Lu Ming

Page 363

One step ahead, and only one step ahead.

Provide as much time as possible for children and grandchildren to enjoy the country.

As for the most critical valve, it is naturally in the hands of all the traversing people.

The participants finally agreed: every traverser has the right to designate an heir to sit on the seat of the internal council, and if there is no latter, the seat will be automatically cancelled.

And one of the most important historical tasks of the internal council is to decide when to open and distribute the stored technology at a certain point in the future.

After a long discussion, finally, everyone turned to the emperor.

Stretching out his finger, he looked carefully at the ring that brought all this for a while, and found that the two golden dragons swimming in the mirror were still exuberant, and their figures were swimming.

The next moment, Cao Chuan nodded solemnly: "That's it."

As the words fell, all the traversers turned their heads in unison, as if they had seen through the wall of the dimension, smiled and waved to people from another dimension.

The palace gate was slowly closed, leaving the history of this plane at this moment.

(End of the book)

Finish this testimonial

1 First of all, I would like to thank those brothers who have never left.Without your comments and encouragement, I would have been a eunuch long ago.I won't list the names, you can see them by clicking on the list of book friends.

2Secondly, I would like to apologize to the leader of the alliance, Jiuri Tianyu.I knew early on that there would be no data for this book, so I haven't paid attention to the list since the epidemic began... I only saw a leader a few days ago, and I didn't add any updates. The behavior is really bad. Make up for the next book.

3 Like many novice authors who have entered the pit, I was also in a hurry at the beginning.Seeing that Lingao was furious, he came here by himself in a fit of anger.

4 Facts have proved that historical themes that require textual research are really not suitable for people like me.I don’t have enough historical knowledge and often make a fool of myself. To write the name of a county magistrate, I have to check the county annals. A chapter of [-] words often takes two hours to search for information. For me who still has a job, I really don’t have enough time.

5 Although the time for querying the background of the data was shortened as much as possible later, a more serious problem came: the epidemic.My job is actually busier during the epidemic, so I have no choice but to change it every week.

6. I didn't have more exchanges with book friends. One is a matter of time, and more importantly, I am too ashamed to show up... People who update their hips are not qualified to say anything.

The ending of the 7th book was decided a long time ago, and it is not unfinished... In the current public opinion environment, if we start to write about the massacre of American Indians, it is estimated that it will be 404 in minutes.However, it is unrealistic for me to write [-] million Ming people to assimilate tens of millions of Indians.

In the same way, I have briefly mentioned the battles with the Nanyang natives in the book, trying my best to write in spring and autumn.Instead of this, it is better not to write, and it will end like this.

8 The Li Dazui in the book was arranged by myself.Originally, I wanted to write a wretched fat character for fun, but I wrote two paragraphs to make myself sick, so I didn't write any more.Who would have thought that I will use it at the end, and I actually forgot my character name, can you believe it?There is no character card...Recalling it carefully, it seems that it was because I was writing about myself, so I didn't write the character card...Can I forget my own information?I fucking forgot!

9 Basically, the characters outlined in the early stage were given an ending as much as possible later.Only the indigenous heroine in the series of Longyan Wars was originally imagined to be the first divorced strong woman after arriving in the new society. Yin's.As a result, I found out that writing this way would require at least a dozen chapters of side plots, so I gave up.

10 characters have land.It was originally planned to arrange for him to whip Chongzhen in Tianjin, and eventually became a statue worshiped by the imperial prison system.The foreshadowing was written in the early stage, but after thinking about it again and again, I felt that Fu Youdi would not be able to rely on Chongzhen's side anyway under such circumstances, so I gave up.

11 It is not difficult to see people carrying burdens.As a newcomer, I plunged into the big pit of history and literature, and I have thoroughly experienced the ups and downs.What are the poisonous points, how to control the ups and downs of the plot, where to spend energy in writing... These technical points, if you don't write a book by yourself, you will never learn it.

12 words, the greatest power is always hidden among book friends.As long as there is a typo, logic error, common sense error... forgetting a character name or something, it will be pointed out in 3 minutes, and there is no need for a reviewer to say.

13 In fact, the first time I wrote about the plot of using machine guns to fight indigenous peoples, I realized one thing: the only era when there was enough confrontation and tension in the plot should be the period of World War I and World War II.The premise is to control the quantity of "imported" materials.

Based on this, when I had inspiration, I also saved a few branch outline plots: "Eyes Above the North Sea", "Ghosts Under the Sea of ​​Okhotsk", "The Royal Bank of London Gold Robbery".

Unfortunately, because of well-known reasons, it is estimated that books with that era as the background are difficult to put on the shelves.In addition, the history class is really too energy-consuming, and I will definitely not jump into the pit again, so there is a high probability that these ideas will not be completed.

14 Now the epidemic is finally over.I made an estimate. If you don’t need complicated research and information, and just follow the outline every day to brainstorm and write some urban/sci-fi novels, I think it’s still possible to guarantee one update a day.

15 Next, worship the ancestors.After that, I will renovate the old house I live in now, so there will probably be a few months of preparation time.In my plan, the new book will be a light-hearted and humorous urban novel... Although it is updated, Lu Ming has a beginning and an end, and the next book will be considered an old author with a shy face. I should not step on the first one Stepped on the pit.

16 Write wherever you think of, a lot of long-winded words.Looking back on the journey along the way, I feel a lot of emotion.Here, I would like to thank the many book friends and brothers who have never left. Su Luohan is here to wish you a happy life and a happy family.

Su Luohan, on the afternoon of March 2023, 3

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