"Although the past few days have been quite effective, this is only a residual formula after all. There is no further method of cultivation. If you want to continue to practice, you can only go out to find the fairy fate. When I met you, Miss Bai, I hesitated again."

He Changsheng finished speaking in one breath, and praised his wit.

It's just that he said so many things against his will in a row, which made his conscience hurt a little.

Bai Miaoyin nodded thoughtfully, and then it dawned on her that she didn't think too much, and she didn't bother to think so much.

Does it matter?

It doesn't matter at all!

She had already discovered He Changsheng's cultivation. Not only did she discover it, but to be precise, everyone was paying close attention to He Changsheng's actions these days, for fear that the other party would do something out of the ordinary.

It's just that no one has pointed it out. As long as the matter is controllable, they will not make any intervention.

Although they were quite surprised that He Changsheng could enter the country so quickly, it was not unacceptable to them.

"Little Changsheng, my sister has long said that you have a deep destiny. If you had told me earlier, why would you waste your time? I happen to have a peerless secret book here. Although there are some restrictions, it is not a problem for you at all." Bai Miaoyin showed a cunning face, and said with a little deep meaning.

He Changsheng said excitedly, "Sister Bai, are you making fun of me?"

He's not professionally trained, so he barely snaps.

Acting as if it's a bit exaggerated... But it's not important, it's enough to be able to fool Bai Miaoyin.

And the blessings in the other party's mouth are profound, doesn't it refer to herself?

Such a blessing, don't let it go!

He is not rare at all!

"Of course not. It's just that this Yin-Yang Secret Code is a method of dual cultivation. There are still some restrictions for men to cultivate." Bai Miaoyin said calmly.

"Doesn't that mean..." He Changsheng looked at her in surprise.

No way! ? ?

Does this bitch still want him to speak up?

I don't think about it!

This is not what he wants!

Seeing that He Changsheng understood everything, Bai Miaoyin said with a smile: "That's right, it's exactly what you think, Xiao Changsheng, as long as you ask, my sister is willing to help you practice."

He Changsheng's heart shuddered, this damn smile!

This familiar routine again... He really wanted to say no.

Chapter 20 Cultivation is divided into day and night?

Looking at Bai Miaoyin's expectant eyes, He Changsheng's heart was broken, and he simply gave up.

In order to get rid of the opponent's claws as soon as possible, he endured!

"...you are the white moonlight in my heart, holy and flawless...if you have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for..."

Whoa whoa whoa!

He doesn't know if Bai Miaoyin is moved or not...

But he managed to disgust himself.

"Say more, my sister still wants to hear."

Bai Miaoyin raised her eyebrows and looked at He Changsheng with beautiful eyes.

Not to mention, even though these words sounded strange, she was still flustered by the words, and she was quite pleased with what she heard.

He Changsheng: "..."

You are wrong!

"Giggle cluck cluck..."

Seeing He Changsheng's distressed look, he couldn't help but smile straight out, his narrow eyes turning into crescents.

He Changsheng couldn't be dealt with by her anymore, he just looked at him depressedly.

But then again...

This bitch looks pretty good when she smiles, so damn sweet.


This bitch is not a good person, and disturbed his mind...

Bai Miaoyin said softly: "Okay, don't tease you anymore, you come with me, go to my place, I will teach you the method of cultivation, I have tried to cultivate myself before, now that I think about it, no wonder the progress is not great, it turns out that Without Xiao Changsheng, you are supporting me."

"Now!?" He Changsheng said with a face full of astonishment.

"What's the difference between day and night in practice? You have to race against time in practice. If you don't hurry up, won't you be lagging behind others?" Bai Miaoyin taught solemnly with a calm face.

"It makes sense..." He Changsheng was speechless, and couldn't find any faults. What's wrong with cultivation!

The problem is also Bai Miaoyin's problem, what does it have to do with him?

"Hurry up and keep up?" Bai Miaoyin urged.

He Changsheng: "..."

He took a deep breath, with a determined look on his face, as if he was about to die generously.

Then follow along quickly...

As soon as He Changsheng walked into Bai Miaoyin's room, he saw Bai Miaoyin's signature gesture and waved his plain hand.

"Is this also a restraint?" He Changsheng's complexion turned dark. Was it because he was afraid that he would run away?

It doesn't matter anymore...

It's useless to think about it!

"Come up soon?" Bai Miaoyin urged, taking out a book that looked like it had been through many vicissitudes.

He Changsheng walked up weakly, and couldn't help being shocked. He was attracted by the content of the book at a glance. This Yin-Yang Secret Code is indeed the inheritance of a first-class sect, and it is indeed extremely unpredictable.


He Changsheng benefited a lot and unlocked a lot of new knowledge.

Bai Miaoyin said softly: "You can't see it. It is said that this Yin-Yang secret book comes from a certain peerless immortal sect. The whole text is profound and difficult to understand. Let me guide you personally!"

You can really put gold on the face of your own sect... Daqi's number one wonderful fairy sect is almost the same.

There is nothing normal in it.

Especially thinking of Qi Zhu, he felt a headache.

This sick and delicate girl might give him a knife suddenly one day!

He Changsheng couldn't help complaining.

"That's a lot of hard work for you." He Changsheng said gratefully, and then directly chose to lie flat. Cultivation is the most troublesome thing. Now that he has Bai Miaoyin's guidance, he is also happy to be at leisure.


It is noon.

He Changsheng leaned on the wall, and returned home with a face full of exhaustion. He was still quite tired after practicing all morning. It was all because of Bai Miaoyin, who tormented him so much that he insisted on letting him practice beyond the standard.

The secret code of yin and yang is profound and unfathomable. He has just been able to understand the previous methods of cultivation, and the latter ones are somewhat obscure to him.

Why can't it be done step by step? You still have to take one step at a time in cultivation, and you can't rush for success.

Otherwise, the consequence would be what he is now.

He Changsheng's face was full of worries about gains and losses, but the result was good, and it has reached his expectations so far.

From now on, he only needs to follow the original plan, and he will soon be able to get rid of surname Bai's clutches!


He took back what he said before, the process is equally important, otherwise the result will be as uncomfortable as eating rat feces.

Fortunately, the problem is not big this time, he can still hold on!

However, there was one thing that puzzled him. Isn't Bai Miaoyin the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect?

Then why... still a chick! ?

But it doesn't matter, his focus shouldn't be here!

To be on the safe side, He Changsheng thought about doing a simulation first to suppress the shock.

Who knows if there will be a butterfly effect, causing his next script to deviate.

You must know that even a slight error in a certain link is extremely likely to lead to a complete loss.

[This simulation consumes 250 points of spiritual power, the new life simulation is successfully loaded, and the current remaining spiritual power is 3230. 】

"Dog System, I suspect that you are scolding me, but I have no proof." He Changsheng's face darkened, this number is unlucky!

Can't change it?

Not humane at all!

Bad review!

【, You found a lot of weird things in Xiaohe Village, you started to investigate, your plan was soon discovered by the village head Chen Li, Bai Miaoyin and Song Tiejiang hinted at you crazily, get rid of these shouldn't thoughts as soon as possible, So as not to set yourself on fire. 】

[You don't care about it, and continue to do your own way, which makes all the villagers in Xiaohe Village dissatisfied. You were persuaded by the village head, Chen Li, to leave Xiaohe Village to seek immortals and Taoism, and to see a wider world. 】

[Bai Miaoyin and Song Tiejiang objected to this, especially Bai Miaoyin's emotions were the most agitated, and she was traumatized under the pressure of the village chief. 】

Seeing this, He Changsheng was stunned for a moment. The plot didn't change much from before, but Bai Miaoyin's reaction made him a little unexpected.

He clearly remembered that in the last simulation, the village head Chen Li only gave a warning, but Bai Miaoyin gave up the idea.

This time, he had a conflict with the village chief and was injured.

It turned out that the performance was too good...

It seems that he has to restrain himself a little bit next time, otherwise if Bai Miaoyin's madness attribute is activated and he is detained regardless of the consequences, wouldn't he be unable to find a place to cry?

This made him a little embarrassed, controlling it just right is easier said than done, who the hell still restrains himself when he is deeply in love?

【You rejected the village chief's proposal and chose to stay in Xiaohe Village. 】

[The next day, you found that Xiaohe Village was empty, and even Bai Miaoyin, who loved you deeply, had disappeared. 】

He Changsheng: "..."

what is this operation...

Just because he insisted on refusing to leave, the village chief Chen Li took everyone away! ?

Could there be anything more outrageous than this?

He Changsheng thought that the village chief Chen Li would not be able to resist strangling him to death.

I didn't expect this bad old man to be human...

[You left Xiaohe Village with a dazed face, disguised yourself as Taihao, and by virtue of your outstanding talent, successfully joined the hostile force of the Meteor Immortal Sect, the Misty Building, and was accepted as a personal disciple by the female head Zhu Qinxian. 】

[You took advantage of your status to easily stir up disputes between Meteor Immortal Sect and Misty Building, both sides suffered heavy casualties and vital energy. 】

[Zhu Qinxian soon found out the truth of the matter, and Zhu Qinxian killed you with a sword in a rage, hoping to serve as a warning to others, and end your life of conspiracy and calculation. 】

Chapter 21 This hundred spiritual powers are for beggars! ?

"This Misty Building is also a mess..." He Changsheng's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines.

This Misty Building doesn't even know good or bad, and it's so cowardly that even cattle and horses like Meteor Immortal Sect don't dare to provoke it...

What kind of immortality is this? It's better to go home and grow sweet potatoes.

He deserved to be crushed by the Falling Immortal Sect!

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Although Li Daocun has ulterior motives, he is still a famous teacher after all, and he did not let his pearls and jades fall into the dust.

On the other hand, the Misty Tower and the Meteor Immortal Sect, the two cattle and horse fairy sects, are simply too much!

He Changsheng had deep resentment.

He finally understood that these second-rate fairy sects are all a virtue, so he better not go to thunder again.

The world is so big that there seems to be no room for him.

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