This is what he once said to Ji Chenxing, but Ji Chenxing scoffed at it, because Ji Xinghe had never really piloted a mecha, and Ji Xinghe had only played the role of a mecha warrior in the game.

No matter how realistic the simulation is, the virtual game at the consciousness level is just a game. Otherwise, the fighting heroes of the Federation would not be people like Han Li, but those who live in the home of the Azure Star and hang out in the game world every day. Those anchors and professional players.

The feeling of weightlessness suddenly came, and a gentle voice sounded in the cabin, reminding the passengers in the cabin that they can take off their space suits and start moving freely.When the spaceship comes to the sky, they don't need the protection of the spacesuit. The bulky spacesuit will make their movement inconvenient. The next time they wear it is the time for the spaceship to land on the alien front.

With a click sound, the safety buckles and seat belts were released one after another. The passengers took off their spacesuits and fixed them in corresponding positions. However, they did not start to move freely, but continued to look at the space between the special plastic boxes. The mecha.

There was a louder clicking sound, the armor on the back of the mecha opened, and Han Li, wearing a special battle suit, floated out of the mecha.As a mecha, he doesn't need the protection of a spacesuit, just like when he was fighting on a foreign planet.

After nodding to the reverent eyes around him, Han Li drifted to Ji Xinghe who was taking off his spacesuit. Compared with those young people, Ji Xinghe's movements were not only a little slow.

"Uncle Ji, I'll help you."

"Thanks, but no, I can do it."

Han Li didn't insist, but just watched quietly by the side.

Ji Xinghe took off his bulky space suit, and then began to move his body with one hand holding the seat belt. He had to hold the seat belt, otherwise he would float up. This is the first time Ji Xinghe has come to space to easily control the direction of the body's floating direction, or to be still or move.

"Chen Xing..." Han Li said with some difficulty, but he still said, "When he first came to space, he was just like you. He said you taught him."

The movements of Ji Xinghe's active body stagnated, and he remained silent.

"Actually, he remembers a lot of things you taught Chen Xing, but he doesn't want to admit it. He said...he doesn't want you to be too tired and worry too much."

Ji Xinghe remained silent, Han Li lowered his head and continued, as if explaining to Ji Chenxing.

"He said that you are old enough to look up information, read books, and play games, and all this is to learn knowledge that you don't need, and then teach it to him. But in fact... there is no need , because we have more professional guidance.”

In short, Han Li is saying that Ji Xinghe is worrying blindly, but this is not an insult or ridicule, but Han Li is laying the groundwork. He does not want Ji Xinghe to go to the dangerous alien front, even if Ji Xinghe's destination is Relatively safe base.

Although Ji Xinghe is not the kind of person who grows old, he is indeed old, so he understands.

"I know." Ji Xinghe looked at Han Li calmly and said firmly, "But from now on, all this knowledge is useful, isn't it?"

Han Li was silent, unable to say the foreshadowing words.

Chapter 015 Ji Xinghe VS Han Li

The three-month space voyage is very long, and the spaceship full of supplies and passengers has no extra room for activities, but this does not mean that the passengers have no entertainment.

Inside the quiet cabin, the passengers put on the helmets equipped on the spacecraft, and then entered a virtual world. Compared with the development of space technology such as spacecraft, the immersive experience in the federal technology system Virtual reality technology is much more advanced.

Although it is only a local area network of a spaceship, this world can still be described as vast. The sky is as blue as washing, the land is vast and boundless, and oceans, forests, mountains, etc. all exist.

And the physical existence that carries this data world looks no different from a home computer case 65 years ago, which is actually nothing to a spacecraft whose carrying capacity is to be used to the extreme.

Ji Xinghe appeared in this world. Compared with the weightless environment in space, he is much more familiar with this world, because he has played the virtual reality game "Interstellar Glory" for more than ten years, which is essentially different from this world. any difference.

"Hello, audience friends. I am Su He, a war reporter. I am now in the LAN world inside the spaceship numbered 9632, and standing beside me is Mr. Ji Xinghe..."

Su He controls the virtual drone in the virtual world, and focuses the lens on Ji Xinghe. It looks like it was shot with a drone, but in fact it is just a record of relevant data. When it needs to be displayed, use other equipment to transfer the data Restore the formed screen.In essence, this kind of shooting is actually a 'screen recording' function.

"In the last episode of the program, we recorded the first time Mr. Ji Xinghe landed in a spaceship and came into space. Although Mr. Ji Xinghe is not used to this weightless environment, his strong willpower Let him get used to it quickly. Today is the first time Mr. Ji Xinghe has entered the virtual world of the local area network in space. Now let us interview Mr. Ji Xinghe how he feels... "

The microphone appeared on Ji Xinghe's mouth. He actually didn't want to accept an interview, nor did he want to live broadcast his life on the front line of the alien star, but Tu Yuan asked him to do so.Ji Xinghe would not agree if it was just a force, but Tu Yuan also offered compensation when he made the request, and that compensation was related to his granddaughter, his only relative in this world.

"My feeling is very good. It is no different from using this virtual reality world when I was on the surface..." Ji Xinghe recalled the script he had just read, and turned into a line machine with a blank expression: "Actually, it is quite Compared with using this technology on the surface, it is easier to fall asleep in the weightless environment of space, without the physical pressure brought by gravity, and the operation will be smoother in such a world..."

These are all lies, but they are also truths. The truth is not absolute in many cases. It depends on who the words are being told to, and what the people who hear them think and do.

In order to cope with the increasingly complex forms of war on the alien front, the Federation wanted to recruit troops on a large scale and gather the power of the entire Federation. Ji Xinghe, who was sent to his door, became an inspiring soldier because of his age and story. Party spokesperson.

If you are willing to join the army at the age of 65, what else can you say?

The interview process is actually the process of reading scripts. Whether it is Su He, a war reporter, or Ji Xinghe who is being interviewed, or as Ji Chenxing's officer and classmate, and the newly promoted federal combat hero Han Li, they are also in the interview. Reading lines.

Ji Xinghe cooperated throughout the whole process, not only because of his granddaughter, but also because the lines provided by the relevant people were reasonable, not exaggerated just for sensationalism.

But it’s hard to get higher ratings for this kind of interviews like reading lines. The story of Ji Xinghe and him is actually not very popular, because people are forgetful and most people are indifferent. Temporary touch can not affect the whole life.

Therefore, Ji Xinghe will fight Han Li one-on-one.

"Friends in the audience, everyone should have a good understanding of Mr. Ji Xinghe's life. In our previous reports and interviews, we have explained the achievements of Mr. Ji Xinghe in the game of Star Glory. New Viewers can review our previous programs to learn more about it.”

"As we all know, the predecessor of the game Interstellar Glory is the first-generation virtual reality war training system of the Federation Army, which focuses on simulating the complex environment of the alien battlefield, and strives to let the Federation soldiers who grow up with us on the blue star, It can better adapt to the special combat environment of the alien battlefield."

After Su He talked eloquently into the camera for a while, he finally got to the point.

"Mr. Ji Xinghe is very old, but he is very good at using mecha warrior game heroes to fight. He has many national server heroes, and today, he will use the national server heroes he is best at. One of them is to fight in a virtual reality world with Major Han Li."

The drone camera beside Su He finally left Su He and focused on where Han Li was.Then with a bang, a 3.9-meter-tall humanoid mecha fell from the sky and landed beside Han Li.The appearance of this kind of mecha can only appear in the virtual world. In reality, the end of the mecha falling from the sky must be a direct crash, because most of the mechas can't fly, and Han Li is using it now. This mech is the standard ground combat mech (modified type) he just obtained in the real world, and it does not have the function of flying.

"Major Han Li, can you introduce your mech to the audience?"

"Yes." Han Li stood next to his mecha and said softly: "There are 36 types of standard mechas in our Federation, and my mecha is the No. After Mecha Warrior, I came up with a modification idea that is more suitable for my fighting style, and then professionals will modify it..."

After some introduction, Su He asked: "Major Han Li, I have a question, shouldn't the newly developed mecha be more powerful? Why do you use the No.20 nine-type instead of the latest one?" What about No.30 Type [-]?"

Han Li replied with a smile: "The most advanced one is indeed better in performance, but it may not be suitable for me. Uncle Ji said: Only the most suitable for you is the one that can best display your strength."

Su He exclaimed: "Is this what Mr. Ji Xinghe said?"


So the camera naturally shifted to Ji Xinghe who was waiting by the side, Su Heyan used Han Li's title and asked: "Uncle Ji, why do you say that?"

Ji Xinghe remained expressionless and did not respond, because this sentence did not appear in the script.

Han Li sighed in his heart, and said: "Cut this paragraph out, it's my fault, I shouldn't mention this matter."

Su He instantly understood, with a slightly embarrassed expression, he knew where the connection between Ji Xinghe and Han Li was.

"Then... can you delete the sentence I just asked, which is what Major Han Li said after you finished?"

Han Li didn't answer but looked at Ji Xinghe.

Ji Xinghe nodded, and asked calmly, "Shall we start?"

"Okay, let's start directly." Su He turned to the camera of the drone and said, "Major Han Li's mecha has appeared. Now, let's take a look at Uncle Ji's mecha."

So Ji Xinghe summoned his mecha, the Federation's first-generation standard mecha (limited to the game), which is a humanoid mecha with a height of 4.5 meters. There is no weapon structure on the whole body. A long gun that is taller than a mech.

In terms of size, although Ji Xinghe's mecha is taller, it is too bulky in comparison.From the point of view of the weapon system, Ji Xinghe's mecha can't compare with Han Li's mecha at all, it only has pure cold weapons.From the driver's point of view, Ji Xinghe, a 65-year-old man, cannot be the opponent of the Federation's special mecha fighter.

So there is actually no doubt about the outcome of this battle, at least everyone thought so before the battle started.

In the original plan, Ji Xinghe was also going to lose to Han Li, but when the two sides were about to log into the mecha, Han Li suddenly suggested: "You can change the settings to unlock the game skills of Uncle Ji's mecha. Bar."

Chapter 016 Ji Xinghe VS Han Li

Mecha heroes in the game world naturally have special game skills, and such skills are often impossible to exist in the real world.It's like Han Li's mech itself has no special skills, only pure operation and behavior patterns that conform to physics.

According to the original plan, the battle of Ji Xinghe VS Han Li was a performance. Ji Xinghe's mecha could not use game skills in the local area network of the spaceship, only the most original mecha's own performance, so there was no People doubt that Han Li will lose.

But now, Han Li asked to unlock the game skills of Ji Xinghe Mecha.

"is it okay?"


After Han Li finished speaking, he did not enter his mecha, and expressed his persistence with practical actions.

Su He was not embarrassed, so he started to apply with relevant personnel, and got confirmation after a while. The Federation has a very high tolerance for a Federation Major who is likely to be promoted to an ace mech fighter.

So Ji Xinghe's mecha was unlocked with game skills, without any light and shadow special effects, everything is just data and not real, so from a certain point of view, even if Ji Xinghe won today, it has no meaning to reality. Because the mechs and unique skills in the game world can never appear in the real world.

It wasn't until this time that Han Li entered his mecha. Ji Xinghe remained expressionless the whole time, and now he also entered his mecha.

The internal structure of the mecha is similar, it can accommodate a person to stand stably, a helmet that can sense brain waves and provide protection, a sensory glove that allows ten fingers to make the most operations, and pedals to control the mecha move.

Among them, for people of Ji Xinghe's age, the most difficult thing to control is the induction glove, because the fingers are no longer flexible when people are old. If they have Parkinson's, the uncontrollable shaking of hands and fingers will make driving difficult. The mecha seemed to be electrocuted, let alone fighting, it was impossible to stand still.

The helmet lights up, and Ji Xinghe's angle of view becomes the angle of view of the mecha. In addition to the 180-degree angle of view of the eyes, the mecha is also equipped with cameras in other directions. The combined picture is similar to a 360-degree panoramic camera on a car. .

It is not suitable for older people to watch two screens at the same time, and it is easy to affect the operation.


The system prompt sounded, which was a communication request from Han Li. After Ji Xinghe connected, he heard Han Li's voice.

"Uncle Ji, if you still lose after unlocking the game skills, I can stay in the base and not go out after you go to Alien Star."

Ji Xinghe didn't respond, but controlled the mecha and gripped his only weapon, a gun nearly five meters in length.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was a little helpless. He felt that Ji Xinghe was really stubborn, and at the same time felt that Ji Xinghe was a little... stupid.

No one really thinks that driving a mecha with game skills can defeat a federal super mecha fighter, right? Really, the 73 gold stars painted on my mecha are all fake?They were all picked up?

"Uncle Ji." Han Li continued to persuade: "I didn't know that Chen Xing had a daughter. I will do my best to help her get the best treatment. When she can return to Azure Star, I hope you can help her." Take her back together. With me on the front line of the alien star, I will not be captured. With me, I will surely avenge Chen Xing’s revenge. I want revenge more than you, because it is not only Chen Xing who sacrificed, but also all my soldiers. , and many, many of my comrades in arms..."

Ji Xinghe didn't know how to deal with Han Li's kindness, so he chose to remain silent and started to charge. When the 4.5-meter-tall humanoid mecha ran wildly, his feet stepped on the ground one after another.

Boom boom boom.

The 3.2-ton weight walks like flying, and the spear in his hand has been erected. In the camera, the difference in height between the 4.5-meter mecha and the 3.9-meter mecha does not seem to be that big, but the comparison between the two at this moment is like a A sumo-level burly man rushes towards a Victoria's Secret model.

Because Ji Xinghe's mecha is the first-generation standard mecha, and its weight is 3.2 tons, which is enough to explain the problem, while Han Li's mecha is the No.20 ninth-generation mecha, and it uses high-strength special alloys Not to mention that it is relatively slender due to its construction, and its weight is only 1.6 tons.

Among the others who chose to wait and see from a distance because they couldn't appear in the camera, there were a few second-level mecha fighters. Han Li would be shot and killed like a chicken.

"Uncle Ji lost."

"I'll take a bet."

"Did you forget that Uncle Ji has game skills?"

"Speaking of which, what are the game skills of this generation of mechs?"

Officially, the Federation's 36 types of standard mechs are replaced by Types 36 to 36, but for the vast majority of people, they prefer to call them Generations [-] to [-], because one generation is stronger than the next.

And even if the first-generation federal-style mechs have been turned into heroic game characters in the game Interstellar Glory, even the players of Interstellar Glory are no longer willing to use this backward hero.

So for a while, these second-level mecha fighters couldn't remember.

Ji Xinghe charged towards Han Li with a gun straight up. He never thought that he could defeat Han Li with such an attack method. The fact is exactly the same. Han Li looked like he was frightened and stood still , when the spear was close to him, he suddenly stepped sideways sideways, and the spear brushed against his mecha body and passed through the air, the air composed of data.

Han Li's mecha was unscathed, the gun barrel attached to the spear slammed into Ji Xinghe's mecha, his fist raised, and the metal thorns on his knuckles smashed straight into Ji Xinghe's 'eyes', as long as Ji Xinghe was destroyed Without the camera on the mech, Naji Xinghe would become blind.

Compared with the armor on the mecha, the defense of the camera itself is almost negligible.

Ji Xinghe, who was running wildly, did not stop. He was still running when the spear pierced the air. When Han Li who was close to him hit the two most important cameras, he used his game skills.

"Chaotic waveform jumps."

When a second-level mecha fighter suddenly remembered the name of this skill, Ji Xinghe also successfully used this game skill. The tall and bloated mecha body suddenly flew into the air, and it was not counted to avoid Han Li's attack. It hit Han Li hard on the head.

When Han Li dodged short, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ji Xinghe's feet. He is good at ground combat and his favorite is this kind of opponent who jumps in the air. As long as he grabs Ji Xinghe's feet, that Ji Xinghe will Xinghe will be thrown and temporarily lose control.

In mecha battles, temporary loss of control means complete failure.

However, the reason why a game skill is called a game skill is because it can ignore the rules of physics, and disorderly wave jumping is such a skill. Jumping is not the focus, but disorder is the focus.

Ji Xinghe, who was leaping in the air, moved sideways strangely, and when he avoided Han Li's hand grabbing his right foot, he had already turned around, and the spear head in his hand turned around and stabbed Han Li under him.

The tip of the gun slid across the air, and a wave-shaped beam of light appeared and condensed on the tip of the gun. This is not only inconsistent with physics, it can be called extraordinary power.

In reality, the armor on all mechas can't block such an attack, and Han Li's mecha shaped based on real-world parameters can't be blocked either. If he is stabbed, he will explode directly.

But Han Li is not just a super mecha fighter, he was also a boy who was crazy about games, so he predicted Ji Xinghe's attack mode from the very beginning.

It's now.

Han Li succeeded in dodging once again by relying on his high maneuverability. The cutting wheel on his right hand was spinning crazily. When the spear brushed against his body and pierced the ground, Han Li waved his hand, and the spear broke.

He didn't take the opportunity to make more attacks, because he didn't want to be smashed to death by Ji Xinghe, even if he was injured, the damage to the mech would affect the next battle.Even though this was just a show fight and there was no follow-up fight, Han Li still insisted on his perfect fighting style.


Ji Xinghe hit the ground, and when the mud splashed, his feet didn't touch the ground, which affected his movement, and he was a target for a second.

Han Li did not use weapons such as firearms or miniature missiles. He did not want to bully an old man, nor did he want to bully the father of his comrade-in-arms and classmate who had died.

In the dust, Han Li accurately captured the position of Ji Xinghe, and then began to charge, the target was still Ji Xinghe's eyes.


There was a shock, and Han Li was shocked because his body was stabbed.But he was not injured, because what stabbed him was a gun without a tip. Based on the rules of the virtual world, such a long gun is not lethal.

Although he didn't understand how he was stabbed, Han Li did not miss the opportunity to attack. After smashing the gun barrel with his hand, he dodged to avoid Ji Xinghe's arm. Han Li, who appeared behind Ji Xinghe like a ghost, was a Recruit Shuangfeng Guaner.

With a bang, Ji Xinghe's head was blown off.

The smoke and dust cleared away at this time, the winner was already divided, and Han Li was unharmed. This result did not exceed anyone's expectations, including Ji Xinghe.

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