Yu Yazi frowned first. He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Ren Xianyou, although I know a little about the Zinzine ladder, I haven't heard of this Qiyang Huiling Soul Beast, so I can't help you."

Kang Cheng also expressed his objection: "Kang is just for Jiuxi Cailuan's eggs, and there are still concubines waiting at home, and I will not take risks!"

Yu Yazi looked at Kang Cheng and said with a smile, "So it turns out that the immortal friend is using Jiuxi Cailuan to please the concubine, infatuation is commendable!"

Dongfang Yushan ignored the whispers of Yu Yazi and Kang Cheng, and said to Xiao Hua: "Ren Xianyou, I'm afraid I can't help Xianyou. If Xianyou is willing, you can follow me to the Zanzi ladder, and you can find Qiyanghui by yourself. Soul, I can help you pick three kinds of immortal grass. However, you can't follow in vain, you still have to give the necessary money..."

Xiao Hua thought for a while and said, "Well, I'm not familiar with the Jiangzine ladder either, why don't I go with the three immortal friends to find the immortal grass and Jiuxi Cailuan eggs, and wait for the immortal friends to return and let a certain How about going to Qiyang to return to the soul by yourself?"

The three immortals such as Dongfang Yushan had no objection, so Xiao Hua made a promise in front of the three immortals according to what Dongfang Yushan said, saying that they would support each other in the azine ladder and help each other accomplish each other's goals, not in the process. Calculate others and so on.

Although Xiao Hua made a Dao Nuo, he still kept his mind. After all, he did not do anything less than treasure hunts. Which one was not dangerous?Compared with the ugliness of human nature, the dangers and dangers of the dangerous place pale in comparison!

"Haha..." After Xiao Hua finished speaking, Yu Yazi laughed, raised his hand and pointed at the shuttle, "Let's go, get on the boat!"

The flying shuttle was like electricity, breaking through the flying snow trail and heading towards the depths of the Yunmeng Snow Region. On the flying shuttle, Yu Yazi was half-lying, drinking immortal wine while talking to Kang Cheng and Dongfang Yushan; Yushan also took a wine glass, and from time to time, he tapped Yu Yazi's purple-red gourd and poured some fine wine; Kang Cheng did not drink, but brought out some fairy fruits for the immortals to taste.Xiao Hua had just started to sit cross-legged and meditated as usual. It could be seen that the three immortals were entertaining themselves, and they were hard at work, which was out of time. So at the invitation of Dongfang Yushan, Xiao Hua simply joined in, twisted the fairy fruit, and listened to the three immortals talking eloquently.

The Three Immortals are also interesting. They don't talk about the experience of cultivation. Instead, they are interesting stories of enlightenment in the mainland, and even some ancient legends. Xiao Hua is also interested in hearing them. Later, Yu Yazi was drunk and pestered Kang Cheng to discuss with spiritual pets. The yin and yang double cultivation, Kang Cheng didn't hide too much, Xiao Hua was a little stunned when he heard it.

However, Xiao Hua also noticed that when talking about other times, Dongfang Yushan was very bright, and he was obviously well-informed, but when it came to Yin-Yang dual cultivation, his face was a little gloomy, and he drank too many times.

When Yu Yazi said that he wanted to find a partner of dual cultivation, Dongfang Yushan waved his hand coldly and said, "Friend Yu, from the bottom of my mind, the female fairy of dual cultivation is not a problem, it is best to find a spirit body as a concubine, to save time and time. I also have to accompany you to serve me carefully, and if you don’t like it, I will give you a slump.”

"Hey..." Kang Cheng also laughed, "Fellow Dongfang also seems to be well versed in the way of double cultivation, but this is true, get a concubine, call her and swipe away, find a wife and wife I've been in trouble. Do you think it's true, Ren Xianyou..."

"Cough cough..." Xiao Hua coughed twice, more and more like Jiang Muqing of the Dan Dao League, "I haven't thought about this yet, I really don't know how to answer."

"Emotion is a double-edged sword!" Dongfang Yushan replied, "If the relationship is good, even a arrogant fairy will be like glue with you. But no matter how good the relationship is, Cheng Yan Chengji will face one Face, can you stand it? But if you want to change it? Can the fairy agree? Can you agree to it yourself?"

Dongfang Yushan said it without end. No one knew what he meant. Yu Yazi raised his glass and said, "Yes, yes, come, I will wait for the male fairy to drink, don't be dragged down by the female fairy!"

Xiao Hua didn't drink, but Dongfang Yushan forced a glass of it. He had to take a sip and put down the wine glass. Xiao Hua looked at the flying snow outside the flying shuttle and glowed like flowers. It's snowing!So he couldn't help but chanted: "The sky is full of snow, and the road ahead is boundless, and I drink a lot of love and worry, and Xianchen is intoxicated!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Dongfang Yushan's eyes lit up and he stroked his palms, "And let's drink and worry about three taels!!! Ren Xianyou, come here, I respect you, for this three taels of love, let's make a big fuss!!"

"Haha, not bad, not bad!" Yu Yazi also laughed and raised his glass, "I didn't think that Immortal friend Ren was also a wonderful person. I saw Immortal friend practicing alone before. If you don't know people, you should punish yourself first..."

It was so enjoyable, but Xiao Hua didn't even feel that time passed quickly. Shaking his head, he raised his hand a little drunk and pointed: "Fellow immortals, that mountain is Bingjiang Mountain, and the Jiangzin ladder is nearby, I'll have a rest first, and when the time comes, Mr. Yu will help you find the ladder!! "

After speaking, Yu Yazi lay on his back on the flying boat, and put the purple-red gourd under his head, and fell asleep suddenly.

Dongfang Yushan and Kang Cheng didn't think it was strange, the two immortals smiled, one took out the scroll and read it with relish, the other still sipped slowly, Xiao Hua glanced at the scroll in Kang Cheng's hand, surprised in his eyes, there were several on the scroll The word reflects Xiao Hua's eyes - "The Secret Book of Techniques in the Dongxuan Ovary"!

"Cough cough..." Xiao Hua coughed lightly, stood up and said, "I want to go and look around first, I wonder if I can?"

"Ren Xianyou is gone!" Kang Cheng managed to pull his eyes out of the scroll and said, "Just come back before Xianyou Yu wakes up."

Xiao Hua flew into the blizzard, but felt a chill hit his mind, he turned to look at the flying shuttle, and said secretly: "Perhaps Chu Yu is right, immortals in the Immortal Realm have limited life expectancy, this is their real life. Life is also the life Chu Yu wants. However, this is their life, not Xiao's life, Xiao must not only survive in the fairyland, but also find a way home!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua took a deep breath, the immortal power in his body surged, and he flew towards the Bingjiang Mountain in the distance.

The moonlit night is picturesque, the Yunmeng Snow Region is icy and snowy, and the Enlightenment Palace, the center of the Enlightenment Continent, is another situation!

On the boundless land of the Enlightenment Palace, a golden light and shadow flickered, and the light and shadow were tens of thousands of feet. It was born from the palace tower that stretched for thousands of miles, and penetrated straight into the night sky.The style of the palace palace is simple and simple, and it is obscured by light and shadow. The countless runes in it are like flying dragons and phoenixes, exuding an unspeakable power, and no one can see the situation in the light and shadow.But this light and shadow condensed in the sky, turning into a phantom of a huge golden palace.The dark green of Qiuhaoyue was poured on it, and a huge plaque was faintly revealed from the golden light, with three big characters written on it: Tianzunfu!

The golden light and shadow of Tianzun Mansion not only pierced the sky, but also pierced the earth. From a distance, it was not so much built on the earth as it was embedded in the earth.Moreover, around the Tianzun Mansion, there are countless temples with light and shadows forming a colorful light belt that surrounds the Tianzun Mansion.

Although it is night, there are still immortals, flying shuttles, and immortal beasts traveling through these lights and shadows.

Far away from the light belt, in a palace that was not considered grand, an immortal wearing a moon-white gown flew out.The immortal held a crystal card in his hand, looked around and frowned and said, "Where is Gan No. [-]'s teleportation immortal formation? Remember that it wasn't so complicated when returning to the Palace of Laws from here!"

While they were talking, a female fairy rode a flying crane and fell, and the fairy hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "I'm going down to Yanfei, ask the fairy, where is the No. [-] teleportation fairy formation?"

"Qian No. [-]?" The female fairy looked up and down at the fairy named Yan Fei, and said with a smile, "That seems to lead to the Yunmeng Snow Region, right?"

"Fairy is amazing!" Yan Fei said with a thumbs up, "Yan really has something to go to Yunmeng Snow Region!"

"It's not that I'm good!" The fairy pursed her lips and smiled, "I've been there a few years ago, so I know. The Gan No. [-] Teleportation Immortal Array is going there..."

The female fairy pointed to the distance and said in detail, Yan Fei hurried away after thanking him.

The fairy didn't care. She took Feihe and was about to fly into the palace. "Shu" was another immortal who was not very tall and flew out. The fairy looked very young. When he saw the fairy, he hurriedly said: "Fairy, when you first come to Enlightenment Palace, please ask, where is Gan No. [-] Teleportation Immortal Array?"

"Oh? You're going to Yunmeng Snow Region too?" The female fairy covered her mouth and smiled, "Why are so many immortals going to Yunmeng Snow Region tonight?"

"Oh, I'm not going to Yunmeng Snow Region!" The immortal shook his head and said, "I'm going down to Helanque."

"Well, the left and right are near Yunmengze!" The female fairy nodded and told the fairy about the direction before entering the palace.

Chapter 199 Bingjiang Mountain

The immortal thanked the female immortal and flew slowly towards the Qian [-] teleportation immortal formation. , although there are images of appearances, but this fairyland is vast, how do I start? Appearance is really nothing in the fairyland, even a dust fairy can change at any time! His old man said that Xiao Hua was in the fairyland more than ten years ago. Helan Que has appeared near Duanling River, but now? Who knows where he is? Shizu is also strange. Since he knew that he was in Helan Que more than ten years ago, why didn't he let me come? His old man is inconvenient. Come to Taihuang Huang Zengtian, my disciples can obey! Now, I heard that the area around the Duanling River was already controlled by the Immortal Armament of Tianzun Mansion, how should I proceed?"

The immortal asked a few secretly "how to proceed." Just like his furrowed brows, with a deep puzzlement, the immortal and Yan Fei entered the Gan No. [-] teleportation immortal formation one after the other.

In an unknown place, the moon is also hanging high in the autumn, but under the dark green moonlight, a tall human figure with silver light shining all over is sitting in front of a mountain. When entering into meditation, the faint silver light flashes and disappears like breathing, and the light strips with the thickness of fists flow slowly under the silver light.

Suddenly, the thick strip of light burst, and the silver light rose into the sky. After it was extremely dazzling, the silver light slowly shrank again, and the human figure began to shrink as the silver light dimmed.

The silver light was annihilated, and an old man with a simple face showed his body. The old man's beard and hair were all white, and his long eyebrows went straight to his ears. The old man's brows were slightly wrinkled. , five faint thunder flowers were born in it, watching the lightning arc flickering, the old man whispered: "Xilong has gone, it is said that the matter of killing the immortal artifact should be resolved soon, but...why is the old man uneasy rather?"

"The old man spent his immortal power and risked being discovered by the Immortal King to perform the technique of divine descent, but except for Helan Que's Thunder Eye, there is no abnormality anywhere. It seems that if there is any abnormality, it can only be directed towards Kui there. Moreover, Xiang Kui has already asked about the immortals living in Yinhu, except for the immortal baby named Xiao Hua, there is no abnormality. Moreover, the servant named Liu Xiao also said that Xiao Hua is Yuan The immortal infant of Lingshan, he has a plan to approach Chi Xiaoxia. When Xiao Hua lived away in the hidden lake, it was similar to the time when the immortal killer disappeared."

"Specially, Xiao Hua was by the side when the old man broke Chi Xiaoxia's soul that day. If it wasn't for the special envoy of Yuezhen Tianzun, the old man took them both together, where are there so many twists and turns? No, that's not right. Ah, the old man did not feel the aura of the Daoist Immortal Slaughtering Spirit in Chi Xiaoxia and Xiao Hua, otherwise the old man would not be able to just point out Chi Xiaoxia's spirit!"

"However, the old man's five thunder divination technique found signs of being activated near the Duanling River. What's the matter? Could it be that there are other true immortals to the emperor Huang Zengtian? There is no true immortal strength. , how could it be possible to motivate the Immortal Killer Spirit? And how could the old man's Immortal Killer Spirit be so easily motivated by other True Immortals?"

"The strangest thing is that the Immortal Killer Spirit was activated more than ten centuries ago, and the old man has never been able to notice it, or did he accidentally discover it when he performed the divination technique recently. Could it be that the Immortal Killer Spirit was not in the Immortal Realm during this period of time? If so, wouldn’t the one who took away the Immortal Slayer Spirit… Jin Immortal?? Oh, by the way, it could also be a special Space Immortal Tool?”

"It's weird, it's really weird, the old man is really at a loss, I still want to wait for Xilong to find that Xiao Hua, and let's talk about it after asking in detail!"

While the old man was whispering, he was a little upset, and when the whisk was swung again, there was a crisp sound of "pop", and one of the five thunder flowers suddenly burst, and the red arc of thunder in the inside was gushing out like blood!

"Damn! Damn!! Damn!!!" When the old man saw this, his face changed greatly, he scolded three times, and said, "How can there be an omen of blood??"

In the meantime, the old man's body was trembling extremely fast, and every time he trembled, a thunder arc would appear, but at the snap of his fingers, the old man had turned into a cluster of phantoms surging with thunder arcs. Looking around, the sky suddenly became dark, and all the light was directed towards him. Rush with thunder arc.As the thunder arc began to spread, the thunder light became dim, and even the sound of thunder gradually became hoarse, and when all the thunder arcs turned into darkness, the five spirit shadows "swiped" around the old man in a flash!

However, it took only half a cup of tea for the figure of the old man to disappear. A strange, sharp whistle of "woo woo" appeared from the pitch-black human figure. Immediately, countless thunder-like runes poured out like rebirth, and the figure of the old man was once again. revealed.

"Forget it!" The old man whispered with helplessness in his voice, "The old man is in a state of restlessness, let's divination after a while!"

Although Xiao Hua had a certain amount of mental preparation, he never imagined that he had just come out of retreat, and the murder was imminent. He packed up his mood and stepped on the clouds and gradually flew closer to Bingjiang Mountain.

Bingjiang Mountain is extremely majestic. From what Xiao Hua sees, only the Tongtian Peak in the debris of the Great Desolation can stabilize its head.Moreover, Bingjiang Mountain is full of ice crystals, and whenever snow flakes fall on it, a reddish light and shadow will instantly melt into it.The light and shadow are also extremely beautiful, and it looks like a fairy grass, so the life of Bingjiang Mountain may originate from this!

Xiao Hua flew to the front of Bingjiang Mountain and looked closely. There was not only his own figure in the ice layer, but also many shadows like fairy grass. When the dark green moonlight shined on it, the light and shadow were like a wind blowing. The crimson pearl grass swayed in the wind.

"Immortal world is really an incredible place! Bizarre beauty can be seen everywhere..." Xiao Hua closed his eyes, let out Yan Nian to look around, and flew to the surrounding snow peaks.

Although the snow peaks around Bingjiang Mountain are not as tall and majestic as Bingjiang Mountain, there is no ice crystal vision, but in the white snow, each one has a holy atmosphere. In the dark night, there are rolling mountains, high and low snow rocks, and so on. The falling snow gave birth to a uniqueness that Xiao Hua could not bear to disturb.

The moon falls in the autumn, and the moon of Guihun rises. When the sky is clear, the moonlight of ice crystals shines on the Bingjiang Mountain, and a huge wind whistles "woo woo". The entire Bingjiang Mountain produces a milky white halo. , circling down towards the foot of the mountain, every time the light and shadow rotate around, countless flames are dropped in the air, and the flames are mixed with falling snow, like fireworks that Xiao Hua set off during the Chinese New Year when he was young!

Xiao Hua was stunned for a while!

"Friend Ren..." Yu Yazi's voice came, "Do you want to recite a poem at this moment?"

"With such a magnificent scene, no words can be abrupt, I'll just watch it!" Xiao Hua replied with a smile without looking back.

Dongfang Yushan said with a smile: "Look at it, the ladder can't get in."

"Ouch!" Xiao Hua came to his senses, hurriedly flew over, and asked, "Could it be that the Jiangzin ladder is in this Bingjiang Mountain?"

"Haha, if it's so simple, do you still need to take action?" Yu Yazi laughed, raised his hand and patted his forehead, "swipe" a bright fairy mark to give birth, within the silver light, a strange ice crystal shaped like a water chestnut fly out.

Seeing this ice crystal blooming brightly like a flower under the Guihun Moon, Xiao Hua frowned, because he felt a slightly familiar fluctuation in the light and shadow, the fluctuation was somewhat similar to the through-ming flower that Xiaoyin likes to eat, but it was weak. too much.

Yu Yazi gushed out a mouthful of immortal energy, and the silver light of the ice crystal rolled rapidly, not only did not mean to bloom, but shrank, and when the ice crystal color light and shadow seemed to cover it like a cocoon, Yu Yazi hurriedly moved the immortal formula, "Boom boom boom" Several sounds like muffled thunder came from the ice crystal, and the ice crystal rushed towards the Bingjiang Mountain like a meteor!

The place where the ice crystals fell is where the milky white halo brushed off. The halo caused a ripple between the sound of "pop", the ripples fell into the ice crystal, and the "boom" ice crystal burst, and dozens of identical phantoms rushed in like firecrackers. High in the sky, falling towards Bingjiang Mountain!

"Let's go!" Yu Yazi took the laziness and waved his hand, "Follow me to check first!"

Xiao Hua and the others did not dare to neglect, and followed Yu Yazi to the nearest phantom, but saw that the phantom was condensed in mid-air, in the shape of an irregular oval, with messy light and shadow inside, looking like a flower open.

Yu Yazi raised his hand and pointed, "This kind of light and shadow has no level, it is not made by the power of space, but the phantom projected by the azine ladder, you cannot enter."

Saying that, Yu Yazi waved his big hand and fell into the size of a hundred feet. With the sound of "pop", the light and shadow shattered like fireworks.

"There's not much time, I'll wait for one person to find four!" Yu Yazi said, "If anyone finds out, he will transmit the sound immediately."

"Okay!" Dongfang Yushan and the others agreed and split up to search.

Xiao Hua was a little puzzled. After all, didn't Yan Nian release all the investigations?But when he flew to an ice crystal phantom, Yan Nian couldn't find it.

"No wonder!" Xiao Hua suddenly took a closer look, but saw the layers of elliptical filaments slowly spreading within the ice crystal, and some black and white textures loomed in the filaments like transmission channels.

"This... is this the Zanzine Ladder?" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, he never imagined that he would find the Zinzine Ladder so easily!

Xiao Hua hurriedly sent a voice transmission, and Kang Cheng came first. He laughed and said: "Good friend Ren Xian, Kang has not yet flown to the first ice crystal phantom, you will find the location of the ladder, it seems that this time I will wait to go deep into the azine. The ladder must go smoothly."

Dongfang Yushan and Yu Yazi came one after another. Yu Yazi was equally happy. He quickly took out three similar ice crystals from his arms and handed them to the three immortals. The immortal communication device that has been refined can be used in the ladder. If we are scattered around the ladder, we can gather together with this thing."

Chapter 200 Space Law

"There will be changes when climbing the ladder??" Xiao Hua took the communication fairy, his face changed, and asked anxiously, "Friend Yu, why didn't you say it before?"

"Don't you know Ren Xianyou?" Yu Yazi was taken aback and asked, "This is the common sense of the Zinzi ladder!"

Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed, shook his head and said, "I just came to the Jiangzine ladder when I got the news, and I didn't listen to the news of the Jiangzin ladder in Lingyun Pool!"

"No wonder..." Dongfang Yushan was stunned, "When you saw me, you didn't seem to know about the azine ladder, right?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua was about to say something when Yu Yazi hurriedly said, "It's too late, go in and climb the ladder! As for the dangers in it, it's nothing more than alien beasts and space debris, the immortal friends should be careful, I'm waiting by my side, and I will help my fellow immortals."

"Thank you so much!" Xiao Hua could only bow his hands to thank him, watching Yu Yazi release the silver light from his body protection, urging his body to enter first.

While speaking, the shadow of the phantom has already begun to dim, and the light filaments of more than a hundred meters in size are folded together, like a carved door of light!The door of light flickered in the wind, snow and night, giving it a sense of mystery.

Yu Yazi released silver light, and the immortal body was much taller than the door of light.Xiao Hua could see clearly that when Yu Yazi rushed in, every time a ray of light passed by his figure, a figure would be left in the place of the ray of light, and the figure shrank one by one until Yu Yazi's figure finally changed. Fist-sized, it really looks like a ladder.When Yu Yazi's figure flew into the core, the fist-sized silver light suddenly turned into a beam of light, the beam of light pierced the door of light, all figures vanished during the penetration of the beam of light, and Yu Yazi's figure also disappeared gone.

"Friend Ren!" Kang Cheng glanced at Xiao Hua and said, "You're not familiar with the azine ladder, so you should follow Immortal Yu Yu and go in last. If there is any change, Immortal Dongfang will help you!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Hua cupped his hands, urging his body to fly towards the door of light, and seeing a ray of light rushing through, Xiao Hua suddenly felt an unspeakable weight outside the baby's body, and the sound of "poof" , the baby body that was already shrunk was actually compressed by [-]% again!

"This..." Xiao Hua was secretly shocked, after all, he was a fairy, different from Yu Yazi's body.

"Puff puff..." As Xiao Hua flew, successive pressures kept coming out, and his baby body was compressed again and again.

"This... this is the power of space!" Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and wanted to release Yan Nian. Sure enough, where Yan Nian fell, there were some messy spatial fluctuations between the light threads. Similarly, Yan Nian could only be in the light threads. Swipe between, and can't cross the filament.

Moreover, every time he crossed a ray of light, Xiao Hua had to consume immortal energy, and the closer he got to the inner layer, the more immortal energy was consumed!

I felt that my baby body was compressed and could no longer be compressed. The "woo" sounded like a buzzing sound. The light threads in front of my head disappeared, replaced by a colorful vortex. Scrape down!

Xiao Hua clearly remembered that he saw that Yu Yazi was flying straight forward, and he could see such a vertical upward passage. He didn't think it was strange at all. This vision is really nothing.

Xiao Hua motivated Xianli and was just about to fly. A humming sound came from above his head, and immediately saw an outline of the size of a grinding disc. The khaki filaments of light were scattered around the outline, and the filaments were surrounded by countless textures with the thickness of fingers. .

"This...this is..." Xiao Hua frowned a little, and looked at the vague outline with doubts, that is, during Xiao Hua's thinking, the "wu" outline slipped down, and a huge force like a mountain slammed down, Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly rubbed his hands together, several firelights turned into vermilion bird lights and shadows and rushed towards the outline. During the huge earthquake of "Boom Boom", the outline was broken, the light threads dimmed, and turned into countless broken waves!

"The law of space??" Xiao Hua's Yannian was under heavy pressure and couldn't reach far, but when the fluctuations fell and was about to dissipate in the void, Xiao Hua's Yannian swept across in time, he was a little surprised, and secretly said, "What's going on here? Will there be space law fragments?"

Immortal grass is easy to get, but the law is hard to find.

Surprised, Xiao Hua hurriedly released his mind and put these fluctuating fragments into the space.

"Huh? Ren Xianyou..." Xiao Hua was enjoying himself, and Dongfang Yushan flew behind him. Seeing Xiao Hua slowly flying high, he was a little surprised, "Why are you still here?"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "There are treasures here, and Xiao is collecting them!"

"Treasure?" Dongfang Yushan flashed silver light all over his body, resisting the pressure of space, looked around, and wondered, "Where are the treasures?"

Xiao Hua moved in his heart, raised his finger and pointed to the scattered fluctuations, and said, "These!"

"These broken immortal forbidden fragments?" Dongfang Yushan was even more puzzled. "This thing is everywhere in the fairy world, what kind of treasure?"

Said, Dongfang Yushan Yannian swept over, looked at it, and asked: "Even if this is the treasure of the Zinzi ladder, how does Ren Xianyou collect it?"

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated and said, "I think this may be a space law fragment!"

"What? This...is this space law fragment?" Dongfang Yushan was taken aback and shouted, "Can you perceive the space law?"

"Haha..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I can't be sure about it, but it feels like it."

"Since it's a fragment of the law, how can the immortal friend collect it?" Dongfang Yushan asked.

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "This is a secret, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell the fairy friend in detail."

"Let's go..." Dongfang Yushan didn't covet Xiao Hua's secret, he smiled, "Yu Yazi is still in front of him, he once said that there may be strange beasts in the ladder ahead."

Saying that, Dongfang Yushan raised his hand, and a fiery red ring-mounted immortal weapon flew out. The fire of the immortal weapon covered Xiao Hua and Dongfang Yushan. The flames released in front of their heads were burning and grinding disc-shaped outlines, and the side was rushing up the passage. .

The fire ring of the Eastern Yushan is quite domineering, the firelight passes, the outline of the grinding disc melts, and the mountain-like weight disappears.

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