The two five or six-year-old children grabbed the woman's arm tightly when they heard the sound, and the latter also stared at him with fear for a long time.

"Demon hunter...then your you have any clues about the murderer?"

"Sorry, not yet." Roy shook his head. He noticed the pale complexion and emaciated figure of the two children and the woman, "I should make it clear first. If you are willing to answer my question, I will give you a small sum of money." condolence money."

He glanced at the two children, "I think you probably need this money very much now... It has been several months, and no one can give you an explanation. A little property is not a respect."

The woman suddenly stopped crying when she heard the words, with a trace of suspicion on her face, until Roy solemnly handed over the money bag of about five kronor—there were too many places to spend money, and he had to plan carefully.

The woman doesn't care what his identity is now, she hastily bowed to the boy, and said in tears,

"Thanks, thanks to this master witcher. The family can't open the pot. The child has been hungry for two days! Come on, Lite, Colin, bow to the master witcher!"

"So miserable? Your husband didn't have any savings during his lifetime?" Roy asked in a slow tone.

Misha didn't think too much, and smiled wryly, "Most of Faquille's salary is used to repay the housing loan, and also pay for the living expenses of me and my children, and the monthly income is not enough."

"It turns out that there are house slaves and child slaves in this world." Roy muttered in his heart, and he said casually,

"It stands to reason that working in a world-renowned and reputable bank like Vivaldi should have a good income. Your family, Facquier, is in his thirties and hasn't paid off the loan yet?"

"No way." The woman patted the heads of the two children behind her, staring at her big house in a daze,

"Irland is a big city with high prices, and our house is close to the city center. The house price is astonishingly expensive. After five years of repayment, there is still a sum of money that has not been repaid."

When the woman heard this, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, "It's just..." She wrung her hands suddenly, twitching and faltering.

Roy's heart moved, and he said quickly, "If you have any problems, please tell me, maybe I can help you."

The woman lowered her head and pondered for a moment, "Are you really a witcher?"

"It is rumored that the demon hunter is a mutant and has no feelings... It is impossible to give any condolence money to the family members of the deceased who have nothing to do with it, and his attitude will not be as approachable as yours."

"This is just a rumor. There are good and bad demon hunters," Roy said frankly. "You just need to know that I have no ill intentions towards them. I really want to find the murderer."

He was now missing the Axii sign of the Witcher.

"If possible, I'll return the money to you," the woman bit her lips, "I'll give you some more, but not much, I hope you can help my husband clear his name."

"Stigma? What stigma?" Roy glanced at the woman in surprise.

"After Faquille's death, the bank took back my family's interest-free loan and slandered him for stealing and hiding money secretly."

The woman obviously trusted her husband very much, and her face flushed with excitement, "But where is the extra money at home? I have been married to him for more than ten years, and I know very well that Falquér is a model husband, and he leaves work on time every day. When I came home, I never messed around outside, and I never brought back a single coin other than my salary! And I have always been diligent and honest, and I have a good reputation among my can ask whatever you want!"

"To tell you the truth, the respected president of the head office, Mr. Vivaldi, once met and commended him in person. He was awarded the honor of Vivaldi's best employee."

"I don't believe Falquér would do the embezzlement of public funds!"

Roy did not accept the woman's money.

He was going to investigate the identity information of the deceased, and he didn't want to ask for money from a poor single mother.

The boy came to the largest Vivaldi Bank in Ireland City, hid in the alley outside and waited quietly.

Until the afternoon, some employees started to leave, quietly following a middle-aged man.

Because he has not yet mastered the Axii seal of the demon hunter, he used the most brutal and direct means, including sacks and coercion.

The old employee thought he was being targeted by the latest serial killer, and before the torture started, he was frightened and peed out, revealing the cause and effect like pouring beans.

Roy couldn't help sighing after hearing this, the truth was completely opposite to the woman's statement - the bank did not wrong Faquille.

Every time Vivaldi's employees left work, they would be searched to prevent corruption, but Falquér secretly hid the money in a dark compartment in the toilet.

It's a pity that he was tortured and killed by the murderer before he found a chance to get the money out. Later, the new employee took over his accounts and found out the strange shortfall, which led to the revelation.

"Farquille embezzled bank property."

So the murderer killed him for this reason, a high-ranking vampire with a stern face?


After getting information about the bank staff, Roy non-stop came to the east of the city of Ireland - the daily "workplace" of beggars who died in a miserable state.

With no difficulty, he found the other party's "colleague" nearby.

"Hey, old Barr, my brother of ten years... How I want to find someone to talk about my complaints about him, but Yanke is too hungry to say a single word..."

The ragged beggar tilted his head, gritted his yellow teeth, and showed self-pity, but quietly pushed the broken bowl towards the young man with his black hand covered in dirty mud.

"Ding dong", a few yellow copper coins hit the edge of the wooden bowl, the beggar narrowed his eyes instantly, and rushed towards the boy like a pug, wanting to kiss his leather boots.

Roy took a small step back to avoid his attack, then waved.

In this world, money is still needed to open the way.

"Don't waste time, tell me, did your good brother behave abnormally before he died?"

Yank bit the crown quite preciously, then shook his head, "Old Barr is normal, he is still lying half dead like in the past. When a guest passes by, he shakes his rotten legs and yells a few more times. How pitiful, how pitiful."

"You are really his good brother, and your evaluation is very pertinent."

Yank got more and more vigorous,

"Isn't it just who is more pitiful to eat in this profession?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm quite envious that he can be pitiful with his limp legs and motionless, and his income in one day can be equal to that of beggars like us running around for three days."

"Among the beggars, he is definitely considered a wealthy class. He can eat and drink without worrying about lying down, and he is also fat and white. It's just... whoever would have thought that he would not be found in the alleyway at night, and people would be so happy." So gone. And I heard that it was very painful before death, a living person was pierced by a tree... Hiss..."

Yank shrunk his neck and cursed with fear,

"The murderer is simply a lunatic and a pervert! If the murder continues, I have to consider leaving El Rand and seek a job elsewhere."

"Ding dong——" Roy threw another coin, "According to you, he has a good income and no high consumption, so he must be able to save a lot of money in normal times?"

The beggar happily picked up the coin and shook his head.

"Do you know? We beggars have to pay taxes to the organization. Old Barr 'selflessly' handed in all the money other than living expenses. For this reason, the elders of the 'Beggars' have always admired him as a cash cow, and specially beat Hello, no one in the gang dares to bully him."

"Do you have any enemies, or bad habits?"

The beggar squinted his eyes and blurted out, "This guy is too lazy to argue with anyone. The enemy has never heard of him. Except for eating and drinking, he spends all his time 'holding his corpse'. Have some fun. Sleeping, I thought, was probably the greatest pleasure for him!"

Roy looked surprised. Is there really such a person in the world who is obviously rich, but seems to have no desires and desires, and is too lazy to eat, drink and have fun?

"We've been together for ten years, how do you evaluate Old Barr?"

"You speak so politely, a beggar, and not a big man, what can you say?" Yanke finally rubbed his chin seriously after hearing this and thought for a long time before saying,

"Lazy! I am uneducated and I don't know how to describe it... In short, he has reached a certain level of laziness. At the beginning, the elders thought he was 'real' and wanted to reward him with a job, but Barr refused without thinking. What else did you say, 'Since you can make money while lying down, you still work from dawn to dusk, isn't it stupid'?"

"I've thought about it for a long time, and I think what he said makes sense. If my daily income is as much as his, let alone how happy I am!"

Roy left under Yanke's reluctant eyes, and went to find a few more beggars, and the answers he got were almost the same. Old Barr, the cripple, was ranked among the beggars in the entire city of Elland. Laziness is well known.

If the bank employees were targeted for embezzling money, how did the old and lame beggar Barr offend the murderer?

Could it be that the murderer couldn't get used to his natural soft-boned appearance?

Roy thought about it for a while, and got a little idea, but he was not sure yet. He was going to the Prince's Palace to get information about the servants.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that old Huck's bakery was nearby.

Who is Old Huck?More than four months ago, the old man whose son was killed by a shape-shifting spider.

I don't know how the other party is doing now, have you found out the source of the sword wound on your son?

Chapter 7 Goodbye

Roy came outside the bakery, but he was still dozens of late, when he heard a hasty and irritable knock on the door——

Two men with wooden sticks and shabby clothes were cursing in front of the bakery,

"Open the door, you're deaf!? Believe it or not, let's burn you to death, you bastard?!"

"It's your honor for us to take a fancy to your house! If you are sensible, get out and sign the contract," a middle-aged man with big braids and a bulbous nose yelled arrogantly. The price is one hundred lower!"

"Who are you?" A young man in a cloak came quietly behind the two of them, his dark golden eyes turned towards them, confirming that they were two ordinary people, "Why are you stuck in front of the house?"

Suan Tou Nose suddenly turned around, startled by the young man who quietly approached him, pointed at the wooden stick, and slanted at him with a pair of stern triangular eyes, "Who are we? You can't mess with us?" The one who started it? Hurry up and get out, I want to buy bread and change places!"

"Young man, don't meddle in your own business and ask for trouble," another red-skinned, obese man also pointed the wooden stick at Roy, noticing his unusual eye color, short hair, well-proportioned and explosive body , feeling inexplicably apprehensive, "Otherwise...otherwise you will have to suffer."

Roy shrugged, too lazy to talk nonsense.

The hand behind his back stretched out in front of him, and his right palm firmly held a wooden sword for training. He turned the wooden sword lightly and pulled a few sword flowers. neck.

T-steps are naturally drawn under the feet.

The body is slightly bowed and relaxed.

If the two were White Rose's knights, or other official forces, he would consider it carefully, but he could dismiss the obviously low-class hooligans.

Just to try my hand at it.

"Stinky boy, be more polite to you, how dare you kick your nose in the face?!" Suan Tou Nose scolded bitterly, and threw the wooden stick in his hand at the boy without saying a word.

The front end of the wooden stick swept toward his chest from left to right. Instead of retreating, he took a step forward, counter to the direction of the wooden stick, and drew a straight line from right to left with the training sword.

With a crisp sound of 'bang', the strong sword body blocked the wooden stick halfway, and at the same time, the figure-eight-shaped gauntlet caught the front end of the wooden stick, sliding against the stick body with lightning and flint, and the blade moved forward——

Suan Tou Nose groaned in pain, as if automatically sending his chest to the point of the sword, he was hit by the sword just below the breastbone, and sat back screaming.

The wind blows!

The fat man swung another wooden stick and hit Roy's head from the side. He leaned lightly and walked around under the stick.

Fatty only felt a blur in front of his eyes, he briefly lost the opponent's figure in his field of vision, and was just about to withdraw his weapon.

Roy stepped forward on tiptoe like a civet cat, landed silently, turned the wrist of his left hand, and lifted the hilt of the sword upside down, hitting the fat man's side face hard.


The fat man covered the redness and swelling on his face and fell heavily. In the dusty air, he clenched the wooden stick tightly with his white and fat fingers. Just as he was about to get up, the training sword was already on his neck.

"Don't move around..." Roy shook his head, and the dark gold pupils turned to the garlic nose that was still screaming on the other side, showing a warning look.

It was too slow, all the attacks of these two guys seemed to be in slow motion in his eyes.

The agility close to twice that of ordinary people allowed him to easily dodge the swinging wooden stick, seize the gap and hand out the blade, and ended this unequal battle within three seconds.

If it was replaced with an iron weapon, he had already killed two people, and he hadn't used many methods such as shock and awe.

Sure enough, as the demon hunter said, when the attribute crushes the opponent, there is no need for fancy swordsmanship, one sword is enough to end the battle.

It's a pity that defeating them does not bring the slightest sense of accomplishment.

The young man patted Fatty's dull cheek with his training sword, his dark golden eyes became deep, "Tang Lier, Fu Luoxi, I know your names!"

"I am the commander of Prince Heward's guards, the witcher hired by Dennis Kramer to investigate the case, if you dare to show up in the bakery to mess around," Roy threatened in a stern voice, "Then I will tell him... You are the suspects in the recent murders!"

"Don't... Master, please don't talk nonsense!" Fatty's face immediately panicked, his lips trembling, "Let's get out of here, get out of here, I swear to Goddess Melitelli, I will never harass old Huck again!"

"I swear too!" Garlic Nose threw away the stick in a panic,

"Don't hurry up!"


After a while, Roy watched two embarrassed figures rush out of the yard and put the training sword into the space.

A few steps came to the closed wooden door of the bakery, just about to knock on the door, there was a rush of footsteps, followed by an old, hoarse and familiar voice,

"Master Roy? Are you outside...cough away those two bastards?"

Kaz --

The baker's haggard, emaciated face emerged from the crack in the door.

He was dressed in plain and crude gray linen.I haven't seen him for a few months, and his appearance has aged a lot, his hair and beard have completely turned into snow-white, messy like a chicken coop, his eye sockets are sunken, and his pupils are bloodshot.

Even his body was stooped.

He held a candlestick tightly in his right hand, which was obviously intended to be used as a self-defense weapon before, but it was clear that the visitor was relaxed.

"How do you follow..."

"Don't ask! If you ask, you will be burned..." Roy knew what he was going to say, and immediately stopped the damn question, and got into the wooden door amidst his strange expression

In the dark kitchen, the two sat opposite each other. The young man looked around. The whole room was bare, except for a few chairs and the large old stove fixed to the wall.

"I haven't seen you in a few months. Why have you changed more than me? Have you looked in the mirror recently? Your face is terrible! Like a malaria patient," Roy shook his head and comforted, "Even if Basheer is gone, you You should take care of yourself too."

"Master, thank you for your concern." Hearing the name of the dead son again, the old man's wrinkled old face showed a look of sadness, and then he said through gritted teeth, "but the only motivation for old Huck to live now is to find the thorn. Child Yijian bastard!"

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