The Taoist priest Lu Jinzhong, who was familiar with him in the past, met him and said that he missed the days in the Taoist temple. He hoped that he would be accommodating and find a day when the temple master and the lame man were not there to go for a walk on the mountain.

For the sake of a silver bean, he thought it was not a big deal, so he agreed.

Informing Lu Jinzhong of the time to go up the mountain in advance, he took the cripple to the vegetable field in the back mountain. He took Lu Jinzhong around the backyard on the mountain, but did not let Lu Jinzhong enter the main hall to burn incense. He was worried that the cripple would come back and break it. good talk.

It was only half an incense stick before and after, Lu Jinzhong did nothing, left in a hurry up the mountain, and told him not to tell the spectator, so as not to attract blame.

Now the Guanzhu asks this matter with certainty, but I don’t know how he came to know it?

Huozi knew that he was wrong, and explained with a smirk: "Guangzhu, I was confused for a while and let him go up the mountain, but please rest assured, I watched him without leaving an inch, he was only in the backyard near the thatched hut where he lived. I turned around and didn't even let the door in."

He wisely changed the title, and could hear the unpleasantness in the voice of the watcher.

Zhang Wenfeng laughed in his heart, and his face became cold: "Lu Jinzhong is already dead. On the first day of March, that is, at five o'clock in the morning yesterday, he died in the fields south of Hexi Town."

The hunchback was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

He was holding a wedding at his own home in Zhangjiazhuang. Yesterday afternoon, he heard a few words from the guests. It was very evil. Someone in the town killed a ghost. The death was very tragic and strange. That person strangled himself to death.

It was Lu Jinzhong who he didn't know was dead at the time. He raised his head and looked in horror at the young viewer who used to think that humans and animals were harmless and could be fooled. Could it be...

Zhang Wenfeng didn't look at the hunchback whose face was discolored with fright, and asked, "He was in the backyard that day. Did he ask you which hut I live in now?"

Huozi no longer dared to talk nonsense, "ah", he found that his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't say a complete sentence, so he nodded and coughed a few times.

Zhang Wenfeng looked up at the sky and said, "After Lu Jinzhong knew my place, he pretended to go down the mountain, but in fact he came back, climbed the wall and entered the backyard, and did some magic tricks on the bed where I was sleeping. He wanted to do it to harm me. , but I was not good enough, was attacked by sorcery, and died, the details of the case are the letters I heard from the city, and the case will be closed in a few days."

Turning around and leaving, a sigh came faintly: "Brother Tuo, you have broken the rules of Taoism, I can't keep you, for the sake of Master, I don't want to pursue everything in the past, you pack your things and go home overnight, so you can do it yourself, if you are outside Chew your tongue and I'll find you."

After speaking, people have gone far.

Huozi was frightened, how dare he say a word, his legs are too weak.

On summer nights in the countryside, the legends of Taoist fighting methods circulated under the big trees while enjoying the cool air are so terrifying that no one has ever seen them with their own eyes.

Only at this moment did Huozi know that there are really powerful people in this world beyond imagination.

Guanzhu's words, "It's good to do it yourself," pressed down on his heart like a stone, so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

After a long time, the hunchback regained some strength, supported his heavy legs, and returned to his residence to pick up the package in the dark.

He secretly regretted that he shouldn't be greedy for a silver bean from that dead ghost.

The mountain is in charge of eating and using, and there is also the monthly fee set by the old temple master. publicity.

When they came out of the backyard door, they met the lame man and Zhang Wenxing who had finished drinking and walked out holding the door frame.

"Hey, camel, what are you doing? Why did you just go up the mountain and go back?"

The cripple stopped the hunchback who was trying to slip away quietly with the package on his back.

The hunchback didn't want to publicize his scandal, so he showed a tight smile and said, "I just remembered that there are two important things at home. I didn't tell the second boy, and I have to go back overnight. Lame Uncle, drink slowly, and we will talk later."

"That's it, the road is dark, you can light it up with a wind lamp, don't fall."

"No need, I'm used to running at night, and I'm very familiar with it."

Watching the camel hurried down the mountain, the lame didn't take it seriously.

Huozi often go home at night after work and dinner, which is not a long way to the country people.

The cripple went to the toilet to urinate, then came back drunk and slowly cleaned up the guys in the kitchen, humming an out-of-tune ditty.

It’s been a long time since I drank so much. The Guanzhu has used a lot of oil these days, and there is one less piece of bacon on the stove. He won’t say much, but in the future, the Guanzhu can no longer be in charge of the spoon.

Second Senior Brother used his inner strength to get rid of the smell of alcohol, washed his face, washed his hands, and went to the brightly lit main hall.

Guanzhu can not accompany the lame uncle to drink, he returns to the mountain gate, how can he save face?

Zhang Wenfeng was waiting in the hall. He was not unkind, as long as he didn't break the rules, he could tolerate it.

After Fengxiang recited the scriptures and finished the evening class, he invited the second senior brother to the West Hall, cooked a pot of tea, and told the second senior brother about the hump, so angry that the second senior brother clenched his fists and got angry.

"Confused, how can he eat inside and out... Alas, he's mad at me."

"After two days, when the lame uncle asks about the hunchback, you and lame uncle break up the matter, and you don't need to pass it on to the village. After all, the ugliness of the family can't be made public, and it doesn't sound good."

"I understand now, and you can rest assured."

"I will go to the city tomorrow morning, and the thieves have been wiped out. We don't have to guard against thieves day and night, and we can get a good night's sleep."

Zhang Wenfeng assisted the Daolu Branch in eliminating the thieves. To put it simply, the second senior brother would not stubbornly stay overnight. After drinking tea, he went out to arrange a place to live. The other set of keys was handed over to the second senior brother for safekeeping. , rest early.

Returning to the West Hall, the oil lamp was lit, and after copying the remaining booklet, the original left by the master was returned to the secret room.

Opened the transcribed booklet and found the sound transmission technique, with only a few lines.

There was Yuan Qi's instruction from Fu Gujing in the morning, Zhang Wenfeng pondered it in detail for about a quarter of an hour, and he felt that it was almost the same.

After trying a few times, you will master this esoteric technique of beam sound transmission, commonly known as "sound transmission technique".

There are similar secret techniques on the rivers and lakes, which can be used in the Houtian realm, but the sound transmission distance is not far enough, at most ten feet, and the real sound transmission technique, in the initial stage, it is not a problem to transmit a sound of several ten feet, and it can reach a hundred feet after the cultivation level is high. , even miles away.

Chapter 28 Nothing complicated inside

The night was deep, and the black donkey roamed the night like a ghost.

The courtyard wall, which was nearly zhang tall, jumped over with a slight vertical motion.

The huge and hard hooves stepped on the green bricks, making almost no sound. It has control over strength, especially the four hooves, which have long been able to retract and retract freely, and usually have no chance to show it.

Newly received the mission of housekeeping and nursing home assigned to it by the Guanzhu, and it must perform well with due diligence.

The autumn cold dew was heavy, and after the five-warning clapper sounded, the wet-haired black donkey thought aloud.

After a night of patrolling, let alone thieves, a few days ago, he went up and down like a little ghost running on the road, but he didn't come to the door tonight. He was deeply disappointed, and turned back to the open donkey stable to stand and doze.

Zhang Wenfeng got up on time at [-]:[-] o'clock, and he had developed a natural habit for many years.

After washing and cleaning up, he walked out of the backyard door. The oil lamp in the kitchen on the right was like beans. The cripple was busy kneading noodles and preparing breakfast. Zhang Wenfeng had a small smile on his mouth and walked up the steps to the main hall. Greetings, the two cooperated tacitly and split up to prepare for the morning class.

When the sound of chanting the scriptures spread, the black donkey appeared on the right side of the hall under the steps of the main hall.

It's eyes are blurred, it's fascinated, and it's still a familiar smell.

The lame went out to pick a few greens and garlic from the vegetable field. He walked around the field, and through the stone railing in the slight morning light, he suddenly saw the black donkey standing high, and he was startled. The black group is the donkey that should be living in the barn.

"Donkey Day, why did you run out?"

The lame man hurried up the steps to catch him, suddenly slapped his forehead, and smiled, "I forgot that Brother Feng said hello to you last night, and tied the rope for you, saying that you have spirituality. You donkey day is all black, From now on, don’t stand in the dark place to frighten me.”

A slap on the top door of the donkey is a punishment for the dumb and scary donkey.

The black donkey was disturbed by the old lame man, and he was not bothered. He rubbed his head against the lame man who turned back, and replied silently with the words of a donkey: "You old man of the donkey day, who told you to walk with only follicles and no eyes?"

Almost all its swear words were learned from the mouths of the lame who walked through the rivers and lakes.

He turned back and continued to listen to the sound of chanting sutras from the main hall, his eyes half-squinted comfortably.

It's good to go to the rope and listen to the scriptures freely.

After finishing the morning class, Zhang Wenfeng stepped out of the main hall with a full body of incense, and saw a donkey's back going down the mountain.

The mist in the morning breeze flows slowly like a veil.

The herbaceous fragrance smells good in the wind.

After eating the simple breakfast, Zhang Wenfeng didn't rush to leave, and read "Analysis of Yuan Qi Huamu Talisman" for half an hour. When the sun rose and the fog began to dissipate, he put on a bamboo hat and a green sword around his waist, and fought with the second senior brother. Say hello and float down the mountain.

Before he figured out the problem of the demonic energy on the donkey, he felt that he should not ride the donkey to the city to show off.

It was still early when he entered the Daolu Branch, Zhang Wenfeng tied his bamboo hat behind his back, walked through the corridor, and at the end of the corner, he met Yun Qiuhe, who was dressed neatly in a green shirt.

"Fellow Daoist Yun!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, you came very early. Please come here, the master of the hospital is in the public room."

Facing this young viewer who seemed to keep a distance on purpose, Yun Qiuhe could only call him "daoist friend". She actually didn't like this kind of polite manners.

Acquaintances should call them by their first names, or "brothers" and "sisters" to shorten the distance between them.

The two walked side by side in silence. Fortunately, it was not far away, and they would arrive in a short while, breaking the delicate awkward situation between the two. Yun Qiuhe couldn't find a suitable topic to chat, and Zhang Wenfeng didn't want to talk too much.

In the spacious hall, Wu Ganping sat behind the desk and read and signed many files.

Fu Gujing and the man surnamed Shen were teasing and chatting softly on the coffee table. In the room, the man surnamed Shen did not wear the girly short gauze hat and looked quite handsome.

After saying hello to each other, Wu Ganping stretched out his hand and motioned to sit down and drink tea first, and wait for him to finish talking about the matter at hand.

Fu Gujing saw that the man surnamed Shen was still sitting and drinking tea slowly, and introduced to the two with a smile: "This is a meditation cultivator in the sky building, and he is in the same family as Master Wu." He also briefly introduced Zhang Wenfeng.

Sitting meditation then got up, and returned a few words of courtesy to Zhang Guanzhu, who clasped his fists and saluted.

Yun Qiuhe moved the stool to sit next to Fu Gujing, and stayed away from contemplation. If it wasn't for Zhang Guanzhu, she would be too lazy to sit down and drink tea and go back to the quiet room to practice the exercises. Even going to paint would be more useful than wasting time here. .

She didn't like the dark eyes that mused at her.

There is no reason, if you don't like it, you don't like it, a woman's intuition.

Fu Gujing saw that the atmosphere was not right, so she chatted with Zhang Guanzhu, who was drinking tea with a dull head, about the follow-up to the extermination of thieves in Jiming Mountain yesterday.

"The four leading evil thieves were originally big thieves in the rivers and lakes. They were called 'Black Abyss Four Wonders'. They committed many murder cases. They were brutal and cunning, and their whereabouts were uncertain. They disappeared, and they were interrogated yesterday, only to find out that they had obtained two evil scriptures in the inhuman Taoist Temple in the deep mountains and forests."

"They used various magical methods such as harvesting, refining life souls, and human pills to cultivate into the realm of Qi transformation, and there were many evil ways to quickly improve their cultivation, refining evil ghosts, zombies, etc., in just three years. Previously, they murdered the only headed ascetic monk in Shengzhi Guan by colluding with the thieves and pressing the bed with paper talismans."

"At that time, the Daolu Branch also sent people to check, but there were no cultivators in the Qi Transformation Realm, and no flaws could be seen. The conclusion was that 'the night had a bad disease and died suddenly'. Those four thieves let the inner thief die. The solemn application occupied Shengzhi Temple, and later, in remote areas of Xiahe County and Qianyan County, two Taoist temples were occupied by the same method."

"When they have a base, they use evil methods to control their people and develop their forces in a short period of time, so that they can refine more zombies and ghosts, grow their forces, and find resources and materials for cultivation."

When Zhang Wenfeng heard this, he understood why the thief chose him to attack.

In addition to his master, there are only two handymen who are not even Taoist priests.

After he unknowingly used a paper talisman to press his soul into the bed and kill him, the Daolu Branch sent two Taoist priests at random to check it out, and he would definitely not see any flaws. The branch applied to take over the Xianling Temple.

To put it bluntly, it is as simple as that, and there is no complicated inside story.

It was he who thought too much, thinking that the secret inheritance of Taoism had leaked out, attracting coveted.

It would be good if there were no leaks, and he didn't have to worry too much.

After Wu Ganping was busy with the work at hand, he pulled a black rope by the wall, summoned a gray-robed Taoist priest, explained the files clearly by category, and sent the gray-robed Taoist priest to take a stack of files for processing.

Walking over, he pressed his hand to the few people who were about to get up, indicating that you are welcome.

After Wu Ganping sat down, he took Fu Gujing's newly poured cup of tea and drank it, and said to Zhang Guanzhu, "there is one more thing, I have to trouble you to help."

Zhang Wenfeng sat upright and said with a smile, "Master Wu, please feel free to assign it if you have something to do."

He used "assigned", not commanded.

Wu Ganping didn't give a shit anymore, and said directly: "Yesterday, Old Fu and Junior Sister Yun sent news to Daolu Branch of Xiahe County and Qianyan County, respectively. The Xiahe County side was still a step slower, killing a dozen small fish in remote Taoist temples. The remaining thief named Luan Tingsan in Heiyuan Sijue has already been trusted, and he took two cronies and fled first, and disappeared."

"So, I want you to draw a portrait of Luan Tingsan based on the narration of a few thieves, so that people can recognize it at a glance, I wonder if Brother Zhang can do it? It doesn't look like it anymore, even Luan Tingsan looks at it himself and probably doesn't recognize it."

Wu Ganping told a bad joke in the last sentence.

A few people laughed in agreement.

Chapter 29

Seeing that the three of them looked at him after laughing, Zhang Wenfeng smiled and said, "I tried my best, and when the painting was finished, Luan Tingsan still couldn't recognize the person in the portrait. Please don't blame Dean Wu."

Wu Ganping laughed out loud, his short beard twitched, showing that he was in a good mood.

"It's not strange, it's definitely not strange. In this world, if Brother Zhang listens to the dictation and still doesn't look like a picture, then no one can draw a portrait."

Although he didn't witness Zhang Guanzhu's painting with his own eyes, but through the description of Yun Qiuhe and Fu Gujing, especially the strong recommendation of Junior Sister Yun, he thinks it can't be wrong.

The portrait of the female thief last time was almost more like a real person, the painting came alive.

Yun Qiuhe stayed and waited for this moment, stood up and said with a smile, "I'm going to prepare the daishi and drawing paper, is there any request from Fellow Daoist Zhang?"

Zhang Wenfeng pondered for a while, and said: "Besides Daishi, please help me prepare some willow charcoal sticks, the length of your fingers and the thickness of chopsticks are enough. I need two cold cooking cakes (steamed buns), and the surface of the skin should not be wet. In addition, drawing paper It’s better to be thicker and stronger, and prepare three extra sheets.”

This request is quite strange. Can willow charcoal sticks and cooking cakes be used for portraits?

Yun Qiuhe wrote them down one by one, laughed, "No problem, wait a moment", and went out to prepare strange items.

Shen Si had heard Senior Brother Wu discuss the portrait with Senior Brother Fu and Junior Sister Yun last night. He had never seen the portrait of the female thief, but Senior Brother Fu and Junior Sister Yun spoke highly of the Taoist priest surnamed Zhang. The shabby guy in the half-worn sermon robe and the half-worn bamboo hat on his back was also a little curious.

He is proficient in painting plum, bamboo, orchid, and stone, but he is not good at painting portraits, which are too difficult.

Sitting on the side listening to his senior brother chatting about yesterday's case with Zhang Guanzhu, a low-born and low-cultivation man, he didn't say a word.

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