Lu Ming

Page 359


The main content of the second imperial edict is aimed at the former Daming region where the Great Yan Kingdom has not yet effectively exercised its management power.

The first thing emphasized in the edict is that the original Ming government in various places must maintain social stability in the territory before the receiving personnel are in place, and all official treasury storage accounts must also be sealed and sealed for verification.

Secondly: From the date of enthronement, the previous taxes of the government and the Daming Household Department have been cancelled.

What follows is a bolt from the blue.Emperor Tianhua Cao Chuan swore to Tianming: All officials and people under the flag of Dayan will be exempted from agricultural tax for life from now on.If there is a violation of the oath, the country will destroy the clan.

The last edict of the day was aimed at the previous dynasty.

The imperial edict first stated that the main reason why the Ming Dynasty ended tragically due to external and internal troubles was the natural decay of the traditional feudal dynasty.Even without the various disasters of the Little Ice Age, Zhu Ming would eventually fall under the increasingly sharp class conflicts, and it was nothing more than delaying some time.

And Zhu Ming, as the most upright Han Dynasty in the country, his stamina of "the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country" is the strength of the Han people.Emperor Dayan highly respected this and believed that this spirit should be inherited.

After the final conclusion on the coffin of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial edict stated the decision on the treatment of the Zhu family's royal line.

One: From now on, all princes and princes entrusted by Zhu Ming's royal family in various places will be reduced to common people.His official house and fields, except for a small amount of floating wealth, are all nationalized.At the same time, Zhu Ming's royal family, which can be called a large-scale descendant of the emperor's food at all levels, was also demoted to the common people at the same time.

However, while being demoted to common people, from now on, Zhu Ming's descendants can be like ordinary people, be businessmen, take public examinations, without being restricted by their status.

Second, about Chongzhen.

In view of the fact that the emperor did not lose his virtue when he was in power, and it was also a link between the past and the future.Emperor Tianhua decided to give preferential treatment to the former emperor.Then Chongzhen was granted the title of Leshou Gong, who lived in ten thousand households, traveled to Zhengshuo of the Ming Dynasty, and sacrificed to the suburbs with the emperor's rites.

The above three enthronement edicts, on the day of Cao Chuan's enthronement, will be revealed to the world.

The consequences of this can be described as unprecedented.As far as the speed at which the rebels have stabilized their position, this time the Cao bandits are number two, no one dares to say that they are number one.

The three major edicts spread throughout the land of Ming Dynasty with lightning speed.Everywhere, regardless of officials, gentry, and people, everyone is happy and running, running to tell each other, cheering and cheering, welcoming Cao thief, oh, Emperor Cao is the master of the world.

Human nature is selfish.As long as Lao Tzu can be exempted from the food tax, even if Emperor Cao fails to collect the tax and the government fails to pay the salary in a few years and collapses, then everyone will not lose money in the past few years.

In other words, Li Dazui's team, who had fled all the way, finally rushed back to Tianjin the next morning.

When the Tianjin side heard that the emperor had arrived, almost all the bigwigs at home came out to welcome them, and they set up their positions in front of the old city gate of Tianjin.As for Li Dazui... This guy hates dogs, and it's over after saying a word of hard work.

When Emperor Chongzhen arrived at the port, he first made arrangements.The Tianjin side thoughtfully presented the emperor trio including Wang Chengen and Bu Daxing, with cleansing wet towels and new clothes.

After a long time, after changing his robes under Wang Chengen's service, Emperor Chongzhen was helped out of the car by Wang Chengen and Bu Daxing.

At this time, after half a day and a night of adjustments, the emperor, who had been dazed before, had slowed down... his brain restarted.

And because he had already committed suicide once, the emperor's expression is still calm now: at the moment of suicide, all the dynasty's hegemony and ancestors had been reduced to ashes.Now that the brain is restarting, it is natural that the desire to survive has the upper hand.

One must know that Emperor Chongzhen of this plane is still a young man of only 25 years old.If he hadn't longed for life, he wouldn't have led a group of eunuchs to break into the palace to escape for his life.

To put it bluntly, hanging himself was really forced to do nothing.As long as there is a way of life, the emperor can not go.

So, now, there is only one problem left: the huge gap between the emperor and the mortal.

Fortunately, most of the traversers who came out today were curious and kind to the emperor, and those who were purely disgusted would not come.

So as soon as they met, everyone hugged their fists and bowed in a chaotic salute, without putting on a domineering face, which gave the emperor enough buffer: "See the emperor."

" are welcome."

The emperor, who was struggling to adapt to his new identity, finally sighed deeply: "You must all be dignitaries of the new dynasty, so don't make fun of me, the king of subjugation."

"Your Majesty, things are far from as bad as you imagined."

Han Xiaobo, the commander of the Northern Expedition Army with the highest status present, smiled and said: "You are tired from the journey, you should rest first. You will know the result when you see the imperial decree tomorrow."

Chongzhen didn't care.They are all people who have died once, and they are not so afraid of a bad ending.Now he is nothing more than seeking to get out of the body, and if things go wrong, he will just die again.

Just like that, after a hasty welcoming ceremony, the cross-travelers who satisfied their curiosity immediately dispersed.As for Chongzhen and his party, they changed the team and were placed in the presidential suite on the top floor of the best Four Seasons Hotel in Tianjin.

As soon as he opened the old-fashioned iron mesh door of the gas elevator, Chongzhen screamed "Ah": "Sister-in-law! Ah Jiu! You..."

The "former" queen Zhang Yan, who was wearing a plain dress, was standing in front of the elevator door to welcome the emperor with her arms around little Ajiu.



After the catastrophe, we will meet again for the rest of our lives, and the love is hard to control.Chongzhen embraced the ignorant Ah Jiu into his arms, turned his face to the sky, tears finally flowed from his eyes: "Yesterday I... I am the full name festival, really..."


Zhang Yan calmly interrupted the emperor's words: "The courtiers and concubines know all about what happened in the palace yesterday. The emperor must not blame himself. At that time, the emperor just followed the rules of the predecessors. It has never been like this since ancient times."

"That's it, that's it."

Chongzhen finally let out a long sigh: "Under the overturned nest, there are still eggs. Let's see what happens."

The next day, Yao Jianshe, the former head of the Tianjin Station and now the governor of Tianjin, came to visit on behalf of the new government as scheduled.The Chongzhen trio, whose mental outlook has improved a lot, sat down with Yao Jianshe in the living room of the presidential suite.

After taking a sip of the coffee made by Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, Yao Fu Yin took out the copies of the three major edicts with satisfaction, and handed them over: "The emperor first read the edicts."

Standing by the side, Wang Chengen reached out to take the document, and handed it to Chongzhen.

After a long time, Chongzhen read the three major edicts, and silently handed the documents to Bu Daxing who was sitting on the single sofa.

At this moment, Chongzhen finally understood why these people in Tianjin still called themselves the emperor.

Master Bu, who has actually served as the first assistant to the subjugated state/Chongzhen's personal consultant/negotiator/singing red face, took the document and read it word by word.

On the contrary, there was no objection to the first enthronement imperial edict.If you lose, you lose. As for how someone surnamed Cao will establish a country, that has nothing to do with Zhu Ming.

But when he saw the second imperial edict, Master Bu tilted his head and sneered: "Exemption from the world's grain tax, what a big deal!"

Different from others.As the former stationmaster of Tianjin Station, Yao Jianshe is quite familiar with the archives of Daming No. [-] Mr. Cao Heibu and Da Xingbu, including all the dirty materials in it.

Hearing this, Yao Jianshe asked back with a smile, "Is it too loud? Master Bu should be clear... By the way, after a fall in Taiwan, Master Bu resolutely went to Beijing to assist the emperor. Why?"

"You!..." Seeing the playful eyes of the other party, Bu Daxing, who opened his mouth to spout, suddenly didn't know what to say.

That's right, wasn't it because I was frightened by the ability of industrialized production of grain and iron at the beginning, and then saw the horror of this power, enough to overthrow Ming Dynasty and Confucianism, so I went to Beijing to "turn the tide"?

"Hmph! Yelang is so arrogant, it's still unknown."

Although the heart is depressed, but the mouth is still not convinced.While muttering, Master Bu looked at the third imperial edict, which was also directly related to Chongzhen's vital interests.

Glancing with his front foot, Master Bu couldn't help it with his back foot: "Haha, it's not a family, don't enter a family! Let me ask you, even if there is a food town, what about the emperor's fiefdom?"——

Regarding the content of the third edict, in fact, Emperor Cao really imitated the treatment given to Emperor Xian of Han by Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of Wei at the end of Han Dynasty.

"Feng Le Shou Gong, eats ten thousand households in the city, travels in the Ming Dynasty and Zhengshuo, and sacrifices in the suburbs with the emperor's ceremony, and the letter is not a vassal."

In this passage, except for not specifying the fiefdom, the rest of the treatment basically maintained the dignity of a subjugated emperor.

The reason why there is no fiefdom is not that he is reluctant to part with that bit of land, but that Emperor Cao has a broader mind.In other words, the industrialized cross-country has a more confident system, is more lenient than Cao Wei, is less afraid of the residual political influence of the "first emperor", and is more confident, turning Chongzhen into a role model that embodies the superiority of the new society.

In other words, Puyi has lived to be sixty years old, and the people who have a higher level of medical treatment have not yet had the courage to let Chongzhen live until the day he receives social security? ...Of course, delaying retirement does not count.

However, all of the above are the prospects of insiders.In the current situation, it is impossible for Yao Jianshe to tell the other party this.

Rubbing his forehead, Yao Jianshe shook his head.Before he came here, he knew that Lao Bu was a brainless black fan. At this moment, Yao Jianshe inexplicably recalled the glorious years of exchanging comments with black fans on the Internet.

Taking a long breath, Yao Jianshe said to Bu Daxing slowly.

"Listen well: First, the Cao family in Qiaoxian County and the Cao family from Yanren are not related by blood, nor are they related by clan."

"Secondly, the treatment that Emperor Wen of Wei gave to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is already a rare act of generosity in Chinese history, and we don't think there is anything wrong with it."

"Third." When Yao Jianshe said this, he spread his palms and pointed his fingers: "Jiuxi, Feng Gong, three words and three concessions, Feng Chan."

"Emperor Xian's retirement benefits are not for nothing. Emperor Xian forcibly did these tasks twice, once in Wei Wu, and once in Wei Wen..."

Speaking of this, Yao Jianshe turned his head and glanced at Chongzhen, who had a very bad expression on his face: "Your Majesty, you didn't do a single thing... Even so, you still received treatment that surpassed that of Emperor Xian. Bu Daxing, why are you unconvinced?"

Bu Daxing's face was pale.He opened his mouth, but he finally insisted on the fief issue: "There is no fiefdom."

"Are you blind?"

Yao Jianshe stretched out his finger angrily, and poked somewhere on the document: "Xu is all over the rivers and mountains."

"Can't you read Chinese?"

"Is it better to be locked up in a big fief and wait to die, or is it better to travel around the country to relax?"

"Really?" To be honest, Bu Daxing didn't read carefully before, but he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, and didn't think in that direction.He thought he was referring to the courtier: "Then the emperor will go back to Fengyang to worship the ancestors."

"Hahaha." Yao Jianshe looked at Bu Daxing who was quick to react and showed a sly look. At this moment, he was really amused by the stubbornness of this guy: "Bu Daxing, Bu Daxing, you really are not good at it."

"That's what I said: make trouble, fail, make trouble again, fail again...until you perish."

"Master Bu, you can ask the emperor to go back to Fengyang to worship the ancestors at any time. Emperor Cao Yan will definitely agree, and the emperor does not even need to nod." Yao Jianshe put his hands on his belly, leaned back on the sofa, and said cheerfully: "I'm afraid that the master You go to Fengyang to climb a mountain, and then when you arrive, you are tied back by the peasants who were exempted from the farming class... It will not look good at that time, haha, haha."

"Oh, no more words."

Finally, with a tired look on his face, Chongzhen stretched out his arms and pressed Master Bu down.

Raising his head, facing Yao Jianshe, Chongzhen said seriously: "I don't know when people who have lost their country will be lucky enough to meet Emperor Cao Yan as a thank you."

As soon as Chongzhen's words came out, it represented the surrender of Cao Yan by the remaining forces loyal to Ming Dynasty.

Upon hearing this, Yao Jianshe immediately sat up, and said seriously, "The emperor is currently in Shanghai. Your Majesty, if you want to leave, you can do it anytime."

"Oh..." I knew in my heart that Chongzhen, who had already received top-level retirement benefits, really let go of everything at this moment.

"Then I will trouble my lord to make arrangements and leave as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay. In fact, the emperor doesn't know something. Emperor Cao is looking forward to meeting you. He also specially ordered you to be addressed as the emperor's brother. You will not worship when you enter the palace, and sit together hand in hand."

"The people who have lost their country should remember five things."

"It's just..." In the end, Chongzhen still couldn't hide his curiosity and asked a question: "What is the reason for the so-called 'Jiangbei Special Zone' in the edict?"

"'s a long story to say."

For the time-traveling people who have already learned from previous lives, it is impossible to build a super capital like the later generations this time.

The political center can engage in politics with peace of mind.If you have to add economy and culture, in the end, no matter where the capital is, it will become a super metropolis, and the fifth ring is not enough to repair the rhythm of the seventh ring.

It's coming, I really can't stand it anymore, and then build a new area outside, and then go to the trouble to drive people out... Why bother.

So this time, the cabinet chose the location of the capital from the very beginning: between Jiangbei, Yancheng and Taizhou, a piece of saline-alkali land was randomly drawn, which is the capital special zone.

Now that the special zone is under construction, it is estimated that Emperor Cao will have to stay in Shanghai for at least two or three years before he can officially return the capital.

... Picking up what can be said and telling Chongzhen, it can be regarded as satisfying this curiosity.

Next, Yao Jianshe was very busy.He had to contact Shanghai quickly, and also arranged for the Chongzhen family to go south to make sure everything was safe.

After arriving at the port, not only Chongzhen, but also two family members had to deal with: Zhang Yan and Ah Jiu.

As for Ah Jiu, the title of princess is bound to be revoked.The grace of the new dynasty ended at Chongzhen at most, and it was impossible to continue.

As for the beautiful Queen Zhang, her title will also be cancelled.This point has long been decided by the cabinet.

Regarding Empress Zhang herself...Emperor Cao has long stated that he will not be involved in this matter.The reason is that a long time ago, an anonymous post satirized Mr. Cao on this matter on the forum, and its intentions were so simple that even a fool could see it.

Now I know why the founding emperor often wanted to kill old brothers.It's really that this group of people is too inflated, and they don't treat the emperor as an onion!

Of course, since the "popular anger" is so great, Emperor Cao will not take it too seriously.In other words, people from later generations have never seen such a beautiful woman.At best, Queen Zhang is a beautiful woman, and she is 30 years old, and she is still a widow... This kind of blind date corner in the elderly park is not very popular at all.Those who lick dogs like to chase after them, Emperor Cao really doesn't have that interest.


On the second day after the powers of the two previous emperors finished discussing the handover procedure, Chongzhen and his party boarded the ship heading south.

At the same time, in the northern capital, the monarchs and ministers of the Dashun Dynasty who had just gained a foothold also gathered in the Huangji Palace to discuss state affairs.

The first topic of the meeting: How to deal with the Guanning Group in the northeast of the capital and the Cao's forces entrenched in Tianjin.

And no matter how you deal with your opponent, intelligence comes first.

Therefore, according to the usual routine in the Dashun Army, a strategy of this level must be deployed first by Zhou Guoshi, who is in charge of the intelligence system, and then discussed and approved by everyone.

Let me add a sentence: Zhou Tianshi was the first to be canonized as a national teacher after Emperor Dashun ascended the throne in the capital.

In fact, Zhou Guoshi's strategy has never been refuted since Dashun formally became an army... The Funiu Mountain lurking strategy that was a joke at the time has now helped Li Zicheng sit on the throne.

This is no less than Longzhong's strategic plan.All the generals in the Dashun Army admired Zhou Guoshi's strategy.

After a long laugh, Zhou Guoshi, who was wearing a black gauze Taoist robe, still came out from the first place on the left, came to the front of the Majesty, raised the Buddha dust, and bowed: "Your Majesty, this matter is easy."

"According to the latest news reports and the people in the suburbs of Beijing, Cao's soldiers and horses were in the Santun camp a few days ago, and they really fought a fierce battle with the army of Jianlu who entered the pass."

"Afterwards, the entire Jianlu army withdrew from outside the pass, and the Cao family also lost troops and generals, so they returned to Tianjin to recuperate."

"So, let's recruit the Guan Ning army first."

After saying the conclusion, Zhou Tianshi laughed lightly, showing disdain on his face: "Now that the imperial court has cut off the Guanning army's food and salary, this group of people who eat the imperial food and eat their mouths are afraid that they have long been waiting for the imperial court's order. Just send a The two civil servants are lobbyists, and if they reciprocate, they will definitely see results."

Li Zicheng, the Emperor of Dashun who sat high on the dragon chair, nodded slightly upon hearing this.Immediately, he asked the next question: "What if Guan Ning's army voted for Cao?"

"As early as the Jisi Incident, in order to compete for military exploits, Guan Ning's army and the Cao family had a lot of quarrels between each other, tearing each other down."

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