As long as he gets the Yangyuan Pill in his hand, it will be considered a successful gift!

As for the next step, whether he takes it himself, returns it, or keeps it temporarily, will not affect the system's judgment of "successful gift".

Because Pei Ling didn't choose any exercises right now, the system will only give it away in this case, and will not use the "resource" from the gift.

Realizing this, Pei Ling heaved a sigh of relief. If he knew this, why was he still so cautious before?

Thinking in his heart, he conveniently gave the system a one-star negative review...

At this moment, seeing that Mrs. Wang Gao no longer came to disturb her, Zhong Kui Jingyi once again felt that something was wrong, but her memory loss was too serious, so she only paused for a moment, and then resumed the lecture: "In addition to alchemy, Yaocao, It is also commonly used in some magical curses..."

"Magic curses often use flesh and blood souls, which hurt the sky and..."

"About divination..."

After Pei Ling put on her clothes, she realized that she still hadn't lost her memory, so she couldn't help but feel certain.

This should be because the system refined a "law" for him just now!

The "weirdness" in Pengying's view last time, he could only recover his memory after he got a "dharma".Right now, he has refined another "method" in the school's "weirdness", and both of them are related to forgetting, which is why he can wake up.

Thinking of this, Pei Ling glanced at Zhong Kui Jingyi, who was still giving a lecture, and then at Yan Minghua, who was lying on the table with flushed cheeks and blurred eyes.

Tianji was obviously still in a daze, her eyes were a little confused, she just stared at Pei Ling almost instinctively.Witnessing this scene, Pei Ling couldn't help feeling hot, but soon calmed down.

Right now in the "weird", whether it is Yan Minghua or Zhong Kui Jingyi, it is obvious that they have been deeply tricked, and they must find a way to save them!

Pei Ling immediately walked quickly to Yan Minghua's side and helped him up from the table.

Yan Minghua didn't say a word, and leaned against his chest without any struggle or resistance.

Pei Ling gathered herself together, opened her storage bag, took out a set of clothes from it, and quickly changed it for Yan Minghua.

Afterwards, he looked at the torn skirts everywhere, and wanted to sacrifice Nanke Menghuo and burn it, but thought that magic techniques could not be used in the school, so he had a thought and put all the broken clothes into a storage room. in the bag.

It wasn't until there were no traces in the school that Pei Ling said via voice transmission: "Yan... Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry, just now..."

Chapter 44: Where are you going?

"Are you that alchemist?" Yan Minghua asked in a spirited manner, and the blurred look in his eyes gradually faded away, turning into a clear and clear.

Pei Ling was taken aback, and immediately replied: "Yes, I am Wang Gao. I was actually confused by the 'weirdness' in this school just now..."

Wang Gao...

The head of the Liugai Dynasty's alchemy ceremony!

Yan Minghua quickly thought of the other party's identity. This is a casual alchemy master. It is rumored that the other party's attainments in alchemy are amazingly talented. Solved the two exam questions left by Danzu...

If it hadn't been for the devil from Wushi Villa to attack "Little Zizaitian", which caused the final assessment of the alchemy ceremony to end early, it is unknown where this person will go.Moreover, the reputation of the Liugai Dynasty towards Wang Gao is that although this person was born in a sea of ​​mixed fish and dragons, he has a kind heart, sympathizes with the weak, and behaves extremely decently...

This time the Four Sects of the Devil Dao attacked Jiuyi Mountain, and this person was in Miao City and helped refine the evil spirit pill, which obviously proved this point.

Right now, the "weirdness" is still getting worse, and this Wang Gao is neither a demon cultivator, but also a half-alliance, but it's not the time to argue with the other party about what happened just now, so he has to leave quickly!

Thinking of this, Yan Minghua quickly sent a voice transmission: "You just need to answer that you are the alchemist, and you don't need to reveal your real name."

"However, since I have said it now, I have to leave this school as soon as possible before get out of class is over."

"You have the 'dharma' in this 'weird'. Now that I am in contact with you, I can gradually restore some memories."

"Now, you go and bring the Fourth Highness of the Liudao Dynasty with you, and we will leave together!"

Hearing this, Pei Ling immediately replied: "Okay!"

Immediately afterwards, he put his arms around Yan Minghua, who was still a little weak, and walked towards Zhong Kui Jingyi.

Zhong Kui Jingyi is still explaining her understanding of a certain supernatural power: "It has extremely high requirements on aptitude and xinxing, and the first step in cultivation is..."

At this moment, Pei Ling stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and said via voice transmission: "Fourth Highness, follow me."

Zhong Kui Jingyi looked at Pei Ling suspiciously, and asked, "Master Wang, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Zhong Kui Jingyi had no tendency to recover her memory at all, Pei Ling was taken aback for a moment, but at this time, Yan Minghua made a direct move, and cut Zhong Kui Jingyi's neck with a hand knife.

Zhong Kui Jingyi fainted immediately.

Yan Minghua said briefly: "Take her! As long as you leave the school, you don't need to explain anything."

Pei Ling came back to her senses, and immediately carried Zhong Kui Jingyi on her shoulders, and then walked out of the Cingzi School with her two daughters.

Outside the school, the students who were punished continued to stand. They didn't respond to Pei Ling and Yan Minghua's entry and exit just now, as if they didn't see it.

But as soon as Zhong Kui Jingyi was brought out by the two, he immediately looked at the three of them with empty eyes.


B character school.

In the drowsy room, the atmosphere was gloomy.


The magic weapon in the shape of a ruler fell heavily, and the student in front of him didn't have the slightest resistance, and was smashed into a puddle of flesh, with blood splattering everywhere.

Ji Changfu looked calm, tilting his head slightly to avoid the splatter of blood splashing on his cheek. This was the No.2 student he beat to death for not being serious in class.

The moment the student died tragically on the spot, part of his memory of the method of double cultivation and the method of harvesting and nourishing was restored again.

The students looked at Ji Changfu's gaze, already full of hatred, and violently violent almost anytime and anywhere, choosing and devouring people!

There was a brief silence in the school, and a student said sadly: "Master has already punished one person, now it's time for me to demonstrate it!"

"That's right, master, don't refuse any more, you are a master, it's only natural to give lessons and solve doubts."

"If the master doesn't demonstrate again, then we will demonstrate it to the master..."

"It's useless to delay, don't waste my time waiting..."

Hearing their resentment-filled urging, Ji Changfu said calmly, "I haven't finished the lesson just now, and I have to continue."

"You all shut up and don't disturb my lecture."

"Master is really hiding something!" The students stared at him, gnashing their teeth, "Speak quickly! Tell me quickly!"

Ji Changfu looked at the blood on his arm again, there were only two lines on it, but now, there was another line of blood, which was engraved after he dealt with student No. punishable."

He suddenly smiled coldly. Although his memory still hasn't recovered, he has found a way to break the situation!

At the moment, he said calmly: "There is one more thing to pay attention to in the technique of nourishing and nourishing, and that is..."


A character school.

In the dim yellow room, the snake mouse seemed to be frightened by some kind of fright, and only occasionally made a shivering movement. The rest of the time, the whole school was deadly silent.

The students had finished piecing up all the paper figurines, and there seemed to be a layer of snow on the ground, all of which were paper scraps that had been pierced into pieces.

However, the master has not come back.

"Damn it! Master tricked me into promising not to skip class, but he skipped class to enjoy himself. This kind of master is not as good as a beast. When we play games at night, I will hang him up and pierce three thousand holes with scissors!"

"What about the exercises? What about the exercises?? What about the exercises that you agreed to teach me?? I waited to study from dawn to dusk, in order to increase my knowledge, so that I could get a title on the gold list in the future, and honor my ancestors! Waiting, but being so negligent and slack, is simply treating our future as a child's play!"

"I want to go out! It has been raining for days, and there must be many fish, shrimps, eels and frogs by the stream. The fishhooks and bamboo baskets I hid in the reeds are just for this kind of time...Damn Master, I want to wait until night." Cut him into pieces and go fishing for shrimp!"

"This teacher looks honest and treacherous, and he is not worthy of being a teacher at all. I will tear him down tonight, and tomorrow I will ask the head of the mountain to replace us with a teacher."

"That's right! This Master Wang Gao must be hacked into pieces. After class, go and report to the head of the mountain and change to a master!"

The students are half tired of studying and half eager to learn, but they are all full of hatred for Wang Gao.

They were extremely eager to find Wang Gao immediately, and tortured him thousands of times with all kinds of means... However, at this moment, they could only sit on their seats, cursing endlessly...


Outside the C-character school, the heavy rain was still falling, and the rain slapped on the eaves, creating a layer of mist.


The purple lightning swept across the sky, and the entire court was filled with brilliance for a moment, which made the students' faces pale, and the eyes they looked at were empty.

The surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a lot at once, and the coldness is coming in bursts.

The students stared straight at them without saying a word. At some point, an old master with gray beard and hair and a fluttering blue shirt appeared in the rain curtain of the courtyard, blocking the way of the three of them. School has not passed, where are you going?"

Chapter 45: Knocking chess pieces and falling lights.

The rain poured down, and the lightning flashed.

The wind and rain drifted into the corridor, soaking the robes of the three of them.

The eyes of the students around were empty, and the old master looked gloomy.

"You haven't passed the school exam, where are you going?" The old master asked slowly, his voice was cold and gloomy.

Pei Ling frowned. Based on his memories of the past two days, he now knew very well that the head of the mountain was much more difficult to deal with than those students!

He, Zhong Kui Jingyi, the Fourth Highness of the Liugai Dynasty, and Ji Changfu, the leader of the Inborn Young Master, were forcibly arranged by the head of the mountain to become teachers in the school, responsible for teaching the students in the school.

Now that he is recovering his memory under the influence of "Fa", it is naturally impossible to continue teaching.But Ji Changfu and Zhong Kui Jingyi are still under the control of each other.

You can't use spells here, if you use your hands...

Before he finished his thoughts, Yan Minghua's voice transmission came from Pei Ling's ears: "Students can use the rules in 'Weird' to kill, but this mountain chief should be the most dangerous existence in 'Weird' here, so don't follow him." He fights! See if you can bypass him directly."

Pei Ling nodded, and was about to make a move when a purple-blue thunder python exploded above his head.

boom! ! !

The loud noise shook the entire Xiwu School, and Pei Ling was suddenly in a trance. When he came back to his senses, he saw that he was standing on the podium of the Jiazi School, and the students below were all looking at him eagerly, waiting his presentation.

As soon as his expression changed, both Yan Minghua and Zhong Kui Jingyi disappeared!

Do not!

To be exact, the three of them were confronting the head of the mountain just now, but now he appeared here alone, and he disappeared alone...

"Master, you are finally back!"

"Master, hurry up and demonstrate!"

"Master has been away from the school for so long, so he must have been lazy. It is simply unreasonable. Why did you detain me here when you blatantly skipped class? Master must let us go out immediately, and let us skip class and play for a few days. This is only fair. "

"[Maha Se Yan Scroll], Master quickly practice and show me!"

"Didn't the master say that he would teach you everything?"

"Why don't you teach me to wait?"

"It's raining heavily today, so it's not suitable for class, master, let's get out of school."

"An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, master don't waste time!"

Hearing the urging and complaining from below, Pei Ling looked solemn. These students are easy to deal with, and he can easily kill them with the system hosting.

The real trouble now is the head of the mountain!


C character school.

Zhong Kui Jingyi opened her eyes and found herself standing on the podium. She was slightly taken aback, and then continued to lecture to the empty school: "About the art of casting..."


Mi dust thick, dark and confused.

It was a house that seemed to have been unoccupied for a long, long time.

The light is very dim, and even the occasional Zidian passing by can only reveal a slight outline. Looking around, there are shadows and shadows.

And, very quiet.

It can be seen through the window lattice that the heavy rain outside is still falling, the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard have been discounted a lot, and the electric light illuminates the whole world from time to time.

However, there was no sound of rain or thunder in the room, as if everything outside the window did not exist.

Yan Minghua looked around suspiciously, she still kept the previous memory, but was inexplicably transferred to this strange place.

She suddenly became alert in her heart, that mountain leader was more troublesome than she imagined!

The "strangeness" of this Xiwu school has deteriorated very seriously.

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