Lu Ming

Page 47

These few exhibits can't be produced by the time travel crowd.Kerosene lamps and lighters are short of oil, so there is no need to count on it in the short term; there is no material limit for glass products, and glass kilns are currently being built in the kiln area.

It is precisely because they cannot be made that these few good things have become points exchange products in Professor Luo’s mouth. The brothers of the Lin family want to buy kerosene lamps. As for when you can accumulate enough points, it depends on when the oil is dug out... The final interpretation of this points rule belongs to Professor Luo.


"This group of Kun people are really ingenious, and they made so many good things." After Professor Luo left, Lin Baoan played with zippo fondly. In the cabin, which was much brighter than usual, there was a crisp "ding ding" from a lighter from time to time. Voice.

"About these few things are not easy to do, just look at the Laoshizi points." Lin Baoquan said quietly while lying on the table at this time, fascinatedly adjusting the brightness of the kerosene lamp.

"If you want me to say, this iron shell should be removed and replaced with a gold and silver patterned shell... glass lamps, gold and silver lamps, and this non-smoking Kunren kerosene, my dear, fifth brother, you said Fuzhou City Will you be willing to buy one for 500 taels?” Lin Baoan saw that Brother Wu was concerned about kerosene lamps, his eyes lit up at this time, and he came up with a mooncake route to occupy the market with packaging.

Lin Baoquan didn't answer, sat up, crossed his legs, picked up the kerosene bottle and the glass mirror on the table, and began to look at them carefully.

After a long time, Lin Baoan raised his head. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be much brighter, and he opened his mouth and asked, "Not counting the money in the public account, how much cash do you have in your hometown?"

"Private bank?" Lin Baoan didn't reflect for a while, and after thinking about it, he said: "This is probably not much, more than 1000 taels, I have to go back and ask my wife."

"Why so little?" Lin Baoquan frowned after hearing the number.

"It's all on the goods." Lin Baoan saw that the clan brother's face was not good, and he replied a little expectantly: "The mother-in-law opened a brocade shop on New Year's Day, bought some Quanzhou brocade, and bought a boy... We were already Not much money, don't the big heads belong to the public?"

Lin Baoquan couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this: "I'm going to buy a boat this time, so you need to find a way to raise money for it."

"Buy a boat? Buying a boat should also come from the public account..." Lin Baoan suddenly stopped talking when he said this, and after looking at his clan brother, Lin Baoan understood.

"How long are we going to keep those bastards?" Seeing that his younger brother understood, Lin Baoquan no longer concealed his own thoughts: "You and I will pay for the new boat, we don't want other stocks, just leave it alone." If you don’t fight for such a good deal, when will you fight?”

At this time, Lin Baoan had fully understood the meaning of the clan brother, and after thinking about it, he showed embarrassment: "Since you have made up your mind, fifth brother, I have nothing to say, but I am afraid that the money will not come together: Xing'an Pinghao was originally 2000 silver If you buy it back and prepare another shipment, you will have to pay tens of thousands of taels of silver, we don’t have that much!”

"Two thousand silver is not enough!" Lin Baoquan stood up at this moment, and kept pacing back and forth in the room: "The new boat is the capital for you and my brother to settle down and live. If you want to buy a big boat with [-] materials, the materials should be good. Xin, maybe three or four thousand silver is enough."

Ignoring the clan brother who opened his mouth wide at the moment, Lin Baoquan became more and more excited as he spoke: "Sell, sell everything! The silk shop is sold, the servant is sold to the hall, and the woman's headgear is all pawned! Let's go back this time, life will be short If you lose your head, you have to scrape together the money for the ship and the money for the goods!"

"Oh, it's a pity that boy looks handsome, and my father likes it very much." Lin Baoan saw that the fifth brother had made up his mind, and he had always followed Lin Baoquan's lead. Father has sold the boy.

"Your father! Yes, the coffin buried by your dead ghost father will also be dug out, um, in this way, including my family's old capital... If friends in the world raise some money, it will be close."

Lin Baoan's expression was a little dull: "Wouldn't it be cheaper to borrow from the family?"

"It's better for those bastards to have as little money as possible." Lin Baoquan looked at his brother with a look of "you know".

Seeing his clan brother nodding, he said: "These Kun people are not on their feet right now, and it's time for thousands of gold to buy horse bones. You and I only have a boatload of iron materials this trip, and we can get so many benefits of observing the sky and measuring positions." , it can be seen that there is an urgent need for ship merchants here."

Lin Baoquan walked to the table at this time, lightly flicked the protruding stamens in the middle of the plate of iron flowers on the table with his fingers, and then said proudly: "The boat we bought by ourselves, what to load is up to you. Even if we only transport iron materials in the first few trips, we will not lose money with the support of the points method.”

After a pause, he continued: "Right now, the news of the opening of the port has not yet spread. We came here by coincidence, so we took advantage of the news. As far as the points are concerned, in my opinion, regardless of high or low, depending on how many Victory, rough goods such as iron materials are at an advantage. When the points are accumulated, let’s exchange these gold and silver cups and crystal mirrors first, and then we can get them in Fuzhou and Hangzhou, hehe, hehe.”

When Lin Baoquan said this, he exchanged glances with his clan brother, and there was a burst of signature villainous laughter in the hut.


In the early morning of the second day, the energetic Lin brothers came to the door and planned to discuss with Professor Luo about buying another set of measuring instruments—since they wanted to buy a new ship, they couldn’t just have one set. It is also commonplace.

The Doraemon still had a smile on his face. After hearing the idea of ​​the two brothers buying a boat, he didn't seem too surprised. He seemed to have prepared for it, and took out the pearls from the magic pocket on the was actually a credit loan. Huabei.

Professor Luo said: He is very supportive of Xian Kunzhong's self-employment, so he is willing to use low-interest loans to help the brothers overcome the early financial difficulties.

Of course, shiny pearls are not so easy to get, and then someone started to raise conditions.

A topographic map of Funing Prefecture, which the Lin brothers are most familiar with, was shown by Professor Luo.The scale of this map is relatively fine, and some special locations have been thoughtfully marked in Huali and traditional characters.

Professor Luo first pointed to a place marked "Yulin Yinchang" on the top of the map, and asked you two if you know where it is?

How could the Lin brothers not know about Yinchang?

Located in Fuding Radon Spring Reserve, later called Dieshi Township, this land is rich in mineral resources, with a large number of lead-zinc ores, and thirteen non-ferrous metals such as silver, copper, chromium, sulfur, and iron.

The Yulin silver field was developed here in the Song Dynasty, and the mining was controlled by the government. In the Ming Dynasty, it was generally the same, and the silver mine was run by the government.

Now that the brothers know the place, it is convenient.Professor Luo immediately took out a few photos, all of which were black and gray stones, and handed them to the brothers.

While the two brothers were studying the "drawings" over and over again, Professor Luo told them: Send someone to look for this kind of stone near the silver mining area, and bring the senior staff if you find it. If it is really needed here, then a pound of stone is 5 points Silver, here we take it.

Stones that cost as much as pig iron... The two brothers of the Lin family who were full of doubts shut up instantly at this moment, and there was no more nonsense.

Seeing that the two brothers knew each other, Professor Luo stopped talking, and just told them that the person sent to collect stone samples must remember the location clearly. Sample back.

The purpose of crossing the public is chrome ore.

The production of chrome ore in Fuding is not much, the grade is also low, and most of them are associated ore, so it is not cost-effective to mine by the standards of future generations.There is no way for the cross-travelers to come up with such a bad plan. If they can figure it out a little bit, who makes the high-grade chromium ore in South Asia out of reach now?

After talking about chrome ore, another stone: pyrophyllite.

Pyrophyllite contains aluminum and is an important industrial raw material.There is an urgent need for aluminum to make refractory bricks for electric furnace covers and deoxidizers for steelmaking.

Pyrophyllite is cheaper... 2 cents a catty.Because pyrophyllite is found everywhere in Fujian, there are quite a few production areas near Fuding on the map, and pyrophyllite, as the name suggests, has a delicate and shiny appearance, which can be used to make seals and is easy to distinguish.

The two brothers continued to put a stack of color photos with flowers and stones in their arms...


Then comes the last item: people.

Professor Luo told the two bluntly: there is a shortage of senior staff right now.If the two of you feel that the living conditions in Chikan New Area are decent, you can spread the news, and by the way, bring some poor people who cannot survive in Fubei to live here, and the time traveler will give money per head, and the price will be compared with that of Moyunguan refugee costs.

In real history, Fujian will encounter severe drought this year. With the support of Xiong Wencan, Zheng Zhilong, who won the official position, will spend a large sum of money to "raise tens of thousands of hungry people." This is the first large-scale migration across the sea from the mainland in history. .

The cross-travelers are also preparing to immigrate from the other side of the sea, including letting the Lin family brothers spread the news in Fubei that the officials have food and drink... Everyone has merit to practice this kind of news.

In this case, no matter what the situation in 1628 is, whether the time-traveling forces can eliminate the Zheng Zhilong gang as scheduled, and hook up with Xiong Wencan, the big guys can get a share of the severe drought in Fujian.

Chapter 153

After the two brothers of the Lin family came out of the mobile room of the Port Authority, they looked at each other, and they could see the excitement and excitement in each other's eyes.

Professor Luo loaned out pearls and silver with a total price of about 5000 taels at a low interest rate. This sum of money immediately solved the urgent needs of the two brothers.In this way, it will be much easier for them to raise funds after they go back. As long as they go to Fuzhou and sell the pearls, the brothers will get rid of their family shackles and own their first cargo ship. La!

The Lin brothers' views on these Kun people have also changed a lot... If their buttocks are crooked, their views will naturally be crooked.Now, in the eyes of the two, Professor Luo has become Song Gongming's elder brother who donated righteousness and donated money, and Chikan New District has also become Liangshanpo where good people gather together. Apart from short hair, these people have no shortcomings.


After going back to make up their minds, the two found that everything had been settled, and now they were waiting to go to the kiln area for a visit, and then go home by boat in a few days.

The goods brought by the Xing'an Ping have already been delivered to the warehouse, and the four kinds of crude goods that the senior officials can export at the moment, Lin also purchased two of them as appropriate for the return journey.

These four kinds of crude goods are: wood, red bricks, salt, and earth cement.

The Brick Lin family doesn't need it, as green and red bricks are produced locally in northern Fujian.Although the red bricks produced by Dayuan are straight and tidy, which are of higher quality than local adobe bricks, northern Fujian is a poor mountainous area on the [-]th line, and there are not so many wealthy households consuming luxury goods, so transporting bricks is far less cost-effective than transporting salt.

Not to mention timber, during the Ming Dynasty, the fir timber produced in Fujian was the most important source of construction and ship materials in the Jiangnan area.

Lin Baoquan chose salt and cement.

The salt goods produced in the kiln area are being loaded today.A small part of the salt cargo is coarse salt produced in the salt field, and the rest is fine salt produced in the kiln area.

Regardless of coarse salt or fine salt, the quality is far superior to all kinds of miscellaneous salt that the brothers are used to seeing.The industrially produced fine salt is no different from the supermarket salt in small bags of later generations. It is white and delicate, free of impurities, with a pure salty taste and a sweet aftertaste.After Lin Baoquan tasted the salt cargo sample for the first time, he decided to fill the warehouse with salt bags on the return journey.

However, after wandering around Chikan for two days, he suddenly found that the soil and cement on the construction site were also easier to use, so he added a little more cement to the warehouse.

Soil cement is actually not much soil, and all the ingredients including lime, clay and slag are the same as those of later generations.Mineral resources in the Tainan Plain are scarce, and the only thing that can meet the industrial mining standards in later generations is limestone resources.The cement ingredients of Chuanzhong are actually quite conscientious, and the lime ratio must be higher than the products of the small cement factory of the county magistrate's brother-in-law.

However, no matter how good the ingredients are, it’s useless if the equipment can’t keep up.The rotary kiln, which is used for roasting cement in later generations, rotates like popcorn, and the Ministry of Industry does not plan to import it right now-it is too large and there are too many supporting facilities.

Without a rotary kiln, the old-fashioned lamination method can only be used for roasting. In this roasting method, the raw materials are heated unevenly, so the effect of the finished product is not satisfactory.

Of course, even the old-fashioned cement, the effect is enough to shock the natives like Lin Baoquan, so when the Xing'an Ping returned, it would take dozens of bags of soil cement back to the port for sale.

These crude goods plus matchlock guns and two small cannons have completely exceeded the expectations of the brothers.In addition, the Liangshan heroes are training some crew members on the Xing'an Ping in a surprise attack these days. The gunpowder left by the Dutch is used to shoot cannons and fire guns, and train the students how to kill and set fire... To be honest, the thoughtful service of the crossing forces is also Nobody left.


Two days later, the Lin brothers finally got their wish and were allowed to visit the kiln area.

The effect of the visit is naturally quite strong. It was the first time for the old man who sang Qin opera to watch Aunt Li Zhenxian's fan dance, and the shock was nothing short of it.

There are loud roars and sharp whistles everywhere, craftsmen with cloth covers on their faces, grinding wheels spewing sparks, and large logs cut instantly by big chainsaws.

There is also the steelmaking workshop that looks like a hell... The huge iron furnace devours the iron material, the iron claws slide above the head, the red molten iron spit out by the iron furnace, and the blue steel ingots...

The ancient ironworks needed a lot of workers: "There are mine diggers, charcoal burners, and stove fanners. There are also dozens of people who patrol the stove, transport mines, sell rice, and sell wine. Hundreds of people."

The Lin brothers couldn't understand this mysterious method of refining fine steel ingots without adding carbon, stirring the furnace, or pulling the bellows, and only a few idlers who seemed to be doing nothing.The two brothers came out of the steel workshop with weak legs - the combination of the wild steelmaking process and the extremely rare furnace workers made them feel weird and terrifying.

Professor Luo, who accompanied the visit, was considerate and hurriedly took the brothers to a less shocking brick kiln to relax.

The brick kiln works well, at least the electric-driven brick-making machine is not noisy. Watching the workers shovel brick mud into the brick-making machine at one end, and spit out neat bricks at the other end, Lin Baoan really couldn't hold back his doubts. : He wants to know now, how do these mechanism irons move?

Naturally, it is impossible for Professor Luo to introduce Comrade Faraday to the two of you. When encountering this kind of ambiguity, he can only explain it with the tried and tested method of Dongfang Tianyuan immovable as a mountain - pointing to the sky with one hand, smiling mysteriously, and shaking his head slightly.

Oh... now the Lin family understood it in no time. It seems that this method of automatic iron without wind is a secret of the Kun people. I can't blame the Kun people for opening a mountain here. It turns out that there is a secret method in hand!

The observation perspectives of Lin Baoquan and his clan brother have always been different. The clan brother is from the microcosm, while he is from the macrocosm.So when the clan brother was asking about the secret method of the family, Lin Baoquan had already run to the side, looking with emotion at the wheel kiln that was constantly producing bricks, and the endless stacks of red bricks on the brick yard.

In Lin Baoquan's eyes, the huge wood that is sliced ​​every minute in the woodware factory will be warships in the future; the fine steel that can be smelted in half an hour in the iron yard will be guns in the future...

His thoughts drifted far away at this moment, and now he finally understands why Master Xiong from Hangzhou and Master Luo from the senior officials always look indifferent when they lend him money... These gangsters have such secrets How can you live here willingly?This generation will definitely gather troops to leave the mountains in the future, who would dare to owe them money at that time, wouldn't they be afraid of confiscating their families and destroying their families?

Lin Baoquan's thoughts were clear at this moment, and he no longer had any doubts. He turned his head to look at the back of his clan brother who had already gone to visit the salt boiling pond, smiled slightly, and followed.


Four days later, the Xing'an Ping, fully loaded with cargo, departed from Taijiang.

The Xing'an Ping set off with the team led by the Dog Eye. After passing through the fleet, it finally returned to Hangzhou without an empty cabin. Except for salt, wood, red bricks and cement are now exported.

The Lin brothers stood at the bow and kept waving.In fact, when they came to Dayuan this time, they got something far beyond the value of the goods themselves. These things are not only goods, but also loans and something more important: hope.

No aborigine would be indifferent after seeing the steel factory, and the Lin brothers were the same. At this moment, they stood on the bow of the Xing'an Ping, looking at the fading Dayuan Island, feeling more and more complicated.


When someone goes, someone comes.A few days after the Lin family brothers' fleet set off, the girls whom Wan Lang was looking forward to finally arrived...

In this era, there is no such thing as divorce in two places. It is too common for a man to go out to study for a job in a business and become an official. It is too common for a few years to return to his hometown. , but received the ashes of men brought by fellow countrymen, it is equally common.

Nearly half a year has passed since passing through the occupants.During this period of time, the girls who were purchased from Hangzhou by the traveler in the early stage stayed in Tangzhuang all the time.It's just that they don't learn from female celebrities, they learn to count.

Most of the girls are bought from Hangzhou People’s Market. There are no free girls among the refugees. In other words, before they become refugees and beggars, the family will sell the girls... This is at least a way to survive.

In fact, most of the "high-end population" needs to buy.This includes girls, children, and some local craftsmen who are pawned as slaves. Hangzhou station needs to buy them first--vagrants and beggars who don't want money will only be bankrupt farmers.

In order to cooperate with this population transfer work, which is always at the "highest level", the comrades at the Hangzhou station not only poisoned two official teeth, but also spent a lot of money to buy dental stickers from the Chief Secretary's Yamen to help their own people to be promoted. To buy some "high-end population".

After these girls from poor families are bought by the transversal crowd, a short video showing their body and appearance will be recorded, and then the hard disk will set off with the fleet.There is now a "Hualiu Community" dedicated to displaying the image of girls on the Dayuan Forum, and each time traveler has a chance to use his "concubine funds" to choose a girl.

Every once in a while, a small video of a new girl will be uploaded. If someone takes a fancy to a certain girl, they can use their only "concubine funds" to make a decision.If someone is interested in the same girl at the same time, then if the negotiation fails, the cruel ROLL sieve mechanism will be activated to resolve the dispute.

Since the day it was founded, the Hualiu community has been one of the forums with the highest attention, and people comment on the forum every day.Whenever there is a situation where many people are vying for a certain girl, it is a show that everyone loves to see, and it will immediately attract a large number of dog-headed military advisers to comment, boo, and abuse.

Including Master Miaoshu, the initiator of the "concubine fund", some people who traveled earlier and bought a girl in the early stage have no chance to pick a new girl: each person has only one concubine fund, and now resources are tight. Only monogamy is allowed... so the gang is rather depressed.

Newcomers are also having a hard time, and they often get into a painful kink: people feel like a better girl will show up in a few days.

While telling themselves to wait, they were also afraid that after the girl got lucky, if they hadn't found a satisfactory one at that time, wouldn't they have to go to the neighbor's house in the middle of the night to listen to the corner?

This entanglement ceased to exist after the big office officially announced that the next wave of fleets would depart for girls.

Overnight, all the undecided girls on the forum were swept away.

Chapter 154

In March of Yangchun, the light rain is like crisp, which is the benefit of a year's spring.

The city of Hangzhou is shrouded in a misty mist, small bridges with black awnings and pedestrian tile eaves are looming, and the mountains and rivers are misty.

A sedan chair is slowly moving forward on the bluestone road.

The brand-new fine woolen sedan chairs are exquisitely decorated, and the body, windows, and bars of the sedan chair are all made of exquisite materials. At first glance, they seem to be belongings of a wealthy family for their own use.The four bearers who carried the sedan chair wore the same fine cloth livery. They walked neatly and cooperated tacitly, obviously well-trained.

Leading the way in front of the sedan chair were two tall and strong slaves with slender faces and silk brocades all over their bodies; behind the sedan chair was an easy-going young man holding an oiled paper four gentlemen umbrella made in Suzhou, also covered in silk silk.

This line of extravagant teams with the words "poor ghosts retreat" written all over their faces are walking on the bluestone road outside Taipingfang.Located in Taipingfang, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, rich households gather and officials and gentry get together, so people often repair the street. The Qingshiban road is smooth and smooth. A group of people walked quickly in the light rain. Not long after, the sedan chair turned into a roadside street. In the side alley.

This side alley is called Guliu Alley, and at the entrance of the alley there is an old willow with coiled curls and crouching dragons.Both sides of the alley are full of five-foot-high walls, and there are only four families in the whole alley... This is called one family with four families, which sounds a bit low-key, and it is not as awesome as the later generations.

The speaking team came to a vermilion lacquer gate. At this time, the side door had already been opened by that door. Some were in charge of coming up to greet them, and some were in charge of returning to enter the house.

The sedan chair didn't stop all the way, smoothly turned into the side door, and came to the sedan chair hall. At this moment, the four bearers stood together, shouted softly, and slowly got off the sedan chair.

At this time, the long follower bowed beside the sedan chair door and said softly: "Master, you have entered the mansion."

Hearing a "hmm" from inside the sedan chair, Chang Sui gently rolled up the curtain of the sedan chair, and two people behind the sedan chair slightly raised the pole of the sedan chair in an extremely tacit understanding: Tianqi Seven Years Ding Maoke Hangzhou Township Examination No. 30 Three Master Huang Ping, Huang Zhicheng, a famous candidate, stepped out of the sedan chair.

Mr. Huang, whom I haven't seen for a long time, already has a short beard under his chin. At this moment, he is wearing a black gauze square scarf and Sufang's jade-colored lake silk large sleeves with straight sleeves. There are pendants, sachets, finger Wearing a jade ring, he has a rich complexion and a calm body.

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