But everyone present showed more or less no surprise or surprise.

Obviously... During the long struggle with the company, they also more or less realized that the company "keep a hand".

It was because the Tianen Group did not kill them that they could survive from the cracks; it was also because the company always left them a way out that they could continue to loot and attack the upper city.

"The church has never been hostile to the uncoded, and even occasionally helps the uncoded. It is us mages who are really hostile to the church.

"—Where is our real advantage? Our advantage is that civilians don't know the existence of 'Mage' at all, and the company can't explain it!"

The barber's sonorous voice fell.

"If the church wants to attack us, it must ask the company for the power to 'arm the criminals' on its behalf, and open up the 'authority to destroy the factory'. This means the loss of the company's power, the sharing of the right to speak, and the long-term and substantial increase in prices. Ascension, and the accompanying popular protests against corporations and churches.

"Another way is to announce our existence as 'mages'. But in this way, people will realize that the 'chip' that has been regarded as a part of their body by default should not actually exist. This will cause a new trend of thought .

"So the reality is that...although the angels don't get tired from the war, it's still impossible for the church to cause a sustained and sustained attack on us, because the voice of war weariness comes from the civilians in the upper city. The civilians cannot attack us from the lower city." However, the obvious rise in prices and the shortage of various living materials will directly affect their lives.

"However, if we launch an attack on buildings in Uptown — it's a different story."

Hearing this, many people gradually understood.

Hang Hang said slowly: "If we attract the hatred of those salary slaves, then the war will be prolonged. Because they also have hatred for us...the desire for revenge can make them endure the inconvenience in life."


The barber snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "I really want you to see my enlightened expression."

The squinting blue-haired young man exudes overwhelming rationality and confidence.

Sitting in the seat next to the elf, he was the youngest "mage" present, but he seemed to be the second leader on the conference table.

"Fully Cooked" realized that something was wrong.

The short man wearing sunglasses indoors countered without hesitation: "You don't need to scare us like this, barber.

"According to your own statement, neither the company nor the church can announce the existence of mages, and the biggest enemy of the company is the church - we are not counted at all. As long as the company still needs to use us to attack the church, they can't let us die... ...We even have to find a way to continue the inheritance of the 'mage' and increase our combat power to maintain the balance.

"With the support of high-tech equipment from the company, we can drag Angel into a war of attrition.

"Because the existence of the 'mage' cannot be announced, the church cannot continue to unfreeze the angels. And we will continue to produce new mages in the lower city... This way, although we bear the infamy, we can win the real victory!"

"--Is it really?"

The barber asked back: "Then I will tell you, if we really continue to bomb the buildings invested by the church, what will be our result in the end.

"The company no longer needs the target of the lower city to make the people of the upper city confront each other, because all the damage done by our 'mages' will be included in the entire lower city and the entire group of uncoded people. At this time, if the company chooses to destroy The entire lower city will be unanimously recognized by everyone - this will no longer be 'maintaining law and order', but a 'war' with reasonable excuses.

"In other words, the corporation gets a 'fire declaration'. They can unban all lethal weapons just to kill us at any cost, because Uptown has no mercy for us, but full of hatred ...this hatred will make them ignore the existence of the 'First Consensus'.

"And if the lower city is completely wiped out, no matter whether there are still mages alive, the church has no excuse and no reason for these angels to continue to forcibly interfere in the 'peaceful' upper city. These remaining angels may shake the church influence from above, so they too will be re-frozen.

"In exchange for letting the church freeze the angels, from the perspective of eliminating unstable factors, the mages who have taken refuge in the company will be liquidated... the birds are gone, the good bows are hidden; the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooked.

"For a long time after that, the company that launched this 'just war' will have a strong influence. After that, anyone who resists the company will be subconsciously labeled as an 'uncoded person' position. All the losses we have made before will in turn become evidence of the company’s existence. The company has instead become a 'guardian of order'..."

The corners of the barber's mouth turned up, but there was no smile at the corners of his eyes.

"Companies are in a hurry. They can't stand the current exploitation and want more, more and more. They want to push everyone behind them, so that they have nowhere to escape - so there is Such a conspiracy.

"They have already monopolized most of the industries and owned most of the wealth. They are almost the uncrowned kings of this world. But they still want more."

Never-ending greed.

The arrogance that despises everything.

"If their plan is successful, the church's favor among the people will be greatly weakened, and the thawed angels will be frozen again. And the uncoded people in the lower city will be completely wiped out, the inheritance of the mage will be completely cut off, and the people in the upper city will not dare Rebelling against the company, the price of living has risen sharply, and the original order of life has been completely disrupted."

The barber stretched out his hand, and every time he said a word, he tapped the table with his right index finger.

The sound is very light, but it is very heavy in people's hearts.

The conspiracy that was intertwined, like a cobweb, like a shadow, was shattered by him lightly.

The barber stared at Quanshu with an ugly face, and said word by word: "So in the end, who is the only winner?

"And you—whose standpoint and perspective are you considering to make such a demagogic suggestion to us who just want to live?"

His voice fell.

The atmosphere of the meeting changed completely.

Chapter 40 Fate of Discord

Without a doubt, this is a big win for barbers.

Even voting and voting sessions are no longer necessary.

Because when the barber's words reach this level, it is no longer possible for anyone to be willing to support Quanshu.No one would jump out and stand with him at this time.

It is the same whether it is other mages who belong to the eternal reincarnation, or those mages who have been persuaded by Tovatus before and belong to the veil of ignorance.

Except for the complete familiarity set up by the barber teachers and students, everyone else can only give one answer - that is, obey the barber's opinion.

The only loser is the fully cooked one whose face is as black as charcoal.

He is more than fully cooked, he is already well-done.

The barber knew in his heart that Quan Shu hated him without a doubt... The hostility and murderous intent could be said to be undisguised.

But that doesn't matter at all.

Because he is not afraid at all.

——How dare a swindler or a murderer look at me like this?

See, I'll change my vest later, and I'll arrest you and bring you to justice if you shake the inferior one!

The barber thought viciously.

At this time, the eyes of the others looking at the barber changed from more or less contempt to equality—or even respect.

When they looked at the strangulation, their eyes even showed some jealousy.

Where did you steal such a good deputy?

Why isn't this dug out by our organization?

——Before that, even the strangulation who trusted the barber the most didn't think the barber could say anything meaningful.He was even ready to chime in.

Because what Tovatus said fit the needs of everyone present.

Fighting against the angels is the crisis they face;

Attacking the church is their inherited hatred as mages;

Uptown people are upset, which is what criminal organizations like them have always loved to do;

Trouble the company, that's what they expect from being uncoded.

Tovatus' words are like intoxicating wine, which is permeated with the poison of manipulating people's hearts.

Before he knew it... even before he realized it, he had been deprived of his rationality and turned into the shape Tovatus expected.

But at this moment, the barber's words were like thunder.

When they were even resisting to listen and understand, it grabbed their heart little by little, and grabbed them out of the drunkenness-let them wake up completely.

Looking back now, all the leaders present recalled very clearly that their thoughts were constantly twisted and rewritten by the two of them.

Although there are no bullets and no blades, there is no doubt... between the "Discordant" and the "Barber", an extremely fierce battle has already taken place.

It can even be called a war... a war on the ideological level.

And the thoughts of the rest of them are the battlefield of those two people, the chessboard controlled by them.

However, the young, inexperienced, and weak barber insisted on defeating a long-lived species head-on and crushing his conspiracy.

The way the leaders looked at the barber had completely changed.

This man who always squints his eyes... seems to have a gentle temper and a feminine personality, but he is undoubtedly a wise and decisive fighter.

Even if he has only been a mage for a short time, he will eventually become one of the most powerful helpers among them!

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Torvatus couldn't help clapping.

"Wonderful... wonderful!"

The young boy seemed to be indulging in fine wine, savoring the mellow and intoxicating taste. He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, admiring from the bottom of his heart: "Such a wonderful speech, such outstanding wisdom, such clear thinking... You were born uptown and you can be on the board of directors until you're 30.

"what a shame."

"What a pity?"

Malt Wine frowned, and asked without fear: "It's a pity that the conspiracy you have carefully woven has been seen through by the barber brother?"

"It has nothing to do with me."

Torvatus shrugged: "I'm just the relayer, the executor. I'm an outsider. It must and can only be the board of directors of your local head office that decides all this.

"You may not know that I am the chairman of the branch of Taoyuan Commercial Bank in Happy Island. Of course, to a certain extent, I can exempt the resolution of the board of directors of the head office... But unless the board of directors of the parent company makes clear opinions, we usually By default, it obeys the resolution of the board of directors of the local giant."

"In other words, the board of directors of Tianen Group proposed this plan, right?"

Regardless of who is there or what is not, the strangulation directly screened out key words from Tovatus' words and determined the real enemy.

"Of course, of course."

Tovatus nodded again and again, and his immature smile looked extremely innocent: "How could I do such a vicious thing?"

But before he finished speaking, Tovatus made a more dangerous speech: "Not to mention... this plan is too boring.

"I'm not afraid to tell you... that besides this plan to establish the 'necessity of the destruction of the Lower City,' the board has woven several other plots.

"—In the final analysis, your lower city has no use value. Then it's time to consider how to squeeze the last drop of blood."

He leaned forward suddenly, staring at the barber with burning eyes: "It's such a pity... It would be nice if you were born in Uptown."

"Why did I have to be born in Uptown?"

"In that case, I can openly stand up and fight against you."

Tovatus replied without hesitation: "I've almost figured out a game that I can play with you."

The barber's heart skipped a beat.


Is it the "games" he launched against the inferior?

The barber vaguely felt that he had touched the reason why Tovatus tortured the inferior.

But there was no trace on his face, showing a mocking smile:


"I don't want to play games with bad kids like you. It doesn't matter if I'm uptown or downtown."

"No, no, I didn't mean that..."

Tovatus paused slightly.

But considering that he is really in a good mood now, he decided to go into more detail: "It's the difficulty. The difficulty of the game.

"Don't you think... if I use the power of the company to encircle you with all my heart, don't you live long?"

The young boy with black hair and red eyes said with a smile: "You have to do your best to play the game, otherwise it will be meaningless. So you can only be in the upper city, and I am in the lower city—this is only fair."

The barber's heart skipped a beat.

He remembered the surprised expression of the inferior when Tovatus said that his fate was "discord" when he was in the Hive nightclub.

The bad must know their fate.

So what was he surprised about?

…Did he vaguely confirm that the leader of the veil of ignorance was Tovatus at that time, and that's why he kept silent by the side?

Gotta squeeze some new information, thought the barber.

So he asked, "Is your game against other people?"

"Of course, I'm a 'discordant'!"

As a result, a fraud came out.

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