"Your Majesty, please tell me that when Your Majesty ascended the throne, it was just at the time when Oirat was acting fierce, and everything was kept simple, and the minister was very frightened."

"But Your Majesty has always been frugal, and this is finally a chance. Naturally, he made a big deal of it. Please forgive me." Hu Wei stood up and explained why it was so loud.

What Hu Wei pursued was completely opposite to Chen Xun's. Hu Wei always supported whoever was on the throne, so this Minister of Rites has been doing it for 30 years, and he is still stable.

Zhu Qiyu was very shabby when he came to the throne, and His Majesty was relatively frugal. This saw the opportunity, and Hu Wei naturally wanted to do something special.

"Pingshen." Zhu Qiyu nodded, opened the car window and looked at both sides of the street.

The common people ran to the street to watch the excitement, and when Zhu Qiyu opened the car window, there were bursts of exclamations.

A child riding on his father's shoulders looked rather disappointed, muttering: "Isn't this His Majesty a dragon-shaped beard! Daddy said His Majesty looks like a dragon, it's a lie!"

Zhu Qiyu happened to hear it, and with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he waved to the child.

The child was also naughty, and waved at Zhu Qiyu.

Zhu Qiyu saw a lot of expressions on the faces of the people, but compared to before, the people on the street had a kind of strength burst out from the depths of their hearts.

That is, Daming is still the invincible Daming!

They were indeed here to see the excitement, they wanted to see what the emperor who had guarded their homeland, the capital, and the country of the Ming Dynasty looked like.

Full of heroism.

Chapter 121 Heaven's Way Is Back, People's Heart Follows

Zhu Qiyu felt unprecedented satisfaction. All the busyness, intrigues, and fatigue these days were all melted into these joyful smiles.

Zhu Qiyu waved to the crowd, every time at this time, there would be bursts of cheers, Shi Heng suddenly shrugged the big dragon flag on his shoulders, and shouted loudly: "Boys!"

"Someone start."

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and wealth, dust and soil! Come on!"

Shi Heng's impromptu idea was not in the arrangement, but when he shouted, everyone began to sing this soul-stirring song.

Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed Chen Youliang, and the situation in the world has been settled.

The trend has come!

Zhu Yuanzhang appointed Xu Da as the general who conquered captives, and Chang Yuchun as the deputy general. He led the 25 Ming army and started the Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty!

The Ming army sang this "Red Scarf Song" and conquered Xuzhou, Yizhou, Anshan, Jining, Mizhou, Putai, Zouping, Dengzhou, Laizhou, Bianliang, Shangqiu, Xiangyang, and Kaifeng.

The army of the Ming army sang this song loudly, and stepped into the territory that the Han army had never set foot in since the end of the Northern Song Dynasty!

North of the Yellow River!

Zong Ze stuck to Kaifeng City, and before he died of a serious illness, the three hysterical "Cross the river! Cross the river! Cross the river!" Finally, finally, 300 years later, it was completed in the hands of Xu Da.

The Han army embarked on the Northern Expedition again!

Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei, and northern Shandong, bow down and worship!

Wherever he went, it was like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, regaining the eighteen provinces of the Han family that the Southern Song Dynasty dreamed of!

How long did Xu Da use it?

Just under a year.

On July 27, the first year of Hongwu, Xu Da conquered Tongzhou, only [-] miles away from Beijing, which was still called Yuan Dadu and Hanbali at that time!

Yuan Huizong ordered the ministers to supervise the country, and led the concubines, princes and princesses to flee from the north gate in a hurry.

It took only one day for the Ming army to break through the Qihua Gate of Yuan Dadu with high-pitched roars, enter the city, and wipe out the Yuan Dynasty.

The sixteen prefectures of Yanyun fell into the hands of the Han again.

This song, whose melody is extremely simple, is filled with the blood and tears of all the people in the Han land north of Yanyun and the Yellow River for more than [-] years.

Their faces matched words, their wives and children had lived as slaves for so long, and finally heard of Wang Hua again.

When this song was played again in the capital of Ming Dynasty, the high-pitched chorus shot straight into the sky.

Zhu Qiyu stood up, came to the platform of the car, and stood on the small platform in front of the car. The high-pitched cheers rushed towards Zhu Qiyu like overwhelming mountains.

Zhu Qiyu held onto the railing tightly, faced the impact of the sound waves, and looked at everyone calmly.

"Hold the steel knife 99, kill Hu'er before giving up!"

"I am a majestic man, why should the Tartars be horses and cows! A strong man drinks all the wine in his bowl, and he will never turn back when he travels a thousand miles!"

"The golden drum beeps and the crowd roars, and the yellow dragon will not be broken!"

"Heaven's way is good, and people's hearts follow suit!"

Zhu Qiyu's car slowly drove away from the capital, heading towards the camp outside the capital, and the voice behind him gradually calmed down.

He only felt that his back was covered with cold sweat, and he actually just felt that he had only done a little work.

Killed a few shady guys, helped Yu Qian dredge the Tonghui River, killed a group of traitors who bought and sold, and won a battle of the capital that should have been won in history. He Dehe can it?

Why do people support it so much?

Zhu Qiyu took a few deep breaths, returned to the car, and looked at the Wenyuan Pavilion Grand Master and the six ministers in the car.

Maybe Hu Wei didn't expect that there would be such a big battle, maybe Hu Wei just wanted to take advantage of the excitement before the new year to dissipate the bad luck of the whole year.Perhaps Hu Wei just wanted to express his attitude on who supports whom on the throne.

But today's scene was something they never expected.

Zhu Qiyu sat on the main seat, thoughtful, and suddenly asked: "It took King Zhongshan a year to fight from Nanjing to Beijing?"

The king of Zhongshan was talking about Xu Da, and Xu Da’s descendants inherited Ding Guogong and Wei Guogong. Although the two dukes no longer held military power, until the end of Ming Dynasty, the dukes of both countries were inherited, and the lineage was never broken.

Yu Qian made some calculations, bowed his head and said, "Returning to Your Majesty, it has been almost nine months since the Northern Expedition and King Zhongshan entered Beijing."

nine months.

Zhu Qiyu nodded vigorously, and then said: "I suddenly figured out why I was so rebellious in the first place, breaking the Bauhinia Pass and coming straight to the capital, and even quite arrogant."

Wala's arrogance, this problem actually troubled Yu Qian, Shi Heng, Liu An, Fan Guang, Sun Tong, etc. couldn't understand the problem.

In the first battle of Wala, cavalry pawns attacked the houses. Isn't this courting death?

Is it really a firecracker in the hands of the Ming army, is it a fire stick?

Zhu Qiyu said with emotion: "Since ancient times, the defeat of the army has been like a mountain. When the mountain falls, how can manpower stop it?"

"The civil fortress was shocked, 20 Ming elites were killed in battle, and more than 50% were lost in the civil and military affairs of the court. [-] civilians fled or died, and the Supreme Emperor was captured."

"If I were Nawala, then I would be rebellious! I would also be arrogant!"

"No matter how you looked at it at the time, Da Ming was just a run-down house. As long as you kicked it lightly, Da Ming would die."

"Fortunately, Daming still has Yu Shaobao to save the sky. I am very relieved."

Yu Qian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty promotes talented people and solicits strategies from the masses; he collects soldiers who are already defeated, but goes deep into the front of the army."

"Preserve the capital, lay down the Anzong Society, enforce the strictness of the war and defend the teacher, respect and respect the etiquette, and slanderous words do not enter."

"It's true, Ren Enqin was imprisoned in Huan District, and his might was displayed in Haiyu!"

The courtiers all looked at each other, this Yu Qian was famously upright, when did he become so good at flattering?

It is really an anecdote through the ages that the sun comes out from the west.

Since Yongle's 19th year as a Jinshi, Yu Qian stalked Zhu Di, who was already showing his old age, which made Zhu Di very unhappy and wanted to kill him.

During the ten years of Xuande, the late emperor Zhu Zhanji was so angry because of Yu Qian's rebukes, I am neither this nor that, why don't you make this dragon chair?Want to kill it.

In the end, Zhu Zhanji was still not willing to kill, so he simply threw him to Jiangxi to patrol.

This time, Yu Qian has been away from the court for 19 years. Although Yu Qian is not in the court, every big court meeting, court meeting, and court meeting is inseparable from Yu Qian's memorials.

Yu Qian was the governor of Jiangxi, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places. It was not until last year that he served outside the office for 19 years that he was called back to the court.

Could it be that after 19 years of being an official abroad, has he finally learned to be flexible?

Zhu Qiyu was also a little stunned, the flattering line was too long, he was stunned for a long time before he understood what it meant, and looked at Yu Qian's serious face.

Is this serious?

"All Yang came to Yu Shaobao to predict things like a god, and he handled them properly." Zhu Qiyu said with emotion.

Yu Qian bowed his head and said: "I fully admire Your Majesty's bravery and decisiveness. I just act according to the emperor's order."

Only then did Zhu Qiyu become convinced of what Yu Qian meant by what he said, which was to put all these credits on the emperor.

Yu Qian knew that Zhu Qiyu was going to kill Zhu Qizhen, so Yu Qian wanted to increase the majesty of his king.

Yu Qian is also protecting himself. Who is the first person to defend the capital?He needs to tell everyone about this kind of thing, it's His Majesty!

The more stable Zhu Qiyu's throne is, the more stable Daming's country will be!

This round of mutual flattery was quite interesting, the courtiers just felt uneasy, as if something big was about to happen.

"The new camp has arrived." Zhu Qiyu felt that the car stopped, and walked down.

The sound of whimpering horns mixed with the wind and sand resounded loudly in the camp outside the capital, and the beating of drums shook the sky.

When drunk, he turned on the lamp to watch the sword, and dreamed back to blow the horns. Eight hundred li points burned under his command, fifty strings turned over, and the battlefield fell into the autumn.

Zhu Qiyu suddenly remembered this poem and was quite moved.

Before the battle of the capital, he spent every day in the capital camp. Although the days of constant training were a bit bitter, they were indeed the most interesting days.

The people of Ming Dynasty were reserved, but the soldiers of Ming Dynasty were extremely fanatical. When Zhu Qiyu stepped out of the chariot, there was a uniform sound suddenly.

The sergeant waiting on the school field suddenly turned his head and slammed the armor on his chest, making a bang bang bang.

The armor pieces reflected the golden yellow of the rising sun, shining brightly on the ground.

The 22 sergeants of the Beijing camp knelt neatly on one knee and shouted in unison: "Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

20 people shouted long live, it was like a mountain shouting to the sea, it was deafening!

Zhu Qiyu glanced at Shi Heng, who was kneeling at the front, carrying the dragon flag banner.

Needless to say, this must be Shi Heng, who had practiced it long ago.

Shi Heng's flattery is not like a literati's flattery, like Yu Qian's, there are so many oblique words and plain rhymes.

Shi Heng is always direct, simple and rough.

Zhu Qiyu stretched out his hand calmly, and shouted, "Pingshen."

The king regards his ministers as brothers and feet, and the ministers regard the emperor as his heart.

Daming Jingying is now truly loyal.

Zhu Qiyu walked past the sergeants of the Beijing camp, and walked up to the martial arts platform under the eager eyes of everyone.

Under the martial arts platform are commanders, who are responsible for delivering every word of His Majesty to everyone.

The faster the transmission speed of the commander, the better the organization of the army, and the faster and more convenient the combat command.

Of course, Zhu Qiyu would not ask the commanding officer to move the machine gun ten meters away.

He has never been in charge of specific combat command. He is the emperor, and he only needs to tell his courtiers what his purpose is, and that is enough.

Outside the gate of Desheng, Zhu Qizhen's dragon flag was erected, and he had to go to the front line himself.

"Soldiers!" Zhu Qiyu cleared his throat and shouted loudly.

The commander shuttled between the army formations like a fish and dragon.

Before that, Zhu Qiyu planned to extend his hand to the Beijing camp and let the Tiqis visit the Beijing camp every ten days to deal with private service sergeants and the deduction of military pay.

He left a backhand at that time.

But Yu Qian yelled at His Majesty the Lord, so he let Tiqi go, and actively cooperated, so this backhand was useless.

Zhu Qiyu's successors are these commanding officers, and there is a lot to be done to organize these commanding officers.

When the time is right, flying fish suits can be given, and the commanders can be assigned the post of Jinyiwei... Build the Jinyiwei on the centurion.

Chapter 122 Badge Hanging on the Chest

"We have won." Zhu Qiyu first confirmed the fact that the Wara people fled and the battle to defend the capital of the Ming Dynasty was won.

This announcement cheered up the Sergeant of Ming Dynasty.

But Zhu Qiyu changed the subject and said loudly again: "But the Wala people killed our 20 elites and 50 civilian husbands. In Gyeonggi, Shanxi, Shandong, and Henan, almost everyone wears filial piety, and every family wears hemp."

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