
Sure enough, a group of ghosts appeared, and many ghosts began to attack the people in the police force. Seeing such terrifying ghosts, Kim McKee and Meng Chao trembled with fright.

"What the old monk said is true. Sure enough, a ghost was born. What should I do?"

"What else can I do, run!"

Kim McGee and Meng Chao jumped out of the window and escaped. At this moment, the ghost king locked the two of them and flew in pursuit.

On the other side, on the street, a monk glanced towards the direction of the police station. He folded his hands and showed a dignified expression.

"Not good, my Dharma Seal and Buddhist Artifacts still haven't been able to suppress these ghosts."

When the old monk said this, he galloped away. The speed of the old monk's movement was at least seventy or eighty yards.

Police station here.

These evil spirits keep arresting people.

Just at this time.

The old monk fell from the sky.

"Amitabha, you committed evil and heinous crimes here during your lifetime, and you will continue to commit evil and murder here after your death. Tonight, I will not forgive you."

When the old monk said this, he took off the prayer beads around his neck, and then there was a sudden shock. The string of prayer beads scattered and shot at the ghosts.

Bang bang bang!

The ghosts flew upside down.

But more ghosts rushed up from behind, and the old monk also took a deep breath, "Great mercy!"

The old monk drew a Buddhist mantra seal on his palm, and then pressed down on these ghosts.

Li Yuan at this moment.

Look at the scene below.

He watched his jade pendant recharged a little, but Li Yuan didn't see where Dongying Ghost King was.

"Forget it, let's deal with these ghosts first."

Li Yuan brought Nintendo down from the sky.

At this moment, the old monk's mana was exhausted, and his cassock was scratched by these evil spirits. He thought he was going to die, but who knew that a young man descended from the sky.


Li Yuan was full of energy and blood, looking at a group of Japanese devils, Li Yuan knew what these Japanese devils had done here, so Li Yuan was even more murderous and did not hold back at all.

Li Yuan dodged over and blasted out with both fists. These evil spirits were blown away by Li Yuan's divine fist, and the powerful blood shone on these Japanese devils. These Japanese devils were breathing black smoke and were in great pain.

Nintendo on the side caught these evil spirits and started biting them.

Li Yuan is like a fairy descending to earth, with invincible energy and blood, pushing the audience horizontally.


Li Yuan stood up and swept out his kicks in a row. The powerful kicks tore these ghosts into pieces.

The old monk was dumbfounded, and murmured: "Good legs, really good legs!"

Chapter 140 My clock is white!The ghosts with a radius of twenty miles have already immigrated!

In a moment, Li Yuan pushed the audience horizontally, and the ghosts he killed fled in a panic, and Li Yuan wiped them out one by one in the end.

This wave of Nintendo also ate a lot of ghosts, and their body was full of strong corpse aura.

Nintendo finished sucking up the origin of these ghostly auras, and jumped away and disappeared.

Li Yuan looked at the old monk and said, "Master, are you okay?"

The old monk clasped his hands together, "I'm fine, Your Excellency is so young, your energy and blood are surging to the sky, what kind of cultivator are you?"

"Maoshan Li Yuan."

The old monk nodded, "Little Brother Li doesn't seem to have mana fluctuations, is Brother Li a martial artist?"

"Oh, that's right." Li Yuan is a physical trainer, which is actually similar to martial arts. In fact, it can also be said to be martial arts, but the exercises are different.

"I am the host of Mount Putuo, with the name of Yuantong."

"Yuantong?" Li Yuan was taken aback, why didn't this guy get a Shentong.

At this moment, another monk came rushing over. The monk looked at the old monk and said, "Brother, let me help you."

The old monk shook his head: "It has been solved by this Maoshan expert. By the way, this is my junior brother Shen Tong."

Li Yuan was taken aback again.

But Li Yuan didn't have time to chat with these two guys, he went to catch the ghost king first, even though he killed so many ghosts.

But the ghost king is not here.

But in the movie, the ghost king will definitely go to Jin McKee and Meng Chao, and these two will definitely go to Zhong Fabai's side.

So now Zhong Fabai must be found.

Li Yuanchu had just arrived, so naturally he didn't know where Zhong Fabai was.

I can only ask the monk in front of me.

Since this monk is a cultivator around this city, he should know that the clock is pale.

"Master Yuantong, I have a question I want to ask."

"Don't dare, Master Li, please tell me."

"Have you ever heard of Zhong Fabai?" Li Yuan asked directly.

"Master Zhong Fabai? I know him. I even had a drink with Daoist Zhong." The old monk Yuantong squinted his eyes.

"Where is Daoist Zhong, I have something to do with him."

"Master Zhong is in a village twenty miles away."

Master Yuantong explained the specific route.

Li Yuan immediately dodges away.

"Master Yuantong, there will be a period later."

In a moment, Li Yuan flashed towards Zhong Fabai.

In the outskirts of the jungle, the three ran wildly. It was Meng Chao, Kim McGee, and a beautiful woman who was also a member of the police station, and she was a policewoman named Rose.

"Run, I'm coming after you."

"What the old monk said is indeed true. There are really ghosts under our police station."

"What should we do? Where are we going?" Rose said in fear.

Kim McKee's eyes narrowed, "Meng Chao, do you remember that there is a magic stick in the outskirts ahead, we have already caught him, what is his name Zhong Fabai, he said he is a Maoshan Taoist priest, we can run to him."

Meng Chao slapped himself on the head suddenly, "Yes, McGee, that magic stick may really have skills, let's go find him quickly."

In this way, the three of them ran wildly all the way, and then rushed into a private house.

There are many mahogany swords, talisman papers, and paper figurines in this folk house, and a few people know that they are right.

"That's right." Several people discussed.

At this moment, a person rushed out from another room, it was Zhong Fabai who grabbed Rose's arm.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my territory."

Meng Chao and Kim McKee narrowed their eyes, "Master Zhong, let her go, don't you know us?"

Zhong Fabai looked, aren't these two police officers from the police station? They had arrested him before and said he was a magic stick.

"Hmph, so it's you, what are you doing here?" Zhong Fabai snorted coldly.

Jin McGee and Meng Chao had a good word, "Master Zhong, we were wrong before. We were dogs who saw people as inferior and didn't understand your strength."

千"寻?..资.源"中:转;!,裙,?.2.!:;0":?6!;!,8!.'5!"?.6;0,,5,':3  金麦基和孟超拍起马屁来,钟发白也吃这些马屁,然后他就放下了玫瑰。

"Tell me, what's the matter with me."

Kim McKee let out a sigh of relief, "Master Zhong, there is a ghost, a ghost has appeared in our police station, and they are chasing us all the way."

"Ghost? Impossible. Where I am, Zhong Fabai, the ghosts with a radius of twenty miles have already immigrated." Zhong Fabai shouted.

At this moment, there was a knocking sound outside the door. Meng Chao went to open the door and saw that it was his two colleagues.

He was about to go forward, but Zhong Fabai grabbed him.

"do not go."

When Zhong Fabai said this, he kicked the two people away with his feet.

Several people took a closer look and found that the two policemen were no longer human beings, but ghosts.

Zhong Fabai's face became serious at this moment, "It seems that there is really a ghost."

"Yes, Master Zhong, you still don't believe us, there really are ghosts."

"Okay, I get it, I want to open an altar to do a magic trick, you guys go to the back and kill a chicken for me, I want to get the blood!" Zhong Fabai said this, when suddenly outside the jungle, a ghost came to the sky. The woman is still a Japanese female ghost, and this Japanese female ghost came here by moving her body.

Zhong Fabai mobilized his mana and held a mahogany long sword: "Hurry up and kill the chicken!"

Zhong Fabai shouted suddenly, and fought with the female ghost with a long mahogany sword in his hand, but the female ghost's cultivation was not weak, Zhong Fabai was stunned for a long time and failed to defeat the female ghost.

"Chicken blood, why haven't you got it for me yet!" Zhong Fabai shouted.

Only then did Meng Chao come over with an iron basin, and Zhong Fabai probed with both fingers, feeling lonely.

"Why is it an empty basin, chicken blood?"

Meng Chao said awkwardly, "Master Zhong, the chicken blood is in the basin."

Zhong Fabai was stunned for a moment, and after a closer look, there was indeed chicken blood in the basin, and there were two drops.

"Nimma, two drops of chicken blood, you're messing with chicken feathers." Zhong Fabai was furious.

"Master Zhong, just use it, the chicken has escaped." Meng Chao said bitterly.

Zhong Fabai lighted these two drops of chicken blood, and then shook the female ghost away, "Go and light the seven-star lamp for me, and I will use the seven-star lamp to deal with this female ghost."

Kim McGee and Rose Jinghua were about to get the Seven Star Lantern, but they knocked down the Seven Star Lantern to the ground again.

Zhong Fabai watched this scene.

He gritted his teeth: "You have more success than failure."


The Japanese female ghost flew over, Zhong Fabai blocked it with a mahogany long sword.

However, he didn't have other magic tools to help him out, so he was faintly defeated.


Zhong Fabai was scratched on his chest, and bloodstains flowed out. He turned around and jumped up, went to the eaves and took down the gossip mirror. The gossip mirror bounced the female ghost out, and Zhong Fabai immediately closed the door.

"You pig teammates, hurry up and stick the spells on the gate and windows. I'll think of other ways to deal with the female ghosts outside."

Soon, the doors and windows were plastered with spells.

Just at this time.

A figure pushed open the door.

Meng Chao, policewoman Hua Meigui, and Kim McGee were taken aback, "Ah, ghost."

"What the hell, he's human." Zhong Fabai looked at a young figure who walked in.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Fabai looked at Li Yuan, "Here comes another one, hey, coming to my place is to die, you all hide quickly, I will deal with the ghosts outside, and I will arrange it."

At this moment, Li Yuan looked at this Zhong Fabai. This Zhong Fabai was indeed exactly the same as his own martial uncle, except that his hairstyle was different. His own Qianhe Shishu was not afraid of life and death, and this Zhong Fabai was also not afraid of life and death.

"Master Zhong, don't bother, I'm here to save you." Li Yuan said indifferently.

Zhong Fabai was taken aback, "Do you know who is outside? It's a ghost, are you sure you can do it?"

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