Seward have a princess?!"

Roy's sudden burst of words startled Jarre, the skinny young man froze for a moment, and stammered, ", His Royal Highness does not have any heirs!"

"Roy, my boss, what on earth did you think? Don't be startled, I haven't slept all night, if you startle me again, I will feel nervous..."

"By the way..." Roy ignored his complaints, but remembered that after the death of Seward in the novel, one of his relatives legally inherited his throne and became Seward II. If the prince had a child, it would not be too much Let that relative take advantage.

"Since there is no princess..." He frowned tightly, "Then who in the palace deserves such a noble sacrifice from the murderer?"

"Niflgaard Sun Cult, Sacrifice, Palace, Women," these words came together, and Roy suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, "This...could it be that a woman is..."

"And the murderer can defeat Lei Suo..."

In all likelihood, it was a high-level vampire.

He already had a suspect in his mind!

Although the information observed before is normal, the high-level vampire is also like a cursed person, able to change form and blind his perception.

Now that the motivation is basically clear, it's time to go showdown with that guy!

"Yale, if I don't come back to report my safety before tomorrow night, please help me hand this notebook over to Nannike's old mother."

The road ahead is unpredictable, and life and death are unpredictable.

But he couldn't back down, Leto was still waiting there.

The demon hunter took a deep breath, checked all the alchemy materials, and got up abruptly.

Chapter 10 Debunking

Standing in front of the passionate big bed, Francis smoothed out the bow on the neckline slowly.

Under his pale face, his blood-red lips curved slightly, revealing pale teeth and a satisfied smile.

The woman lying on the big bed behind him was also laughing.Although her eyes were closed, she smiled sweetly and happily, as if she was indulging in an unparalleled dream.

"Good night, my darling!"

Francis blew her a kiss and strode open the door.

At this moment, the Peacock Flower Tavern was brightly lit.

In the lobby on the first floor, the Irish people who have been busy all day are showing their passion wantonly.

The bartender in front of the wine cabinet shook the wine cup with dizzying hand speed; Li Fu wiped the wine stains and sweat on their chins, and gulped down the cheap and pungent ale;

The gamblers sat around the card table, staring at the Gwent card and the golden krona beside it without blinking;

The butterfly-like maid walked back and forth in the hall carrying the drinks, occasionally touching her buttocks with a hairy hand protruding from nowhere, and she gave a cursing and coquettish smile.

"Boom——" the slender fingers of the authentic poet holding the lute on the stage suddenly became faster, and the strings plucked rapidly, like a trickle flowing into a river. The dullness in the hall was washed away, and the musician shook the organ to respond Jumping left and right in a cheerful rhythm.

The smell of wine, sweat, laughter, and dance music interweave into a blurred night.

Francis stood on the second floor condescendingly admiring all of this, quietly opened his arms and closed his eyes, and took a deep breath with enjoyment.

dark night

dancer's dress

why not take a nap

Taste this luscious spring

After reading a poem, he shook his head rather narcissistically. "Tonight is a good day. When inspiration comes, I can't stop it!"

He descended the stairs, walked through the crowded crowd, and walked towards the door of the tavern, still twirling his fingers to conceive the unfinished poem.

However, halfway through, an arm suddenly stretched out from the wine table blocked his way, and a young man with dark golden pupils raised his wine glass to him,

"Your Excellency the Coroner, would you like a drink?"

"Oh... When did you come? I didn't notice it at all. It seems that I have been too obsessed with beauty recently, which has made my perception so dull."

Francis sat down rather annoyed.

"Tell me, witcher, why did you suddenly find me?"

Roy pushed the full wine glass to him.

"I'm just a little curious. You have a really good appetite. You have to face a pile of messy corpses during the day, and you still have the mind to have fun at night. If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't have this mind at all."

Francis took a sip of the spirits and grinned, revealing his teeth.

"It's simple. It seems to me...the living and the dead have something beautiful in their own right to write about in poetry. And the vitality of young flesh, and the art of death, are both It gives me a constant source of inspiration.”

"You are a passionate poet." Roy complimented.

"Of course, in fact, my identity is first a poet, and then a coroner. For me, poetry is the most beautiful existence in this world, surpassing everything else."

Francis said emotionally that his voice was full of emotion and penetrating, even in this noisy hall, people could hear it very clearly.

"Actually, I have a suggestion for you..." Roy said, "The connotation and content of your poetry should not always focus on the living and the dead. You can open your eyes and draw inspiration from other aspects."

"For example?"

"Like nature, like architecture..."

"The most turbulent time in this time is not life and death..." Francis raised his head, "Why should I choose those vulgar themes?!"

"Well," Roy shrugged, and said directly, "Actually, in my opinion, the living and the dead are completely different. It can even be said that they are no longer a breed, a race."

"The difference is like a human and a monster..."

Francis crossed his arms and heard him continue, "You see, corpses can cause genocidal plagues, diseases, and may be turned into puppets of destruction by warlocks who study necromancy. Under certain conditions, they can also hatch and nourish evil spirits and corpses. Ghosts. It can be said that the corpse is the enemy of the living."

"I almost forgot that you are a witcher," Francis slumped down in the chair with disinterest. "How could a witcher have so much free time to come to the tavern to drink with me and exchange poetry. You are either black or white. I'm afraid you only have human beings in your eyes." And non-humans, there are only those who can be killed and those who cannot be killed, right?"

"It's impossible for you to agree with my ideas. But... do you want to correct the thinking of an aspiring poet with a few words?"

"No, no, no..." Roy smiled gently and expressed his intention, "I just want to remind you not to be too obsessed with death and corpses. And don't try to use death to please a living person. "

"What do you mean?" The coroner suddenly stood up, and the cold aura on his body became stronger in an instant.The alcoholic sitting next to them flinched unconsciously, as if suddenly hit by a biting cold wind.

Roy also stood up, drank the spirit in the glass, and exhaled happily.

"Recently I found a very interesting thing in Ireland. An inhuman creature fell in love with a 'noble' female human. And in order to express his love, he did a lot of things. Seemingly incomprehensible behavior. Of course, the non-human creatures I'm talking about don't mean dwarves or elves."

"I have heard that a female night devil is 'in love' with a human male, but in fact, that stupid man is just used by the female night devil as a free puppet to provide energy; A human woman, and then in the hands of this shrewd human woman."

"And now, Ellander, I think the love is deeper and more infatuated than the previous two. For his lover, he even took the risk of exposing his long-hidden identity and committed murders in succession."

"Mr. High Rank Vampire...I'm not the kind of guy who just shouts and kills. Now let's talk openly and peacefully."

Roy's deep voice was disrupted by the hustle and bustle around the hall, but he knew that the people on the opposite side could definitely hear it clearly.

The guy opposite suddenly grinned at him, revealing two slender canine teeth.

Under the boy's observation, the dark gray energy behind Francis formed a humanoid bat with huge wings.


Age: 310 years old

Occupation: Coroner, poet

A high-level vampire (it reveals its fangs to you, and your eyes pass through the bloody camouflage, revealing his essence. He is the topmost existence among vampires. Different from the original kind, his behavior is closer to Humanity.)

life value:? ? (insufficient perception)

magic:? ?


strength:? ?

agile:? ?

constitution:? ?

Perception: 18

Will: 9

Charisma: 7

Spirit:? ?


Blood hunger? ? : High-level vampires do not rely on blood to survive, but they are addicted to blood.If they drink blood in battle, they will quickly heal themselves of moderate injuries.

self-healing? ? : Garlic, flames, and wooden stakes are all ineffective against high-level vampires. They are very long-lived and have a strong self-healing ability... Even if their hearts are pulled out and their heads are chopped off, they can slowly recover by consuming time. Some are particularly powerful Individuals can be reborn after a long time even if they are burned to ashes.

In a way, only the same kind can kill high-ranking vampires.

Hypnosis? ? : High-level vampires use magic power to weave bewitching words, making the target open their hearts and obey him.

invisible? ? : High-level vampires can change the color of their skin at will, blend with the surrounding environment, and enter a state of invisibility that is difficult for mortal eyes to detect.

Blur? ? : A high-level vampire turns into a group of bats, avoiding attacks and moving at high speed.

Blood calls? ? : High-level vampires can forcibly order nearby low-level vampires: bats, vampires, blood demons... to act as their thugs.

A body made of blood? ? : A high-level vampire releases all its power and transforms into a giant bat. In this state, all attributes are improved, it has the ability to fly, grows fangs and claws, and is full of desire to kill, losing most of its sanity.

Not enough perception to get more information.


Roy's face became stiff.

Chapter 11 Denial

"Haha..." Francis laughed exaggeratedly twice, laughing so that two nasolabial folds appeared on the bridge of his nose that were beyond his appearance.

And the two fangs disappeared again.

There was no trace of anger at being exposed on his face, and he seemed relaxed and comfortable as if he had finished listening to a comedy.

"You are too talented to be a demon hunter. With your rich imagination, you can become a writer and create an interracial love novel. Well... I have already thought of the title for you, it is called "Infatuated Vampire" "And the Merry Lady". I happen to know a few publishing houses. Although they are unwilling to publish my wonderful collection of poems, their business ability is barely passable, and I can recommend them for you."

Jokes flickered in his dark pupils,

"Do you know that the aesthetics of those upper-class nobles are actually more serious than those with mud legs. I have a hunch that these love-themed novels will definitely be popular, and they will sell out of stock, enough to make you a lot of money. By then With the title of best-selling author, what kind of impoverished witcher are you?"

Roy's gaze swept across the coroner's face. The latter's expression was extremely relaxed. Either his acting skills were superb, or...

"Do you not admit it? It doesn't matter... I expected that no vampire would reveal his identity to a strange witcher. Even if he is a kind-hearted vampire, right? Having said that, I know quite a few high-level vampires of the kind-hearted school, such as a Guy named Regis."

Roy lied without blinking his eyelids, "Can you believe it? A senior vampire over 400 years old would hide his name in the countryside of Soden, become a country doctor and part-time a hairdresser. Tsk enthusiastic Hospitable, good-talking guy."

Roy captured the change of expression on Francis' face, which was a faint color of nostalgia and memory. Although it passed away in a flash, it was a good signal.

Roy continued to empty his memory and increase the stakes, "There are only more than 2000 of your kindred on the mainland, and you have lived for more than 300 years. Maybe you happen to know Regis, one of them? The trading district of Gemma is also home to a beautiful kinsman of yours who runs a brothel. She is often called the Queen of the Night..."

Francis finally withdrew all his hippie smiles, stared at Roy with his arms crossed and said solemnly, "Forget it, I was mistaken. You know a lot, young witcher. Come with me, peacock flowers are not suitable for talking too much Serious subject."

After speaking, he turned and left the tavern, while Roy bit the bullet and followed cautiously.

After leaving the tavern, the clear moonlight fell on the two of them. Roy, who was walking behind, through his perception, found that the phantom of the bat on Francis's body began to gently flap its fleshy wings with hideous bone spurs, like an unknown Radiating black holes generally absorb all moonlight.

"Advanced vampires are really a unique race." Roy secretly envied them. They don't need any training, and their strength also increases naturally with age.And the upper limit is very high. If you live long enough, you will become a terrifying existence like the shadow elder.

After walking for a while, when the hustle and bustle of the downtown area completely dissipated, Francis stopped in a dark alleyway.He leaned against the wall and wiped the palm of his right hand with his left hand leisurely, as if he was wiping a peerless murder weapon.

"Demon hunter, are you not afraid that I will kill you if you follow me like this?"

After saying these words, the huge bat phantom suddenly opened its eyes with a fierce look.

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