Lu Ming

Page 12

Who knew that the beggar turned his head away without saying a word after seeing the banknotes.Although the light was dim, the disdain on his face could still be seen.

"Could it be that you think you have less money?" Cao Chuan handed the money forward and continued sincerely: "Brother, you should collect the [-] yuan first, and then give the [-] yuan later."

The beggar sighed and turned his face slowly. Following his movements, the messy beggar gang's special haircut also trembled, like a lion's mane, followed by a sneer. : "Let's talk, is it running errands to deliver 'goods', or is there a case where someone is missing the top tank?"

Cao Chuan's outstretched hand froze there. When he met such a senior who was well versed in the dangers of rivers and lakes, he couldn't explain it for a while. Couldn't it be said that the brothers made a special trip to invite the heroes to destroy the Six Kingdoms?

Chapter 35 Kidnapping ([-])

Licking his tongue, Mr. Cao said helplessly, "Brother, it's not what you think. This job is really risk-free. If you think you have less money, how about [-] yuan? Let's settle it now."

"I'll be silenced afterward, right?" Brother Beggar sneered: "Young man, there are still a lot of routines, save it. When I was counting the money in the whole box, you didn't know where I was going."

"Damn it!" After Cao Chuan heard the words "Longtao", his whole person suddenly felt bad, and he became angry for a while, and instantly switched from Mr. Cao's template to Cao's template, and said three times in a row, "Okay. , ok, ok", stood up slowly and put the money back in his suit pocket.

Seeing him getting up to collect the money, the beggar thought that he had hit on what he had said, and wanted to leave angrily. Didn't he know that he accidentally gave Mr. Cao a heart stab, and the next moment, a gun The pipe was on the beggar brother's forehead...

"You, you, what do you want to do?" someone stammered and asked after reacting.

What responded to him was the sound of a "bang" - Cao deflected the muzzle and fired a shot diagonally at the wall next to him. The low sound of gunfire still echoed in the alley, far less quiet than the movie described.

The beggar brother was so shocked by the firelight and gunshots that rang in his ears, he opened his mouth to shout, but the next moment the smoked gun turned to face him, countless screams were heard. The screen image that was easily killed by the villain saved him, and the roar was stuck in his throat.

"Finally, we have come this far!" Cao Mou sighed after controlling the scene.There is no way, facing a person who cannot move the banknotes, he can only rely on his might.

"I said, you do it, dare to make a sound, you know the consequences, this is not a water gun, man, you just watched it." Cao was trying to make his voice a little more heavy metal at this time, seeing that the beggar brother was in a hurry Nodding, he smiled with satisfaction, and then covered his nose: "I have endured you for a long time, let me take off your clothes first..."

In desperation, Brother Beggar began to stage a deep alley strip show. When he took off only the bottom of his trousers, his eyes were full of flowers, and the other party strangely changed a windbreaker and flew over.

Two minutes later, Cao pushed the trembling windbreaker from behind, and slowly walked out from the alley. Looking around, there was no one around, and the beggar brother was driven into the car.

Turn on the warm air, and drive the car all the way back to Cuiyuan Community. The beggar brother's tied hands were wrapped in the sleeves of his windbreaker, and he was taken back to the house tremblingly.

As soon as I entered the room, I was rushed into the bathroom. After a while, a new set of clothes was thrown in. When someone washed and dressed neatly and walked out of the bathroom, they saw beer and side dishes on the coffee table. Cao, who was playing with a pistol on the sofa.

"I believe a little bit of what you said now, counting the whole box of money or something. At first glance, the man is a person with a story."

No wonder Cao Chuan said that, after this beggar brother came out of the bathroom, he suddenly changed the world, and he really had the temperament of a successful person.Killing Matt's hairstyle has been replaced by a long big back, a suit and leather shoes, big ears and straight facial features. He is about 40 years old, and his height is about the same as Cao Chuan.

After hearing his words, someone didn't answer anything, and the scene was a little weird and embarrassing.

With a slight smile, Cao Chuan stretched out his hand and said, "Please take a seat, haven't you asked for your surname?"

"Hmph, my surname is Xia."

"It turned out to be Brother Xia. I offended you a lot just now. Well, it's not convenient for me to explain it today, and you won't believe it if I explain it, so don't ask anything, you'll understand when you look back."

Seeing that the old man was still silent, Cao Chuan pushed the beer on the coffee table forward, "It's going to be a little late, we'll start at dawn, you can eat and drink whatever you want first, you're welcome."

Beggar Xia sat down slowly, and after being speechless for a long time, he began to eat and drink silently...

Early the next morning, the sky was bright, and the two walked into the garage downstairs one after the other.Seeing the camera in the corridor, the beggar almost opened his mouth to shout, but when he thought of the other party's strange empty-handed change of guns, he still held back.

Cao Chuan locked the garage door and turned on the lights. What was displayed in front of Xia Beggar was a square freezer box on the ground.

Walking over to open the door of the carriage, there were already half-carton white cardboard boxes. These were some daily groceries that Cao Chuan had bought from the supermarket in the past few days, as well as the guns and ammunition that used to be in the ring.

Looking at the beggar Xia who was standing there stupidly, Cao Chuan smiled: "Don't be stunned, bro, go in?"

The beggar couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit. Although he didn't fully understand the situation, the situation in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, didn't seem like a normal way. This is definitely a crime, smuggling?kidnapping?deliver goods?sell organs?While the beggar slowly moved forward, he tried desperately to analyze it with his brain that had experienced many ups and downs in life.

In just a few short walks, the old man was sweating profusely. He didn't get to the door of the carriage. He couldn't analyze one, two or three. When he came, under the coercion of the pistol, he could only say a cruel sentence in the end: "The camera has a record!"

Cao Chuan smiled: "You will thank me."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed the beggar into the carriage.

The compartment door clicked and locked.

Before he could get up from the cardboard box, Xia Beggar suddenly levitated and subconsciously reached out to support the wall of the box, but he found that his body was lying horizontally in the air, and with the movement of his hand, he slowly lingered. Float to the other side of the carriage.

"Is this weightlessness?"

What reacted in his brain was an incredible answer, but it was useless, he was still floating in the dark and narrow space with the cardboard box under him.

Beggar Xia spent the most important 3 minutes of his life in panic. Just when he felt it was difficult to breathe, the weightlessness suddenly disappeared at the next moment, and he fell back suddenly...

The door of the carriage opened slowly, and the morning light came in from outside the door. The beggar was lying on his stomach, looking at Cao Mou who was laughing outside the door. He was silent.

"Are you alright bro?"

"Don't you think you should explain something?"

Cao Chuan laughed, let go of his body, bent down and stretched out his hand: "You better come out first, I can't explain it clearly, you can understand it by yourself."

The beggar became more and more puzzled, and opened his mouth to say something, but when he looked through the box door and saw that the outside had turned from a garage into a grassy garden with several old-style tile houses, he was speechless in surprise.

Crawling out of the carriage, looking left and right, after confirming that he had read it right, Xia Beggar asked with a dry mouth, "Where am I?"

Chapter 36 Xia Xianze

Crawling out of the carriage, looking left and right, after confirming that he had read it right, Xia Beggar asked with a dry mouth, "Where am I?"

"Outside the city of Hangzhou in the Ming Dynasty."

"There's some kind of gas in the car, so I'm hallucinating?"

"Dude, you have such a broad mind."

"Then what the hell is going on!?"

"You came to the Ming Dynasty, yes, the Ming Dynasty you know."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Hey, I knew you didn't believe it, so let's see, there is a ladder at the base of the wall over there, you go to the top of the wall to see the ancient city first, here, I'll give you a telescope, don't worry, take a look at it slowly, and then come down when you see it clearly. Let's talk later."

Watching Beggar Xia climb up the ladder step by step, Cao Chuan shook his head and smiled, and began to carry cardboard boxes from the "space station".

It was a strange moment in the backyard. The beggar was looking around with binoculars on the wall, while Cao Chuan was working with his sleeves rolled up. He didn't speak, but was very attentive.

It was not until Cao Chuan moved all the boxes into the old house, and then took out two more chairs from the house, and after sitting down and waiting for a long time, the beggar seemed to calmly climb down from the ladder step by step.

In the backyard full of weeds, two men were sitting on chairs, staring at each other, silent.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"This is a long story." Cao Chuan sighed, slowly stretched out his left hand, and opened his palm: "Have you seen this ring?"

An hour later, Cao Chuan finally explained everything that happened after he got the ring.

Beggar Xia never said a word until after listening to him, he kept blinking his eyes. After a long time, he digested these incredible information.Then he stared straight at Cao Chuan: "I want to go to the city of Hangzhou that you said."

Cao Chuan was stunned: "You still don't believe in feelings? Okay, let's go now. But before you go, you have to change your look, you will be surrounded by onlookers when you go out in a suit, and I will also make up a set of origins for you, don't talk about it later. Ah, listen to my arrangement."

The beggar nodded: "I don't speak, you can arrange it."

Hearing this, Cao Chuan stood up, and in front of the beggar, he waved the "space station" into the ring, looking at him provocatively, and led him into the wing with the latter's wide-eyed eyes.

"Let's change your clothes first. Unfortunately, I bought a few more this time, and you have half-length hair, which needs to be matched with a hat." Cao Chuan said while rummaging through the boxes he brought over...

The gate of the back garden, which had been closed for many days, slowly opened in Tangzhuang with a creaking sound. Cao Daochang took three steps and walked out of the back house with the beggar Xia.

What followed was a loud long drink: "Is there anyone alive!"

The next moment, seven or eight people rushed out from several nearby courtyards, and some of them were dressing while running. Chu Jianli was dressed neatly, and greeted him from afar: "Sir, you have passed the customs, brothers... Um, this one?" Before he finished speaking, he came to the front, seeing Beggar Xia in a green coat and soft hat, he couldn't help but stop talking, and looked at Cao Chuan.

Cao Chuan laughed: "This is Mr. Xia, who is also a native of West Kunlun. I went down the mountain recently and learned that I was practicing here, so I came here to catch up. Mr. Xia is a close friend of mine, and everyone should not neglect in the future."

After hearing this, everyone in Pingfengzhai was a little stunned: relatives and friends came to the door after only a few days in the world?

Without waiting for the group to think about it, Cao Chuan waved his hand quickly: "Is the boat sent by the Liu family still there? The third master will accompany me to the city for a tour, and I will talk about the rest on the way."

When Chu Jianli heard the sound, he hurriedly ordered two people to row a boat. The group went out and boarded the Wupeng boat in the river, swayed the oars, opened the scull, and walked up the river, slowly heading towards Hangzhou City.

Xia Beggar just sat and looked out of the window all the way, listening to Cao Chuan and Chu San's fantasy-style conversation, and seeing the approaching ancient city of Hangzhou in his eyes.It was not until Wu Peng entered the Qingchun Water Gate and turned into the East Canal with twists and turns, and everyone stopped boats on the Taiping Bridge to land.

After the group went ashore, they walked through the narrow alley in just a few short steps and then turned into the Imperial Street. At this time, the market was flourishing in the morning, and all kinds of merchants and people were waiting.

Everyone walked slowly along the Qinghe, Taiping, and Xiuyi squares. Along the way, there were row upon row of houses, tea houses, wine shops, butcher shops, and merchants shouting and selling. The cloth shops were full of silk and satin, and the treasure shops were full of jewelry and spices. , medical halls, car dealerships, temples, fortune-telling, shaving and ear shaving and other miscellaneous businesses gathered, a prosperous city atmosphere.

Beggar Xia accompanies Chu San all the way to buy vegetables in baskets, or only pigs, and accompanies Cao Chuan in the thrift shop to play tricks——a certain Taoist robe rolled out silver ingots from the cuffs of his robe, and he opened his mouth to get three sets of mahogany furniture First of all, even Yexiang wanted huanghuali... The shopkeeper of the thrift store was shocked for a moment, and he hurriedly ordered the staff to go out to hire a boat and serve tea to the guests himself.

In the afternoon, after a group of people came out of the restaurant after eating a table with eight cold and eight hot, Xia Beggar's expression had calmed down a lot, and it seemed that he had figured it out.Not long after, when he stood at the head of the Mayi Bridge and stared at a few skeleton-like starving corpses under the bridge for a while, he finally took the initiative to say to Cao Chuan the first words since his departure: "Go back."

Early the next morning, when Cao Chuan came out of the main room yawning, he was surprised to find that the beggar brother who got into the wing as soon as he came back yesterday, who claimed to be quiet alone, would be sitting in a suit and leather shoes. at the door.

Seeing him go out, the old man took a step forward, stretched out his hand gracefully, and bowed slightly: "I met him for the first time, my dear Xia Xianze, please take care of Mr. Cao in the future."

Cao Chuan shook hands with him subconsciously. For a moment, he seemed to be in a business party with staggered plans. Unfortunately, the two of them were just standing in a desolate courtyard. There was no banquet, only a pair of tables and chairs in front of the door.

"Haha, change your style, bro, do you want to understand?" After being stunned for a while, Cao Chuan reacted.

"The situation is generally clear, it's incredible, incredible!" Xia Xianze sighed, waving his hand to lead Cao Chuan to the desk and chair at the door, inadvertently, a mature businessman's temperament was revealed.

After the two sat down, Xia Xianze coughed: "Well, in general, if you put aside my involuntary participation in this article, the rest of the things are still very interesting."

After listening, Cao Chuan rolled his eyes: "Dude, it's just the two of us here. Is it necessary to talk like this?"

"I always have to properly express my outrage."

"It's useless. I said it yesterday. In the old world, anyone who knows this secret is not allowed to exist. Of course, in this new world, we are comrades-in-arms and can share any secrets."

"So, it's impossible for me to go back again?"

"Why are you going back, continue to beg for food?"

Hearing this, Xia Xianze shook his head and sighed, "I knew that was the case. Forget it, since this is the case, I have a question to ask you first."

Chapter 37

Cao Chuan smiled: "Oh? It seems that you slept very late last night."

"I didn't sleep at all, okay?" Xia Xianze glared at Taoist Cao and said sternly: "Okay, the first and most important question: how do you plan to deal with the relationship between the future and many travelers? You know, You are the only one who holds the means of production and living."

Having said that, he kept his eyes fixed and tried to observe every expression on Cao Chuan's face.

"I have considered this issue." After listening to this, Cao Chuan smiled lightly: "Actually, I am not as ambitious as you think, especially when I will soon become a superior person in the old world. You know, In this world, you will never be able to create Gulfstream and Beneteau. So, the focus of my life will not be here, just remember to leave a portion for me when dividing pork."

Cao Chuan thought for a while and then added: "My definition of myself is very simple: a logistics provider. As for how to allocate resources and how to build a new world, it is naturally up to you, the actual handlers, to discuss and complete. I think, face to face. For such a brand-new parallel world, you wouldn't do worse than the Qing Kingdom, would you?"

Xia Xianze laughed when he heard this, waved his hands and said, "You really know how to joke, how could there be such a thing as the Qing Dynasty... Well, when you say it like this, the stone in my heart is relieved, I am afraid that you will play What kind of model such as boss and long-term labor, the coordination of internal interests is not good, and things cannot be done.”

Hearing this, Cao Chuan laughed: "Brother, I have been on the Internet anyway, and I studied business administration. Ahem, although the school is not very good, you wouldn't think that after breathing the feudal air of the Ming Dynasty for a few days, I will become harmonious. Zhu Baba has a thinking mode, right?"

"Of course it's best for you to think like this, and I'm right here to confirm it. This is a procedural problem."

"These eight characters haven't been written yet, is it necessary to make it so ugly?"

"It's ideology! It's an outline! It's a foundation! How can it be unnecessary?"

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, what's the disgusting problem next?"

"Let's have breakfast first."


"The principle issue has been resolved. The following are just some specific technical issues. It's not important. I'm suddenly hungry now. Let's talk while eating?"

"...I remember there is luncheon meat in the box, you open it yourself."

The above dialogue is the first official negotiation between Xia Xianze, who represents the "traversed" class, and Cao Chuan, the resource controller.The content of the conversation vaguely contained the political structure and ideology of the future crossing the regime.

At breakfast, Xia Xianze began to slowly tell about his life.

Like most traditional businessmen, he also had a youthful life when he went south to work.After that, he partnered with others to open a trading company and earn the first pot of gold. After that, the business was ups and downs, and the business grew bigger and bigger. At the age of 35, Xia Xianze reached the pinnacle of his life - he bought a piece of urban area in a second-tier city Land.

Then came bad luck.The anti-corruption storm broke out overnight, and the patron was taken to a guest house to explain the problem.The bank heard the news and urged the loan, and the capital chain broke. When he packed up and was about to run away, he was blocked at the door of the house by the economic police who received a report from the "enthusiastic masses".

The following is a dilemma: should I sell the backer who is still struggling and beg the opponent to let me go, or should I bet on it?

Xia Xianze chose the latter, and he really couldn't do it.

The final outcome is that the backer was refrigerated, and President Xia naturally had to pay the price for standing in the wrong team: after losing all his property, he was only exempted from criminal prosecution.It's just that at this time, he was alone, and he had a match with Stephen Zhou that day.

Affected by this, he resolutely decided to calm down first, reflect on his past, and show his embarrassment to those unwilling opponents.Unexpectedly, only half a year had passed, and he had just begun to realize the true meaning of life from the alley, when he was led back to the world of mortals by Cao Zhenren...

When Cao Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but stretched out his thumb: "Being ruthless to yourself is really ruthless. Brother, you have a very strong way of reflection."

Xia Xianze threw his chopsticks on the table, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Whose strongman would beg for food?" While laughing, he asked again: "If I heard correctly yesterday, what is the inner space of your ring? A cube with a side length of 2.8 meters can be teleported every seventy hours or so, right?"

Cao Chuan nodded: "That's right, I measured the space of the ring with a real object. The side length is 2.8 meters, and the internal space is a total of 22 cubic meters. About every three days, one-way transmission energy can be saved. Well, In other words, if I disappear now, I will be able to come back in six days."

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