A light cough is a reminder, but also a kind of respect. People are frightening and scary. Xing'an will never yell when Zhu Qiyu is reviewing the memorabilia. This beauty has just made great achievements, and she is still the veritable God of Wealth in Tai'an Palace.

"When did your husband come?" Ran Siniang was still taken aback, and hid the book in her hand behind her back.

"Why are you sighing? Didn't you just receive the Qigong card today?" Zhu Qiyu asked curiously.

Ran Siniang's reaction didn't look like she was overjoyed when she received the Qi Gong card. You must know that Ran Siniang was the first concubine in Ming Dynasty to receive the Qi Gong card!

If the queen had no children, this Ran Siniang would be able to fight for the position of queen and give her son a crown prince just by relying on this miraculous card.

Ran Siniang bit her lips, handed the book to her husband with hesitation, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, my concubine is very suspicious..."

Zhu Qiyu held the test book, but Ran Siniang held it tightly and could not let go. There was a stalemate for a moment, and when Zhu Qiyu was about to let go, Ran Siniang let go.

"What did you write that made the lady so cautious?" Zhu Qiyu came to the desk and looked at the title book, which made Zhu Qiyu's face serious.

"Human Medicine"

Zhu Qiyu looked at Ran Siniang extremely sharply, with mixed emotions on his face, some were surprised by Ran Siniang's boldness, some were surprised by Ran Siniang's outstanding journey in the medical field, and even faint murderous intent appeared on his face.

In "Journey to the West", Tang Xuanzang Tang Seng is a good old man. He is the kind of Buddha who feeds eagles with meat. Saved, Tang Seng is still that good old man.

Just such a good old man, when passing through the bhikkhu country, the holy monk became angry and murderous, because the king of the bhikkhu country indulged in sex with the vixen, became seriously ill, and asked for the hearts and livers of 110 boys as medicine.

This should be the author of Journey to the West satirizing Emperor Jiajing for using the menstrual blood of young girls to make alchemy in order to live forever.

Why did Zhu Qiyu want to kill Ran Siniang, who is the most favored in the harem?Ran Siniang's "On Human Medicine" probably followed a similar approach.

The plague is everywhere, using the blood of the recovered people as serum to cure the disease, this is the core content of Ransiniang's human medicine, and this human medicine must be an innocent woman who does not leave the door, because the serum of these women is more pure , After injection treatment, the possibility of infection with other diseases is extremely small.

Innocent means clean.

This involves a terrible ethical issue. Are these innocent women the ones who have recovered, or those who have been recovered?

This kind of treatment, in the end, will it become a cold in Beijing, and these women will be pulled over to infect them with the cold, and after they recover, blood will be drawn, serum will be separated, and the medicine will be reserved for later use?

The emperor can use human medicine, yamen, influential people, and gentlemen, can this human medicine be used?At that time, a plague will forcibly infect innocent women, blood will be drawn to separate out serum, will it happen?

Yes, and definitely will.

How is antivenom made?

Use the poison of the raised snake to inject into the foal little by little, and keep increasing the amount until the concentration of anti-toxin (specific antibody) in the serum of the foal reaches a certain standard before it can be used, and these clean foals are innocent woman.

Zhu Qiyu is a person in the physical sense. Some time ago, he caught wind and cold because of the cold spring, and he took a rest for six or seven days to recover.

Leading beasts to eat people, this is cannibalism in the true sense.

Ran Siniang was a little aggrieved at first, and her husband's eyes were strange, but her complexion gradually became firmer, she looked at Zhu Qiyu directly and said: "The concubine could hide it from your majesty, but since the concubine dares to show it to your majesty, it is The concubine has a clear conscience!"

"The concubine is an imperial doctor, and she is also your majesty's concubine! The concubine hopes for your majesty's health more than your majesty, rather than worrying about gains and losses due to a cold."

"Yes, the one who sucks human blood is not a ghost, and the concubine is a temptress! But, but..."

Although Ran Siniang was extremely firm in her belief that she was right, she still burst into tears as she spoke. She couldn't express it, but she wanted to say a lot. The last time His Majesty felt cold, he rested for a few days. At that time, people were in a state of panic, and everyone in Xiejieyuan even felt like the sky was falling apart. In case the emperor dragon controlled the guests, none of the senior medical officers of Xiejieyuan would be able to escape, and all of them would be beheaded by Caishikou.

The new policies of the Ming Dynasty are all carried on the shoulders of His Majesty. How many people are eager and looking forward to the emperor of the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible to control the guests?Waiting for the sun to go down, the ghosts walk at night?

As the emperor's imperial physician and Zhu Qiyu's wife and concubine, Ran Siniang must ensure that her husband will not be overwhelmed by the disease, and this anti-toxin serum therapy is the only effective method that Ran Siniang can think of. To the people His Majesty cares most about, but in July 14th of Jingtai, does Ran Siniang have any better way?

Zhu Qiyu's eyes gradually returned to the softness of the past, picked up the pen on the table, wrote a few words on the question book, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't cry, let me ask you, this Xiejieyuan Who set it up? We set it up, no matter what kind of scolding it is, we will bear it, are you still afraid of this little garbage on the grave?"

Zhu Qiyu looked at his own handwriting and said with a smile: "Qisheng's family, the doctors are benevolent."

Viral infection serum therapy can be used to treat viral infections, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis A, influenza, etc.;

Bacterial infection serum therapy can be used to treat bacterial infections, such as pneumococcus, anthrax, Yersinia pestis, etc.;

Fungal infection serum therapy can be used to treat fungal infections, such as Candida, Aspergillus, etc.;

Serum therapy for parasitic infections can be used to treat parasitic infections such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma gondii.

In addition to these, on the technology tree of serum therapy, there is also the most important means for human beings to resist diseases, vaccines.

From nasal vaccination to vaccinia, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, diphtheria and other vaccines are all the achievements of this technology tree. Zhu Qiyu will not give up the entire forest for a little garbage on the grave.

Xiejieyuan was established by Zhu Qiyu's decree.

"Your Majesty... are you not angry?" Ran Siniang blinked her big eyes and asked with some doubts. She thought that His Majesty would be furious, but her husband's eyes returned to the old favor. She never expected that His Majesty would say a few words She didn't say anything serious, so she let this temptress go so easily?

How deviant is her book?She knew best herself that she was even ready to be dragged out of the sinking well by His Majesty's anger.

Even if it is Shen Jing, she has to write this book.

Zhu Qiyu pulled Ran Siniang into his arms, wiped away her tears with his hands, scratched the tip of Ran Siniang's nose, and said with a smile: "I'm not angry at all, I never give up eating because of choking, if you don't do it, no one will Did you do it? Crying like a little girl."

"What little girl, she's over 30 years old, she's getting old." Ran Siniang wrapped her arms around Zhu Qiyu's neck, thinking that she would lose her husband's favor today.

Zhu Qiyu said in a low voice: "Your skin is smooth and delicious everywhere? Where is the word old? Let's see, the pearl is not yellow."

"Oh, my husband..." Ran Siniang hugged her even tighter, the clothes she was wearing this summer were already flimsy.

Chapter 983 The Great Ming Emperor's Thinking Advancement

Zhu Qiyu didn't have any hatred for Ran Siniang, people medicine medicine people, a new phenomenon should be restrained with new rules and regulations, instead of stopping the pace of progress because of fear.

The next morning, when Zhu Qiyu got up, Ran Siniang hugged her tightly. She obviously felt very insecure. She curled up and hugged her husband tightly. Even her pretty face was frowning and worried. dismal.

Zhu Qiyu smoothed the pimple on Ran Siniang's forehead, her dream was obviously not a good dream.

"We're going to the court meeting." Zhu Qiyu started to get up, there was no long string of tails waiting in the palace, the big villa in the backyard was the most free place for Zhu Qiyu.

"Husband..." Ran Siniang naturally woke up, grabbed Zhu Qiyu's arm, and called out sweetly.

Seeing that Ran Siniang was about to fight again, Zhu Qiyu felt sore in his waist and eyes. Yesterday, Ran Siniang was a bit wild. He immediately sat up and said, "If you don't leave, you will be late. The antivenom has been prepared. , Concubine Ning Qiansui has always visited the Jieyuan Courtyard these past few months, shouldn't it be time for her husband to visit her husband?"

"Then I'll wait for my husband to come back." Ran Siniang blushed a little, she remembered how wildly she rode her horse yesterday, Xiao Biesheng was newly married, coupled with some insecurities, naturally she can do whatever she can, Just rushing to squeeze it with the mentality of eating it once and not being able to eat it later, this iron bull will also become a soft-footed bull.

"En." Zhu Qiyu finished dressing up. Since he still has to go to the court, he still has the ability to explode. After breakfast, he arrived at the Wenhua Palace of the Imperial City of the Ming Dynasty in the golden dawn, and started his daily life. Day's court meeting.

Prince Zhu Jiancheng took a small bench and sat behind Zhu Qiyu. He didn't need to do anything, he only needed to watch and listen. After he came down from court, summarizing today's court proceedings was a compulsory course for Prince Zhu Jiancheng.

Hu Wei did not think Zhu Jianji, who was extremely intelligent, was the candidate for the crown prince. The position of crown prince has been extremely dangerous since ancient times. A person in this position must not be as intelligent as a monster, because it will arouse the suspicion of the emperor, because the crown prince is the most important person in the world. The one closest to the throne, the person in this position should not be too mediocre, otherwise the emperor will look more and more disliked, and eventually lead to a rift between father and son.

In Hu Wei's opinion, Zhu Jiancheng, who is not so smart, is an excellent candidate.

"Shangshu Yu Shiyue, I have a few case files here, Shangshu Yu to take a look." Zhu Qiyu took out several memorials from the table and handed them to Yu Qian. After reading them, Yu Qian handed them to Yu Shiyue with a solemn expression.

Yu Shiyue finished reading with a frown, looked at Yu Qian with a little doubt, then looked at His Majesty's stern face, bowed his head and said: "I am stupid, these files are all judged according to the law of the Ming Dynasty, what's the problem? ?”

Yu Qian pinched the center of his brows, turned his head sideways and said to Yu Shiyue, "Better."

"Time...time...time...zhi?" Yu Shiyue's teeth trembled as soon as the words came out, and in his eyes, His Majesty, who was full of kindness, immediately turned into the appearance of Emperor Zhenwu, as if he was about to kill him at any moment. His life is taken away.

27 The courtiers all looked at Yu Shiyue, especially He Zhang, the Chief Procuratorate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. With one hand, he couldn't help shivering. He was the one who pierced the window paper first. chapter.

When He Zhang went to Sichuan and Chongqing to serve as the governor, he had a drink with Liu Ji before leaving. At the fork in his life, He Zhang clamored that the emperor has nothing to do with it?Doubling it can break all laws, He Zhang did not walk into a dead end after all at that fork in the road.

His majesty's knife is extremely sharp, and it is no problem to cut the nine clans.

So when Yu Qian said the word Shaobao Beizhi, even Yu Shiyue, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment of the second grade of the Ming Dynasty, was immediately paralyzed and frightened.

Yu Shiyue didn't want to enter Jieyuan.

Seeing the atmosphere, Zhu Qiyu's grim face became a little warmer and he said, "Yu Shaobao, Yu Shaobao, you have received supernatural powers. Look at your two words, which almost frightened the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment of the Ming Dynasty. Yu Shangshu , Yu Shaobao is reminding you, beware of someone making a fuss about this.”

Yu Shiyue only felt as if she had come back to life, and looked through the case file in her hand again, before she raised her head and said, "Your Majesty means that someone is probing?"

"Yeah." Zhu Qiyu saw it, and Yu Shiyue had to be reminded to see it, because Zhu Qiyu was somewhat allergic to the word Beizhi.

As soon as you see excessive protection, you immediately think of business, immediately think of benefit transfer, immediately think of interest groups, immediately think of generalization, immediately think of seeking privileges, Zhu Qiyu's imagination can only make such a leap forward at the level of Beizhi.

It was probably because Zhu Qiyu had seen too many monsters and ghosts, and Yu Qian had seen too many monsters and monsters after serving in the local government for 25 years. Therefore, Yu Qian was able to pass through these few volumes of cases, and quickly realized that someone was trying.

Zhu Qiyu thought for a while and explained: "Okay, let's take a look at these cases. One of the core principles of justice is the principle of protecting the weak, but in these cases, there are over-protections everywhere. case."

"On the third day of March in 14, a woman from Fuleyuan, Daming Prefecture drove to Yuanbaoshan to participate in a poetry meeting. Thinking that the road was familiar, he took a shortcut, but Zhang Xiang'er saw that it was not a familiar road, so he thought Mrs. Lu had some evil intentions, so she jumped from the car and broke her leg."

"The Fourth Lu was so frightened when he saw this, he carried Zhang Xiang'er into the car and sent him to the Huimin Pharmacy Bureau of Daming Prefecture for treatment. Zhang Xiang'er was saved. Otherwise, the blood flowed profusely. .”

"Zhang Xiang'er sued Lu Laosi to the Yamen of Daming Mansion, telling Lu Laosi that he intended to bully her by rape and bully her. When Zhang Xianger went to the doctor, she did hug Zhang Xianger."

"This is according to our Ming law, how should we judge?"

Yu Shiyue bowed her head and said: "If you are raped by force, the sinner will be hanged. If you fail, you will be worthy of five hundred miles. If you are injured, the sinner will be hanged."

Zhu Qiyu passed on the case file in his hand and said: "According to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, Lu's fourth brother was injured in an attempt. According to the law, he should be hanged. This case was brought before my eyes. I looked left and right, and the case was judged. No, but the core principle of the law is indeed to protect the weak. Obviously, but judging from this case, Lu Lao Si is a man, Kong Wu is powerful, in his prime, and a strong man, Zhang Xianger is a woman, very weak, and a weak man. "

"The secretary of Dali Temple said: No, Yu Shiyue, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, wrote: There may be hidden feelings."

The Minister of Dali Temple bowed his head and said: "Lu Yan attempted, and Zhang Xiang'er was not injured, but Zhang Xiang'er fell and injured himself. This case cannot be sentenced to be hanged."

Yu Shiyue finally straightened his back and spoke. He bowed his head and said: "The minister ordered the inspection and found out the hidden truth. This case cannot be judged like this."

"The key to this case is Lu Lao Si, did he intend to bully Zhang Xiang'er?"

"Where is Fuleyuan in Daming Mansion? It's the place where those prostitutes who ransom their lives gather."

"Zhang Xiang'er was originally a prostitute, but she was a prostitute who redeemed herself. The person who redeemed Zhang Xiang'er was the famous official Ge Daguan in Daming Mansion. Zhang Xianger was raised by Ge Daguan in the outer room of Fule Yuan. Therefore, in this case, it seems that Lu The fourth child is a strong man, but it is not true, this official Ge is a strong man."

"As for Lu Yan, he has always been honest and honest. The son of the family has just passed the child's examination and is a scholar. Although Lu Yan's mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao, is hot and well-known as a jealous woman in ten miles and eight villages, she manages the family well. This Lu Yan Yan just bought a private house in Shuntian Mansion a few days ago, and he has no worries about basic necessities, food, housing and transportation, why would Lu Yan act like this?"

Zhu Qiyu asked again: "Then what if Lu Yan is really interested in seeing the color?"

Yu Shiyue hurriedly replied: "Lu Yan's mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao, is famous all over the world, apart from jealousy, she is beautiful."

"The senior official Ge once sent someone to say that if Mrs. Zhao is willing to comply with the wishes of the senior official Ge, the case will naturally not be sentenced to death; if he refuses to comply, the case will not be sentenced. Hang, but also go into exile, when the time comes, Lu Yan's mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao, will still have to rely on her."

Zhu Qiyu asked again: "The magistrate of the Daming Mansion is an official of the imperial court. Why did he submit it to this Dali Temple knowing that there are so many mistakes and omissions in this case? What is his intention?"

Hearing His Majesty's inquiry, Wang Ao flipped through his memo and said, "Liu Shouyi, the magistrate of the great name, last December, according to the imperial censor, impeached his livestock husbandry. Fei, she is extremely generous and has a rich family, but her father only has a hundred acres of fertile land, so he is not considered a rich man, and he will definitely not be able to support his expenses."

"I personally think that based on experience, Liu Shouyi must have a broker and comprador in the middle. This senior official Ge has twelve coal wells, which were dug illegally and have not been taxed. The Mining Supervisor of the Ministry of Industry did not allow him to mine. Coal."

The guy who was targeted by him, Wang Ao, did not escape. Although he was talking about his personal opinion, speaking from experience, it was almost a certainty. There must be something wrong with Liu Shouyi, but he couldn't speak too much in front of the emperor.

Even if Zhu Qiyu didn't ask about the case, Liu Shouyi couldn't hang Lu Yan if he wanted to. Dali Temple disagreed, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice also didn't agree. Even if the emperor didn't ask the prefect, Wang Ao could find him out.

When even Zhu Qiyu felt that there was something wrong with this case, there must be something wrong.

Zhu Qiyu looked at all the courtiers and said: "In the name of protecting the weak, you are actually bullying the weak. In fact, it is just for business. It seems to be a small willfulness of power, but it is a collection of interests that complement each other. In the name of protecting the weak, stand on the side of justice, seek privileges, and direct the judiciary to seek more power for themselves.”

"This is not testing Beizhi, but what is it testing?"

In later generations, behind the world's largest animal protection association are the world's four major fur companies and pet product suppliers. Under the banner of protecting animals, they are actually doing monopoly business.

This is double, it seems to double protect the interests of the weak, but after peeling off the cocoon, layer by layer, it is the bloody truth.

In Zhu Qiyu's hands, there are still several copies of such cases, and the influential figures in Ming Dynasty are carefully testing the boundaries of Beizhi.

Try and die.

"Is it only at the judicial level? Another example is the Labor Insurance Bureau presided over by the Ministry of Household Affairs, which is also facing such a problem recently." Zhu Qiyu thought about it carefully, and remembered what Ran Siniang had said earlier about a charlatan's practice of medicine.

"It is said that there is a genius doctor in Yongning Mansion in Yunnan Province. There is a panacea called Baihua Dan, which can cure all diseases. It's just that Baihua Dan pays attention to fate. What kind of fate?"

"Take the middle thread of the white peony in spring, the white lotus in summer, the white hibiscus in autumn, and the white plum blossom in winter. This is just medicine."

"If the main medicine is the pear flower pistil of the vernal equinox, the main medicine can only be taken when it is full of [-] centimeters of rain on the day of the vernal equinox, no more, no less, exactly [-] centimeters. The auxiliary medicine is the stamen of the Guyu spring peony. The trace in the middle is also [-] centimeters of rainwater on the day of Gu Yu, one point more or one point less will do."

"It's not over yet, every day of the 24 solar terms requires [-] millimetres of rain, and the rainwater is used to make alchemy in order to get this hundred flower elixir."

"If this patient could wait for so many coincidences, he would have died of illness a long time ago."

"The labor security of our Labor Insurance Bureau is exactly the same as this Baihuadan. The process is getting more and more complicated, and more and more people need to book a bond. It is extremely difficult to implement, and there are all kinds of evasions. These craftsmen want their own labor rewards, don't they? Not yet, but it will take a long time."

"Most craftsmen choose to find another way out. If they continue to be entangled like this, they will have to wait. The craftsmen have a few families, and they are waiting to eat with their mouths open. Can they afford it?"

"I'm really not afraid at all."

As soon as Zhu Qiyu said this, the officials kept silent and fooled His Majesty, how could it be so easy to fool, His Majesty is not blind, deaf, or blind.

"Our place is a bit rotten, and our Ming Dynasty will be a rotten piece. I am always vigilant, and everyone also examines me three times a day. Let's go." Zhu Qiyu waved his hand, indicating that today's court meeting is over.

"The ministers are waiting to leave." A group of ministers bowed and walked out of the Wenhua Palace with a heartfelt greeting.

Yu Qian didn't leave, obviously he had something to say.

"Your Majesty, I think this daimyo magistrate is an exception." Yu Qian raised his hand and said quite confidently.

Although Daming is a bit rotten, it is not rotten to the point of being useless.

Is His Majesty really just scolding people?Take today's Labor Insurance Bureau as an example, if it is not resolved within a certain period of time, His Majesty will definitely issue an order to urge it. In the pit, let everyone trample on it.

"Is there a large number of cases?" Zhu Qiyu asked with a smile.

"Your Majesty..." Yu Qian was at a loss for words for a while, the knot in his monarch's prejudice against civil servants had already become a knot, and there was no room for relaxation.

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