Lu Ming

Page 66

When Huang Ping came out of Lao Xiong's study room, his whole body was in a state of ecstasy—the "card position" plan persisted from Hangzhou to this point, and the biggest hurdle has just been passed!

Xiong Wencan's ability to consider meeting generals proves that he is already planning specific actions after the recruitment.This is a transition from the strategic level to the tactical level - if the old bear still has relatively serious concerns about appeasement of the transmigrated forces, he will not meet the opposing generals.

Just like a girl, the most important thing is not sex, but the first inconspicuous holding hands; the seemingly unimportant holding hands is the key link to decide whether you can finally have sex.


After Huang Zanhua came out of Lao Xiong's study, he saw that it was still early, so he went home first.

Huang Ping did not live in the yamen because Mr. Huang brought his family with him and he had some ulterior secrets.

The house in the yamen was dilapidated and old, and at most he would be allocated a small courtyard, which was too difficult to use—Huang Ping, among other things, had to have large and small study rooms.

So Mr. Huang, who was not short of money, bought a three-entry house near the yamen at a high price.

He took the servant and the chief follower out of Fuya, and within a short walk was his own yard.After the master returned home, he went straight to the back house, greeted his beautiful wife hastily, and then went to the small study in the side courtyard.

The servants in the family knew the taboos of their master, so no one dared to bother him at this time.Leaving the young man guarding the hospital door, Huang Ping went into the study and took out the car radio from the locked cabinet, then put on the headset and started calling.After connecting to Fuzhou Station and the other hospital soon, Huang Ping spent 5 minutes reporting what he had said to Lao Xiong in the morning, and then turned off the locker and left.

After Master Huang finished his ulterior motives, he felt relaxed.After going back to the inner house, I talked to my wife for a while, and then ordered the maid to take out a box of Anji white tea that my father-in-law entrusted not long ago to pack.

It was already around 10 o'clock in the morning, and Mr. Huang saw that the time was about the same, so he said that he would not go home for lunch, and then staggered to the chief secretary's office in a sedan chair.

The chief secretary's yamen is not far from the Futai yamen.In Fuzhou City in the Ming Dynasty, the government offices were basically located in the area north of Maoying Bridge and west of Jianchi.Huang Ping took a sedan chair all the way, and walked not far south from the Futai Yamen. After passing the Weiwujun Gate, there was the Chief Secretary Yamen.

Seeing Huang Juren who Shi Shiran came down from the sedan chair, the door of the side door quickly put on a smile, and went forward to say hello: "Master Huang is here!"

Huang Ping nodded, took out a piece of silver and threw it over: "Is Master Fang here?"

"Yes, yes, the master is in court."

"Oh, I haven't paid the price yet. Well, you can do whatever you want, and I'll go."

Leaving the long entourage chatting in the porter, Master Huang led a servant and walked straight to the back office.

The current Zuo Buzheng in Fujian is called Cai Shanji.

Cai Shanji was born in Wucheng, Zhejiang (later Deqing). During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Cai family was a prominent family in Deqing.

Cai Shanji, together with Fei Zhaoyuan and Pan Shilin, was once called "the true and honest official in Shaozhong", and his family has a long history.

As for Huang Ping's cheap father-in-law, Mr. Zhong, he and Cai Shanji belonged to family friends. Since Cai Shanji's father, Cai Hualong, the two families have known each other.

After Huang Ping came to Fuzhou, relying on Master Zhong's letters and his big-footed wife, he easily got the status of a god-nephew from Mr. Chief Minister.

And Cai Shanji also has a good impression of Huang Ping, a young man with extraordinary conversation: Not everyone can get the job of praising paintings by Xiong Wencan's side. He himself has more than a dozen staff members, and there is a big difference between them.

Huang Ping stopped all the way to the middle gate: Lao Cai is still working in the main hall, and it is not convenient to go to the back house at this time.So he went to the gazebo, where there were often a few Qing players playing chess.

Sure enough, there were people in the gazebo.

After playing chess for half an hour, and finally waiting for Lao Cai to get off work, Master Huang hurriedly intercepted the boss on the way, offered a bag of tea from his hometown, and then followed Lao Cai to the back house to have a meal.

Cai Shanji is more than 50 years old this year, with a handsome appearance.Since the first wife is in Deqing's hometown, there are only two concubines in Fuzhou to accompany her.Seeing his god-nephew came today, Lao Cai set out a few dishes and sat alone with Huang Ping.

At this moment, Huang Ping finally had the opportunity to apply eye drops to Lao Cai.


The chief envoys of the Ming Dynasty had quite a lot of power, which was somewhat similar to the position of senior officials in later generations-although the official position of the chief envoys was lower than that of the governor, each had jurisdiction, and it was not a purely superior-subordinate relationship.

This situation will gradually evolve in the Qing Dynasty: the chief envoy will become the direct subordinate of the governor.

And Cai Shanji is now the Fujian Zuo Buzheng, it can be said that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people.Except for Lao Xiong, the secretary in charge of the army, other civil policies must be approved by Lao Cai.

Therefore, Lao Xiong's recent high-secret action of recruiting the cross-travelers had greeted Lao Cai in advance-he had to ensure Lao Cai's cooperation in civil matters after the recruiting.

...Huang Ping came to reveal the news today.

First of all, Huang Ping revealed the process of recruiting during the meeting.

Secondly, Huang Ping increased the difficulty of recruiting a little bit.In other words, Huang Ping "inadvertently" exaggerated Zheng Zhilong's chances of winning a little bit, and narrowed the advantage of the crossing crowd by a little bit.

In this way, from Cai Shanji's ears, Zheng Zhilong and Cao Chuan's recruiting parties seem to be divided in fours and sixes at present-the cross-travelers have an advantage, but the advantage is not great.

Well, at this point, Huang Ping knew that the heat had come, so he didn't say any more. After eating and drinking, he left in a hurry.

As for Lao Cai, before the old man could think about it clearly, that afternoon, a certain force's trump card came: General Manager Xu Xinsu, who had disappeared for many days, came to ask to see Lao Cai.

As local snakes/big distributors in the Zhangquan area, Xu Basong and Cai Shanji, who once served as the magistrate of Putian County and the prefecture of Quanzhou, are quite familiar with him.

Not to mention the filial piety in daily life, that is, Xu Xinsu has bonded with the Allied Forces and Zheng Zhilong many times to make films, and there is also Cai Shanji's acquiescence and support behind this.One must know that the most plundered by Zheng Zhilong's bandits is the area around Quanzhou, Lao Cai's territory.

Xu opened the way with the total money, presented the gift list, and soon met Lao Cai.

The next moment is to hold the thigh and cry.Xu Bazong's task today is to sell miserably.

Mr. Xu not only told the full story of the tragedy of his family's escape to Fuzhou, but also told Lao Cai that now that Zheng Zhilong's gang has gained power, they wantonly plundered the coastal areas, especially the Quanzhou area where Lao Cai used to be the prefect. Sleeping man and sleeping woman, scratching the ground seventeen or eight feet... In short, Zheng Yiguan is the one who pulls the dog now.

As for this time period in history, Lao Zheng is expressing goodwill through various channels, including going ashore to rob without hurting people, and giving money to poor ghosts. Of course, Mr. Xu didn't know about it.

After Lao Cai appeased Mr. Xu, he sent him back first.

Then Lao Cai fell into deep thought.

Mr. Xu reminded him of his cry when he was about to leave: "All the people in Zhangquan are ruthless to Mrs. Zheng... Mr. Fang Bo must not let this beast be petted... We have nothing to stand on..."


Speaking of which, the relationship between Cai Shanji and Lao Zheng is still very deep.You know, Zheng Zhilong's father, Zheng Shaozu, was the treasury official of Cai Shanji, the prefect of Quanzhou, who was in charge of the warehouse.

However, no one could have imagined that the son of a humble treasury official would bring so much trouble to Fujian official circles in the future: especially the prefects of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, these two positions were the most important.

In real history, after Xiong Wencan came to Fujian, Cai Shanji finally assisted Xiong Wencan to appease Zheng Zhilong.No way, the same sentence: everyone has no choice.

And Cai Shanji, who came from a famous family, once snubbed the grassroots Zheng Zhilong when they met, and used his tricks to fool the old Zheng, no doubt, he deeply hated this person in his heart.


Cai Shanji sat in the hall, thinking for a long time.

When he finally combined the information provided by Huang Ping at noon with the words Xu Xinsu cried out, Lao Cai naturally made a decision at this moment: "Come here, prepare the sedan chair, and go to the Yamen!"

In the afternoon of the same day, Fujian Left Chief Secretary Cai Shanji, dressed in a formal red official robe with a flag in front of the way and his own soldiers behind him, paid a formal visit to Governor Xiong Wencan.

"I don't know what Boda (Cai Shanji's word) is here for?" In the main hall of the governor's office, Xiong Wencan, who was also in official robes, asked behind the screen.

"My lord, that Zheng Zhilong owl is inherently capricious and capricious. Now that he is powerful, and the treacherous people from Fujian and Guangdong follow suit, he must not be tamed."

Xiong Wencan: "...".

Chapter 191 Coastal Defense Guerrilla

The "Shangfang Sword" system that is often seen on TV in later generations was actually officially implemented since the "Three Great Marches" during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, Ningxia Tatar native chieftain 蕺菥.  Yayao  ⒈ ⒈ wish Shi puru feeding б see vortex 堋 poured crabs!Guarantee

Afterwards, Ye Mengxiong broke through the city and "put all the worshipers to death and surrendered two thousand people." Gu Yu, Ding Chengen and others were kidnapped and sent to the capital, where they were all executed.The victory of this battle gave the Ming court a taste of the sweetness, and the frequency of giving Shang Fangjian began to increase.

The basic effect of the Shangfang sword is that the emperor granted the governor the right to override the legal system: "judgment at the opportunity", "beheading below the fifth rank", "dismiss from the post below the third rank".

Therefore, Xiong Wencan also has a legendary treasure in his hands. Once the so-called Shangfang sword is released, there will be no brothers from then on.


Xiong Wencan, who was sitting in the hall at the moment, really wanted to invite his brother... Shang Fangjian, to cut off the dog's head on the neck of the chattering guy in front of him.

Who is this guy?Lin Shudi, Tong Zhi of Fuzhou Prefecture.

Xiong Wencan was originally in a good mood.

The conversation with Cao Chuan last night allowed Old Xiong to get enough promises from both public and private aspects, and some of them even exceeded his expectations, which made him very happy.

Unexpectedly, Cai Shanji, the Zuo Buzheng envoy, brought him another surprise this afternoon.

Before this, Lao Cai had only vaguely expressed his opposition to recruiting Zheng Zhilong—after all, it was he, Xiong, who was in charge of this matter, and Lao Cai couldn't say much about it.

Today, Cai Shanji wore a full set of ceremonial guards to show his attitude in the Fuya lobby.He is now expressing his attitude to Governor Xiong Wencan on behalf of all the Fujian gentry and businessmen who disagreed with recruiting Zheng Zhilong.

...Lao Cai has the exclusive right to commemorate matters. Today's conversation will soon be reported to the capital.

What about Xiong Wencan?Xiong Wencan is also very happy, this is a sleepy pillow, just in time for the rain!

If it was before last night, Lao Cai came to express his attitude, then Xiong Wencan would feel that Lao Cai was a little abrupt: Is this forcing the palace?Who decides after all?

Overnight, however, the situation was completely different.

Xiong Wencan is now wishing for a strong local force to support his decision to appease the crossing people.

After all, if Lao Xiong recruits Cao Chuan, it is tantamount to overturning the decision made by the court at the beginning; Lao Xiong has to bear political pressure-once he goes through all the affairs and fails, and Zheng Zhilong continues to make trouble, then Lao Xiong can It's completely blamed.

This is also the reason why Old Xiong hesitated again and again and did not dare to make a decision lightly, even though he himself is very optimistic about the power of crossing... He has been optimistic since Hangzhou.

Very good, just in time Cai Shanji, dressed in cremation with lightning, just jumped out so abruptly.

Lao Xiong managed to avoid laughing three times at the time: such an important political decision, Lao Cai must have a memorial, which is tantamount to sharing half of the blame on his head!

In fact, after happily sending Lao Cai away in the afternoon, Lao Xiong even thought up the theme of his memorial... Your Majesty, it’s not Lao Xiong, I’m mentally retarded, look at these local officials in Fujian, and they don’t advocate recruiting Zheng Zhilong Well……

All the good mood was destroyed after seeing Lin Shudi, Tong Zhi of Fuzhou Prefecture.

Lin Shudi rushed to the Yamen in the afternoon, sneaking up to ask for an interview.

Of course Xiong Wencan knew what Lin Shudi was going to say.This person is Zheng Zhilong's mouthpiece in Fuzhou. Since he took office in Fumin, this guy has come to encourage him to recruit the Zheng family more than once.

However, Xiong Wencan couldn't drive this guy away after all, and he couldn't refuse to see him either—wasn't this clearly telling people that he didn't want to appease Old Zheng?

At this critical stage, Old Xiong will naturally not be so brain-twitched as to reveal his plans to the outside world.

So even though Lao Xiong is honored as the governor of a province, he can only suppress the tempting idea of ​​asking flying swords to kill people, and sit in the courtroom expressionlessly, quietly watching this guy pretending to be aggressive——Lin Shudi This guy's professional title is rank five, which happens to be the upper limit of flying sword beheading.

During today's trip, Lin Shudi's latest quotation from Zheng Zhilong is the famous saying in history: "If someone dared to refuse the army, he had no choice but to earn a title. He should serve the imperial court with all his might. Rest easy."

...Xiong Wencan said nothing.

Years of cultivating energy in the officialdom has made him feel extremely angry, but his face is still calm.

The old bear who has been cultivated by a certain force to be gentle and modest, and never seize power has long been a proud and arrogant old bear. Now, facing Zheng Zhilong's outrageous remarks that are clearly coerced by the military and enclosing the southeast, there is no historical forbearance. .

The next moment, the old bear stroked his long beard lightly, with a gentle smile on his face: "I know what Zhilong means. You go back, and there will be news in just a few days."

Lin Shudi left happily.

Today was the first time he saw the smiling face of the old bear, so he was in a good mood. Lin Tongzhi was full of confidence in the future caress at this moment.

Xiong Wencan is also full of confidence in recruiting.

So that night, he met Cao Chuan again, and under Cao Chuan's recommendation, he met the big and round sailing coach Sha Zhengming.

It was the same study room, still bright white solar light, but this time there were 2 more people coming out of the room.

One is Sha Zhengming, and the other is Comrade Emeifeng holding a folding fan—Old Xiong is no longer afraid to show his tendency to appease in front of the most capable staff.

"What a tall man!"

Even though this person was kneeling, the old Xiong couldn't help but gasp when he first saw Sha Zhengming, who was 1 meters tall and covered in tendons in the small study room.

After Sha Zhengming got up, the old Xiong took a closer look at the big monk who was dressed in a monk's robe and kept a straight inch, and admired: "Where did the monk become a monk before he fell into the grass, and eat such a good skin?"

"Hui Fujun, when Zhengming was young, he became a monk in the Baoji Temple of the Pure Land Sect of Siam. Thanks to the strong incense in the temple, he stole a lot of sesame oil from the abbot. Therefore, his body is slightly bigger than others..."

"Hahaha." The three people sitting on the chairs in the room laughed at the same time.

"Sit down and talk." Old Xiong shook his head with a smile at this moment: "What an honest monk."

During the pre-training, Sha Zhengming, who was set as a simple, honest and reckless person, naturally didn't know how to be humble at this time, and sat down on the chair.

"Well, Monk Sha, the army will be reorganized in another day, do you dare to fight that Zheng?" At this time, Xiong Wencan slowly asked the topic of today's meeting.

After Sha Zhengming heard this sentence, his nostrils fluttered, his eyes were used to anger, and he stood up from his chair suddenly: "I will kill Zheng Zhilong like a dog!"


After the playwrights got enough of the drama that night, they quietly retreated from Fuya, leaving behind a gift list and taking away the promise.

Three days later, at the same time in this small study, a major event finally happened in this plane: Xiong Wencan, dressed in an official robe, formally accepted the surrender form of "Cao Chuan" who was kneeling in front of him, and gave it back to Cao Chuan. Sichuan's "Fujian Coastal Defense Guerrilla" affidavit and official seal.

Yes, it is the most formal coastal defense guerrilla report.The people who traveled through did not intend to control Lao Xiong like the old Zheng in history, and asked for another empty title of "Five Tigers Guerrilla General"-except to show that bumpkins know nothing about officialdom, there is no benefit.

... Although the official position of Cao Chuan as a guerrilla will eventually need to be endorsed by the imperial court, since Xiong Wencan, as a senior official in Fujian, has recommended the official position of Cao Pirates, the imperial court will definitely not refuse.

Therefore, from this moment on, Xia Xianze's original plan to appease—the policy of the cross-traveling forces developed with the help of the Ming court's power towards the Ming president, has taken the first step.

And the "slot" plan, which was implemented from Hangzhou before, has come to a perfect conclusion at this moment-Zheng Zhilong still failed to pass the interview in the end, and was stuck at the last hurdle by the crossing crowd.

What will be replaced next will be the "Struggle" plan, which focuses on tactical ambushes and crusade against pirates.The behind-the-scenes heroes who are active in Fuzhou City will die down, and the next stage will be some other time travellers.

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