Inside the cell.

The three of them were severely beaten, and their bodies became red and swollen.

"Hmph, I told you to catch zombies, how dare you run away? You want to die!!!"

at night.

Sighing numbly, he made a thousand paper cranes, "Brother Lin Jiu, help me."

the next day.

Li Yuan and Ren Tingting have arrived at Ren's mansion.

After entering Ren's mansion, Ren Tingting did not expect that the second master's matter would be dealt with so quickly.

Ren Zhuzhu let out a sigh of relief: "Hey, sister Tingting, don't mention it."

Next, Ren Zhuzhu told Li Yuan and Ren Tingting about the matter.

Li Yuan's eyes froze, as expected, the plot had already begun, and Ren Zhuzhu said that Ma Madi was going to be shot today, Li Yuan still planned to save Ma Madi.

Although Ma Madi is unreliable, he is his uncle after all. Of course, it is precisely because of Ma Madi's unreliability that Nintendo can be upgraded to a silver corpse, and his mysterious jade pendant has a chance to recharge.

Ma Madi had been escorted to a suburb for shooting, and when he was about to be shot, Li Yuan appeared.

Captain Cao finally learned that Li Yuan had a deep relationship with Marshal Long, and Marshal Lian Long admired this young man very much. Captain Cao immediately nodded and bowed to Li Yuan.

"So you are Master Li, I've heard of you."

Li Yuan looked at the many wealthy businessmen in Renjia Town, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will definitely deal with the matter of Nintendo becoming a zombie."

Ren Zhuzhu also immediately said: "Don't worry, Brother Li Yuan is an expert in Maoshan, very powerful."

In this way, Li Yuan returned to Ren's mansion with Ma Madi and his two apprentices.

Knowing that Li Yuan is Lin Jiu's third apprentice, Ma Madi sighed and said in embarrassment: "Nephew, thank you for your action. If it weren't for your action, we might die in the wilderness, and our bodies would be eaten by wild dogs." .”

Li Yuan looked at the messy floor, it was indeed sloppy, half level.

"Where is the uncle?" Li Yuan said indifferently.

Next, Ma Madi told the old man of the Ren family what had happened.

Old Man Ren sighed, "You just mean that you lost the corpse, and you didn't make my father a zombie?"

"Oh, Mr. Ren, how can I be so powerful? Your father has turned into a silver corpse. I saw it with my own eyes last night. You don't know how terrible a silver corpse is. I only have this level of zombies. I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never seen it before. Bronze-armored corpses are scary enough. Your old man is a silver corpse. If I had this ability, I’d be caught and shot by Captain Cao?”

A Qiang and A Hao also nodded their heads, "Yes, Mr. Ren, Senior Brother Li Yuan, our master is not lying. We saw Mr. Ren with our own eyes last night. It was terrible. His whole body was full of silver light, even his eyebrows were silver. of."

I heard Mama say this.

Li Yuan also stared.

Sure enough, Nintendo has become a silver corpse.

It looks like it is in the movie.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Ma said again, "It's not funny, nephew, when I saw Nintendo last night, I was so scared that I peed out."

Ah Qiang and Ah Hao are like chickens pecking at rice, "Senior brother Li, to be honest, we were scared out of shit last night, Nintendo opened a spray, and the horrible corpse fire burned a forest, not only that , he is not even afraid of thunder and lightning, thunder clouds gather in the sky, and when thunder and lightning strike him, guess what?"

Li Yuan was interested, "Continue."

"When the thunder and lightning hit Nintendo, Nintendo didn't feel it. The lightning couldn't break his body. Moreover, in the most terrifying scene, Nintendo caught the lightning and swallowed it." Hao and Qiang said Here, the whole body couldn't help shaking.

Master Ren and Ren Zhuzhu beside him also became terrified.

Ren Tingting let out a sigh of relief, "Is the second grandpa so good at turning into a zombie? My grandfather is not so good at turning into a zombie. Speaking of which, as a big family, why do we always have zombies?"

Hearing this, Li Yuan thought in his mind, this Nintendo is so powerful, there is no scene in the movie where Nintendo sprays corpse fire and swallows lightning alive.

and so.

A plan unfolded in Li Yuan's mind.

Coming here this time is not only about recharging my mysterious jade pendant.

There is another plan, and that is to capture Nintendo alive.

Such vicious zombies.

It should be used by him.

The bloodline of the Ren family is definitely not simple. Ren Weiyong became an iron corpse, and Nintendo was even more terrifying, becoming a silver corpse, which shows that the bloodline contained in Nintendo is more advanced.

If such a ferocious zombie is used by him, it will increase his combat effectiveness by then.

And maybe in the future, Nintendo will be able to advance to more advanced zombies, such as silver-armored corpses, golden corpses, golden-armored corpses, and even higher-level zombies.

Make Nintendo its own Guardian Zombie.

thought here.

Li Yuan showed excitement in his heart.

Such a powerful Zombie Guardian.

It is indeed cool and leathery.

Thinking of the zombies protecting him, Li Yuan suddenly thought that there was Yue Qiluo who had never appeared before, and he could also be captured alive at that time, so that Yue Qiluo could also become his guardian.

A ghost and a corpse protect the Dharma for themselves.

"Nephew, the silver corpse is only recorded in the classics. Do you have a way to deal with it? Otherwise, the entire Renjia Town, no, all the surrounding towns will be burnt to death." Ma Ma said.

Master Ren was also trembling, looked at Li Yuan, and said, "Master Li, I beg you to take action, and don't let my old man be ruined."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will find a way to deal with it." Li Yuan said indifferently.

Chapter 131 Capture Silver Corpse Nintendo Alive!

Hearing Ma Madi and his two apprentices talk about this, Li Yuan guessed that Nintendo was more awesome than in the movie.

Of course, the more powerful Nintendo is, the more excited Li Yuan is.

It would be much more comfortable to capture such a powerful zombie alive to protect him and do things for him.

"Let's go out with me." Li Yuan looked at Ma Madi and his two apprentices.

Li Yuan intends to meet Nintendo for a while, and if possible, take down Nintendo tonight.

He looked at Li Yuan hesitantly: "Nephew, aren't we going to catch Nintendo just like this? Are we not going to prepare a powerful magic weapon?"

"I don't use magic weapon." Li Yuan said here, his feet trembled, and the floor quickly cracked. Li Yuan was also full of energy and blood, and everyone was shocked by the majestic energy and blood.

Ma Madi and the others looked shocked when they saw Li Yuan so majestic and bloody.

"Nephew, you are actually a master of Dao soldiers."

"Hahahaha, uncle, let's go, take me to find Nintendo, I'm going to meet Nintendo for a while." Li Yuan said.

"Okay." Ma Madi took Li Yuan to the outskirts of Renjia Town.

Soon, several people came to the jungle in the outskirts. Li Yuan stared intently around the jungle, but he didn't find Nintendo's figure. There was only a corpse in the jungle, and Li Yuan didn't feel the breath of Nintendo.

I searched for a long time but couldn't find Nintendo.

He let out a sigh of relief: "Where did this Nintendo hide, why did it disappear?"

"Let's go back and talk about it first." Li Yuan thought of another way, that is the music pocket watch in Ren Zhuzhu's hand, maybe this music pocket watch can attract Nintendo to show up.

Several people returned to Ren's mansion again.

Li Yuan asked if Ren Zhuzhu had a pocket watch, Ren Zhuzhu nodded, and immediately handed the pocket watch to Li Yuan, Li Yuan fiddled with it, and the pocket watch made a pleasant musical sound.

"This pocket watch was a gift from my grandfather before." Ren Zhuzhu said.

After half an hour, Nintendo still didn't show up. The music pocket watch in the movie can lead to Nintendo's appearance, but now the music pocket watch is useless.

But Li Yuan is not in a hurry, this Nintendo will always appear, such a powerful silver corpse will definitely enter the town to spread charcoal and suck the blood of everyone.

Li Yuan asked the people in Ren's mansion not to go out for the next few days.

Right now, Nintendo is in a canyon tens of miles away from Renjia Town. He is looking up at the moon, constantly absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. Wisps of moonlight shrouded him, making his body more hideous and terrifying.

Behind Nintendo, a group of fierce tigers suddenly appeared. Seeing this figure, these tigers immediately surrounded him.

These tigers took Nintendo as prey.


Nintendo turned around and looked at the tigers around him. He grinned, and the zombie teeth showed, which made the tigers tremble in fright, and the group of tigers whimpered for help.

in a moment.

A dozen fierce tigers lay trembling on the ground, their blood was sucked dry.

The next day, a Taoist in a yellow robe appeared on the outskirts of Ren's mansion. He was wearing a magic lightning talisman on his leg. He was extremely fast. After entering Ren's town, he counted with his fingers and felt the aura of his junior brother. Still, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not enough successes, more than failures, hum."

At this moment, Uncle Jiu suddenly found that the corpse in the jungle ahead was rising to the sky.

"Huh? What's going on, it's broad daylight, why is there so much corpse energy?" Uncle Jiu dodged over, and suddenly saw a zombie walking in the jungle in the distance.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu's face changed, "What's going on, why is this zombie not afraid of the sun, and walks in daylight."

"I want to see what you are." When Uncle Jiu said this, he immediately took out the talisman arrow, and he shot three arrows at Nintendo.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Nintendo saw that he was hit by three arrows on his body, he grabbed them out, and then broke the arrows.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu was shocked in his heart: "You are not afraid of my talisman arrow!"

Next, Uncle Jiu cast out a few more spells and pasted them on Nintendo's back. As soon as the spells touched Nintendo's back, they automatically burned into ashes.

Uncle Jiu's scalp was numb. He and Nintendo got closer and took a closer look. Nintendo's whole body was silver, and his eyebrows were all silver.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu's expression frantically shook.

"The silver corpse, it turned out to be a silver corpse, why did there appear silver corpses in Renjia Town! No wonder the corpse aura is soaring above Renjia Town."

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu did not show any weakness, he took out all kinds of magic weapons to secretly attack Nintendo, but none of his magic weapons were of any use.

"Oops, all my magic tools don't work on him."

At this moment, Nintendo turned around and shouted suddenly, "Who is it?"

Nintendo flew over, Uncle Jiu touched a small bottle from his arms, took out from the bottle, touched some body ointment and smeared it on his eye circles, then Uncle Jiu also pretended to be a zombie, and stuck the talisman arrows on himself.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Jiu staggered out.

Looking at Uncle Jiu's appearance, Nintendo grabbed it with his big hand and pulled out the talisman arrow. At this moment, Uncle Jiu sneaked up on Nintendo without anyone noticing it, and stuck the lightning talisman on his forehead, and then Hit Nintendo with your own forehead.

Nintendo touched his forehead, took off the lightning rune, and put it in his mouth to chew.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to protect you."

Nintendo patted his chest.

Uncle Jiu was shocked again, "What, this guy can even swallow the lightning rune."

"Okay, okay, big brother, there is a Taoist priest chasing me, you must protect me." Having said this, Uncle Jiu secretly took out a gossip mirror and hung it on the tree.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid." Uncle Jiu said in corpse language.

Nintendo looked at the gossip mirror, swiped his claws away, and the gossip mirror exploded with a click.

"It's okay, little magic weapon, it's nothing." Nintendo shouted.

Uncle Jiu is numb.

Totally numb.

Nintendo looked at Uncle Jiu, he sniffed, and said, "Why is your body energy so weak?"

Uncle Jiu immediately said: "I, I just died a few days ago, so the corpse's breath is very weak."

Nintendo immediately said: "I will go ahead, you and me will be behind, I will protect you, don't be afraid."

I have to say that this Nintendo is quite loyal and has the demeanor of a big brother.

Uncle Jiu was following behind Nintendo. At this moment, Nintendo suddenly realized that something was wrong. He turned around and sprayed on Uncle Jiu, and his dead body rushed towards Uncle Jiu's chest.

Uncle Jiu flew upside down and rolled to the ground.

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