Ordinary people want to worship a "true god", isn't this a joke?

It's not an enemy. If the sworn brotherhood is really successful, wouldn't it mean that he is looking forward to his brother's early death?

"What's the matter, Ah Yao?" Chen Yulou asked.

"Brother Chen, this is all my problem." Wu Yao said bitterly, "It's because I didn't think carefully. My status is a bit special. It seems that we cannot become sworn brothers."

Chen Yulou is dreaming of pulling Wu Yao onto the Xiling faction's pirate ship.At this moment, Wu Yao is about to give up halfway, how can this be possible?

Chen Yulou anxiously said: "Hey, Yao, please speak clearly! What's going on here?"

"I'm sorry, Boss Chen, you can't talk about this!" Wu Yao said solemnly, then changed the topic, "Although I can't make sworn vows with the three of you, you can.

After all, this sworn ceremony of yours can be regarded as a historical precedent, gathering people from the four sects of Faqiu, Mojin, Qianshan, and Xiling at one time, and the sworn brothers of the four sects form a family, which can be regarded as a beautiful story through the ages. "

After a pause, without waiting for Chen Yulou to speak, Wu Yao added: "As for me, we can be close friends who treat each other with sincerity and trust each other with our lives. This is not much different from sworn worship."


Chen Yulou looked uncertain for a while.

Partridge Whistle saw that the matter had reached an impasse, and hurriedly said, "Brother Chen, just do as A Yao said! The four of us are friends, and it's the same."

"What do you think of the spirit?"

Chen Yulou asked.

"I have no objection!" Zhang Qiling said lightly.

"In that case, let's do this!"

Although Chen Yulou felt that it was a pity, but the matter had come to this point, he could only do so first.

Next, the three of them offered incense to heaven and earth, burned yellow paper, recited oaths, and drank wine.

With the sound of firecrackers, Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and Zhang Qiling have since become brothers with different surnames.

At noon, Chen Yulou set up a table banquet, first to celebrate the three people sworn, second to celebrate the three brothers and sisters Partridge Whistle lifted the curse and regain health, and third to celebrate yesterday's fruitful harvest.Everyone who ate this meal was very happy, and they pushed and changed glasses during the meal, and the noise continued until evening.

At dawn on the second day, Wu Yao and the others went straight to the bottle mouth of Pingshan.

After Chen Yulou performed the "Wen Zi Jue", the entrance to the general's tomb of the Yuan Dynasty was quickly determined.


Partridge Whistle made a move to control Fenshan Puzijia. It took less than half an hour to dig a passage with a diameter of [-] centimeters, leading directly to the tomb of the general of the Yuan Dynasty.

After the ventilation was over, Chen Yulou came to Wu Yao, "Ah Yao, what should we do next?"

"It's still the same, you, big brother Partridge Whistle, little brother and I, plus Xiaobai, the five of us go down first, and let the brothers go down after the Yuan Dynasty zombie is dealt with." Wu Yao pondered for a while. road.

"Okay, everything is up to your arrangement!"

Chen Yulou turned around and waved his hand, "Brothers, wait for a while, it won't be too late for you to go down after we get rid of the Xiangxi Corpse King inside."





Everyone in Xiling said in unison.

Chapter 39 Yuekui's first show, Wu Yao is helpless (please collect, ask for a reward, please recommend a ticket!)

Compared with the magnificence and delicacy of the Infinity Hall, the general's tomb of the Yuan Dynasty is rough and luxurious.

There are countless rare treasures inside, and it is completely different from the little three melons and two dates left after a collapse in the TV series.

There are a total of nine burial pits the size of a badminton court. The pits are filled with exquisite porcelain, jade, bronze, and all kinds of rare treasures.




"What does it mean to be as rich as an enemy!"

Wu Yao swallowed his saliva and exclaimed, "That's the fuck!"

"Oh my God!"

Chen Yulou gasped, and muttered to himself, "How many people did this general of the Yuan Dynasty harm before he was alive, so that he could plunder so many treasures?"

"This is too..."

For a while, Chen Yulou couldn't find a suitable word to describe his mood at the moment.

Partridge Whistle is also a person who has seen the world, and has seen a lot of treasures in the tomb, but at this moment, his heart beats faster and his breathing becomes rapid.

Among the five, there are only Zhang Qiling and Bai Yuekui. One has a cold personality and is indifferent to everything except protecting the ultimate, while the other is just a newborn, ignorant and uninterested in everything outside.

Wu Yao and Chen Yulou looked at each other, pursed their lips and said: "Chen, it seems that the plan has to be changed. To be on the safe side, let's transport the Yuan Dynasty zombie out together with the coffin, otherwise there will be a fight, here Your treasures will suffer."

"That's right! These are priceless treasures left to us by our ancestors, and we must not let them be damaged."

After Chen Yulou finished speaking, he was about to find someone to come down to carry the coffin, but he didn't want Wu Yao to go straight to the general's coffin and try to lift it. One person can lift it, but it will be very laborious. The key is that the coffin is full It is four meters long, 1.8 meters wide, and one meter thick. It is really difficult for him to carry it with bare hands.

Turning his gaze, Wu Yao glared at Bai Yuekui,

"Xiaobai, don't be in a daze, come and help!"


Bai Yuekui glared back, and then lazily walked over.

Next, the two of them lifted the coffin weighing more than eight tons with contempt and ease.


Chen Yulou was just about to get out of the cave, but when he saw this scene, his jaw almost didn't drop from shock.

Taking a deep breath, he exclaimed in admiration: "Sure enough, people are different! Even if the Overlord of Chu is alive, Ah Yao's power is probably incomparable to him!"

The partridge whistle patted Chen Yulou, "Why, brother, are you envious?"

"I'm so envious!" Chen Yulou replied.

My big brother is straightforward!

Partridge Whistle's heart moved, and he couldn't help but suggest:

"Brother, if you want to increase your strength, there is no way out. After we kill the Xiangxi Corpse King, I will take out its inner alchemy. At that time, elder brother, you can take the inner alchemy, and then use "Yin Sha Body Refining" "Spells" to refine it. After you refine it thoroughly, your strength will at least reach half of Ayao's."

"That's a good relationship, so it's settled!" Chen Yulou said eagerly.

Partridge Whistle smiled and urged: "Let's go, brother, we should go out too."

At the same time, Wu Yao and Bai Yuekui had already moved the coffin of the Yuan Dynasty general out of the underground palace.

Putting down the coffin, Wu Yao looked up at the sky, it was only around nine o'clock in the morning, and the sun was not strong.

Then he greeted Chen Yulou who came out of the underground palace, and suggested: "Chen put your head on, let this thing dry first, and open it when the sun is at its strongest at noon, and it will be easier to destroy this thing then. As for the brothers, now Then you can start digging for treasures in the underground palace."

"Okay, just do as you say."

After the words fell, Chen Yulou began to arrange for the brothers in Xiling to descend into the underground palace in an orderly manner, and began to carry the treasures out.

Time flies, and it is already noon in the blink of an eye.

So far, standing a little longer in the sun will make people sweat profusely.

Wu Yao asked Chen Yulou to disperse all the people in Xiling, and after avoiding them, he nodded towards Bai Yuekui.

Bai Yuekui didn't talk nonsense, he walked straight to the coffin, stepped on the bottom of the coffin with one foot, grabbed the lid with the other hand, and lifted the lid with a slight lift.

Then with a slight push, the lid of the coffin was pushed aside, revealing the lid of the inner coffin.

Similarly, she grabbed the reinforced beam and lifted the lid of the inner coffin with a light lift.

Everyone turned their attention to the inside of the coffin and saw a 1.9-meter-tall, taupe-skinned giant man dressed in Mongolian clothes lying quietly inside.

There are all kinds of rare treasures, gold utensils, jewelry, and a pair of iron long lances that have gone through vicissitudes of life and are still shining coldly.Besides that, there are some paperwork and stuff like that.

The moment Bai Yuekui saw that iron long lance, his eyes lit up.Then he reached out and grabbed the long lance, and took it out.

Relying on her instinct, she danced wildly for a while, and the long lance unexpectedly made the sound of dragon chant.

After playing, Bai Yuekui looked at Wu Yao, "I want this thing!"

"Since you like it, then you can take it!" Wu Yao shrugged.

Partridge Whistle just looked away from Bai Yuekui.With a startled glance, he saw that the Yuan Dynasty general in the coffin opened his eyes and sat up.He exclaimed:

"No, the zombie has awakened!"

At this time, there was no need to remind Bai Yuekui, because Bai Yuekui was the closest to the general of the Yuan Dynasty, and she was also the most sensitive to danger.

Dai Mei frowned slightly, then waved the iron long lance in her hand, and stabbed it straight at the Yuan Dynasty general's chest.


With a muffled sound, the sharp tip of the lance had been deeply inserted into the body of General Yuan Dynasty.

Then, with a light jump, Bai Yuekui lifted him into the air, and shot it into the sky like a cannonball.


Bai Yuekui jumped lightly, raised the long lance, and shot up into the sky like lightning, approaching the general of the Yuan Dynasty, and swept the lance horizontally.

A cold light flashed past, causing everyone to close their eyes subconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, the general of the Yuan Dynasty who had just woken up was already decapitated, and the dead could not die again.

Damn it, the monster was robbed again!

The corner of Wu Yao's mouth twitched, feeling helpless.


Chen Yulou swallowed his saliva,

Looking eagerly at Wu Yao, "Ah Yao, why don't you make me a puppet like this?"

Partridge Whistle and Zhang Qiling also looked over, and they seemed to be very interested in puppets like Bai Yuekui.

"Okay, no problem!"

Wu Yao rolled his eyes and said, "But as the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. As long as you find me a fresh corpse of a monster that can rival the six-winged centipede, I'll do it for you."

"This..." Chen Yulou rolled his eyes, "By the way, second brother, why don't you take out your angry chicken and let Ah Yao make it a puppet for you!"

"Nuqing Chicken is alive and well, there is no need to kill it and make it into a puppet." Although Partridge Whistle was a little moved, he held back in the end.

Chapter 40 Acting progress, Huang Pi asks for a seal (please collect, ask for a reward, please recommend a ticket!)

"not good!"

At this time, the "Ring of Erudite Learning" on Wu Yao's finger suddenly became hot.

Then, a bunch of information about "Ling Miasma" flooded into my mind.

Wu Yao slapped his head, and then he remembered that this Xiangxi Corpse King's body contained a terrifying corpse poison.

With a cry of surprise, he hurriedly recited the driving secret mantra decisively before the body of the Yuan Dynasty general fell to the ground, and began to summon the "Holy Light".

Zombies like General Yuan Dynasty who have evolved to the level of hair stiffness cannot be harmed by the flames released by the flame sword alone.

As the blazing white beam of "holy light" fell, it landed on the body of the Yuan Dynasty general who had been cut into two by Bai Yuekui.

Chi la la!

In an instant, as if a glass of cold water had been poured into the oil pan, the corpse of the Yuan Dynasty general exploded, turning into a ball of flames in the air.

From the beginning to the end, Wu Yao never gave the general of the Yuan Dynasty a chance to release the miasma in his body, and decisively completed the finishing work.


Chen Yulou woke up with a start, and asked curiously, "Ah Yao, what is the mausoleum miasma you are talking about?"

Wu Yao let out a long breath, and explained according to the information conveyed by the "Ring of Erudition":

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