Lu Ming

Page 3

Cao Chuan's heart is sour, it feels so good!He doesn't know anything about identifying antiques, but he can't stand the stone that he really brought from the Ming Dynasty. If he doesn't take the opportunity to pretend, he won't be able to sleep well tonight.

Chapter 7 The Dog Is Dead

Unusually, Li Douzhan didn't reply, he just glared at Cao Chuan, then went back and gently placed the Yinshi on the table, took another one and looked at the window, and finally identified the bowl.

After half an hour, Li Douzhan slowly put the things back on the table, and then instantly turned into a wolf in the afternoon, jumped over and grabbed Cao Chuan's neck, and asked fiercely, "Speak, where did you come from? , you bastard, if you don't say anything, I'll strangle you!"

Cao Zhenren couldn't bear it anymore, and finally struggled to get away, coughing and shouting, "I got it from a friend!"

Li Douzhan didn't believe it at all, and scolded: "Take it? Can you, a poor bastard, take up this slag? Tell me! Where did it come from?"

Cao Chuan couldn't cover it anymore, and pretended that he was afraid of being strangled, so he could only follow his previous plan and said honestly: "It came from a gang, oh team, and they asked me to sell it on behalf of me. ."

Li Douzhan's face changed suddenly, and he said solemnly: "Cao Chuan, this antique shop is very deep, there is something wrong with this thing, we can't sell it enough, don't be a scapegoat."

Cao Chuan knew that this was talking about business. There was a tacit understanding between the two brothers, and they were never big or small. Once they called each other's names, they would definitely be talking about business.

So he also became serious: "Listen, there is indeed a team working with me, as for where they come from, you better not know, this is good for both of us, what you need to do now is to sell things quickly go out."

Li Douzhan asked suspiciously, "No matter who they are, how can you let a layman help them sell their goods and sell their stolen goods?"

Cao Chuan shook his head: "It's not a thief, don't worry, that team is from abroad, and I also knew it by accident. Today is the first batch. As long as the goods are shipped smoothly, there will be more to come."

Li Douzhan's small eyes were rounded, with an unbelievable look: "Could it be an overseas speculator team, after you hooked up, they said you had connections in this industry, and sold your brother along the way?"

"That's right, that's it," Cao Chuan said with a wide-eyed smile, this guy made up his mind more comprehensively than he thought: "So you can ship with peace of mind, the price is good, I'll give you a commission, brother, we have a good day, brother I'll buy you two young ladies later."

Li Douzhan sat there thinking about it, and after a while he said, "I don't believe a word of your nonsense, forget it, I don't ask where this thing came from, anyway, the goods are sold, and I have a share, one day If you get chopped up, I'll have a share too."

Cao Chuan patted Li Douzhan's shoulder affectionately: "Okay, don't be scared to death, I'm sure you'll be fine if you're fine. In addition, you've got rid of all the junk in the house these days, officially bid farewell to the profession of stall owner, and specially contacted the seller Home, we will do business by ourselves in the future.”

Li Douzhan stood up and went to look at the two square stamps again: "If your goods are like this on the table, then I really don't need to put up a stall in the future."

"Authentic Changhua Dahongpao, frozen ground, 80% blood, bright blood and thick blood. The mine has been dry since the [-]s. Do you know how many years there has been no such good material on the market? Do you know how much it can sell for? ?”

"I don't care about this, you can sell it as soon as possible, remember to keep a low profile, don't fix it, everyone knows that this thing is out of your hands. Well, for the payment, I will give you [-]% of the guarantee, and wait for my channel to go. Tong, there will be a spree pack in the future, by the way, bring your brother's card."

Li Douzhan hummed, saying that the commission was okay, and took out Cao Chuan's card from his wallet and threw it to him.

"How about that porcelain bowl, what's the quality?" Cao Chuan only remembered about the bowl.

Li Douzhan sneered: "Rough porcelain, it hasn't been a few years since it came out of the kiln, so I don't want any dogs."

Hearing this, Cao Chuan knew that his Ming Dynasty porcelain resale activity was out of the question.It seems that the items in the ring are stored in the state at that time, and there is no time lapse.

Originally, he also planned to find some precious porcelains from the Ming Dynasty to bring back, such as blue and white porcelain. Now, looking at the situation, it’s okay. If someone takes it to identify the year with an instrument, it will immediately become a fake. Can't explain.

While thinking about it, Li Douzhan had already pulled out a wooden box, put a piece of red silk on it, wrapped the two sides of the stone, locked it in the cabinet, and then started to make a phone call.

Seeing that he had nothing to do with himself, Cao Chuan went out to the street to buy two taels of braised pork, then sniffed the smell and went straight to the nearby garbage dump.

Why go to the garbage dump?Because there are wild cats and dogs there.Why are you looking for cats and dogs?Because there is still an extremely important question that needs to be verified: Can this ring bring living creatures there?

What is the most pressing thing right now?When he went down the mountain, he kept thinking, there is no doubt that it is not how much the antiques can sell, but to determine whether they can lead people from modern times. This is a general direction and a problem of route.

Being able to lead people in the past is a way of life, and it's a way of living alone, single brushing and group brushing, Cao Chuan knows that there is a world of difference.

He didn't plan to go there alone to be a savior. Life is short, and life with physical strength is even more short. He spent decades alone to play the great cause of founding a country. He graduated from a third-rate university and did not That awareness.

Before walking far, he saw a row of garbage bins on the corner of the street. Without looking, he found a few stray cats and a dog. Cao Chuan sneakily found a hidden corner and squatted down, looked around, and found no cameras. , so someone started to seduce kittens with braised meat.

The cat didn't come, the dog came.Before the dog got the meat, it was put into the ring with a swipe. When Cao Chuan pressed the ring with his thumb, he felt a chill in his heart. The dog didn't struggle for a few seconds, and it was already floating in the gray space hard. , seems to be suffocated to death...

The rest of the braised pork was distributed among the three kittens who had escaped the disaster. He stood up and walked out, waving his hand slightly when passing by, and the unlucky dog ​​appeared in the trash can.

Since he couldn't bring living creatures there, his future route would be clearer: he would sell some supplies on both sides, and it would be ok for him to be a lonely local tyrant.

He was thinking about going back all the way, and when he entered the door, he saw Li Douzhan packing his things. When he asked, he had already contacted the two shopkeepers. Pass all of your stuff to someone else.

Cao Chuan didn't say anything after hearing it. He rolled up his sleeves and started to help. The two of them didn't clean up until dinner, and went out to eat something casually. Cao Chuan came back and opened his notebook and started to surf the Internet.

After browsing around, I feel more at ease: according to the general location of the online map, East Tianmu Mountain where Pingfeng Village is located, and more than 30 kilometers to the west is Changhua Town, and Changhua Town is the original place of chicken blood stone!

Chapter 8 Two Bosses

Then he dug out a bunch of information. Apart from those unreliable myths and stories, the useful one was just one sentence: the discovery of bloodstone began in the early Ming Dynasty, when Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went to the south of the Yangtze River, and monks offered stones to the top. As we all know, all parties are sought after.

"There's a lot to do, a lot to do!" He thought and closed his notebook. His business has just started, and his stone plan is very important. Fortunately, Emperor Qianlong, the first speculator in ancient and modern times, has not yet come to power. This stone has not yet caught fire in the Ming Dynasty. Can get a lot.

"Tomorrow, if I can sell the stones, I will buy some gifts for the ancients to bring to the past. It is the kingly way to come and go..." He climbed into bed while thinking, he has been stimulated repeatedly for the past two days, physically and mentally exhausted, and this meeting is really unbearable. Stopped, and fell asleep at one end.

At nine o'clock in the morning, someone was smashed up from a dream, and Li Douzhan chased them up and cleaned up the house while cursing.As soon as Cao Chuan asked, it turned out that the boss was coming after the meeting, so he quickly got up and washed himself, and the two went out for breakfast.

During the meal, Cao Chuan thought again. Given the unknown situation at the moment, he hadn't figured out how to cover up his fortune, so he told Li Douzhan that it was best to ask for cash when he waited for the shipment.

It doesn't matter to Li Douzhan. The boss who is engaged in antiques is not always ready with a lot of cash. He patted his chest and expressed his reassurance that he would get it easily later.

The two had just returned, and the person receiving the goods had already entered the house.

The middle-aged man in his [-]s who walked in front was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a suit and leather shoes. He had a shrewd face.

The other was a thinner man in his 50s, with an ordinary face, a goatee, and a Tang suit, with two large walnuts in his hand, and walked in with a smile.

As soon as Jinsi entered the door and looked left and right, he pulled the chair unceremoniously and sat down, shaking his legs and said to Li Douzhan: "Little Li, seeing how big your battle is today, Shopkeeper Hu can invite you. What did you get from the countryside? It's a good thing, let's take it out, I can tell you, you have this little face, but it's worth my visit this time, if the things don't make sense, we won't be able to do it next time?"

Li Douzhan greeted the old man in Tang suit to sit down, and said to the middle-aged man with a smile: "Mr. Ma, see what you said, if we don't have any fun in our hands, how dare we bother you two, Xiao Li is so blind. Well, you two wait a moment, I'll get it now, let's see the goods and talk."

President Ma seemed to be satisfied with Li Douzhan's answer, but the old man turned the walnut in his hand and saw Cao Chuan standing beside him, and asked with a smile, "Little Li, who is this?"

Li Douzhan answered while opening the cabinet door, "A relative from my hometown hasn't entered the business yet. I have a stick, Mr. Hu, you don't need to pay any attention to him."

After listening, the old man nodded and said nothing.

Li Douzhan took out the wooden box, placed it lightly on the table in the living room, opened the lid, lifted the red silk, then stepped back and said, "You two can get started."

The two smiled and looked at each other, leaning over at the same time and looking into the wooden box on the table.

"Dang bang", the two walnuts in the hands of the shopkeeper Hu were shaken on the table by him, and the old man quickly took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket, threw them away and put them on his hands.

Over there, Mr. Ma had already put his hand into the box. When he saw the old man taking out his gloves, he didn't know what word was sprayed in his mouth. He withdrew his hands like lightning, and took out a pair of white gloves from his trousers pocket, before he could put them on. Well, the old man has steadily lifted a seal from the box, walked to the window, and looked at it carefully.

Mr. Ma didn't move, just stood straight at the table, holding the other side of the stone, and looked closely as if in front of him.

Seeing this posture, Cao Chuan turned to look at Li Douzhan, Li Douzhan grinned, gave Cao Chuan a "wait for the news of my victory" and said nothing.

After a few minutes, the two bosses seem to have discussed it, and one of them took out a magnifying glass and continued to look at the stone... It was the first time Cao Chuan encountered this scene, and he didn't know what was going on. Dare to breathe.

The room was silent until the two bosses finished reading and gently placed the stone in their hands on the table.

Cao Chuan thought that he would enter the exciting part of the banknote exchange, but who knew that the two people were acting like mimes, making a gesture of invitation to each other, then the old man nodded, slowly stretched out his hand, and picked up the piece that President Ma just watched. A seal stone, back to the window, Mr. Ma did the same, changed a stone and continued to watch...

Someone Cao rolled his eyes, and when he saw Li Douzhan, he was very proud. He looked at the two bosses, Jian Shi, without saying a word, as if he was not in a hurry at all.

Another ten minutes passed before the two treasure hunters put the stone back into the box.

After sitting down, Mr. Ma spoke first. This time, his tone was much calmer, and he was no longer arrogant when he first entered the door: "Xiao Li, this material is considered a gadget, so let's make a price."

Li Douzhan smiled slightly, didn't answer, and asked the old man directly: "Manager Hu, what's your opinion here?"

The old man Hu put on a pose at this meeting, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to be open.

Li Douzhan smiled, walked to the table, gently took out two stones from the box, spread them side by side on the red silk, opened the box, and said loudly: "A pair of Dongdi Dahongpao Ming materials, the reserve price is 150 million, Cash is preferred, formalities are not included, two bosses, let's make a move?"

Cao Chuan, the poor ghost, really didn't expect these two stones to be so valuable. This is still the reserve price. It seems that it may be higher. He will be a little messy.

No one paid any attention to him, Mr. Ma rubbed his chin, glanced at Mr. Hu who was asleep, lay back, and said to Li Douzhan seemingly relaxed: "You are lucky today, Mr. Ma. It's my wedding anniversary. Xishun, I will give you one hundred thousand, 160 million, give me the box, and I will wrap the stones."

Li Douzhan responded with joy, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ma." He bent down and gestured to hand over the wooden box in his hand.At this moment, Shopkeeper Hu opened his eyes wide, raised his hand, and Li Dou Zhan returned to his original position.

After old man Hu woke up, his eyes were sharp, he stared at President Ma, stretched out his fingers, "Add [-]."

Mr. Ma could no longer pretend to be relaxed, sat up and touched his chin with one hand and gestured with the other: "180 million."

... The tug-of-war finally stopped at 220 million.

The old man Hu put his hands on the table and said earnestly: "Mr. Ma, you know that I specialize in gold and stone. I really like it. Besides, the price is not profitable, there is no formalities, and it is very risky. Today How does Lao Hu owe you a favor?"

Mr. Ma replied without a smile: "Who dares to carry old Hu's favor? Speaking of which, who doesn't like this kind of material? Otherwise, I, Ma Wei, have a little thanks to me today. You always go out now, and I will How about a [-]-carriage fee here immediately?"

With a bang, Lao Hu slammed the table: "240 million! You add more and I leave!"

Chapter 9 Rich

The scene is so hot, Cao Chuan is now like Li Douzhan, his eyes are fixed on the surnamed Ma.

Mr. Ma smiled and shook his head: "Two hundred and fifty is unlucky, 240 million, shopkeeper Hu please."

The old man stood up slowly, his old eyes nostalgic for a long time on the pair of blood-red imprinted stones, then he turned and walked towards the door, halfway through, he turned around and said, "Little Li, if there is anything wrong, I just The price tag is still valid.”

Li Douzhan ran over to open the door for the old man, and said good things in his mouth: "No one in the industry knows the strength of the shopkeeper Hu, don't worry, if the business doesn't go through, Xiao Li will definitely come to you."

Mr. Ma in the chair sneered at Lao Hu's back, took out the phone and called out: "Well, it's me, how much cash is in the store now? Well, you hear it clearly, take out all the cash, and bring someone with you. Go to Xiaoru's place, there is also cash there, get it and come find me on Qingchun Road."

When Cao Chuan heard this, his adrenaline surged. He always felt that he would die if he didn't do anything. He looked around, and quickly poured a glass of water and put it in front of President Ma.

Mr. Ma ignored the glass of water at all, and dialed the phone again: "Well, it's me, baby, I have business today, you take out 60 cash from the safe, and when Manager Zhao comes to get it, you can just give it to him, um Well, don't make trouble, hurry up and prepare the money, if you don't come back tonight, I will live with you..."

During the conversation, Li Douzhan also came back, and President Ma raised the phone in his hand: "The money will arrive within half an hour, Xiao Li, you are an insider, and you understand the rules. Since my side is cash, we will pay you two after the transaction." Qing, after leaving this door, I don't admit that there is such a thing as today."

Li Douzhan smiled all over his face: "Mr. Ma, may I not be clear about the rules, but if Xiao Li still wants to eat this bowl of rice, you must have clear soup and water conservancy here, so don't worry about it."

Mr. Ma nodded, and his eyes turned to the two parties on the table. His eyes were softer for a moment. He stretched out his fingers and slowly stroked the stone, muttering something in his mouth.

The three of them just sat in the room like this, none of them dared to take their eyes off the two stones. It took about four or ten minutes before Mr. Ma's phone rang, and after a while, someone knocked on the door.

Li Douzhan got up and went to open the door, but was pulled by President Ma: "Manager Zhao, you should be familiar with it, see clearly before opening the door."

Li Douzhan nodded, looked through the cat's eyes, opened the door, and two people came in, a middle-aged man at the head, followed by a sturdy guy, each carrying a suitcase.

The middle-aged man came in and nodded with Li Douzhan, then went straight to Mr. Ma's side, and whispered a few words into Mr. Ma's ear.

After listening to Mr. Ma, he waved his hand: "Give the box to Xiao Li, and give him both."

The middle-aged man put the two boxes at Li Douzhan's feet without saying a word. Li Douzhan glanced at Cao Chuan and went to the side to open the boxes. The two brothers had a tacit understanding. Stare at the stones on the table.

The two boxes were full of cash, and the stacks were bundled up. The middle-aged man watched Li Douzhan open the boxes and added, "Ten thousand in a stack."

Li Douzhan nodded, first randomly took out a few from the banknote stack to see if it was true or not, and then directly counted the stack of money, quite in the style of the Golden Triangle, and all of them were done in a few minutes.

After closing the box, Li Douzhan handed the wooden box to Mr. Ma. Mr. Ma laughed and put the two imprinted stones into the box, and walked away surrounded by his younger brother.

The sun shines in from the window, and the room is quiet. There are 240 and five stacks of banknotes stacked squarely above the table. Two people lie on the table, watching like this. No one speaks until one of them's stomach groans. Before I knew it, it was already noon.

Li Douzhan got up and patted his stomach: "Brother Daoteng has been playing antiques for so many years. In the past, it was purely a ticket game. Today is a serious transaction. Let's go foraging first and have some wine to celebrate."

Cao Chuan started counting the money without saying a word, counted out 24 stacks and threw them directly to Li Douzhan, and then started packing the rest.

Holding a pile of banknotes, Li Douzhan became inexplicably worried again: "If this pair of materials is a transfer, if I make a formal transfer agreement, it is not impossible to get 300 million just now. Is there any problem with you? If not, I will This commission is given to you, and you take it to pay the bill."

Cao Chuan said as he loaded up the money: "It's the best today. I can't tell where I came from. It doesn't matter if I have less money. The important thing is to hide. Do you understand? In my opinion, this horse will definitely not advertise his receiving channels everywhere, this is what he needs."

Li Douzhan nodded: "Since you said that, I understand, our brothers have made a fortune, what do we do next?"

"After you pack up, go to the shipment, and get rid of all the junk in the house. I'll wait for you to leave before going out. I'll rent a house first, and meet at night. It's a good start today.

When Li Douzhan heard that he had a full set, his small eyes suddenly lit up: "Then the red tripod?"

"You have the final say, drink Martell first, then Martell."

Li Douzhan's spirits were lifted immediately. While tidying up, he praised Mr. Cao for his charisma of leadership, his generosity and wealth, and the red rabbit among others...

Cao Chuan put all the money in the box, and then helped Li Douzhan carry all the junk onto the electric three-wheeler, watched him go away, returned to the room, stretched out his hand, and put the two boxes of money into the ring.

Maybe it's because he has been stimulated too much in the past two days. Although he is actually a millionaire, why can't he get excited?It's funny to think about.

After returning to the back room to pack up his belongings, put them all into the ring, go out first to fill his stomach, and then go into a real estate agency.

After entering, I said that I want to rent a house. The conditions are that I need to have a full set of furniture and network cables. It is best to be near here.

The younger sister of the intermediary quickly took out a few houses, and Cao Chuan was too lazy to look at the houses. After a few glances at the information, he felt that this set in Cuiyuan Community was quite pleasing to the eye. When he saw that the monthly rent was [-], it was the first time in his life that he was filled with local tyrants. The head said that it’s not too expensive, and the house doesn’t need to be seen, just sign the contract.

The intermediary sister decided that this product was a nouveau riche, so she hurriedly prepared the contract, signed it twice, and got the key.

I went to the new house to take a look. It was very good. It was not far from Li Douzhan. The Cuiyuan community was also very quiet. The house was on the third floor, with four bedrooms and one living room.

Cao Chuan threw down his bag and went to the opposite supermarket, bought all the bedding and toiletry bits and pieces, went back to the house and sat down for a while, got up and went out to take a taxi, and asked the driver to go straight to the nearest grain and oil wholesale market.

The wholesale market is on the outskirts of the city. After entering, he saw the target of his trip, salt, before he walked through a few stalls.

Bags of salt were piled up there, and there were various open samples at the entrance of the stall. Cao Chuan looked at them one by one, and finally grabbed a handful and spread out his hand to the proprietress who came to greet him.

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