Lu Ming

Page 5

But black also has the advantage of being black, at least covering up his current complexion.Although he didn't look in the mirror, he knew that his face would definitely be ugly.

President Zhou turned around and sat on the top seat in the middle. He looked at the seven or eight big and small leaders who were sitting or standing in the lobby at the moment, and then said slowly, "Everyone is here, third child, let's talk."

Chu Jianli slowly began to speak: "The Liu family mule team arrived in the afternoon yesterday, and the brothers were busy loading the goods, and they finished their work in the afternoon. I have to go back to the mountain before I speak, and I don't want to have more than [-] people in Baizhuang crossed the line , I didn't have time to ask questions, and the opposite side drew a knife and rushed over, and there was a melee between two times. We lost two brothers and injured a few."

After listening to Zhou Tong, he asked again, "The night you spent in Hengtang?"

"Yes, it was already dark at that time, and the serious and minor injuries had to be treated. They went up the mountain overnight for fear of an ambush, so the whole group retreated to Hengtang, and returned to the mountain this morning."

"Did you send someone to report last night?"

"Originally sent Ding Wu to report the letter," Chu Jianli shook his head with a wry smile: "I didn't expect to find this guy on the way this morning, fell his foot, and brought it back together."

Chapter 13 Preparing for War and Famine

When Zhou Tong heard this, he got up and paced, and the others didn't speak. The lobby was quiet, only the sound of pacing back and forth.

After a while, Zhou Tong stopped, sat back in his chair, his face gloomy, and said loudly: "Bai Shouhu probably took aphrodisiac, and he only fought a fight two months ago, and now he is picking up trouble. Well, no matter what. What kind of calculus is this bastard playing, let’s find the place first, then if two brothers die, we can’t be kind anymore.”

Speaking of this, Zhou Tong's eyes were much sharper, and he turned to look at Chen Huoding, who stood up abruptly: "I'll take people down the mountain, and I'll make those chops look good!"

Zhou Tong said seriously: "Listen well, take 40 people down the mountain first, sit firmly in Hengtang, and keep the wind far away. If you see Baizhuang people in the past few days, you will kill them, but don't cross the border, be careful of being ambushed. The rest I will leave someone to guard the mountain for me, and I will send someone to you in two days, and also, take two bags of sea salt brought by Mr., and dozens of people will eat and drink, which will cost a lot of money."

Chen Huoding clenched his fists: "Got it."

Zhou Tong looked at Chu Jianli again: "I dispatched people to the back of the mountain to report a letter, and some people came to guard the mountain, and they picked rice and game to exchange for salt."

Chu Jianli also stood up and clasped his fists. Zhou Tong looked at Lu again and asked, "The accountant will open a warehouse to pay for the salt and rice. I'll take a look at the wounded number when I have time. I will bring the body to the burial in person."

After Zhou Tong was assigned, several people went out to do errands one after another. Cao Chuan squeezed his stomach a little, stood up and bowed to Zhou Tong: "Since there is something in the village, staying here is also a mess, so let's do his homework. "

Zhou Tong didn't expect Cao Chuan to be of any help. It was also polite to invite him to sit in. He had something to do right now, so he said goodbye after saying a few polite words.

Cao Chuan followed behind and walked out. There was already a mess in front of the door. The people shouting and mobilizing before the war were lively. He bowed his head and walked around the two corpses, and someone walked silently to his hut.

There were still 20 meters away from the house on the top of the mountain, and his stomach finally started to rebel. Cao Chuan hugged a small tree and began to vomit.Fortunately, everyone was at the foot of the mountain, so there was no need to worry about anything. After finishing the work, I felt much more comfortable. I staggered into the house, rinsed my mouth with a ladle of water, and fell on the bed.

Just before noon he was in a state of complacency.To paraphrase a line: It won't take long to make a fortune by selling stones, become the chief executive officer, serve as the chief designer, guide the lost gangsters, and reach the pinnacle of life... In fact, Mr. Cao has been very excited these two days.

Unexpectedly, before the grand business opened, he was smoked and vomited by two bloody corpses.

There is a vast world, without any scruples, whoever he wants to cut can be cut. From this moment on, Cao Chuan has really come into contact with the real side of this world.

"It's still too simplistic to think about the Ming Dynasty." His body was uncomfortable, but his mind was much clearer. When the incident today stimulated him, he realized that it would not be so easy to be a local tyrant in this Ming Dynasty. There is a I didn't pay much attention to it before, in fact, the very important gun barrel problem needs to be solved first.

After thinking about it over and over, he fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up, he took out his mobile phone and saw that it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. When he woke up, he felt much better, but there was still a slight tingling in his stomach.

It's funny when you think about it. When you were on the set, which play didn't die a few times?As a result, he knelt down as soon as he encountered a real corpse today. Is this retribution?

Open the door, blow the refreshing mountain wind, take a breath of fresh air, look around in front of the door for a while, and shout at the small bamboo house not far away: "Zhao Si!"

Zhao Si ran out when he heard the sound and saw Cao Chuan standing at a high place waiting for him. He smiled and jumped up a few steps, pretending to cross his hands: "Do you have any orders, sir?"

Cao Chuan asked loudly, "What are the heads of the family doing?"

"The uncle and the third master are burying people behind the mountain, and the accountant is making medicine for the wounded."

Cao Chuan nodded, since everyone was busy, it would be better not to disturb him.

But at this moment, he found that he had nothing to do, so he asked Zhao Si to take him around the mountain to familiarize himself with the terrain, and to see that the sky was getting dark, before going back to his room.Zhao Si turned his head to go to the kitchen to cook for him, but he grabbed him and told him, "I have some accumulated food today, and I want to eat something light, just plain porridge with vegetables..."

There was no entertainment at night, so I slept early, and the night passed. I called Zhao Si up early in the morning to ask, and learned that Zhou Tong and others were patrolling the mountain, so Cao Chuan didn’t bother, and he was at Qingshitai until noon. Meet Zhou Tong and Chu Jianli.

Chu Jianli saw that he seemed to be a little restrained, afraid that he would find out his origin later. Cao Chuan smiled and ignored him, and directly asked Zhou Tong what was going on in Baizhuang, but he came to kill someone when he had nothing to do.

Zhou Tong is a long talker. Since Mr. wants to hear it, he will tell him about ancient times today.

More than [-] miles east from Pingfengzhai down the mountain, is Baizhuang, which is stuck in the middle of Pingfengzhai and Lin'an County.The leader of Baizhuang is called Bai Shouhu, a group of people who specialize in unfunded transactions on the rivers and lakes. Within a hundred miles, this Baizhuang is the number one scourge.

Looking at the slightly raised corners of Cao Chuan's mouth, Zhou Tong understood what Cao Chuan meant. You, a bandit leader, have the nerve to say that others are a scourge...

Zhou Tong laughed and turned his head to let the third shopkeeper continue to explain to Cao Chuan.

Chu Jianli looked like a businessman. He was a businessman when he spoke, and he gave his words. After some introduction, Cao Chuan understood the current situation.

This Baijiazhuangzi has been passed down to the hands of Baishou households for several generations. Before, it was no different from the old folks in the vicinity. They recruited tenants to collect rent, and occasionally harassed passing merchants to make extra money. Compared with the Pingfengzhai in previous years Come on, Bai Zhuang is considered a gentle family.

Who would have known that Tiangong is not beautiful. In recent years, there have been continuous floods, and after the floods, droughts have occurred. Western Zhejiang is a mountainous area. Once the mountain torrents passed, the mountain fields were damaged, and the tenants were also washed away.

Misfortunes never come singly. A few years ago, the Bai family suffered another epidemic. Mr. and Mrs. Bai died of illness. The eldest son Bai Shouhu took over the family business at the age of 28. The second son also died of illness. The third son Bai Shouye disappeared after that.

After this Chairman Bai took office, he felt a lot of pain and decided to change the direction of business. The industry was not easy to do, so he changed his line of business to become a channel.

Baijiazhuang is close to the official road and has a good geographical location. After Chairman Bai changed his career, he recruited desperate people, dismissed tenants, contacted small green forest enterprises, set up cards to kidnap tickets, forced buying and selling, and did not own business. During the years, the transformation was successful, and Baijiazhuang became a well-known local toll station with more than [-] business backbones and seven or eight wanted experts.

The irony is that Pingfengzhai, an old-fashioned toll station, has successfully transformed itself into a local product processing enterprise mainly exporting dried camellia medicinal materials...

This situation was suddenly reversed. In recent years, the Bai family gang robbed business travelers, tied up meat tickets, sold smuggled salt, and frequently committed crimes in the surrounding roads, and they were in the limelight for a while.

Chapter 14 Two Baskets of Stones

Doing so has the tendency to overturn the broader market. According to Chu Jianli, if you have robbed all the merchants, who will Lao Tzu sell to?

Therefore, this Baishouhu is mentally ill, a strange flower, a heresy, and a cancer that destroys the stability and unity of the neighborhood, so Pingfengzhai was quickly absorbed by the surrounding old money gangs, and everyone reached a consensus to swear against Baizhuang. Conflict...

After two years of fighting and killing, blood is often seen. After the fight, the bosses will come out and talk about the number.

When Cao Chuan heard this, he also sighed with emotion. The seemingly peaceful stockade had only a few lives in his speech, and there might be more lives behind.

Judging from the attitudes of these people, it seems that this kind of thing often happens today, and he has no intention of helping. The ring in his hand is his old man's trump card, and he only uses it to save his life.Besides, his "magic powers" are actually very limited, and if you are a little farther away, you won't be able to put things in.

Since the evening, there have been people from the mountain villages entering the village one after another, in groups, the old farmers are carrying the burden, and the young and strong are all carrying knives and axes.

Zhao Si and Zhao Si wandered to the public library and looked at the legendary delivery of public food. There was no big bucket or small bucket in the imagination. Lu Kengfang sat at the door, with a large bag of salt brought by Cao Chuan next to it. Very familiar, joking, Lao Lu took a look at the rice, then wrote a few strokes on the account book, and finished.

When the rice and camellias were all put into storage, the old farmer who came to deliver the grain took out a few small cloth pockets. Staring eagerly.

Old Lu obviously knew what he had in mind. Several cloth pockets were only filled with two and a half bags before he stopped. The old farmers here refused to obey, and the dialect was spoken in a hurry and fast. The pronunciation was very strange. Cao Chuan was stunned. Did not understand.

Lao Lu also changed his face and started scolding people. After scolding, he scooped half a spoon of salt into the cloth bag, and sent the old peasant away with a painful look on his face.

The old peasant turned around and saw Cao Chuan in a strange costume. Zhao Si said a few words next to him, so a few people gave Cao Chuan a bow, and they hurriedly returned the salute, and then watched the old peasant tie up the salt sack and lift the empty burden down the mountain.

Lu Wenwen came over after cleaning up and said, "The people in the mountains have no knowledge. This sea salt, sir, has no bitter taste. The mats of large families are also used. If you change the amount of rice in the past, you will not be able to live this day."

Cao Chuan said with a smile: "It's okay to give more, it's not something of value. I'll send a message in a few days, and it won't be difficult to carry another batch from the sect."

After listening to Lu Dao, he shook his head: "Mr. is going to go out for a wander after all. If you give more now, it will be difficult to say when the time comes. The mountain people accept death, but it doesn't matter whether your husband wanders or not."

As soon as Cao Chuan heard people say this, it was not easy to interrupt. After all, he really didn't plan to stay in this cottage for a long time.

In the next two days, the mountain people who were both farmers and bandits gathered at Pingfeng Village one after another. Zhou Tong sent three groups of people down the mountain for reinforcements. It was calculated that hundreds of people were sent down the mountain. Zhou Tong stopped after this. Those who come stay in the stockade.

The scene of people yelling and dog barking finally disappeared, and the village seems to have returned to the previous situation, but you can still feel the undercurrent of calm, from the young men who gather together every day to sharpen their knives and dance guns, and the spies who keep going up the mountain to report You can see it.

When Cao Chuan was impatient, Zhao Wutian finally appeared in someone's eager eyes.

A group of people, carrying two burdens and carrying two burdens on their backs, came back in a hurry.

Cao Chuan was on Qingshitai when he saw Zhao Wutian coming up, and he hurriedly greeted him to unload his burden. Zhao Si brought a few bowls of tea next to him. Zhao Wutian dipped the tea in the bowl and said, "That's all, sir, see if it works. ."

Cao Chuan nodded and said that he was working hard, and everyone lifted the straw mat on the bamboo basket, and a pile of stones lay in the basket.

There are big and small stones. The big one is half a bamboo basket, and the smaller one is the size of a human head. Three or five pieces are packed into one basket. All stones have a characteristic, the surface is bright red.

Before Cao Chuan could speak, Zhou Tong stared and asked, "30 taels of silver in exchange for two picks of stones? Wutian, what do you say?"

Zhao Wutian hurriedly squatted down and untied the two cloth bundles. Once the bundles were opened, dozens of bright red blanks were exposed. These blanks were not big, and they were obviously polished, similar to the two sold by Cao Chuan. .

Only then did Zhao Wutian explain: "These small materials account for the price, and they are all polished by Lao Cai. It takes a lot of work, and the smallest one costs five coins. The big materials in the basket were picked out by me from the stone pile. To sell the uncle's face, I only charge [-] taels of silver for two loads of big materials."

Zhou Tong scolded with a smile: "This Lin family is really looking for money. 30 taels of silver can buy a good house in Lin'an, so this little stone is exchanged? Come on, come on, we mountain people can't compete with old money."

"Do these Mr. Stones work well?" Having said that, Zhou Tong turned to look at Cao Chuan.

"It works, it works." Cao Chuan nodded with a smile: "I'm here to thank all the brothers, there will always be a thank you later, everyone just relax."

Zhao Wutian and several people said that they were not willing to take it. When Zhou Tong saw that Mr. was satisfied, he asked if he needed to go for another trip. Cao Chuan hurriedly said that this was enough for now, and Zhou Tong arranged for Lu accountant to take everyone down for the reward.

Cao Chuan waited for Zhao Wutian and his group to go down, and asked Zhao Si to move out all the stones in the pick and pile them up, and put the dozens of small materials on top, and then waved his sleeves in front of Zhou Tong and the others. , the stone disappeared without a trace...

Chu Jianli was the first time he saw Cao Chuan use his "magic powers". He opened his eyes and opened his mouth. He turned his head to look at Zhou Tong who was in the shape of a mud bodhisattva next to him, and then looked at Cao Chuan who sat down and smiled lightly. In one sentence: "Sir, this is a real supernatural power, I am afraid that there is also a seat in the emperor's house!"

"Third Master is joking." Cao Chuan laughed after hearing this: "Pindao came to the Ming Dynasty for the purpose of cultivation and experience, not to go to the Great Neighborhood as a national teacher to eat and worship. Recently, he has learned a lot in the mountains. Supplies, the emperor's family does not have."

It seemed that he was flickering, and then Cao Chuan didn't talk much about ghosts and methods, and the topic was brought to Chu Jianli himself.After this incident, the attitude of the third master became much more respectful. Hearing Cao Chuan talk about himself, he didn't hide anything, so he introduced his origins.

Chu Jianli worked in a business gang when he was a teenager, and traveled all the year round.That year, when the caravan crossed Tianmu Mountain, he was looted by a group of strong men, so he survived and was rescued by the people in Pingfeng Village who arrived later.

At that time, it was the time when the heroes in the Tianmu Mountain area were rising together. When he recovered from his injuries, that group of strong men had already been wiped out by the Pingfeng Village, and Chu Jianli had nowhere to go, so he officially turned the grass into a bandit.

Chapter 15 Shopping

Technicians are in demand wherever they go.Able to write, communicate and understand the business operation model, so he is specially responsible for external business exchanges. In recent years, the complete transformation of Pingfeng Village has contributed greatly to Chu Jian.

Talking about this, Cao Chuan had to revise his views on this group of bandits once again.In my impression, those traditional bandits who are rude and dirty, go down the mountain to do a vote, drink big bowls, and distribute gold in large scales seem to have little to do with Pingfengzhai.

He has a feeling of returning to work in the company, yes, it is the company, the smaller one, with a boss, security guards, accountants, and professional managers...

Seeing that the real person seemed to be entering some kind of cultivation mode, Zhou Tong and the others stopped talking until someone recovered, and Zhou Tong asked curiously, "Mister just now?"

Cao Chuan reacted, and hurriedly went down the hill: "Just now, I was communicating with the sect, so I have to go back to the house to do my homework, and the stones will also be sent back to the sect, a few people, sit down, and I will go out with you after I leave the customs. drink tea."

Zhou Tong hurriedly greeted Zhao Si, who was playing with stones, and sent Mr. back to the room. Cao Chuan returned to the door of the room and told Zhao Si that he should not be disturbed. Hehe smiled and wiped his right hand, and the person was already standing in the living room of Cuiyuan Community.

After looking around, he took out his mobile phone to check the time. At one o'clock in the afternoon, he first called Li Douzhan, then rushed into the bathroom to open the bathroom, and began to enjoy the fun of modern civilization.

Everything in Pingfengzhai is good, but it is inconvenient to take a bath, and the mountain spring is too cold.

After taking a shower, he took out a jacket and trousers from the closet and changed it. Cao Chuan opened the smallest door in the room, waved all the stones in the ring out, piled them on the floor, turned back to the living room and found himself The old Lenovo notebook, started to check things on the Internet, and after a while, I heard a knock on the door.

Li Douzhan entered the house on the front foot, and started shouting from the back foot: "Boss Cao is still healthy? That's good, I really thought you were planted with lotus flowers, and the phone is not in the service area. Do you handle goods like this?"

Cao Chuan didn't talk to him, he pushed Li Douzhan into the small room from behind, then closed the door and continued to surf the Internet by himself.

I don't know how long it took, Cao Chuan suddenly felt that someone was breathing heavily. When he turned his head, he saw Li Douzhan's round face staring at him next to him, with a stone in his arms.

Someone was instantly sobered up and shoved Li Douzhan: "Stay away from me!"

Li Douzhan held the stone and brought his face close again, the fat on his cheeks was shaking, and slowly asked: "The old pit goods have long gone extinct, where did you come from so many, do you know the ancients?"

Cao Chuan didn't expect to be questioned directly, and he froze in his heart, and asked aggressively: "What kind of shit can you say to the ancients?"

Li Douzhan smiled and held the stone in his arms in front of Cao Chuan: "Have you seen this side, do you know why it's so dark? It's from smoke. The older generation doesn't have an electric hammer, so they can only burn with fire first, and then go to the Sprinkling cold water on the stone, the heat expands and the cold shrinks understand? Old pit goods are all like this, and one side of the stone is blackened, say, where did you come from so many old pit goods?"

Hearing this, Cao Chuan felt a lot more at ease. Just now, Li Douzhan accidentally used the ancients to intimidate him. He thought that this kid had guessed something.

Leaning back and looking at the sky, Mr. Cao said leisurely, "Didn't I tell you not to ask where you came from? You don't care how I got it, can I sell this stone or not? If not, let me know. return to."

Li Douzhan slapped his thigh: "Why can't we sell it? Those dozens of small materials can be sold at any time, and you know the market. These are high-quality goods, at least tens of millions! Brother!"

Cao Chuan snorted twice: "How to deal with those large pieces?"

Li Douzhan put the stone in his arms gently on his lap, and then said: "A few large pieces of material are a little troublesome, I have to use a tool to cut the material, polish it, and then shoot, how many clear materials can be taken out depends on luck ."

Cao Chuan nodded: "Since you know what to do, why don't you go to work, what are you spending on me?"

"There are two things now, the two of us have to sum up." Li Douzhan said while rubbing his chin.

Seeing Cao Chuan's inquiring eyes, Li Douzhan continued: "Well, it's a sales issue. The devil knows where you got so many old-fashioned goods. If I sell all of them tomorrow, just like this, the market will directly If you want to fry the pot, it is impossible to hide it, and the price will also fall. I plan to fly a few more cities from the south to the north, and a few dollars in a market will have little impact, so you have to give me some time."

When Cao Chuan heard this, he nodded in agreement: "No hurry, you are slow, we are not in a hurry."

"That's the best way. For the second question, we need a storefront now."

Seeing that Cao Chuan was a little strange, Li Douzhan hurriedly explained: "Look, there must be a place to cut stones first, table saws or something, not in the community. With so much precious jade, it is impossible to cut it from others. Besides, I always have to have a facade when I do sales, I can’t invite people to my house every time, and it’s not safe to put my goods there, so I need a large safe.”

Cao Chuan thought about it and thought it was right. There should be a base. His family knew about his family affairs. After that, the supply of goods would only be more, and it would be unreliable to continue like this.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "I'm sure, you can go look for a storefront and buy one directly. Well, the money will be paid from the subsequent payment for the goods. You register a company yourself, make a good account, and come back to you. It’s okay to deduct it from the commission slowly.”

"Really? Mr. Cao, you're too particular about it. That brother will serve you as a house slave once. This, can the funds work?"

"I said, don't bother me anymore, okay? You don't care about money. What do you know about high-end operations, can't you ask a few less questions?"

"Okay, I'm Brother Cao in the society, and there are not many cruel words. I will start to look at the shop in the past two days."

Looking at his mobile phone, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Cao Chuan got up and walked into the bathroom. When he came out, he came out with a large suitcase in his hand, and took Li Douzhan to take a taxi.

Directly asked the driver to take them to Intime Department Store, and the mobile phone shop at the entrance first replaced the two’s broken mobile phones with the latest kidney phones, and then went straight to the high-end men’s clothing section of the mall.

Li Douzhan saw that Mr. Cao was going to bleed a lot, and that was the rhythm of not leaving one inch. The two of them fought against the local tyrants in the Bo Bailey store. Wanba, the shopping girl Le directly praised Cao Chuan for his strong body, which made Li Dou fight half to death.

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