Russell's heart skipped a beat.

He vaguely realized something.

At the same time, Xiao Liuli's joyful and joyful voice was still being transmitted to the crowd outside through the pink helicopter.

Her appearance, also captured by the body camera team, was simultaneously uploaded to the light curtain projected by the pink helicopter, so that the crowd could see her face and hear her voice clearly from a distance.

"Today today! Little Liuli heard that there was a very serious and critical problem on the airship from Chongguang Island to Happy Island today!"

Facing the camera, she showed a worried but not flustered expression on her face, and said quickly and clearly: "The Babel organization, which was wanted not long ago, attacked the airship and hijacked the captain and first-class passengers!

"But fortunately, at this time, a young hero stepped forward—"

After she finished speaking to the camera, she turned her gaze and looked at Russell from a distance.

Russell, who was observing her, happened to meet her gaze.

But neither of them moved away, nor escaped.Instead, he was calmly observing and examining his opponent.

In the blind spot that the camera cannot capture, the pupils that are as clear as glass are as calm as a lake.It was a maturity and calmness that was completely incompatible with her cute and innocent appearance.

Russell noticed that Xiao Liuli was looking at him with great interest—she was already looking at and examining herself when she should not know "who is that hero".

And when Xiao Liuli passionately uttered the word "hero".

Russell clearly realized that the surrounding atmosphere had changed.

The passengers who were nervous and stunned when they heard they were attacked; those passers-by who surrounded the cordon like fanatical fans...

The expressions of all of them changed at the same moment, at the same moment.

It was like a noisy classroom, as if it became quiet at a certain moment without warning.

The passengers immediately stopped what they were doing, and opened the official website of Tianen Daily to watch Xiao Liuli's live broadcast.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the number of simultaneous viewers began to increase rapidly.

And Xiao Liuli's voice sounded in their heads and outside the cabin at the same time.

"As for the specific situation at the scene, we still have to wait for little Liuli to come and interview our stranded captain, the hijacked passengers—and the hero who stepped forward to save the entire airship!

"Please wait and see!"

Russell's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

...Wait a minute, is this battle so big?

Chapter 14 Invoking the Instinct of Love

"Yes, yes! This gentleman saved us all!"

In front of the camera, the middle-aged captain rubbed his hands, showing an excited face: "It's not just us, not just everyone on this airship, but also the innocent people on the ground!"

He looked about 50 to [-] years old, with dove-winged kinship features at his temples.

This means that his soul relative is some kind of animal of the pigeon-shaped order.

Generally speaking, the captain of an airship will only choose from "doves"—at least they must have the ability of pigeons to perceive the magnetic field of the planet.Above the sea, away from the floating island, the airship cannot receive the network signal of the island, and cannot link to the map for navigation.

Once the airship leaves the island, unless it arrives at a new island, it cannot even be replenished.

The land is full of radiation and curses, and it is impossible to dock, and the other floating islands are far apart...

This means that the captains who sail between the sky islands can only navigate through experience and instinct.

Therefore, those mercenaries did not dare to kill the captain directly.

Unless there are "doves" among them, they can only fall into the boundless sea.

There are no planes in this world—the dragons strictly stipulate the limit height of manned aircraft, so except for helicopters near the ground, airships can only be used to transport them across the sea.And without the Internet, it is basically impossible to find the rescue target in the vast sea... Relying on one's own strength alone, it is even more impossible to climb back to the floating island from the sea.

Therefore, as long as they fall into the sea, they can be sentenced to death directly.

"The airship had just left Sogo Island, and those people came and hijacked me—my co-pilot and assistant were directly killed by them!"

The man said very excitedly.

"What happened then?"

Xiao Liuli asked.

"They came with guns and threatened us. They tied me to a chair so I couldn't fire a flare and contact the ground.

"I saw them inject my co-pilot with something, and then I heard him stop. The thugs then used the physical link protocol, got his permission, and took him and my assistant. I lost it. They asked me to fly as slowly as possible, to go around in circles, and to arrive at Happy Island as late as possible...

"I was tied up at the time, and I couldn't do anything except control the direction of the airship. I couldn't accelerate, I couldn't slow down, I couldn't lift or land... I could only obey them!"

"Yes, I understand..."

With a very gentle voice, Xiao Liuli softly comforted the captain who was panting violently and trembling: "What happened after that? What did they do after they stole the authority of the co-pilot?"

"It seems that... some program was passed on. It should be some kind of virus that can make people fall asleep. They mentioned it later in the broadcast."

The captain was not very clear about this, so he could only explain as much as possible: "The second-class and third-floor cabins are public cabins, but the first-class cabin is an independent cabin. If the first-class passengers want to enter or leave their own rooms, Or to purchase any service, a temporarily generated, one-time electronic key will be used. This electronic key is authorized by a personal authentication code and can be directly deducted from the personal account, so it can be safely linked.

"They infected this electronic key with a virus, and made all the first-class passengers fall asleep—except for this hero!"

As the captain said, he cast admiring and grateful eyes on Russell.

Hearing this, the staff wearing sunglasses behind Xiao Liuli immediately followed the captain's gaze, and aimed the camera and microphone at Russell who was standing beside Amirus.

Although Russell is also the first time to accept an interview of this scale.

However, as a public relations manager in his previous life, his long-term experience in dealing with the media made Russell instinctively show a just-right weak smile on his face.

His body leans slightly, arched as if trying to hide his traumatized back.But subconsciously straightened his back because of the pain.

Of course, these are actually Russell's acting skills.

——Although Russell still has some resistance in his heart to become the kind of "entertainment hero" that Bad Day said.

But his rationality clearly realized that he could only do so.

It is impossible for Bad Ri to act openly, and it is even more impossible for him to kidnap Bad Ri morally and force him to save the passengers;

It is also impossible for him to escape with the bad day, leaving these innocent passengers alone;

And since he has already made a move, he can only become a "hero", otherwise he will be charged with murder.

From the very beginning, he had no choice.

So, even if you feel uncomfortable, even if you don't approve of it... in front of outsiders and the media, Russell will never lose the chain because of willfulness or bad mood.

What he is best at is stripping off his personal tendencies and conducting the most rational and effective public relations handling at work——

This is the "likable" instinct he has developed since a long time ago.

Not with dignity, nor with gifts, but with wisdom and truth—that is, reason and instinct.

Now that you have decided to do it, do your best.It's not because of worries and hesitation, playing to the ground that others have already paved for him.

Russell began to adjust himself the moment he saw Xiao Liuli.

If the opponent's level is not enough, I'm afraid they won't be aware of Russell's small moves.

But Russell's guess was right, the cameraman brother is very dedicated - he immediately took a close-up of Russell's weak but still strong smile, and then stepped to Russell's side in two steps, keeping the camera Without shaking at all, a close-up of Russell's blood-soaked back came from the side.

Russell looked through the glass of the observation window of the captain's cabin, saw his lens on the screen of the pink helicopter outside, and confirmed his image.

Until then, Amyrus' face had never appeared on the screen.At most, only half of his body was shown, let alone his pointed ears.

This is obviously the result of deliberate control.

Russell knew the level of this group of media reporters at that time.

This wave, we have met a master in this wave.

After all, predicting this kind of thing can only be given to masters... just crush the low-end rounds directly.If you think about puff pastry indiscriminately, you will easily become a clown.

From Russell's point of view, the level of Xiao Liuli's group seems to be acceptable.

"Really a very brave and handsome young hero who seems to have been badly wounded fighting the gangsters from the Tower of Babel!"

Xiao Liuli immediately gave a positive tone.

Immediately afterwards, she immediately asked curiously: "I would like to ask... is this... well, boy, is he also a first-class passenger?"

The implication is that this is preparing to ask Russell the question of "how can you be okay now that everyone else has fallen asleep?"

——Reporters are the eyes of the people and the tongue of the people.

The questions they are curious about, the reporter must ask them for them.But for Russell, this problem cannot be avoided.


Russell responded softly, using as few words as possible to respond.

He chose to make a lighter and more transparent voice than usual, in order to show a somewhat weak attitude of a "polite boy" who insisted on maintaining etiquette: "Although he may look younger... But I've actually been an adult for years."

As far as my personal image is concerned, this should be more flattering.

At the same time, it is also to convey to Xiao Liuli and the people opposite the camera that he has exhausted his energy and strength while fighting these gangsters.

In this way, with Xiao Liuli's EQ, she will definitely not keep asking Russell.Because she also knows... It's okay if you ask something.If you don't ask, people will feel disgusted with her because of her "ignorance".The higher their liking for Russell, the heavier their dislike would be.

As an "idol reporter" who maintains her personality, she will definitely not do this kind of behavior that endangers herself.

Xiao Liuli was as expected by Russell, she just thought about it for a moment, then decided to pick up Russell's words:

"I was actually surprised when I saw you just now..."

"Because I look... young?"

Russell answered softly.

He showed a shy expression, but he replied seriously: "But I have actually graduated from Sogo University with a master's degree."

"I really can't see it!"

Xiao Liuli's emotion was a little more sincere this time: "Sogo University is one of the most difficult universities! Let me ask you, your major is..."

"Ah, I'm a double degree master."

Russell's voice became softer again, as if he was embarrassed to boast about himself, and added in a low voice: "Prosthetic body fitting and maintenance majors, as well as information security majors."

"These two majors are two of the three best majors in Sogo University!"

Xiao Liuli helped Russell like a fan, touting in front of the audience: "Prosthetic body assembly and maintenance, as well as information security and intelligence control, these three majors are the most advantageous technologies of Sogo Group!"

Of course, what she said was true.These are indeed the two best majors in Sogo University.

Otherwise, even if he has a director uncle who has never met in Tianen Group, it is impossible to directly arrange him to work in the head office.

If something goes wrong with him, it will definitely damage the resources his uncle has accumulated in the company over the years.

"Such a weak, yet such an excellent young man, yet he erupted with such courage in the face of a crisis—"

The pink-haired cat-eared girl was so emotional.

She also realized that this boy who looked very weak and looked like a milk cat was not something she could easily handle.

But the question that should be asked still needs to be asked.

She asked in a more tactful way: "So, is it also related to your professional knowledge that you were able to get rid of the control of that virus in the first place?"

This is actually helping Russell.

Russell only needs to answer vaguely, and the topic will be over.

After all, it's not surprising that Sogo University's dual master's degree can do this kind of thing—at least those ordinary people who don't know much about the Tower of Babel, and Xiao Liuli herself, don't realize what's wrong with this answer.

However, Russell knew that the virus in the Tower of Babel was simply unsolvable.

So it's impossible for him to pick up on this.

So Russell changed the topic——

Chapter 15 Russell's Crisis Communications

"Is such that……"

Russell had a forced and bitter smile on his face: "Not long ago, my mother passed away."

This bitterness and reluctance also come from a kind of sincerity from the heart.

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