Especially in the matter of taking advantage of the situation, isn't he the emperor just to support the governors?Li Binyan finally opened his mind and understood what it means to have a good name for yourself and a bad name for yourself.

Hu Mei disapproved and said, "Li Binyan's errand is still not good. When he returns to Beijing, I must explain it to him. It really shouldn't have caused His Majesty to be furious."

"He doesn't know how to do this. It's inevitable for a novice to go on the road. I don't care about doing errands for Daming and doing things for me." Zhu Qiyu said indifferently.

What is the holy family in Long, this is the holy family in Long, it is obvious that Li Binyan has gone too far, the emperor's attitude of indifference, on the contrary seems to be entangled.

In fact, Zhu Qiyu didn't think it was too much, just gouging up other things is fine, but it's not okay to goug up food prices, it's not okay, it's not okay, in Zhu Qiyu's opinion, Li Binyan didn't go too far.

This temple calculation finally came to the military affairs that Zhu Qiyu wanted to talk about. This temple calculation is complex, but it is simple, but it is actually very simple.

To put it simply, Zhu Qiyu wants to increase money and budget, and the first principle to do a good job in logistical work is saturated supply. Zhang Mao and Zhao Fu, but it took a lot of persuasion to persuade His Majesty to increase the money. Hands, I really can't add more, it will become a burden, everything is too much.

Zhu Qiyu had no choice but to give up. He didn't have military talent, so he could only ensure the logistics. Zhu Qiyu, the logistics captain, was still very serious and responsible.

Of course Zhu Qiyu knows that the Ming army has enough food and pay, and the gods will give you the tough fighting power. If you are full, you can fight for the emperor's thieves and escape, not to mention Zhu Qiyu's consistent payment in advance, and the strength of the inspection to see if the payment is sufficient. It is no less than the Ministry of Officials' anti-corruption and arrest of corruption.

He just thinks that the inner country has money, and the Ming Dynasty has food. After all, it is an expedition, and it is really a hard job. If you can give more, you will give more. The emperor does not send hungry soldiers, or the money can be kept as an aid to the army. Pay the barbarians?

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." A small yellow door failed to pass through, and fell into the small meeting room. Knock's head is red.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Qiyu asked with a frown.

"The Minister of Taichang Temple and Shang Ren, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, were attacked, and the arrow hit five inches and two centimeters! Only four cents missed the heart and lungs!" Xiao Huangmen knelt on the ground, terrified and said.

"How's the injury?" Zhu Qiyu hurriedly asked.

"When the news came, the Bachelor of Commerce had already woken up, but he still couldn't do it. Yang Jun, Marquis of Changping, and King Yi wrote a letter to plead guilty." Xiao Huangmen handed over the pond newspaper in his hand.

The veins on Zhu Qiyu's forehead trembled violently, and even his hands trembled a little when he opened the memorial. Shang Ren went to the army as a clerk, responsible for the dispatch of grain and grass, and was dispatched by Zhu Qiyu. The shot, as Xiao Huangmen said, was only four cents away. Even if Hua Tuo was still alive, Shang Ren could only go to see Lord Yama.

Zhu Qiyu said calmly: "It's not that Changping Hou Yiwang is not good at fighting, it's because he's in other people's fields, and the thieves are naturally elusive."

What is home field advantage?

Hu Wei knew His Majesty very well. Behind His Majesty's current calm was anger.

8 Chapter Ninety

In that short moment, Zhu Qiyu had a flash of thought, is this Shang Ren planning to take credit for his injury, and take the opportunity to leave the army, take advantage of his injury, and make meritorious service without having to work so hard, but this idea also It just passed by in a flash, because the arrow hit five inches and two centimeters, and Shang Lu was killed by four centimeters.

Anything can be a lie, but this death cannot lie.

Shang Ren would not have tossed himself into a near-death appearance for the sake of the military's suffering. If such injuries had not been handled properly by the accompanying imperial physician these years, Shang Ren would have disappeared immediately.

"Maulihai, Bolai, Ma'erke'er, the Taijis of the Tatar tribes, don't know the destiny." The calmer Zhu Qiyu became, the more angry he felt in his heart.

He Zhang's arm was made by Bo, and Shang Ren's five-inch and two-centimeter arrow wound was made by Mao Lihai. During the event, although Mao Lihai opposed Daming's excessive interference, he still did not brazenly rebel. The relationship between Maoli Boy and Daming was not good, but it was definitely not to the point where they met each other in arms.

This can be regarded as tearing off the fig leaf.

"It doesn't matter if you hit a dozen. During the Northern Expedition, the Maolihai, Bolai, and Ma'erke'er were all exposed. Only when the water sinks can the stone come out." He Zhang held the teacup with one hand, with a strong tone in his voice hate.

He Zhang seldom appealed to his own feelings during the Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty. Most of them were discussing the facts, and he rarely even spoke. His Majesty's judgment, therefore, is to say as little as possible, but now that even Shang Ren is injured, He Zhang finally spoke out what was pressed deep in his heart.

These people are all damned!

"Shang Ren works diligently. This injury should be comforted by the court. He should recuperate on the spot to prevent deterioration. He will not continue the Northern Expedition with the army. He will send an edict to the Marquis of Changping and the King of Yi to treat them as thieves and get rid of all evil." Zhu Qiyu said to Xing'an. In other words, this sentence "eliminate evil and do everything" probably announced the fate of these three parts.

Because they want to turn the Tatars into kings, the Central Route Army was somewhat restrained in the fight before. If this side fights hard, it will become more and more counterproductive, and the imperial plan will not be implemented. In order to be passive, is the Central Route Army good or bad?

With Zhu Qiyu's edict, Marquis Changping is on the front line, so there is no need to stop.

"Your Majesty, let Tuotuobuhua, Mandulu, Tuogu, and Mark issue a Khan Order in the name of the Khan Ting, but any rebellion and rebellion will be treated as rebellious officials and thieves. It is better than weakening the enemy at the same time. "Hu Wei knew that His Majesty's sentence to get rid of the evil was to put the Maolihai, Bolai, and Ma'erke'er tribes into the Oala camp, so he just said that the Liting sweeps the holes.

But Hu Wei still thought that Tuotuo Buhua, the Yuan Dynasty descendants of the Yuan Dynasty, could play their role.

Punishment without teaching is abuse. As the head of the Ministry of Rites, Hu Wei naturally has to follow the way of benevolence and forgiveness, and advise one or two, but the Ministry of Rites does not object to Li Ting's acupoint sweeping. There is indeed forgiveness, but only a little bit. Even Hu Wei’s words are more to make the teacher famous. Your Khan of the Yuan Dynasty Hanting told you not to make enemies with Daming. You are still rebelling, so how can you blame the Ming Dynasty’s conquest?

The Ministry of Rites of the Ming Dynasty was qualified at least before the reign of Hongzhi. During the Chenghua period, the attitude of the Ministry of Rites to sweep the caves of the slaves and clean up the Hetao Tatar tribes was basically the same. There was benevolence and forgiveness, but only a little bit. .

"Okay, let the Ministry of Rites supervise it." Zhu Qiyu is kind and kind, and Hu Min's words are reasonable. Maolihai, Bolai, and Ma'er Ke'er want to turn against Daming for their own interests, but it is not necessarily true for the people of their tribes , To die together, Tuotuobuhua is below this Khan Order, which is equivalent to expelling a person who opposed the Ming Dynasty from the Yuanyi, and if the Ming Dynasty wants to fight and kill, it has nothing to do with the Yuanyi Khan Court.

Zhu Qiyu was still in charge of the temple calculations, and the frontline military affairs were cast in a shadow because of Shang Ren's injury.

After the people had almost left, Hu Wei said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, thanks to His Majesty's grace, I have been reading this frontline pond newspaper. The business bachelor is diligent and meticulous in his work. The commanders, generals, and commander all agree with Shang Ren's seriousness and responsibility, and the injury this time was also caused by inspecting grain and grass."

Hu Wei's remarks are because Hu Wei understands His Majesty, and His Majesty has prejudice against civil servants, and this prejudice has long been twisted into a knot, deeply rooted, and the solution cannot be solved, but Shang Ren's injury this time was really hurt. Injured, in this vast world, with all kinds of life, the knot in His Majesty's heart can easily overturn a whole boat with one blow.

Isn't Yu Qian a civil servant?It was the same before, at least before the Battle of the Capital.

"Mr. Hu is too worried. Shang Ren was coaxed and coaxed from this political official. Originally, he did a good job in Qingliu. He wanted to be famous, he wanted power and power, and he was proud of himself. I want Shang Ren to improve Furthermore, the Bachelor of Commerce was injured by the Ming Dynasty, and I regard him as a good minister, and if I hurt my humerus, this revenge will be avenged!" Zhu Qiyu spoke clearly, not letting Hu Min guess.

If Shang Ren used his life to play such a big show for Zhu Qiyu, Zhu Qiyu would admit that he was wronged, and his life was at stake. Isn't it normal for him to be deceived?

"That's it, I will leave." Hu Wei was about to get up and leave, but Zhu Qiyu said: "Hu Shangshu stay here, listen to what Shen Shangshu has to say."

Shen Yi didn't leave, everyone else left, Shen Yi was still sitting on the spot drinking tea, obviously he wanted to say something, and his face was a little hesitant, it was obvious that this was a big matter, not a small one, otherwise the meeting would have made it clear just now .

Hu Wei really didn't want to stay, he has lived to this age, of course he is very clear, knowing that going too far is the root of the disaster, people are rarely confused.

Shen Yi looked at Hu Wei with a puzzled expression. He really didn't want anyone other than His Majesty to hear what he said next.

"Your Majesty, my subject..." Hu Wei also showed embarrassment, what could he figure out as an old man teaching about the household affairs.

But Zhu Qiyu motioned Hu Min to sit still and said, "Let's listen together."

After a little deliberation, Hu Wei sat down firmly.

Only then did Shen Yi take out a memorial and said: "Your Majesty, if you are a big mouse, you can't eat my millet."

Zhu Qiyu finished reading the memorial and handed it to Hu Wei. After reading it, Hu Wei sighed heavily. In this small meeting hall, there was only the sound of the wind blowing the curtain for a while, and the monarchs and ministers looked at each other speechlessly.

After a long time, Zhu Qiyu asked, "Is there no way?"

"I have no good strategy." Shen Yi shook his head, if he had a way, he wouldn't be presenting this memorial.

"I have no good strategy." Hu Wei put the memorial on the table with trembling hands, and added: "Yu Shaobao also has no good strategy."

Shen Yi mentioned a thorny issue, and that was the treasury of the Daming Mansion.

During the investigation by the Department of Cleaning Officials of the Household Department of the Sixteenth Provinces of the Ming Dynasty, there was no grain of rice or one tael of silver in a Changping warehouse in Changning County, the prefecture of Xuzhou, Sichuan. It was not worth Shen Yi's attention to pay attention to the matter of Pin's misappropriation of the Changping warehouse, but Shen Yi did not leak it, so he asked the bottom line, and after asking the bottom line, he asked something wrong.

Shen Yi asked the provincial bureaucrats to investigate secretly, only to find that the government treasuries in various places in Daming were actually roughly the same as the county treasury in Changning County, and had been embezzled long ago.

Once the court has a tendency to check the grain depots, the local officials will take action upon hearing the news and ask the local grain merchants to put grain into the treasury to fill up. After the limelight passes, the grain merchants will transport the grain away. This treasury was rented out, and the imperial court came to check, it was the treasury of the imperial court, if the imperial court did not check, it was the treasury of the grain merchants.

Here, the local powerful will give convenience to the local officials, and the local officials will naturally give convenience to the powerful and right. This kind of worldly love is about you coming and going, you help me, I help you, this kind of love Then there is, this love is there, and it is naturally convenient to do things.

Otherwise, the court will be held accountable, and he will be imprisoned just like the magistrate of Changning.

Zhu Qiyu closed his eyes for a long time before asking: "How much is this deficit?"

"It's immeasurable, at least it would cost tens of millions of silver coins." Shen Yi said tremblingly: "During the time of Emperor Han Wen, the imperial court reduced the four silver coins from 120 coins to 120 coins, but in the time of Emperor Han Wu , After a little investigation, I found out that the local officials did not lower the tax at all, and the head tax was still [-] yuan, and the [-] yuan discount was only given to Shuoshu."

Hu Weisheng thought it over before saying: "Your Majesty, in the tenth year of Zhengtong, Shanxi and Shaanxi were hit by drought, and more than 20 refugees from Shanxi and Shaanxi fled to Henan. Yu Qian was the governor of Henan at that time. The corn relief accumulated by the two governments of Huaiqing and Huaiqing, how could there be any food in the treasury at that time, Yu Qian also paid equal attention to kindness and power, and finally made things happen, calmed the refugees down, and together with Nian Fu, the governor of Henan, Persuading Nongsang is the way to resettle these 20 refugees."

Zhu Qizhen, Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, actually didn't like Yu Qian's eyes. Yu Qian slapped Wang Zhen's face with a slap in the face. Isn't slapping Wang Zhen's face slapping Zhu Qizhen's face?

But what can Zhu Qizhen do with Yu Qian?In the orthodox ten years, the 20 refugees from Shanxi and Shaanxi to Henan to seek survival, if this one is not handled well, it will be a replica of Ye Zongliu and Deng Mao. The 700 million people are in chaos and the country is in danger.

Zhu Qizhen had no choice but to leave Yu Qian alone.

After the change of seizing the door, Emperor Yingzong of Ming Dynasty had a sudden heart, and killed Yu Qian, and then Tianshun was not going well.

Hu Wei said that Yu Qian had no good strategy. That's not nonsense. Hu Wei served as governor of the local area for 16 years during the Yongle period, and Yu Qian served the local government for 25 years. Others don't know what the virtue of the local treasury is, but Yu Qian obviously knows it very well.

In the orthodox ten years, Yu Qian mobilized the treasuries of Henan and Huaiqing for relief. There was not a single grain of rice in the treasury. How did Yu Qian persuade the wealthy rightists to take out these grains, and how did he persuade the local big households? They took out the land for the refugees to cultivate, Hu Wei didn't know it, but Hu Ming, an old official, knew clearly that it was definitely not reasonable. All have to die.

After that, Yu Qian never made a statement about the treasury.

The reason why Yu Qian didn't say it was because of this mess, it was an unsolvable problem, if there was a way, Yu Qian would have put it on the table to share the matter.

What Shen Yi said was immeasurable, it wasn't to fool the emperor, and it wasn't because he didn't have enough ability to figure it out, he could figure it out, he was saying that the treasury's deficit was too much, too much, if the court or internal funds If you make up for this shortfall, you won't be able to make up for it at all.

"This treasury has been embezzled for a long time, and it may not be a debt owed at the moment. It is a bad debt. The officials of the imperial court here, seeing the appearance of the treasury, can only do what their predecessors do. What did you do, Xiao Guicao followed suit." Hu Wei is very proficient in the four words of being an official, this account may not be owed during the Jingtai period, and it may be when the bad debts have become bad, and it is not clear to find out.

This demolition of the east wall to make up for the west wall, tearing down and making up for it, the deficit is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it has become the current situation.

"The Changping warehouse is fine, it is under the control of the imperial court, and it has been inspected before, so the treasury is completely rotten." Shen Yi added that the Changping warehouse is a granary for disaster relief, and it is also used to stabilize food prices. The granary in the Ming Dynasty is a concrete embodiment of the rules and regulations of the Ming Dynasty. From management to work, it is under the control of the household department. The situation is much better. If you are short, you can't justify it.

Zhu Qiyu sat up straight, spread his hands and said: "Ten years of hard work, gold list titles are famous all over the world, Jinshi who are running to govern the country and the world with the belief of going on the road, holding the seal ribbon and fire card given by the imperial court to take office, once they arrive at the place, naturally I wanted to stand up and do this official, but this messy thing gradually made me smooth, and this official management became so difficult."

If you want to be promoted, you have to be obedient, otherwise you will be like the county magistrate of Changning. If you are disobedient, when the imperial court passes the examination for you, the influential people will let you see why this flower is so red. This is often the case. The same is true for closing warehouses, government treasuries, and other government affairs, such as patrolling rivers, such as armaments, such as persuading agriculture and mulberry, such as Ding Ke Liang Fu, and so on.

This Game of Thrones is so ruthless.

Does Zhu Qiyu have a good plan for this treasury deficit?The same is not true. It is easy to clear up this bad debt, but it is difficult to solve it.

"Difficult, it's all difficult, everyone, let's do what's difficult." Zhu Qiyu rubbed his brows, picked up Shen Yi's memoir with some emotion and said: "I understand."

"The ministers will leave." Hu Wei and Shen Yi left Juxian Pavilion in the martial arts hall after paying respects.

As soon as he went out, Shen Yi hurriedly said: "Young Master Hu, shouldn't Shen have published today's memorabilia? Did he poke a big hole in the sky?"

Shen Yi was really not sure, he only heard about it from Hu Wei, and only then did he know that Yu Qian knew about it before, and only then did he know that Yu Qian didn't talk about it, so if he said it, wouldn't he be stabbing someone?

And right now Yu Qian is not in the capital, if His Majesty gets angry, who will persuade Renshu?

On the contrary, Hu Wei had a benevolent smile on his face. Hu Ying was an elder. When Shen Yi was born, Hu Ying was the servant of the Ministry of Rites. In the court meeting, not in the court meeting, if you bring it up in the court meeting, you will force His Majesty to resolve the matter, and you will lose your obedience. If you say it in the Juxian Pavilion of the Wutang, it is a communication with Your Majesty. two."

"Poke Lou Zi? Have you forgotten that His Majesty of the Ming Dynasty is the Secretary of the Household Department? If you don't say it, do you think His Majesty doesn't know?"

"Why did Your Majesty insist on letting me stay? There are some things that His Majesty is inconvenient to say, so he asked me to say them. If this matter can be resolved, His Majesty has already done it a long time ago. Are you still waiting for you to say it?"

"Don't worry about gains and losses, just do your own thing well."

Seeing Shen Yi's bewildered face, Hu Yi simply explained what he said, so that Shen Yi would not misunderstand what he meant.

"Thank you Young Master Hu for your teaching." Shen Yi suddenly realized, and hurriedly thanked him.

Zhu Qiyu was indeed aware of the shortfall of the treasury, and seeing Shen Yi's embarrassment, he guessed what he was going to say, just as Hu Min said, there are some things that the emperor can't say, so he has to speak up, Mr. Zhu Qiyu It means that Yao Kui is not as easy to use as Hu Wei. Today it was replaced by Yao Kui. Yao Kui didn't know how to deal with it, and he didn't even know why the emperor forced him to stay.

As for the deficit of the government treasury, this kind of thing is not uncommon in ancient and modern times. The Lianghuai of the Qianlong Dynasty did not mention the case, but the 400 billion building built by the Yamen of Dushan County in the later generations was just balancing the accounts?There is no telling how many accounts were settled in that unfinished building. It is better for one county government to be unlucky than all of them together, isn't it?

With the development of time, the large size and redundant staff of an organization lead to inevitable rigidity, corruption and other problems. Some can be sorted out and must be rectified, and some Zhu Qiyu can't do anything. In the end, he can only end with a sentence.

Chapter 891 Yellow clouds are everywhere, jade grains are full of boats, and nineteen are all things with surnames

Zhu Yuanzhang could only endure silently in the face of the power of the Confucian scholars at the end of the Yuan Dynasty to stop investment and dedication through the so-called loyalty to the emperor. His son, get this over with.In the Yongle period, Lord Jianwen became that plaque again, and Zhu Di was scolded all day long. In the end, Zhu Di directly threw all the things of the Yingtian capital to his son, and led the army to the Northern Expedition by himself.

These are all grievances.

Zhu Qiyu was also a little bit wronged, not to mention the collective resignation of those loyal fans of King Jili in the court when Zhu Qiyu abolished the title of Emperor Jili, Liu Yongcheng, Xu Youzhen, Xiao Yi, etc. refused to take office because they thought it was Daming For the sake of effectiveness, what can Zhu Qiyu do?Although other than Xu Youzhen, Liu Yongcheng and Xiao Yi had long acknowledged His Majesty's wisdom, they still refused to say the word loyalty.

Corruption in the treasury was a major problem that Daming had over time, but he couldn't touch it, and he couldn't solve it, so he could only end up with a sentence that I know.

As for the deficit of the government treasury, Zhu Qiyu is now going through severe punishments and laws, creating a wave of wind that spreads across the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty and sixteen provinces, dismounting thousands of officials, beheading thousands of officials, and sitting on 10 people. People are panicking, and officials all over the world are competing to claim credit for promotion. The treasury deficit has to be made up by the court. After making up the deficit, within two years, it will immediately become like this again. Gotta come out crying.

In the late Qianlong period, even three generations of officials like Liu Yong, for the sake of official career, used the status of Hanchen to set up a literary prison to please Qianlong. Zhu Qiyu's investigation of the treasury will eventually become the treasury. It doesn't matter whether the treasury is clear, the important thing is to please the emperor , and finally turned into the disaster of the party.

It can ensure the filling of the Changping warehouse. When there is no natural disaster, it can be used to ensure that the price of grain is in a relatively stable range. When there is a natural disaster, it can open a warehouse for relief. The literati of the emperor must also say that the old age cannot be disaster, and the prosperous age is booming.

This is also the rule of the Ming court, which is controlled by the Ming court, and severe punishments can be guaranteed, but the court is powerless, Zhu Qiyu can't solve it, and Emperor Wen Zhu Di is not very good, but Emperor Gao Zhu Yuanzhang can, but Gao After all, there is only one emperor, and it will take about 600 years to meet him again.

Zhu Qiyu was also aware of the reason for the deficit in the treasury, even better than Shen Yi. When Muyangbo Jinlian was still there, he had already noticed this matter, and Tiqi had visited several times.

At the time of the head case, a county government had [-] yamen servants. The head of the yamen servant, nicknamed Huang Xun, whose real name was Li Sanyuan, escaped from prison. , Chongwenmen tax self-regulation rules, good at drawing class money.

Robbers were kept outside the city, while beggars and thieves were raised inside the city. The thieves had to pay money, and the shops paid protection fees.

Although other county government does not support 600 people, there are still [-] people. This county government only has a few dollars a year. It cannot afford to support so many servants. Many things cannot be done at all. ?

This is still just a matter of raising people, and the big head is still repairing bridges and roads, Jinqiaoyinlu.

Guozuo is the organization degree, like the deficit of the treasury, it is a matter of consuming the organization degree, how to replenish it?

Zhu Qiyu's simple political view believes that there must be things that consume the organization, and where to make up for the deficit is the key point. Although the common people are easy to bully, if they are bullied, they will be bullied, and the country will be ruined.With such a large overseas cake, it is natural to make up for the shortfall from overseas.

Zhu Qiyu's simple political view is actually easy to understand, it is a typical transfer of internal conflicts.

"I'm powerless." Zhu Qiyu looked at Shen Yi's letter and handed it to Xing'an and said.

Xing'an reached out to take it, but didn't move it. His Majesty held it tightly. After a long time, Zhu Qiyu let go of it. Xing'an was holding the memorial, but he really didn't know whether to file it or put it on the table.

"Take it." Zhu Qiyu waved his hand, signaling Xing'an to take it.

Xing'an held the memorial and said in a low voice: "Whatever King Jili wants to do, he will let Wang Zhen pick the leader, and in the end it will be Wang Zhen who gets scolded, Your Majesty."

Zhu Qiyu looked at Xing'an and became happy, the more he was happy, the louder he was, and finally he laughed, then shook his head and said: "You, you, I never care about the word reputation, I must have destroyed my Beijing camp, otherwise I will scold you." No matter how loud you are, you can’t knock me off the throne. There is a saying in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms that the emperor would rather have a kind? He who has a strong army and a strong horse will do it.”

"This is a stupid statement, and it is also a stupid statement. This is a fight for the world and the way. It only cares about the strength of soldiers and horses, and it cannot be the emperor."

"However, there is some truth to it. If the Son of Heaven wants to impress the Quartet, and the local government obeys orders, he must have a lot of food, money, and strong troops to mobilize one or two. He has to move the table, otherwise no one will be obedient. This is why Emperor Wen asked Emperor Renzong to inspect the military horses every day without a day off."

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