After a while, the bloodshot eyes gradually faded, and the meridians slowly recovered. Feeling the sharp pain in the limbs and bones dissipating, Pei Ling stood up and walked outside after knowing that the situation had stabilized.

Pushing open the door of the practice room, Jiaoni and Wuliu were standing by the side.

Seeing Pei Ling coming out, the two ghost maids bent their knees slightly, and immediately said: "The palace has returned to the sect, and the master ordered that after Mr. Pei's training is finished, you can go to the side hall to see him."

Pei Ling nodded: "Thank you."

Chapter 349: The Nine Famous Schools.

A moment later, in a side hall burning with pale bone fire and hanging high with crocodile tents, Li Lieyue was sitting on a cloud bed, exhaling.

There are more than a dozen maids on the left and right, standing with their hands folded, waiting quietly for orders.

Sensing Pei Ling's approach, she slowly recuperated. When she opened her eyes, a dark purple brilliance lighted up faintly, and then gradually disappeared after a while.

"Senior Sister." Pei Ling stepped forward to salute.

Li Lieyue nodded slightly, and said to the left and right: "Back off."

After all the waiters had retreated, Pei Ling took the initiative to sit beside her as before.

"Your cultivation has been exposed." Li Lieyue nodded, and said immediately, "Besides, now that you have become famous all over the world, the nine major sects are like thunder, and the five hypocrite sects who claim to be righteous have all laid down on you. You have issued a wanted warrant, and you must be more careful when you walk outside in the future.”

Pei Ling frowned. He also guessed that his cultivation would definitely be exposed this time, but is he famous all over the world?Wanted by the Righteous Way? ?

What's the situation? ? ?

Shi Wanli of the Liugai Dynasty and Su Zhentian's three disciples were not killed by him.

He even saved Ruan Zhi's life.

In this fight for opportunities on Tianwai Island, the only thing that offended Su Zhentian was that he undertook Qiao Ciguang under the control of the system.

But Qiao Ciguang himself doesn't mind, why is Su Zhen so anxious?

There are other four righteous sects, and he didn't provoke them at all. How could he be wanted by all the righteous sects for no reason?

Thinking of this, Pei Ling immediately asked, "Because I took away the opportunity on the island?"

Li Lieyue shook her head when she heard the words, and said: "It doesn't have much to do with this. The opportunity related to the fierce land is indeed very interesting even for the nine major sects. But when Han Sigu slaughtered the disciples of the nine sects and was able to land on the island, the five No sect has ever issued a warrant for him."

"The real reason is that Si Hongqing confronted other big parties that day, in order to gain the upper hand in terms of words, to publicize the prestige of the Holy Zong, and to spread your deeds all over the world."

"Now the entire Panya world knows that you will be the fourth true disciple of the Holy Sect."

"Moreover, it will be the strongest true biography of this generation."

Pei Ling was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't make a few shots in total, how could he become the strongest true biography of Chongming Sect?

Seeing his doubts, Li Lieyue simply took out a jade slip and handed it over: "Inside this is the deed that Si Hongqing promoted for you."

Pei Ling took the jade slip and began to examine it puzzled.

Then, he quickly froze.

The contents of the jade slips were normal before, probably because he was born in a humble family and was in a difficult situation when he was a child. After more than ten years of forbearance and hard work, he finally seized the opportunity to enter the Holy Sect. Beheaded and killed three brothers in the same room, destroyed their bones and ashes, destroyed their corpses and wiped out their traces...

In the first mission, with a very low level of cultivation, he murdered all the brothers and sisters of the same team. Moreover, according to the description of the anonymous people in Luoshan City where the mission took place, he even threatened one of the most beautiful senior sisters to commit himself to him and hand him over to him. After toying with boredom, he also mercilessly sent that senior sister on her way...

Afterwards, he leapfrogged and beheaded Han Sigu, the genius who was famous among the nine sects ten years ago, and won the first place in the outer sect competition.

Massacre the city and exterminate the clan to build the foundation of the way of heaven.

Sneak into the Liugreed Dynasty, cook the city lord's wife in public...

All these things, except that there was another reason for intimidating the senior sister, and the beheading of Han Sigu by leapfrogging, and the massacre of the city and the clan were nonsense, the rest were indeed Pei Ling's personal experience.

Although many of them are done by the system, he can also admit it.

just next...

On a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, Pei Ling passed a certain place, and on a whim, slaughtered five thousand local mortals, took their blood, and refined Qi and blood pills to feed his pet Snow Fox Demon.

On a certain day in a certain year, when Pei Ling passed by a certain place, he once again had a sudden impulse to sacrifice blood to the local sect. The 680 lives of the sect, including humans, aliens and monsters, were all skinned and convulsed to refine their souls. Squeezed, hanging in the entire mountain gate, like a dried chicken.

This scene even scared many people who entered by mistake later.

On a certain day in a certain year and month, Pei Ling came to a certain place and ordered that within three days, three thousand boys and girls should be donated for alchemy. There was a family in the local area, and the ten generations passed it on alone. own children.In the end, Pei Ling found out about his deceit through calculations using magic techniques, so he went to his family, and on a temporary basis, asked for another three thousand beautiful furnaces...

In a certain year, a certain month and a certain day, Pei Ling studied alchemy and believed that the fetus is in the womb, before it is born, the innate qi has not dissipated, and the inspiration is the most abundant.

As a result, 320 nine pregnant women were dissected to take their sons. The screams and pleadings for mercy tore through the clouds, and the oars were bled.

and also……

as well as……


Pei Ling was dumbfounded, what is this all about?

He has never even heard of these places and these things, so why did he do it all by himself?

At this moment, Li Lieyue seemed to see his thoughts, and explained: "The family has already found out that most of the following things were done by Si Hongqing himself."

"Those three thousand beautiful cauldrons were taken by people from the Si Hong clan."

"And the last few massacres of the city and the family were also done by the Si Hong family."

"It's just that Si Hong didn't want to publicize it, so it hasn't been made public."

"Because the places that were massacred are all vassals and families of those five sects."

"Now, all these achievements are recorded on your head."

"That's why those five hypocrite sects are very afraid of you, and jointly issued a wanted arrest..."

Pei Ling's face froze immediately. He blamed Mo Lilan's death on Kang Shaoyin's head. He originally thought that he had done a very bottomless job.

But now it seems that I am still too young!

Compared with the crimes arranged for him by the suzerain's wife, the death of Su Zhentian and Mo Lilan is nothing at all!

After being stunned for a long time, Pei Ling finally came back to his senses. He frowned suddenly. Could it be that this suzerain's wife has a grudge against him?

The other party used his breath to frighten him that day, causing him to break the seal of the [Jealous Bag Lock], and was almost strangled to death by fate and spell power.

Right now, he is helping him become an enemy of the five righteous ways. No, it is not as simple as being an enemy. Now, he is afraid that he has become a thorn in the side of the five righteous ways.After all, everyone in the world knows that Pei Ling, a disciple of Chong Ming Sect, blatantly entered Zhengdao's territory to slaughter... If Zhengdao can't get rid of him as soon as possible, what face will there be?

Thinking of this, Pei Ling immediately asked, "Senior Sister, what's the arrangement for this?"

The suzerain's wife personally accused him of these crimes, and he must have found all kinds of "evidence". On his own, it is probably impossible for him to clarify now.

But Li Shi, could it be possible to watch the suzerain's wife mess up their plans?

3 Chapter Fifty: Sister, let's pay the month.

Li Lieyue said calmly: "The clan asks you to practice hard, and don't leave the sect next."

"As long as you break through the Nascent Soul, ascend the Blood Ladder of Ten Thousand Clans, and become the Holy Son."

"At that time, even if those five sects want to attack you, they have to weigh it first."

"Besides, since Si Hongqing put all those merits on you, then you can follow them all."

"After all, this is a lot of merit points."

"The most important thing is that if you are going to become the Holy Son in the future, you should have some impressive achievements in your hands."

Yes, the Underworld Sect, from the supervisor to the suzerain's wife, have all encouraged themselves to inherit the mantle of the ancestors of the Holy Sect, continue to coerce the Quartet, and slaughter the world.

In other words, in the eyes of Mrs. Li and Senior Sister Li, the behavior of the suzerain's wife is not a bad thing...

Pei Ling's face was a little stiff, so she could only reply: "Understood."

After finishing the business, Pei Ling originally planned to immediately explain what happened last time, but when he thought about it seriously, if Senior Sister Li hadn't rushed to rescue him this time, he would probably have to hide in "Xiao Zi Zai Tian" and sleep for 30 years before he could come out.

Since that incident has passed, why should he bring it up again?

Yes, just "punish" Senior Sister Li well.

Thinking of this, Pei Ling immediately said, "Senior Sister Li, I got some luck this time, and I want to share some with you."

Hearing this, Li Lieyue nodded slightly, she didn't like ordinary opportunities at all.

But the chance that Junior Brother Pei got this time has something to do with You Su's tomb.

When he was in Wanfeihai before, the Young Master of Tianshengjiao wanted to do something to Junior Brother Pei because he saw this opportunity.

In fact, not only the young leader of the Tiansheng sect, but also the Tianji of Suzhentian, the prince of the Liulu Dynasty, the sword son of the Hanyan Sword Sect...even she, the saint of the Sacred Sect, was very impressed by the opportunity of the Yousu Tomb. interest!


"If you can absorb it yourself, you don't have to divide me." Li Lieyue reminded, "No matter what kind of chance it is, the more complete the better."

"Once it is distributed to other people, even if it is only a small part, the value of the opportunity will be greatly reduced."

Pei Ling shook his head, and said: "Senior Sister, you are too worried. I have an extra chance. Even if I don't share it with Senior Sister, I can only let it fall apart. It's just a waste of time."


Li Lieyue was slightly surprised, and immediately nodded: "In that case, then share the extra with me."

Yousu Tomb is one of the four most dangerous places in this world, and there are too many secrets hidden in it.

Its details, even the nine major factions have not figured out.

The chance related to it, if you encounter it, you can't miss it.

She refused just now because she was worried about destroying the integrity of the chance, but since it was extra, of course it was impossible not to.

"Senior Sister, this opportunity is sealed in my body." Pei Ling said immediately after hearing this, "If you want to share it with Senior Sister, you can only do it through double cultivation..."

Li Lieyue's expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "During this time, you will be living in the palace."

Pei Ling nodded, put his arms around his waist naturally, and continued: "Not only does dual cultivation need to be done, but also, during the dual cultivation, various means must be used to stimulate the potential of the body and soul, so as to transfer the fortune."

After hearing this, Li Lieyue didn't doubt anything, and nodded immediately: "You can do whatever you want."

Pei Ling smiled evilly in his heart, but said solemnly on his face: "Senior sister, please take off your clothes immediately..."

[The hard disk of a T is omitted here. 】


In the depths of Chong Ming Sect.

In a valley shrouded in smoke and clouds, a lake as smooth as a mirror is as quiet as death.

The water quality of this lake is clear, and you can see the bottom at a glance, but no matter whether it is the lakeside or in the lake, there is no grass growing, which looks very strange.

At this moment, a hill made of skulls was vaguely reflected on the calm surface of the lake.

On the top of the mountain, the enchanting and charming figure sat alone, with mana flowing all over his body, full of vistas, and he was concentrating on cultivation.

And a piece of jade pendant on her dress was constantly flashing faintly.

Si Hongqing was indifferent to this, and after the training was over, he straightened the hem of his skirt before picking it up casually.

Immediately, a masculine and dignified voice came from inside: "Ma'am, I would like to know something about Pei Ling, who is also the master of the mulberry vein."

Si Hongqing smiled faintly, and the person who transmitted the voice to her right now is Su Qianya, the current Patriarch of the Zhenshi Su Clan.

The Li family hid Pei Ling very well, and the Su family couldn't find any valuable news.

But a few days ago, when the nine major sects gathered in Wanfeihai, she met Pei Ling face to face, so the Su family found her here.

"This is a matter between your Su family and the Li family." Si Hongqing said lazily, "Why does this palace join in the fun?"

Su Qianya said calmly: "Five thousand high-grade boys and girls, and [-] catties of green beast blood."

Hearing this, Si Hongqing nodded slightly, and his tone was also straightened: "What do you want to know about Pei Ling?"

"Cultivation and strength, as well as the opportunity he got." Su Qianya said.

Si Hong said with a sigh: "The peak of the golden core in the middle stage will soon break through to the late stage of the golden core."

"In terms of strength, no surprises, he is now on the same level as your son."

"Of course, in the battle of life and death, your son will still win."

"After all, although Pei Ling has the support of the Li family, he is not of the Li family's blood. His hole cards are definitely not as good as my three sons."

"As for the opportunity he got this time..."

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