Lu Ming

Page 63

As for Hamada Yahei, the old Japanese hooligan, after meeting Higashino Kamitoru and Kobayashi Kaoru in Nagasaki, he was surprised to learn that the senior staff had changed. After that, half of the hired thugs were immediately driven away, and all the weapons and swords were replaced with precious metals and sulfur, and happily joined Dongye and the others and returned to Dayuan.

You know, in the original history, it was also in late April 1628. The two ships led by Yahei Hamada came down to the big officers, but they were full of No. 470 thugs and a large number of muskets and swords-this is to find trouble.

After the Dutch realized that something was wrong, they quickly searched Hamada's cabin, confiscated all weapons, and arrested 11 natives of the Xingang Society and two Chinese correspondents on ridiculous charges of treason.

At the same time, the Dutch confiscated the gifts sent by the Japanese general to the people of Xingang. Hamada was then detained in the Dayuan Commercial House, unable to go to Fujian to transport his raw silk back, and was not allowed to leave the country.

As a result, Hamada took the risk and kidnapped Nuiz and his son. After everyone returned to Nagasaki, the Dutch were in a tragedy... Nuiz was detained, closed, and the trade was cut off. In the end, Nuiz's son died in Japan.


Now in the plane of the traveler, a lot of history has been changed.

When Yahei Hamada led the fleet to Oota in late April, what he saw was a bustling and beautiful port.The new masters of the big staff are very powerful. They have transformed this place beyond recognition in a short period of time. It is completely different from the appearance when Hamada left half a year ago...

On top of that, the lords' storehouses were stocked with china, cotton and raw silk, and the masters welcomed the act of trade.

Henceforth, Hamada readily exchanged the precious metals in the cabin with Toru Higashino and the 200 field samurai wage earners for beautifully printed heaven and earth coupons from the crossing crowd.

At the same time, Cai Feiming also saw the diplomatic achievement he most wanted to see from Kobayashi: a copy of the order to sever trade relations between Japan and the Netherlands, signed by the contemporary shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Very well, at this moment, history has miraculously returned to its original position.

So the three book merchants got the reward they deserved: priority trading rights.In other words, as long as there are goods in the big staff's warehouse, they can give priority to selection.

The good news continues to come.

Not long after the Japanese fleet arrived in Ota, a distraught Dutch ship also set off from Nagasaki, carrying members of the trading house and the last batch of goods they had obtained in Japan, to Otao.

After exchanging information with the low-level businessman Majer who stayed behind, the Dutch ship hastily exchanged the goods on board for raw silk and porcelain, and then returned to Batavia on the last north wind... I believe it will not be long When Governor Cohen learns that Benzi turned his face and closed the trade channel, he will consider more carefully: the relationship between the Dutch East India Company and the crossing forces.


Ever since, the three big book businessmen lived in the temporary villa next to the business hall.

The Japanese are not in a hurry now, they will not return depending on the situation until the southwest monsoon begins to blow in mid-to-late May.The difference from previous years is that this year they will come to Dayuan again in July and August... The Japanese are striving to achieve the goal of coming to Dayuan four times a year for trade.

There is no way, there are too many temptations brought to them by the senior officials now.

In addition to the traditional raw silk, porcelain, and cotton cloth, cement, red bricks, and some exquisite straw products are also favorites of the Japanese.

In addition, the latest high-priced glass teapots and glasses produced in the kiln area have also defrauded the Japanese of a lot of heaven and earth coupons.

The Japanese now also know the "point system" launched by the time-travelers.After a few book dealers fiddled with sample kerosene lamps all night in the villa, the bottomless goods like Hamada Yahei strongly expressed the next day: next time I will definitely bring in more wandering samurai and young women for use. Collect points and become VIP.


Wild samurai and women are what the high officials need at the moment.

Women don't need to talk about this.There are too many bachelors in the big officials now, and if things go on like this, huge social conflicts will form, so the time-travelers have been sparing no effort to search for women of childbearing age everywhere, regardless of race and nationality.

The Japanese wild samurai is also a very useful type of work.

In 1549 AD, Catholicism spread to Japan. The first missionary who came to Japan was the Spanish Jesuit Xavier. The Japanese called the Catholicism he introduced as "Chezhidan" or "Gilizhidan".

From the acceptance of Catholicism by the Japanese daimyo in the middle of the 16th century, until the killing of Oda Nobunaga who supported the spread of Catholicism, to the Shimabara Rebellion in the Edo period, and then to the shogunate’s complete ban on religion, there are foreign Catholicism and Japanese Buddhism in the middle. A brutal battle between faiths.

The period of 1628 was the point of intense friction between the shogunate and the Catholic Chetchitan believers.A large number of Chechitan believers were exiled by the shogunate, and various "big martyrs" emerged one after another. All missionaries were expelled, and Catholic daimyos were deprived of titles and seppuku. Hundreds of thousands of Chechitan believers were persecuted to death by the shogunate successively.

At this time, the receiver came.

The reason why Cai Feiming has frequently talked to Japanese businessmen recently is here: Since these Kirichidans can't get along in the local area, the officials welcome the wild samurai among them to come here to work.

The wild samurai is a very good cannon fodder unit.These people are full-time warriors who have been trained for many years. Whether it is fighting will or fighting skills, they are not comparable to the mud-legged people transported from the mainland.

As long as the equipment and weapons are improved for these people, they will conquer the vast world for the passing people. This is a good deal.

In the days to come, these wild samurai wielding great swords will fight the savages in the humid and hot tropical jungle where malaria is born, rob them of food, burn their villages, and use the super high death rate to vacate the cage for the empire. Change the bird, expand the territory.

Chapter 185

Before dinner, Cai Feiming and the three Japanese discussed the details of the future population trade again.

For the Japanese, due to the unique demand for goods from the Daguan side, many cabins should be empty when the Shuyin ship arrives at the port: Dazuan has a wealth of daily necessities here, so he is not interested in the handicrafts brought by the Japanese. .As for precious metals, these commodities are not bulky and do not take up many warehouses.

Now that they have figured out the appetite of the crossing people, the Japanese can use iron ore and sulfur to ballast the tanks, and then fill the empty tanks with some people.

The prices offered by the big staff to the women are quite generous. The most important thing is that the transporter still has "points" to accumulate. In the future, the in-demand products produced in the kiln area will need to be purchased with points.

As for those samurai who can't get along in the mainland, the transmigrating party will also pay the boat fare in advance, which will be deducted from the wages of these people in the future.Therefore, in the future, on the Zhuyin ship of the senior officers, some women with a relatively small number will be given priority, and the remaining seats will be reserved for beggar warriors.


After discussing with a few book dealers, it was getting late, so we broke up.After Cai Feiming came out of the office, he walked straight into the big cafeteria of the business hall.

Since the Chikan villa area on the other side was built, the once crowded dining hall has become deserted.Today is no exception. After Cai Feiming entered the door, he found that there were only a dozen people sitting sparsely inside.

After signaling with Liu Zhe, who was already sitting in the corner, Cai Feiming first went to the window to order two dishes: venison with green pepper and mouse spot in tomato sauce, and then a small pot of Jinpanlu, and then he took the dish and went to Meet Liu Zhe.

"Well, I don't know when I can drink beer. This local wine from the Ming Dynasty is either high or low, and I'm really not used to it." Cai Feiming sat down and saw the small pot of local wine on his dinner plate After that, Liu Zhe started to complain.

"Hurry up, I heard that the barley and hop farms have been planted, so let's keep it going for a few more months." Before Cai Feiming could speak, a dark and strong man with sharp edges and corners said with a smile.

The black man is called Pan Mingzhong, and he is the captain of the newly formed exploration team.

As the pace of a certain force's external expansion became faster and faster, an exploration team with outstanding comprehensive capabilities came into being.The Taipei mission this time is very suitable for the exploration team: low-intensity conflicts, diplomatic contacts, topographic records, and mineral exploration can all be completed by the exploration team.

Pan Mingzhong, who loves adventure, is a senior traveling friend and freelance photographer.Before crossing, this guy often organizes donkey friends to go to various poor places to find death, and take some landscape photos to sell to magazines.

Later, there was a time when the team got lost on the edge of Tibet, and Pan Mingzhong escaped with his own life.Facing the angry family members afterwards, as the organizer, he was really speechless, so after losing all his savings, he planned to go to South America to stay for a few years, so he came to Dayuan.

"Why don't we just order rice and beer, the taste is similar, you guys are just too picky!" Commander Liu began to make fun of the civil servants in charge of the distribution of supplies in the big office.

"It's called rice wine. There's no such thing as rice beer!" Cai Feiming smiled and shook his head: "The main ingredient of the low-grade beer in the supermarket that contains rice is barley. The one mixed with rice is sour and bitter, while the regular barley beer is mellow." Bitter, thanks to the fact that you still drink beer every day, you don’t understand this!”

"I don't even have any low-end goods that are sour and bitter..."

"Rice inventory is highly sensitive information. Lao Xia is staring at one eye when he sleeps, so don't think about it. Brothers, let's wait for the mellow high-end dark beer with peace of mind. It tastes like Bavaria, and it's specially for you time-traveling gentlemen to drink. "

"Hey, what's wrong with the world, cheap goods are even harder to find than genuine ones."

"Ha ha……"

The three chatted and ate, and it didn't take long for the dishes on the table to be wiped out.After finishing the meal, I ordered two more side dishes from the counter, and then poured half a bowl of Ming Dynasty homemade wine for each person, and then we started talking about the business.

It's business, but it's actually a bargain—the exploration team now only has two polished commanders and one ship, and they need to extort some resources from the army and diplomacy before they can set off.

The three discussed for a long time, and finally reached an agreement: the navy will allocate crew and weapons, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will provide native and Spanish translations, and the exploration team will go to Taipei to collect sulfur and survey the distribution of local iron placer and gold mines.


After everything was agreed upon, the three broke up. Cai Feiming hiccupped all the way and went back to the dormitory next to the cafeteria to sleep.

It’s miserable to say that most of the people in the big office, including Cai Feiming, are still waiting for off-plan properties in the second district of the villa on the other side of the Taijiang River... It’s not easy to be a leader, especially in such a weird political atmosphere like a senior official .When assigning a house, you have to be brave, and if you are a beautiful girl, you have to be the first to pick the losers. This is the price of power!

Early the next morning, Cai Feiming first went to the big office for a tour.When he heard at the morning meeting that the mission to Fuzhou would leave tomorrow, Cai Feiming quickly came out of the big office.

After returning to the temporary villa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lao Cai ordered his staff to go down and invite the guests from "Room No. [-]".

Soon, a short, black and thin man came to Cai Feiming's office.

This person's name is Xu Duanwu, and he is a family member of Xu Xinsu, a big businessman/big comprador in the Zhangquan area.


Xu Xinsu, the master of Xu Duanwu, according to the original history, this man was already dead at this point in May 1628.

As one of the culprits behind the collusion between officials, bandits and foreigners and organizing the coalition forces to deal with Zheng Zhilong, Xu Xinsu was supposed to be killed by Lao Zheng who raided Xiamen this month.

Yet history has changed here.

Due to the appearance of the traverser, Xu Da comprador got a warning and some precious intelligence analysis in time - this thing is called hindsight, but for the parties involved, it is nothing more than a guiding light.

Xu Xinsu, who was in the vortex at that time, after listening to the report from his family nephew, even though he was dubious about the analysis of this mysterious force, when he cross-examined his family nephew, he somewhat felt the strength and kindness of the crossing force.

So Xu Xinsu made a different choice than in history: he and Fucai left the crisis-ridden Zhongzuo Institute (Xiamen) and hid in Quanzhou Prefecture.

And not long ago, when Xu Xinsu learned that the imperial court had indeed sent Xiong Wencan to visit Fujian, before Comrade Xu had time to figure out how the cross-travelers knew the news a few months ago, he received another bad news.

...Zheng Zhilong once again led the crowd to raid the Zhongzuo Institute.Xu Xinsu soon learned afterwards that not only were all the shopkeepers and assistants he had left there killed, and the store was burned, but also that Zheng Zhilong's men were digging three feet to find him.

After that, Xu Da's comprador had an epiphany: the time-traveling force must be a chess piece laid by some big boss who can influence the government in advance in Fujian and Guangdong.

Chapter 186 Fuzhou

A person surnamed Xia said: Exclude all impossible conclusions, and the rest, no matter how unbelievable, must be facts.

Well, this person's name is not Xia Xianze, but Charlotte Holmes.

Xu Xinsu, a great businessman in the 17th century, also understood this truth.

Why did the people on Dayuan Island know about Xiong Wencan's visit to Fujian a few months ago?You know, at that time, Yu Zigao, the general soldier of Fujian Province, was not sure whether he had arrived in the capital after eating the memorial of Zheng Zhilong's defeat.

After Xu Xinsu ruled out all the possibilities, he finally came to the conclusion that there was a big boss in the court who could influence the government and wanted to do something wrong, so he preempted the cloth in the southeast corner in advance.

...Xu Xinsu's official position in the system is the position of the head of the coastal defense, a big position that was bought with money.At this moment, when he found out that his family had the opportunity to hug the thick legs of a certain boss in the court, this was like a blessing from heaven to Xu Bazong, who was being hunted down by Zheng Zhilong all over the map.

After thinking about this point, Xu Da comprador shouted: Heaven will not kill me!

Therefore, Xu Xinsu immediately made two actions.

First of all, he assigned his confidant Xu Duanwu to sail from Quanzhou in a handy 200 material Fu boat and go straight to Dayuan.In order to avoid pirates, the ship increased its speed, and only some raw silk was loaded in the cabin, and there was no other cargo.

After Xu Duanwu arrived at Dayuan, he made it clear that these raw silks were owed to the Dutch by his lord at the beginning, and that in the future, all these owed goods will be handed over to the Taoists one after another.

Next, Xu Duanwu will not leave, and he will wait for further instructions from the traveler in Dayuan Island: the thank you written by Xu Xinsu + vote integrity, which has been handed over to Cai Feiming before.

As for Xu Xinsu himself, on the second day of Xu Duanwu's departure, he organized a manpower, took a large amount of gold and silver, and went north to Fuzhou to hibernate according to the previous instructions of the traverser.


Cai Feiming called Xu Duanwu over today to inform him to make preparations: the envoy ship will leave tomorrow, and there will be a bed for Xu Duanwu on board.As for what Xu Duanwu should do when he returns to Fuzhou, someone will naturally tell him during the journey.

After Cai Feiming and Xu Duanwu briefly explained the situation, they took him to the door of an office in the southeast corner of the business hall. After knocking on the door and handing over Xu Duanwu, nothing happened to Cai Feiming.

The person who received Xu Duanwu was surnamed Tang, and he was an amiable middle-aged man.This middle-aged man called himself Tang Qi. In fact, his real name was Tang Mude, but he just used an alias in front of Ming people——Tang Qi is the director of the Operations Department of the Intelligence Bureau, and one of the three Musketeers of the mission, who is in charge of information communication. , Information transfer.

After a brief chat with Xu Duanwu, I sent him back to prepare - various mission briefings and so on, I will naturally have time to go into details when I get on the ship, now everyone should hurry up and prepare their luggage.


In the early morning of the next day, the team took the "Ruian" ship to refit the blessing boat, headed north from Dayuan, and headed straight for Fuzhou.

In addition to Zhang Dongdong, the fake Cao Chuan, there are 2 traversers in the mission.Tang Qi from the intelligence department is one, and the other is Sha Zhengming.

Sha Zhengming is a big man with a cropped cut.This man is big and round, with a fierce look on his face. He used to be a sailing instructor.Since the travel time was relatively late, this gentleman, as a representative of the navy, was pushed out to be the leader of the pirates.

Sha Zhengming's superficial occupation is Cao Chuan's general in command of elite pirates.In order to explain the soldier's hair in front of Xiong Wencan, Sha Zhengming was set up as a monk's grass template-the leader is a monk, so it is reasonable to have monks and soldiers under his command.

After setting off from Dayuan, the Rui'an headed north along the coastline of Taiwan, and then turned to cross the strait after seeing Fuguijiao in Taipei.

Due to the unsuitable wind direction, it took the Rui'an four days to cross the strait this time and arrived at the area around Lianjiang County in later generations.

Lianjiang County in the isolated sea is a part of the Matsu Islands. After seeing this place, the Rui'an began to turn its sails and sail to the southwest. At noon the next day, from the bow of the ship, the mouth of the Minjiang River could already be seen the size of the island.

Entering from the mouth of the Minjiang River, passing through large and small islands along the way, passing Mawei Island, you can see the Fuzhou Plain.


The Fuzhou Plain was still a bay 5000 years ago. 2500 years ago, the sea level gradually dropped, and only then did the silt layer in the Fuzhou Basin be exposed.Including the famous Yushan, Wushan, and Pingshan in later generations, these places were all small islands before the Shang and Zhou dynasties, so Fuzhou has many place names named after "yu".

With the natural expansion of the Fuzhou Plain for thousands of years, the Fuzhou City located on it has also kept pace with the times, and has been continuously expanded by the people of Fujian who lack plains.Starting from a small Yecheng city in the Han Dynasty, it has undergone many additions, and up to the moment when the crossing people came to the city, the outer wall of Fuzhou City has already wrapped the Jiuxian Mountain and other areas.

After bypassing Mawei Island, which is equipped with artillery and fortresses, it went upstream along the North Minjiang River that was split by Cangshan Island. At 5:[-] pm, the Rui'an finally arrived at the Minjiang Wharf outside Fuzhou City.

As the capital of Bamin, Fuzhou City is naturally extremely prosperous.Outside the south gate is a row of wharves made of rough wood, lined up along the Minjiang River.There are many masts and sails on the surface of the river, and boats shuttle back and forth; people walk like ants on the pier, and workers are like clouds. Outside the south gate, there are many streets and alleys along the river bank.

The Ryan was finally the anchor under the wharf of the "Hong".

The "Hong" wharf is a civilian wharf.Originally, according to the identity of the Rui'an, it could be parked directly at the official pier, but this time the mission is going secretly, and there are many pirate gangs in Fuzhou City, so it is better to be honest and park at the unremarkable civilian pier Bar.

At this time, already waiting for Zhang Dongdong and his party on the Hongzi Pier was Song Jia, the head of the Fuzhou Station of the Intelligence Bureau.

The layouts of Fuzhou Station and Hangzhou Station are similar.

There was also a semi-public high-ranking businessman who came to attract firepower, and Song Jia, the station master, was hiding in the dark as a Hangzhou grocery businessman and grasped the overall situation.

After the Rui'an dropped anchor, Song Jia, who was wearing a plain robe, walked onto the ship from the gangway in a short time.

The stern cabin is busy at the moment: including radar and other equipment, all electronic instruments have to be disassembled and packaged, packed into a special moisture-proof box, and then hidden in the lower cabin.

The Rui'an will stay outside the south gate of Fuzhou for quite a few days. There are people coming and going on the pier, and ghosts and snakes from all walks of life will often come and go in and out of the stern cabin which is equivalent to an office, so the equipment must be hidden... Anyway, there is a radio station at Fuzhou station, and there is no shortage This one on board.

There was no time for a few people to greet each other, so everyone started to pack all the instruments according to the trained procedures, and then moved them into the dark compartment under the deck by hand, and that was the end.

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