Lu Ming

Page 53


Shopkeeper Duan was trembling with anger.

Deyue Tower has been in business for more than ten years, and there has never been a scene where rebellious people make a scene like today.Even Bai Ding, a servant from one prefecture and two counties in Hangzhou, did not dare to come to the Yuelou to make noise. Occasionally, a blind idler would come to make noise, and a piece of film was handed into the yamen, and the people were locked away.

As for the beggars begging for food in front of the door, in storekeeper Duan's memory, the leftovers were given away with a few copper coins-the members of the beggar gang usually have winks, and they know who has a high threshold and cannot be messed with.

However, today's release wiped out the psychological advantages that shopkeeper Duan had accumulated over the years.Shopkeeper Duan was trembling all over at the moment, mostly from anger, but also from fear.


The guards appeared soon, and the Duan family film was quite useful.However, the two guards who came today are a little weak: they don't have the apprentices and white servants who are necessary when they go to the police on weekdays.

The officer of Renhe County, full of yellow teeth and like a matchstick, went to the scene to have a look. Without saying a word, he would bring the villain to justice with a flick of the chain.

However, since this generation is called a "villain", how can it be so easy to catch?Amidst the laughter of the crowd, the two filthy humanoid creatures grabbed the chains around their necks with their hands, rolled around on the ground, and yelled angrily: "The leg was broken! Deyuelou killed someone!" !"


Since the New Deal of the Beggar Gang, the traditional functions of various halls have been gradually castrated, and the newly designated halls are transforming into refugee detention centers with a single function.

For all kinds of old low-level projects, only the main hall has the right to send special personnel to operate them.

And at the moment, they are performing a snake-like walk in front of the gate of Deyue Tower. These two rascals who have obviously practiced their crawling skills to MAX were specially dispatched from the main hall this morning. These people have a special name in the gang : "ground flat snake".

... After entering the arena, the aggressive Renhe County officer, who had already done his posture well, went downhill at this moment, put on a guilty face of helplessness towards the villains, and smiled at the shopkeeper Duan.

Of course, evil prevails, and the two villains were finally taken away.

Shopkeeper Duan had no choice but to offer a reward in public.However, all kinds of idlers and rogues who are usually desperate for money on weekdays, except for booing outside the arena, no one came out to receive the reward.

In the end, only his own family can go out.

After all the rewards were distributed to the clerks, a group of clerks in high-end restaurants who wore Songjiang muslin gowns all over their bodies and emphasized cleanliness and tidiness on weekdays, endured the stench, rushed forward with all hands and feet, and pressed the two rotten bastards in the temporary looking room. Comes on the door panel, tied firmly.

After that... the man covered in feces covered his mouth and nose with the standard moon white cloth rag, and raised the door panel amidst the climax of cheers and applause from the onlookers. The stench was emitted along the way, and he followed the guards back to the county government office...

Shopkeeper Duan, who was already red-eyed, became more and more angry when he saw the distinguished guests of the restaurant fleeing one after another. He saw him cross Hefang Street in three steps and two steps, and pointed at the few people who were chatting and laughing at the small table at the entrance of the teahouse. Cursed: "What a bastard, you dare to come to my Duan's house to make trouble, you surnamed Hu, carefully watch your skin, it will be peeled off tomorrow!"

After a loud bang, Shopkeeper Duan stopped talking.

Hu Zhengqi shook the tea in his hand, looked at the tea bowl that fell under the shopkeeper Duan's feet, and then said with a smirk: "Old Duan, you must be blind, didn't you just arrest the troublemaker? There is no evidence to frame goodness, hehe, if you can't peel my skin tomorrow, we still have to get close!"

Hu Zhengqi's sudden vicious attitude made shopkeeper Duan, who was used to putting on a light show, at a loss as to what to do. He staggered back a few steps, pointed at Hu Zhengqi, turned his head and left.


That night, coordinate Duanfu.

With a "snap", Shopkeeper Duan's tea bowl was smashed for the second time today.Kneeling on the ground paved with water-polished green bricks, looking down at the broken porcelain and tea in front of him, shopkeeper Duan has ten thousand grass-mud horses running past in his heart at this moment...

"Idiot! You bastard!" Duan Tiande, the second owner of the Duan family and a veteran Jinshi, was yelling at this moment.

"What are you fooling around with all day long? Is lard fooled? There are thousands of dead dogs inside and outside the beggar gang, and things like dung buckets. No one can hide in a hurry. You are fine, 20 taels of silver ? Enough for a meal?"

The more Duan Tiande scolded, the more angry he became: "You only know how to send posts. How big is the face of the Duan family? Thousands of dead dogs can be caught by the yamen, or can the Duan family send troops into the city? Do you want to seek rebellion? You idiot!"


It's mid-morning the next day.

Familiar seats by the window, familiar people, familiar dish of ghee and snails.

The smiling Master Hu swallowed the snails in his mouth, cleared his throat with a sip of tea, and then raised a finger: "20 taels of silver per month."

Shopkeeper Duan, who was downcast and ashamed, could only nod feebly aside.

"There's another one." Seeing that shopkeeper Duan's clothes were softening, Hu Zhengqi continued righteously at this moment: "Two brothers broke their legs in front of Deyue Tower yesterday. down."

Shopkeeper Duan nodded expressionlessly.

"Chenghui 200 taels." When Master Hu said this, he stood up and patted the shoulder of the tent next to him: "From today onwards, Luo San'er will come to collect the 'scavenging' money in Hefang Street at the beginning of the month. Dare to lose a penny, and you will live in peace every day!"

... After Master Hu finished speaking, he picked up the half plate of buttered snails on the table with a smile, turned around and walked out the door, and said in his mouth: "This plate is also included as a gift today, Deyuelou Family Great cause."

Shopkeeper Duan's face turned pale and pale at the moment, without saying a word, he stared at Master Hu and walked out of the shop.


After Deyuelou, the largest walnut in Hefang Street, was smashed open, the example was set successfully, and the rest of the shops were not as tough as Duan's, so they naturally had no interest in resisting.So starting from Hefang Street, the beggar gang's action of collecting money for "scavenging" spread throughout the whole city of Hangzhou.

Like many things that the cross-travelers do in this plane, the natives don't understand at the beginning, resist, and then taste the benefits, the process is usually very fast.It didn't take long for the shopkeepers who felt the various hidden benefits from the "quietness" on the street to no longer make irresponsible remarks about this policy.

The government was also very satisfied - Zhou Tong had promised the government some kind of governance effect before taking action, and now it has actually manifested.

Zhou Tong, the gang leader, is essentially an employee of Time Travel Company and the branch manager of the Beggar Gang.Under corporate management, most of the beggar gang's funds have been effectively used as public funds, and have not been turned into hidden silver in the cellar of the gang leader's house.

It is different from the gang leaders who lived behind closed doors before.At the government level, since the beginning of his tenure, Zhou Tong has frequently taken the initiative to attack under the guidance of the traverser: while using money to clear the way, he deliberately strengthened the communication between the two sides. Zhou Tuantou has always been quite cooperative in public and private matters with respect to the demands of the gentlemen. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the latest leader of the beggar gang has reached an unprecedented height in terms of public-private relations with the first prefecture and the second county of Hangzhou.

This is also the reason why the beggar gang can easily launch the "Clean Street" operation: they have done their homework before, and when it is time to act, Zhou only needs to enter the back door of each government office after dark, put down the gift, and then sincerely give My lord analyzes the cause, effect and benefits of this matter. The prefect Liu and the two county magistrates who have become friends will definitely nod and acquiesce in his action-try and you won't get pregnant.

The performance of the Renhe county government servants in front of Deyue Tower clearly showed the government's attitude on this matter.

Nowadays, the government has quickly tasted the benefits of "cleaning the streets": Except for a row of old and weak beggars sitting neatly in the designated place, the rest of the young and strong who can cause trouble are said to have been restrained in the city by Zhou Tuantou. In some dilapidated temples outside, some wild vegetable pancakes are distributed every day to survive.

From Queens to Manhattan overnight, this huge contrast in environment and law and order can be felt by individuals.Including the praise from the most important wealthy households, this information will soon be fed back to the Yamen, and "the roads are peaceful, the seas and rivers are clean, and the government is smooth and the people are harmonious."

After this incident, a virtuous circle formed between Zhou Tong and the government: I acquiesce in your work, you give me money and achievements, and I will support you in what you want to do next.As for some "rumors" about human trafficking, I don't think I can hear them here-anyway, refugees from other places will always flock to the city, and no one knows how many of these people there are.

...The perfect implementation of the Street Cleaning Plan has given the traversing forces another insurance for delaying the transfer of population in Hangzhou City.Encouraged, Lu Cheng and Zhou Tong began to discuss another plan in the past two days.

Chapter 165

Beggar's follow-up plan is about shit.

Throughout history, farming peoples have attached great importance to excrement, and there are countless related records: "Human and animal excrement and stove ashes and foot mud are useless. Once they enter the field, they will be turned into cloth and millet."

The well-developed planting industry in the Jiangnan area also gave birth to the birth of the original urban and rural manure collection system.

As early as the Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou had dedicated personnel to collect and transport urban human excrement.Hangzhou "has a lot of household registrations, small houses in the streets and alleys, most of them have no pit toilets, only toilets, and people dump their own excrement every day, which is called 'dumping their feet'... There are also boats carrying garbage and excrement, which become The group moved away."

... This is the Song Dynasty, and there were already primitive excrement distributors "dung masters" and primitive express delivery "dung boats".

By the Ming Dynasty, the collection and transportation of manure in Hangzhou City had been greatly improved. "The person who carries the dung load, emptying the toilet for other women every day, no longer has the slightest hatred, only hates the lack of goods in the toilet", and in the city, "there are cesspit (public toilet) beside the road."This kind of dung cellar is often leased to rich peasants in the countryside, who regard it as a "fundamental matter".


Lu Cheng and Zhou Tong's idea was on this.

In the current period of time, the private dung industry has evolved to the top, and later in the Qing Dynasty, there will be guilds "Golden Juice" in cities.

With guilds, there will be large dealers, and this situation will continue until the Republic of China.Yu Deshun, a famous dung factory owner at that time, owned 1500 mu of fertile land, had more than 100 properties in the capital, and had deposits in banks from various countries...

The Beiping Municipal Government wanted to ban the "shit tyrants", but was surrounded by 1500 dung men wielding dung spoons... nothing happened.It wasn't until the founding of New China that this group of people was crushed by the iron fist of the dictatorship.

The excrement business fits so well with the beggar gang. It can not only settle a large number of refugees, but also improve the urban environmental sanitation and provide government achievements. Discuss the implementation plan.

Now that the conditions are ripe, the beggar gang began to mobilize manpower again when the "cleaning the street" operation was progressing smoothly, and began to promote the "comprehensive fertilizer utilization" project.

First of all, it is still the courtesy first.

All the "public toilets" along the street began to be forcibly purchased by the various halls of the beggar gang.Those "big pit masters" and even the "second pit masters" who were subcontracted by others were beaten violently if they disobeyed.

In fact, the ownership of these public toilets was originally owned by the government, and everyone was fighting for the original "lease contract".As for the county government?The county government only cares about whether the monthly rent is paid or not, and doesn't ask about other things.

As a result, the "pit masters" from all walks of life, who are weak and weak, can only wipe away the blood from the corners of their mouths, and sell the deed paper in their hands to the beggar gang with hatred.


Next is the "channel".

The real gentry would not take part in such a stinking business.Grain, silk, cloth and other high-end businesses are where the gentry gather. As for the excrement industry, any official and lord will be ashamed to death if he is laughed at by his colleagues.The business that the gentry class intervenes usually requires strong contacts and large amounts of liquidity. The pawnshop has a bad reputation, but the lucrative industry is already the bottom line of the gentry.

The existing "fertilizer" purchase and sales channels in Hangzhou are very scattered and unplanned.The sites were formed in the original competition over the years, and they were roughly divided by streets and alleys.And the owners of these channels are the same as those brothers who fought in the vegetable market, station, and wholesale market in later generations. In the 17th century, these people were called local ruffian bullies, street cleaners, and broken boots.

Here comes the biggest bully of all time.

The first is outside the city.At the foot of Phoenix Mountain, there is a leeward field, which has been purchased by the beggar gang at some time and transformed into a dung farm.There is a collapsed Wei Tuo temple on this wild land, so the manure field is called Wei Tuo field.

Recently, all dung boats coming out of the city have been intercepted on the moat—the cargo on the boats must be unloaded to Wei Tuochang.

The beginning is when the cargo is unloaded: these ships that hold the channel of "fertilizer to the countryside" are important resources and cannot be let go.All the ships were then registered one by one, the owners of the ships were unified and reorganized, and the vain money for the shares was also stuffed into the hands. This is called forced shareholding.

After surveying the usual activity areas of these ships, the newly established "fertilizer company" began to divide each ship into areas.From now on, these dung boats can only go to a fixed area in Hangzhou City to collect manure, and then come to Wei Tuo Yard to unload. Next, the dung boats will receive fertilizer fermented with the temperature control technology of later generations in Wei Tuo Yard, and then pull it to the designated area. village sales.

As for the gang of dung tyrants in the city, when the beggar gang released the wind, everyone was going to check the direction of the wind first.

However, within a few days, Li Xiucai died in a cesspit by the roadside.

Li Xiucai, on weekdays, arranges lawsuits, sells usury, buys and sells prostitutes, and occupies the dung road. In short, his business scope is very wide.

When rumors spread that the beggar gang wanted to "unify" the excrement roads everywhere, Li Xiucai, who was used to lawsuits on weekdays, suddenly had a brain hole, so he started running around Goulian secretly these days, planning to contact a gang of " "Dung Friends" went to the government to file a letter, rushing to set up a "dung shop" before the beggar gang, and first established a foothold in the law.

As a result, Li Xiucai died, in a cesspit not far from his house.

Li Xiucai inserted it vertically into the pit in a standard "upside-down onion" posture. After the appraisal, the foreman in Qiantang County said that it was "falling into the pit by mistake".

As for how Li Xiucai jumped up like a fish swimming in the air with the waist and abdomen strength of Guo Jingjing, and then turned around and plunged vertically into the cesspit only a few tens of centimeters away from several sides, this is unknown—maybe Li Xiucai It is unknown whether he is a fan of half-meter platform diving, or maybe he is a hidden ancient martial arts heir.

In short, Li Xiucai in the south of the city failed to fulfill his ambitions and fell into a pit. His friends in the torture room also helped him identify the case, and his family members expressed their emotional stability.

After Li Xiucai in the south of the city, hei Taisui in the north of the city.

Hei Taisui is a tyrant in the martial arts sect in the north of the city, and he has twenty or thirty strong rogues under his command. On weekdays, he gathers to gamble, set up cards to pass the water, and also does "traveling" business.

So, there are always men in the world.When the heroes from all walks of life in Beicheng died down and all the horses and horses in the rivers and lakes were silent, after Hei Taisui learned that these bastards were going to rob the dung road on his site, he gathered all the people and horses on the same day, and gathered more than 60 elites who had seen blood. Entered the small school grounds.

The small school yard is in the middle of the Baoen and Baohe workshops inside the Wulin Gate. In the early years, soldiers were stationed there, but now it has long been deserted and weeds are everywhere. It is the common entrance of the two workshops of the Beggar Clan.

In Hei Taisui's calculations, he has an advantage in terms of military strength--there are thirty or forty fighters in the mouth of the beggar gang on weekdays. It's a scum of war, and Bai Taisui doesn't regard this generation as a human being.

Then Hei Taisui died.

The war scumbags who fed animals into the water, miscellaneous grains, rice, and boiled radishes for three meals a day rushed forward with a roar and raised their bamboo poles. Hei Taisui and the others instantly fell into the vast ocean of the people's war.

How about the overall quality of the beggar gang is declining now: these refugees who are used to fighting for water and land in the countryside are not as measured as the people in the city, and their quality is too poor - when Hei Taisui was finally pulled When it came out, it was already out of human form...

Hei Taisui, the number one hero in Wulinmen, paid a heavy price for helping his neighbors empty the toilet.


The big brothers on the road can see clearly: if you don’t admit it, you’re afraid it won’t work. It’s better to sell the dung road for two dollars and pocket it.There is no way, the collusion with the government and various rogue tricks that these people usually rely on are effective in bullying ordinary people, but they cannot be used when they encounter the beggar gang.

The beggar gang is now operating as a company. The yamen in one prefecture and two counties don't talk about official business, but only talk about personal relationships. Zhou Tong was also an unprecedented top-notch filial family.How those pharmaceutical companies in the later generations dealt with the head nurses in the hospital is how Zhou Tong dealt with officials at all levels.

As for those quack tricks, there is no need to mention: Li Xiucai and Hei Taisui were killed by two soft and hard tricks without even seeing Zhou Tuantou in person.

Since then, the beggar gang's plan to acquire the city's excrement roads has been carried out smoothly, and Zhou Tong's promise to the government's performance projects has also begun to be implemented.

After unifying the feces channels in the whole city, in fact, anyone who has ever done the wholesale of instant noodles, beverages and other small commodities in the future will know how to set up the next step, divide the area, and arrange sales representatives to maintain the market.

Lu Cheng, the channel master who had sold Yun Bi and Master Geng, was naturally relaxed and happy in this regard.There is now a huge regional planning map in the main rudder of the beggar gang. Every cesspit and the number of toilets in every street are carefully marked.Whether it is the courier brother carrying the dung bucket or the district manager rowing the dung boat, they are all pawns on the picture now.

At the same time, the first batch of fifty dry toilets also went up.There are previous open-air cesspit reconstructions, and there are also new ones at selected sites—one of Zhou’s promised political achievements.

The second achievement is the garbage dump.

Public welfare undertakings, including burying corpses, disposing of urban garbage, and night shifts, were originally contracted by the beggar gang's half-dead staff; now, under the guidance of the traversers, a large number of refugees who have been raised will participate energetically. To the work of cleaning up urban garbage.

It is the 17th century now, let alone those cities in London and Paris that were built on dunghills. In fact, the cities in the north, including the capital, are not the same as those in foreign countries.

The situation in southern cities like Hangzhou is better, but it is also limited: huge amounts of garbage can be seen everywhere in the city, and the poor administrative management capabilities of the government are the main culprits that cause frequent plagues everywhere.

And these garbage are essentially fertilizers - there was no non-degradable petroleum and plastic in the 17th century, and the garbage dumps in the city, except for the soil, are some organic matter.You know, this is an era when firewood needs to be bought with money, and cloth ends are used to cover the soles of shoes. The garbage dump, in the eyes of the traversers, is more like a compost heap of decomposed soil.

In fact, the Wei Tuo field outside the city, which is equipped with temperature probes, is already hungry and thirsty.

Chapter 166 Buyer Era

In the south of the Yangtze River in the Song Dynasty, most of the human manure was applied directly on the fields.But in the Yuan Dynasty, farmers have generally used the method of decomposing, "put bricks on the head of the field, and use them after they are ripe in the cellar."

However, the natural decomposing method is too time-consuming, usually more than half a year.

In the Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan began to use the "steaming method".When the weather warms up in winter, dig deep pools to collect dung, close it for retting, cover it with soil, close the door, and let it heat and rot in the house.The resulting cooked manure is also called "steamed manure".

In addition, some "boiling manure methods", "simmering manure methods" and "pit manure methods" during the Ming and Qing Dynasties are all secondary processing technologies developed spontaneously by the folks in order to accelerate the decomposition of fertilizers.However, in the final analysis, these are all scattered and manual operations without technical standards, and the quality and output cannot be guaranteed.

Now that the beggar gang has dominated the manure industry in Hangzhou and integrated the raw material transportation channels, the Weituo manure field outside the city can exert the power of industrialized production of farmyard manure.

A large amount of excrement and municipal waste soil are first piled up in the manure field.

All kinds of human and animal manure and green manure such as straw will be piled up in proportion. The most important thing here is to adjust the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio: generally speaking, it is 30:1, that is, there must be 30 parts of carbon source for every part of nitrogen.

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