The palace is majestic and tall, and the most terrifying thing is that the 99 steps in front of the palace gate are all made of skulls.

I don't know how many empty eye sockets are looking straight at the outside world, the dark fire inside is leaping, and the meaning of coldness is born out of thin air.


After the White Bone Palace floated out of the space rift, the originally closed door suddenly opened.

With the eyesight of a monk, passing through the steps, palace gates, door openings, squares, main halls... above the altar, there is a tall and slim figure.

The whole body of that figure was covered in blood, and when looking at it, he could only feel a ghastly red of different shades, and his face could not be seen clearly.

It can only be vaguely recognized that there is a crown on its head, and the necklaces are hanging down one after another, which is really gorgeous.

After this figure appeared, his gaze immediately swept across the Liugai Dynasty and Su Zhentian, and then cast his eyes to the sea area below, but he didn't see the floating island, and without the slightest hesitation, he immediately grabbed the loose cultivator below.

Above the Palace of White Bones, a huge bloody hand that seemed to cover the sky and the sun rose in an instant, like a bloody monster waking up from the prehistoric era, instantly dyeing most of the sky crimson.

Under the terrifying coercion, all the casual cultivators were captured in an instant, and they were obviously terrified to death, but they couldn't move at all.

Seeing this, Liu Greed Dynasty and Su Zhentian immediately took action.

However, all the spells entered the bloody hand, but it was like entering a quagmire, and it was impossible to stop the bloody hand's actions at all!


With a free hand, he grabbed all the loose cultivators to the bone hall, and then, the shrill howl of the soul suddenly sounded!

In just a split second, the female cultivator in the bone hall completed the soul search of all the casual cultivators, and immediately knew everything about the floating island.

"Si Hongqing?!" A suspicious voice came from Su Zhentian's side, and immediately Zhang Lingxin shouted coldly, "The majestic wife of Chongming Sect Master personally attacked low-ranking monks, and she is not afraid to spread the word and be ridiculed by others?"

The female cultivator in the bone hall smiled faintly.

Her surname is Sihong, and she is the daughter of Fuguang Sihong's family, the saint of the previous generation, and the current suzerain's wife.

Not long ago, the clan received a letter from Zhou Miaoli, reporting the fate of the floating island, and immediately mobilized the strong members of the clan to come.

However, in order to refine the medicine fairy as soon as possible, the ancestors of the Sihong family and most of the strong members of the clan need to sit in the three lives and three calamities of the world of mortals and illusions.

Now this floating island is related to Yousu Tomb.

Si Hong's family also didn't want to give up the credit and opportunity to Jiu'a Li's family and Zhenshi Su's family, so this time, the ancestor specially asked Si Hong Qingyan to come in person.

Thinking of this, Si Hongqing said disapprovingly: "When the palace slaughters the city and the clan, mortals who are living and dying will not be let go, so what are some low-level casual cultivators?"

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"Ten years ago, Han Sigu, the Heaven's Chosen of the Holy Sect, disappeared on this floating island."

'According to the agreement at the time, he was the final winner of the disciples in the Qi training period of the Nine Great Schools. '

"The opportunity on the island should belong to him."

"Now that the floating island has reappeared, no matter whether he is dead or alive, the entire island is the property of my holy sect."

"Since I have arrived, you can leave now."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Greed Dynasty and Su Zhentian were about to refute, not far away, the sky seemed to split in two in an instant.

Half of the sky was clear, and a picture scroll appeared out of thin air. Afterwards, a group of monks with fluttering sleeves and bamboo crown and straw shoes came out one after another. They were noble and simple, with soft eyes; The sword cultivator, who was fierce and sharp, with sharp eyes, shot straight into the sky with a sharp sword intent all over his body.

This is the arrival of Nine Yi Mountain and Han'an Sword Sect!

In the other half, the gloomy clouds and mist condensed in an instant, amidst the gusts of dark wind, a huge skull gnawed at the space, and accompanied by a strange smile, opened its mouth to spit out a group of monks in black robes; Suddenly, three thousand Cyclonus was born out of thin air, and it was in front of him. On Peng's back, stood a proud monk in white robes and a forehead decorated with miscellaneous treasures.

Wushi Villa and Tianshengjiao arrived at the same time!

Before the Seven Schools could say anything, the sea water gurgled, and a 37-storey glazed pagoda suddenly rose up. The body of the pagoda was crystal clear, and countless golden bells moved with the wind. For a moment, an ice-blue corridor suddenly spread out on the sea, da, da, da... There was a crisp sound of horseshoes, and a team headed by a knight in black armor, lined up neatly and with the same sound of hooves, was galloping along the passage come.

Yanxi City is also here!

All of a sudden, the nine major factions arrived!

Chapter 300: Two villages.

floating island.

The ancient trees are towering, and the mulberry is like a waterfall.

The soles of the feet were as soft as a blanket, and the rancid smell lingered...Qiao Ciguang and his party trekked solemnly.

They have been walking in this dense forest for a day and a night, but found nothing.

It's like a whole forest, boundless.

If it weren't for the subtle differences in the things you saw along the way, you would almost suspect that you had actually been spinning in circles.

Su Zhentian and Shi Wanli are fine, after all, they are disciples of famous sects with firm minds.

But the casual cultivators who followed them already gave off an air of frustration and doubt.

Anxiety was transmitted among the crowd.

At this moment, the front suddenly opened up, and a village appeared.

The village is built by the water. Across the tortuous river, you can see houses one after another. They live along the river. There are several families who have built stone steps leading to the river for washing.

It's meal time right now, the smoke from the cooking in the village is curling up, the children and the yellow dog are playing in the fields, the sharp laughter of the children, the barking of the yellow dog, and the occasional rooster crowing, the smell of fireworks is strong, it looks like A peaceful picture of the countryside.

On the only road leading to the village, there is a stone tablet with moss on the surface, which is obviously old, and the word "Zi Village" is written on it.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Ciguang frowned slightly, the village appeared very abruptly, and felt very strange.

So, she asked everyone to stop, and discussed with Shi Wanli via sound transmission: "Lord Shi, this island is strange, and people suddenly appear on the island right now, so don't take it lightly. Please accompany everyone and wait here. I will go in and have a look alone. .”

"If I don't come back within an hour, then leave me alone and immediately take everyone away from this village."

Hearing this, Shi Wanli looked embarrassed, and said via voice transmission: "Sister Qiao, this is too risky, why don't we act together? Or, just don't go in."

Qiao Ciguang shook his head and said: "After walking for so long, I came across a different place. If I don't go in, I'm afraid I will miss the opportunity."

"As for my safety, you don't have to worry about it. It has been a day and a night now, and my master and the others must have rushed off the island. If there is any danger, the master will definitely not sit idly by."

Shi Wanli was startled for a moment, but immediately came to his senses.

Yes, counting the time, not only Suzhentian, but also the Liugai Dynasty and even other orthodox and demon sects may have already arrived at Wanfeihai.

Even if this floating island no longer has the method of building the foundation of the Dao of Heaven, the mere fact that it is related to Yousu Tomb is enough to attract the nine major factions!

Thinking of this, Shi Wanli felt a little relieved, and said: "Then Senior Sister Qiao, be careful!"

Qiao Ciguang nodded, and then he explained a few words to the junior sisters, and walked towards the village alone.

However, Shi Wanli and others watched Qiao Ciguang just enter the village, and after a while, they saw a tall figure exactly like Senior Sister Qiao, walked out of the village entrance, and waved to everyone.

Shi Wanli, Su Zhentian's other disciples and all the casual practitioners felt relieved immediately, as if they had arrived home, they also walked towards the village with great trust and no hesitation.

At this moment, Qiao Ciguang had just entered the village. In this village, it was obvious that most people lived in a difficult life. Looking around, most of them were thatched houses, with only a few tile-roofed houses.

And unlike the peace and tranquility seen outside the village, the village is now shrouded in a faint sense of mourning.

The villagers who passed by all looked sad, and some of them were still wrapped with hemp rope around their waists.

Most of the houses in the village have closed doors and windows, and there are Spring Festival couplets pasted on the doors of every household. However, although these Spring Festival couplets have faded, it can still be seen that the background color is not the usual red, but green. .

Qiao Ciguang secretly used means to investigate the villagers he saw, and found that they were all mortals without cultivation, and the conversations were all about family problems, land harvests, etc., but there was always something wrong.

So she stepped forward and asked a passing villager, "Excuse me, what is this place?"

"This is Zi Village." The villager wrapped hemp rope around his waist, looked sad, and said, "There will be a funeral in the village tomorrow. The girl is a foreigner, do you want to stay and participate?"


By the riverside as clear as jade, Pei Ling took eight furnace tripods and looked at the opposite village from afar.

After some observation, he noticed that there was a stone monument at the entrance of the village, covered with moss, with the word "Sangcun" written on it.

At this time, in Pei Ling's eyes, Nanke Menghuo was slowly pulsating, with strange and strange runes intertwined, and he was still using the [Resentful Nightmare Ability].

The calling in the ear has become extremely strong.

A strong intuition gradually emerged in his heart, as if in the village in front of him, there was an important opportunity that he couldn't let go of and absolutely couldn't lose.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Pei Ling hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the village.

[Curse Ghost Dao Foundation] is the Dao Foundation of the Three Tribulations. It is so precious that it is even higher than the Dao Foundation of the Double Tribulation that is strictly controlled by the three families of Chongming Sect and never leaks out. Since there is a follow-up opportunity for the Dao Foundation of the Three Tribulations in this village, no matter what , cannot be missed.

The most important thing is that he now has three lives, and there is a Void Heaven Realm species. Even if there is any danger in this village, he doesn't have to worry about falling here.

After a while, Pei Ling walked into the village with the furnaces.

One can only see that the wealth in this village is uneven, there are low huts, and there are courtyards with white walls and black tiles.

Right now, the village is very lively, and the crowds coming and going are all beaming, and many of them still wear brightly colored seasonal flowers on their skirts and temple hair.

In the largest courtyard in the village, there are even more festive decorations.

Several children with long hair gathered in front of the door and made a fuss. Soon, someone came out, holding a brand new dustpan, and threw the contents of the dustpan into the children.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" The children cheered and swarmed up, scrambling to pick up the colorful candies and pastries.

Pei Ling checked inch by inch with [Resentful Nightmare Supernatural Power], and nothing abnormal happened.

The surrounding villagers seemed to be the most ordinary mortals.

However, meeting a mortal village in such a place is too abnormal!

Of course, the most important thing right now is to figure out the situation here.

So, Pei Ling walked up to a villager who was standing beside him with his sleeves folded, smiling as he watched the children scrambling for candy, and asked, "May I ask where this land is?"

The villager was dressed in short brown clothes that were easy to work with, his black and yellow face was full of dimples, but he was in good spirits, and he even wore a water-red mountain flower on his temple. Said: "This is Sang Village. There is going to be a happy event in the village tomorrow. Since the young master has returned, let's stay and have a drink!"

Chapter 3 and one: wedding and funeral.

Azusa Village.

In front of a thatched hut, Qiao Ciguang looked at the villagers in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, funeral?

The whole village is abnormal. There must be something strange about the so-called funeral. Before the reason is clarified, such a thing must not be allowed!

So, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm just passing by..."

As she said that, she was about to ask some other questions when she suddenly noticed something and turned around immediately, only to see that Shi Wanli had entered the village with her junior sisters and many casual practitioners.

Qiao Ciguang suddenly felt that the situation was wrong, and quickly asked through voice transmission: "Lord Shi, what's going on? Why did you enter the village?"

Shi Wanli was dazed for a while, and only after hearing Qiao Ciguang's voice did he suddenly come back to his senses!

"We... We were tricked in!" Shi Wanli said immediately through voice transmission.

At this moment, how could he not know that the so-called Senior Sister Qiao who let them enter the village together just now was a fake at all?

However, for some reason, they all thought it was Senior Sister Qiao.

Moreover, the other party didn't say a word, and they walked into the village in a daze.

During the whole process, no one had any doubts. Until now, after entering the village and seeing the real Senior Sister Qiao, it was like waking up from a dream.

Hearing this, Qiao Ciguang's face was serious, there really is something wrong with this village!

If she is alone, she is not afraid.

It's just that the cultivation bases of a few junior sisters are slightly weaker, and those casual cultivators...

Thinking of this, Qiao Ciguang immediately made up his mind that there might be some very important clues in this village, so he must explore.

But now, she has to take the others out first and place them in a relatively safe place.

So, she said briefly: "Get out of here!"

As he spoke, he turned around and led the crowd out of the village.

Shi Wanli and the others quickly followed.

The people walked out of Zi Village very quickly, and Qiao Ciguang led the people away for a while, wanting to get away from the village before turning back alone.

But after walking for a long time, the eyes suddenly opened up, and I saw a small river surrounded by a small village with smoke from the kitchen.

There is a familiar inscription at the entrance of the village, with the word "Zi Village" written on it.

Seeing this, everyone realized something was wrong.

Qiao Ciguang frowned slightly, and immediately changed to another direction.

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