"My husband really knows how to praise people." Ran Siniang finally laughed when she heard His Majesty's compliment, and Zhu Qiyu and Ran Siniang chatted a few more words about the restructuring of the imperial hospital.

The old system of the Imperial Hospital was four-season exams, and there were exams throughout the year. All doctors, engraved students, and dropouts who had to pay monthly courses were all tested by the hall officials.There are many official examination questions, such as "The Golden Mirror of Medical History", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", and "Internal Classics" and "Nan Jing" are used occasionally, and the examinations are presided over by the official of the Ministry of Rites, that is, the Ministry of Rites.

Lu Zicai's restructuring of the imperial hospital mainly changed from four exams a year to two exams, and the candidates also expanded from Gyeonggi to the local Huimin Pharmacy Bureau, and the examination questions added understanding and planning. Sentence co-chair.

The reason for changing the examinations to two seasons in mid-spring and mid-autumn is to facilitate the reference of doctors and nurses in the local Huimin Pharmacy Bureau, and the examination rooms are set up in the northern and southern yamen.

These restructurings are all due to Tai Hospital's desire for talents.

"Husband, is this going to select a beautiful girl?" Ran Siniang looked at the words on the cover of the memorial of the Ministry of Rites, and it was the boss's reluctance.

There is no woman in the world who is not a jealous woman, especially the matter of equal sharing of men, of course Ran Siniang is not happy, she is not a queen, so naturally she does not need to consider the overall situation, she is not happy if she is not happy, there are only so many pets, and one more person is enough to share. One point less.

"Is there anything you can do? The officials of the Ministry of Rites are also free. They will play it once I refute it. It is very annoying." Zhu Qiyu is not keen on this matter.

"As a woman, I can't stop the courtiers, but if the ox plows this field, it won't be able to plow that field." Of course Ran Siniang can't do anything with the Ministry of Rites, but she can do something with Zhu Qiyu.

Chapter 9 and Four: The Ruthless Game of Thrones

Why does the Ministry of Rites keep clamoring for Zhu Qiyu to choose the best girl? This involves a major event of succession to the throne, which is extremely reasonable. Unless Zhu Qiyu intends to end the reincarnation of the feudal dynasty, the Ministry of Rites will keep clamoring. The emperor accepting a concubine is a major event big event.

The current Ming Dynasty is still an era where medicine is extremely backward, and children are likely to die young. Even Cheng Ding's prince may die due to various accidents. In the eyes of courtiers, the emperor's birth is more important than whether the emperor is wise or not. As for the matter, once the emperor dies, he will have to go to the big family, which involves the party and the foundation of the dynasty, which is where the country is based.

Three of Zhang Zong Xiaosi and Emperor Qianlong's sons died in their 20s after they became adults. Qianlong worked hard all his life for the two characters, but finally came to nothing.

In the original historical line, one of the reasons why the Ming Dynasty Zong was widely supported at the beginning and then danced with demons later, the emperor had no children, there was no guarantee for the succession of the throne, people's thoughts changed and moved, and one of the reasons for the chaos in Jingtai's last years was It was the strange death of Zhu Jianji, the eldest son of the Ming dynasty clan.

There is only one solution to prevent the Ministry of Rites from forcing Lai Lai, and that is to end the reincarnation of feudal dynasties and truly turn Jiatianxia into the world of Tianxia. Become insignificant, dispensable.

It's not that Zhu Qiyu hadn't thought about it, but he knew himself. He didn't have the ability to dare to teach the sun and the moon to replace the sky. The national conditions in the Central Plains cannot be solved by a constitutional monarchy. On this throne, if you do your job well, you will be completely worthy of the people tomorrow.

So even though Empress Wang was full of displeasure, the courtiers brought it up, and Empress Wang wanted to agree, and Concubine Ning, Ran Siniang, was even less qualified to stop it.

The Ministry of Rites also said, what did they do during the orthodox years?Prevent the emperor from selecting beautiful women.

During the orthodox years, 400 people entered the palace at a time, and your emperor, even a hydra, would not be able to handle it. Moreover, during the orthodox years, the selection of beautiful girls was not full of troubles?

In the Jingtai period, the courtiers had to repeatedly play and persuade the selection of beautiful women?

Ran Siniang, as a doctor on duty in the Jiefang Hospital, of course knows where the limits of the human body are. Being a pet is not enough to be young and beautiful.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Qiyu got up early to have breakfast, and when he was rushing to the court meeting, Ran Siniang was still in bed, and it was decided that he would not be able to get up this morning.

Zhu Qiyu inspected military horses all day long, not just to watch them go through the motions. Whether it was horse riding or other military training, during the Jingtai period, it was very important to practice hard work. As an emperor, Zhu Qiyu's martial arts were not very good. It's just an effect of strengthening the body, but his gun is quite powerful.

"The Great Victory of the Northern Expedition is to be celebrated with the whole world. Please let the whole city celebrate together for three days. Your Majesty will move to Beitu City today to observe the ceremony and give you a grand banquet." In the Wenhua Hall, Hu Wei first talked about the celebration of the great victory, logically He said that the surrender of the Ara Zhiyuan had already been agreed upon, and the Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed two days, so why not arrange this celebration directly on the Mid-Autumn Festival?

This Mid-Autumn Festival is a scar on Daming's body, and it is the pain of bereavement for many families in the capital. The Ministry of Rites respects etiquette, but etiquette is never an inconvenience in the Ministry of Rites.

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "Well, if I'm going, Queen Wang will accompany me, and Empress Dowager Sun and Empress Wu will also go."

Hu Wei just nodded. He actually wanted to ask the Empress Dowager Sun if he would attend, don’t arrange a seat and not go, or go and not arrange a seat, but he couldn’t ask directly, but His Majesty said it out, the Ministry of Rites It's easy to do things.

Zhu Qiyu looked at Hu Min and said: "Xing'an told Hu Shangshu about the selection, and I only approved [-] silver for this budget. After all, the war has just ended, and the army is still fighting Lin. It's too extravagant. The soldiers are fighting desperately in front. , Hearing such news really chills the hearts of the soldiers, and the number has also changed from six to three."

"Your Majesty complies with the decree." Hu Wei did not raise any objections, it would be good if His Majesty agreed, and if His Majesty finds any reason to shirk, where is the face of the Ministry of Rites?There is nothing wrong with a low budget, it is not a matter of money in itself, and the Ministry of Rituals would never dare to make some crooked melons and cracked dates for His Majesty to make up for.

"Shen Shangshu, I reduced the selection of beautiful women from 12 to [-], and then [-] from the state fund and [-] from the internal fund, a total of [-]. This is an additional reward. After the army returned to Beijing, It must be rewarded, generals, generals, commanding officers and sergeants are equal, is there any difficulty for Shen Shangshu?" Zhu Qiyu asked Shen Yi again.

"The army is fighting for the country. It is a matter of course that the army will be rewarded for its meritorious service and punished for its demerits." Shen Yi agreed in a rare, generous and straightforward way. When it comes to spending money, Shen Yi, as the Six Ming Dukes, courtiers of the Ming Dynasty, and His Majesty's confidant, will not be unreasonable.

"In this way, the New Year's silver in the Beijing camp will also increase. Shen Shangshu has made a good plan. If you can't do it, you can borrow money from inside." Zhu Qiyu was very satisfied with Shen Yi's cooperative attitude.

"The minister leads the decree." Shen Yi bowed his head and took the order. The Beijing camp had to increase the money for the New Year's Eve. This matter was decided as early as the beginning of the year. Naturally, Shen Yi had already made a plan. As for borrowing, whoever has money is willing to look inside That angry face of the eunuch?

"What does Jiang Shangshu think?" Zhu Qiyu looked at Jiang Yuan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Of course, he had to ask the Shangshu of the Ministry of War for his opinion on the reward.

"Your Majesty, is this the same reward for the whole army?" Jiang Yuan grasped the key point of the matter. The equal reward for His Majesty is not complicated and very simple to do, but such a reward is unprecedented.

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "This is an extra reward for the hard work of the army in the Northern Expedition. It is the same, and the rest is the usual reward. It does not worry about unevenness. I don't want this happy event to become a funeral, because the extra scattered silver will cause trouble. some opinions."

Of course, Zhu Qiyu is not guilty of egalitarianism, but the army has always been simple, and it must not be complicated. Of course, the rewards for merit and deeds cannot be equal, but no matter how the extra reward is divided, there will be opinions.

Sun Ting took the Four Bravery Battalion to Luntai City for a long distance, and this journey lasted for a year. When he arrived at the place, he set up city defense and watched a play. The rewards are also less than those of the Siwu Regiment and the Siyong Regiment. Instead, there is enmity, and the happy event becomes a funeral.

This money is errand money, everyone has it, everyone is the same.

"Your Majesty obeys the order." Jiang Yuan thought about it carefully, and he still agreed with His Majesty's idea. It was a surprise, and no matter who made an opinion, it was a surprise that His Majesty saved the money for selecting beautiful women.

The court discussion is still going on, and there is another civil uprising in Sichuan, and this time it is the Miao people who rebelled, and the Sichuan military commander has already gone to suppress the rebellion. If the chieftain doesn't make trouble, the court can't find a reason to change the land and return it to the court. Instead, the court has a reason for this disturbance.

The house leak coincided with the continuous night rain. There was a civil uprising in Sichuan, the earth dragon turned over, and there was another natural disaster. The earthquake affected a wide range.

But Jiang Yuan teased: "Shang Shu Shen is so generous, this province's taxes and disasters are exempted, and it will last for three years."

Shen Yi also said with emotion: "Natural disasters and man-made disasters, I feel sorry for the taxes for the past three years, but the people's upheavals come first, and the natural disasters come later. If the imperial court presses for higher taxes, won't it force the common people to rebel? Let alone three years Taxation, if it can be slowed down in five or eight years, it will be burning incense and worshiping Buddha."

Shen Yi was very shrewd, and his abacus was clinking, which seemed to save him for three years, but it was unavoidable, if he couldn't get it in five or ten years, it would be even worse.

"The earthquake in Sichuan in the third year of Zhengtong, which even spread to Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, the court discussed for a long time, and in the end, all disasters were exempted from seven points, those who suffered disasters were exempted from five points, and the rest were reversed." Jiang Yuan talked about the past, In the end, the Ministry of Household Affairs is now rich enough to avoid these three years. During the orthodox years, the earthquake was even more severe, but it was just a disaster.

Zhu Qiyu frowned and asked in doubt: "It's all natural and man-made disasters, can you still collect it? People are gone, and taxes are collected in the ruins?"

After deliberating, Shen Yi said, "The imperial court asks the local government to ask for it, and the local government asks the prefecture and county to ask for it. The prefecture and county have to find a way. It's a bad debt."

Shen Yi really didn't want to mention those bad things during Zhengtong's years, it was really bad. Take the Sichuan earthquake in Zhengtong's three years as an example. The poorest people, as a result, Luchuan took the opportunity to rebel and made trouble.

Zhu Qiyu understood that the account book during the orthodox years was just like what Shen Yi said, it was a bad account, full of lack of money. As for the prefectures and counties asking who wants it, it is definitely not who has money to ask who wants it, but who has no money to ask Whoever wants it, after all, the tenants are the best to be bullied.

Junguo Gong Chen Mao played again, Jiaozhi had a bumper harvest in mid-autumn, and began to pay high taxes. It will be shipped from Da Nang to Mizhou Shipsi, and finally to the capital. This is the first time after the re-establishment of Jiaozhi. The public intends to personally escort him to Beijing.

"Duke Jun is old and in poor health. It's not right. Let the eldest son of Duke Jun be escorted." Zhu Qiyu immediately waved his hand and said, "Mr. Jun is no longer in Pingdingye, Fujian. It's time for Zongliu, Dengmao and the seven people to change, and even the Tang commander said that Duke Jun has already seen his discoloration, which is inappropriate, and the Ministry of Rites drafted an edict, so there is no need to rush around like this."

Jiang Yuan looked hesitant but still said: "Duke Jun means to come back for one last look."

Jiang Yuan didn't make it too clear, but everyone knew the meaning of what he said. In fact, Chen Mao knew that his time was approaching, and wanted to come back to take another look at Daming, so he personally escorted Cao Liang back to Beijing.

"If that's the case, then so be it." Zhu Qiyu frowned and said, he knew clearly that Chen Mao was getting old, but he was still reluctant to accept it, and always felt that he could keep people longer without making trouble.

This Duke Jun, who stabilized the situation in the southeast of the Ming Dynasty when Zhu Qiyu had just ascended the throne and the Ming Dynasty was in turmoil, was finally approaching the end of his life.

"Your Majesty?" Hu Wei couldn't help but said, "Life, old age, sickness and death are human nature."

Hu Wei is older than Chen Mao, he actually feels that his days are coming soon, His Majesty is a dear person, so there is no need to be too sentimental.

"Well, take a copy of the victory report of the Northern Expedition and send it to Duke Jun, so that he will be happy too. Let's continue the discussion." Zhu Qiyu said quite calmly.

Chen Mao has already thought about his own affairs, and some of his thoughts about Cochin have been sent to the court.

His children are not familiar with military affairs. They guard Jiaozhi and serve as the commander-in-chief of Jiaozhi. enough.

Chen Mao's son doesn't understand military affairs, but how can Chen Mao have no confidants after many years of fighting?

Chen Mao did not recommend too much to his confidants.

Chen Mao lost his title during the orthodox years. He knows how deep the court is. If he dies, no matter who he recommends, he will not end well. He simply refuses to recommend anyone. False, but first of all the generals of Ming Dynasty.

The Ministry of War took out a long-drawn-up list, and many generals in Jiaozhi will be replaced. This is a whole round of personnel changes, which is obviously not a temporary intention, but has been prepared for a long time.

Zhu Qiyu looked at it for a long time, and after Qian Qian returned to Beijing, he had to go through the agreement of the Governor's Office of the Five Armies to finally approve the list for deployment.

Before people leave, the imperial court is already preparing herbal tea. This is politics, and ruthlessness is the basic background. One second, Zhu Qiyu was still feeling sad for Chen Mao's old age, and the next second he began to preside over the transfer of Chen Mao's confidantes son.

Hu Wei was quite relieved, the court may be naive, but His Majesty and everyone in this Wenhua Palace are ruthless people.

Will Zhu Qiyu get tired of this ruthless power game?It doesn't.

Power, power is everything, just a county magistrate of the seventh rank is a party of blue sky, if you have a dream the night before, as long as you think about it, you can realize it the next day, this is power.

Yin Qian, who used to be the county magistrate of Changle County in Fujian Province and is now the magistrate of Fujian Province, once performed an incident in Changle County. He listened to an opera in a teahouse the first day and said a sentence to the left and right, and someone sang it the next day. Since then, Yin Qian has never dared to go to the opera again. Only then did Yin Qian understand what power feels like.

Zhu Qiyu returned to the lecture hall after the morning break, he wanted to go to the big villa to change clothes, and then went to the Beijing camp to parade the military horses, and when he arrived at the big villa, Ran Siniang slept until noon and still didn't get up.

"Hurry up and pack up. There will be a big banquet in the evening, and the empress dowagers of both palaces will be here. If you are late, or slovenly, and are scolded by the empress dowager, don't cry." Zhu Qiyu changed his clothes and looked at the already Ran Siniang, who was still lying on the bed after waking up, said.

Ran Siniang was lazy at first, but when she heard that Empress Dowager Wu was coming, she was so frightened that she got up and tidied up.

Empress Dowager Sun didn't dare to make irresponsible remarks about the affairs of Tai'an Palace, but if Empress Dowager Wu blamed it, Ran Siniang, the beloved concubine Ning, would not be able to go around.

"Are there any fireworks to watch at night?" Ran Siniang asked while picking out clothes.

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "Of course there are big fireworks to watch. Ten-inch bullets cost 66 catties of gunpowder, and the black dragon cannon only weighs [-] catties of gunpowder. There are [-] shots in total, and there is only one disc. It costs [-] silver to put one disc. The Ministry of Rites wants to put two plates, I'm still reluctant."

"With so much gunpowder, nothing will happen." Ran Siniang said worriedly.

Chapter 9 and Five

"I spend more than 50 silver in security fees for Tai'an Palace every year. You are nothing? Don't worry about it." Zhu Qiyu smiled and comforted Ran Siniang, and then said with a smile: "Take it easy, let's go to the Beijing camp first. gone."

Zhu Qiyu actually doesn't like the lively scenes of celebrations. He always feels that the excitement has nothing to do with him. He just finds it noisy, and the presence of the emperor, like the presence of the leader of the KTV team building, is torture to everyone, so it is similar to a big banquet. Most of the activities such as giving banquets, Zhu Qiyu would get up and leave after the ceremony of Jiujue.

And this time, Zhu Qiyu himself was not very interested in the celebration in Beitu City outside Deshengmen.

But the Ministry of Rites has carefully prepared this time.

As the Minister of Rites, Hu Wei presided over the sacrificial ceremony of the Kingdom Dynasty. He actually figured out the reason why His Majesty didn't want to stay at the ceremony very early on.

However, the banquets, national sacrifices, and Taimiao sacrifices are Zhou rituals in themselves, and they cannot be changed easily.

After all these years, Hu Wei finally got an opportunity to make a fool of the emperor.

Zhu Qiyu came to the Wufeng Building in Beitu City after reviewing the military horses, and after taking a bath, and was about to finish the ceremony of the Nine Lords before leaving directly as usual.

After Zhu Qiyu took his seat, he didn't wait for the gift of Jiujue. Instead, he waited for a fireworks show that Zhu Qiyu would never forget.

The first thing to start is the earth dragon, a spinning top with fireworks tied to the sound of Taichang Temple. It began to spin rapidly outside the Tucheng with a screaming sound. Dozens of wrestlers followed the drums With the crackling of the long whip, the spinning top was beaten faster and faster. The vocal music of Taichang Temple was not at all solemn and solemn like before, but a cheerful atmosphere.

After hearing the news, the people of the capital who gathered outside Beitu City and waited to watch the fireworks couldn't stop cheering. Some children sat on their father's shoulders and yelled. All of a sudden, there was an opportunity to celebrate. Joy atmosphere.

"That's right." Zhu Qiyu nodded in satisfaction. Not to mention the cumbersome etiquette in the past, there was also a kind of lethargy. In terms of the vocal music of Taichang Temple, it was more than solemn and solemn, but it didn't sound like a military drum. It is heartening to hear that this is not the fault of Taichang Temple, but that these etiquettes are so solemn and lifeless.

When the gyro fireworks burned out, the night shrouded the city in darkness again, and then there were platinum and golden fireworks trees rising outside the Tucheng. Zhu Qiyu looked at the scene in front of him and thought of A line of poetry: Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pear trees bloom.

And under the ever-rising fireworks trees, black shadows flashed past one by one. At the moment when the fireworks were extinguished, hundreds of lime blowtorches hanging on the top of the city were lit up, and the bright light illuminated the city walls. It is like daytime, and these shadows stand awe-inspiringly under the light.

"Ya Banner soldiers?" Zhu Qiyu said in surprise, looking at the clothes of these people.

"Your Majesty is holy." Hu Wei hurriedly bowed his head and said, "It is indeed the tooth flag soldiers. There are 360 ​​sergeants who have carried the flag on the battlefield."

Zhu Qiyu inspected the military horses every day, so he naturally recognized the people in the audience as Ya Banner soldiers. The big flags were in the hands of the Ya Banners, and they were constantly changing with the sound of the drums. The sea of ​​flags, these big flags fluctuated in the hands, feet, and heads of these tooth flag soldiers, causing countless people to exclaim.

Zhu Qiyu didn't feel that there was anything noisy about the people's exclamations, but rather liked the vulgar atmosphere. He was just a layman. After watching it for a while, he finally understood what was going on.

In mid-October of the 14th year of Zhengtong, the emperor of Ming Dynasty took the battle outside Desheng Gate to capture the flag. This is the plot of the sergeant's drill, which symbolizes that Zhu Qiyu's bright yellow dragon flag is particularly conspicuous in the sea of ​​flags, rushing into the enemy Among the wolf-headed big banners, fight in and out.

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said to Hu Min: "Hu Shangshu, this military dance is unique, but it has been a long time ago. I don't have the ability to enter and exit seven times. In order not to add to the chaos, Lu Zhong did all the work of rushing into the battle. , but in the later part of the rear, it is really because I was not good at riding at the beginning, so I simply stayed in the rear."

Zhu Qiyu has always said that Lu Zhong has military talent, but it is not nonsense. Zhu Qiyu, the emperor who charged outside the Desheng Gate, took the lead in the charge under the specific command of Lu Zhong, and it was not intentional to hold the rear. , Zhu Qiyu can't take care of so much, on the battlefield, he just wants to win, since he is behind, he has to be in the rear, this is a comrade in arms who resists and kills the enemy.

"Your Majesty disagrees." Hu Wei said very persistently: "Your Majesty personally went into battle, and charged into the enemy's midst. It is true. This is not something I made up. Lu Zhong is His Majesty's confidant, he is His Majesty's forerunner, but a subject. Duty."

"Your Majesty's simple words are really the hardest part. This is a military dance. I think it is in line with the facts and has not been tampered with. There is nothing wrong with it. Your Majesty asks my ministers to change, but I will not change it."

Hu Wei is a flatterer, but he is also a very strict person, otherwise he would not be able to rule the court and the public for 50 years. After staying in the position of Ming Gong for so many years, the people involved in the emperor's affairs can naturally make up random things, but Hu Wei No, His Majesty is in the formation. His Majesty is in the formation as a qualified sergeant and has completed the battle goal. This is a fact.

Hu Ming is almost ninety years old, today Zhu Qiyu said to break the sky, he will not change, anyway, his deadline is coming soon, if he leaves, if His Majesty changes again, Hu Ming will not be able to stop him.

"That's how it is." Zhu Qiyu smiled, and finally stopped entangled in this matter. He continued to ask: "This song is impassioned and inspiring. Who made it and what is it called?"

Hu Yi said tentatively with a look of hesitation: "It was written by Concubine Li Xian in the palace, and it's called "The Music of the King's Breaking the Array."

Zhu Qiyu was suddenly embarrassed, "The King of Qin Breaking the Battle", these words are very suitable, the characters and events are clear at a glance, but the famous "Qin Wang Breaking the Battle" in history is Li Shimin's exclusive BGM, Zhu Qiyu is very concerned about his military ability Quite a few, if he was on the battlefield, he would be the sixth son of the battlefield, and he said with a complicated expression: "I think it's not right."

Compared with Li Shimin in military affairs, Zhu Qiyu naturally doesn't know how to fight with axes, but in comparison with Li Shimin's ability to make money, Zhu Qiyu can still compete.

"I also think it's inappropriate, and I think it's more appropriate to call it "The Song of King Ying Entering the Battle." Hu Yi immediately said that it is easy to misunderstand the comparison between monarchs, and it is quite absurd that Guan Gong fought against Qin Qiong. It is also the reason why ancient Confucian scholars are becoming more and more pedantic. The classics they have been enshrining Ruo Guiyin have been around for 2000 years.

Change two words, the taste is naturally different.

"Good." Zhu Qiyu said quite approvingly, it's fine to change the name without crashing the car, just like bumping into the shirt, whoever is weak is embarrassed, right?

King Ying enters the battle song, Zhu Qiyu knows that military affairs cannot be compared with Li Shimin, so does the Ming Dynasty deserve to be called this name?Do you want to dance to this big song?

Of course Daming deserves it!

Li Shimin is strong because the Tang army is strong, the Tang army is invincible, isn't the Ming army invincible?The Great Ming Army just used its brilliant record in the annals of history to prove once again the incomparable combat power of the Great Ming Army.

Zhu Qiyu's eyes returned to the stage, and the 360 ​​tooth flag soldiers had finished dancing their flags, symbolizing that all the wolf-headed flags of the Oirat people had fallen down, only Zhu Qiyu's dragon flag flags were flying in the gusts of wind. ring.

At this time, the music changed suddenly, from impassioned to a low-pitched confession, and the standing tooth flag soldiers began to hammer the flagpoles in their hands continuously, echoing the sound of drums and vocal music, the low-pitched Singing: "How can I say no clothes? I have the same robe as my son. The king Yu Xingshi, repair my spear. I have the same hatred as my son!"

"Why don't you say that you have no clothes? You are in the same pool with your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear and halberd. Work together with your son!"

"Why don't you say you have no clothes? I have the same clothes as my son. Wang Yuxing's division, repair my armor and soldiers. Walk with my son!"

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