Chapter 118: The Sad Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse

Kandi specially put on a set of video game skins, which looks exactly like a sunny rainbow little white horse.

At this time, the people and horses were just starting to taste the delicious red buff, when they heard Xiye's reminder, they quickly poked their eyes in the nearby grass.

As soon as the eyes were inserted, the figures of the ice girl and the prince appeared in the grass.

"Can you wait for me for a while, I have a line of soldiers under the tower." Xiye cleared the soldiers with his skills while talking.

Kandi wanted to wait, but the prince, the bandit, took over the fresh and tender red buff directly, and stabbed the red buff's ass with a passive [War Rhythm], declaring his ownership of it.

Lin Ran kept moving forward, forcing Kandi out of the red zone.

WE's bot lane was pushed by JKL, and he couldn't catch up at this time.

When Syndra finished dealing with the minion line under the tower, Xiaotian's prince took the red buff with a normal attack and received punishment, and the mob was eaten by Lin Ran, leaving none of the residue to Kandi.

Kandi can only go to brush a group of gargoyles, and mourn for his red buff who died unexpectedly when passing the red zone.

This wave of wild invasions reflects YM's progress this summer.

Jin Gong's first-level blue zone eye position has insight into Kandi's open field route, and at the same time, Lin Qiang's line allowed Xiaotian to successfully catch the flash, and the bottom lane also kept pushing the line from the beginning.

All actions are for this red buff, to establish Xiaotian's advantage and initiative in the wild.

Lin Ran was not at a loss either, the experience and gold coins of the two mobs made up for the experience shared by Xiaotian when he pushed the line.

Xiye wasn't at a loss either, he honestly took a wave of soldiers, and he was ahead of Lin Ran in making ups.

From the beginning to the end, Kandi was the only one who lost money.

Xiaotian went back to eat his own blue buff and successfully completed the opening with 3 buffs.

Lin Ran and Xi Ye continued to face each other in the middle lane.

As Miller said, the Ice Girl is really at a disadvantage against Syndra.

Lin Ran tried his best to use the pawn line to throw an extended Q to hit Xiye, but when he turned around, he was hit by his QEWA with thunder, and his blood volume dropped by 1/3.

It hurts too much to exchange blood like this.

Fortunately, he still had a potion of corruption on his body, so he knocked off the bottle and started to maintain his state.

The medicine bottles on Xiye's body were all knocked out, and he didn't dare to suppress too fiercely if he didn't flash.

This gave Lin Ran a chance to breathe.

And Xiaotian's early attack is not over yet.

After returning to the city and buying two long swords, he rushed to the Ueno area of ​​WE non-stop. At this time, the second round of wild monsters had been refreshed, and he successfully caught the centaurs at the three wolves.

Instigated by Prince EQ for a fight, Kandi called the upper and middle two to help him fight back.

Seeing that Syndra wanted to leave, Lin Ran certainly wouldn't let him do so.

E [Glacier Path] is close to Syndra's body, W [Frost Ring] is triggered, and two ice edges protrude from the ground, trapping Syndra's graceful body in it.

Then a Q [Ice Shard] slows her down.

Seeing that he had no way to leave, Xiye turned around and used a set of skills, knocking Lin Ran down to half health.

But that's all, all the corruption potion on his body has been knocked out, Syndra is now equivalent to going out naked, and the damage is not enough to kill the ice girl.

And Jin Gong also stopped 957 in the river. He forcibly taunted Ike's W [Time Interleaved] and played a set. He lost a lot of blood, but successfully held Ike back.

At this time, Kandi's blood volume could no longer hold up, so he could only start sprinting and ran all the way back to the second tower. Xiaotian turned around and ate the three wolves and the magic marsh frog.

Kandi's mentality is about to explode.

Another two sets of wilds were lost, and in the next 100 seconds, only F4 and gargoyles were available for him to eat, and he was completely behind in terms of economy and level.

"Kandi's wild area is going to be reversed, Xiaotian's game is too fierce." Waowa said with emotion.

"The main reason is that YM's upper and middle lanes can help stop WE's online heroes. They have no way to support Kandi, so they can only watch the snowball in the jungle get bigger and bigger." Miller commented.

Lin Ran and Jin Gong were forced to sacrifice their health in order to keep the top two in WE, increasing their laning pressure.

But Xiaotian was liberated in disguise.

Xiaotian, who wiped out the jungle in the first half of WE, went back to the city to make up the green jungler and then went to fight his own wild monsters in the second round. The level is already more than one level ahead of Kandi.

Anti-jungle is the easiest way to expand the level advantage in the early stage: even if you prevent the opponent from replenishing troops for online heroes, you only earn one positive return, while anti-jungle earns two shares of one positive and one negative-how much do you have? One portion is eaten, while the opponent eats one portion less.

Lin Ran and Xi Ye exchanged two waves of blood, consumed all the corruption potions on their bodies, and finally disabled Syndra's state.

Taking advantage of Xiye's return to the city, Lin Ran pushed a wave of soldiers, and returned to the city to make a burning gem.

Xiaotian swiped from top to bottom, and then ran to the WE wild area. He went around and found no wild monsters, but he found Kandy who wanted to go shopping on the bottom road.

EQ went up to fight another set, drove W [Golden Shield] to slow down and chased all the way, Kandi lost half of his HP, and finally escaped with the acceleration effect of E [Destroy Charge].

"YM only has a 0.6K economic advantage so far, and it's all on the prince. WE's defense is very successful. If they drag it to a team battle, then YM will have no chance."

The joker's tone is very firm, like a prophet in Werewolf Killing.

Miller saw that Xiaotian reversed Kandi's group of F4 and successfully reached level 6, but he trembled and dared not go forward, and was forced to accept that Kandi, whose F4 was NTRed, was only level 4 and a half, so he couldn't help being silent.

Xiye's Syndra went back to the city to make a dark seal and a booster tome. After the spell became stronger, the damage became higher and higher. Lin Ran could no longer bear Syndra's damage.

He tried as hard as he could to move away from Syndra's abilities, but he was moving too slowly without boots and was still drained.

He directed Xiaotian to catch him, then pretended to lose to Syndra, and retreated.

Xiye moved forward. In his opinion, as long as he hits another QE, he can kill Lin Ran solo.

But the Demacia prince rushed over from the blind spot below with a halberd on his shoulder.

Without hesitation, Xiao Tian smashed down his head and face with an R [Heaven and Earth Splitting].

Lin Ran kept up with QEW and played all his output.

Xiye handed over the purification evasion control, and then QER wanted to kill Lin Ran in seconds.

But Lin Ran's R [Frozen Mausoleum] successfully dodged Syndra's R [Energy Outpouring], and killed the bloody Syndra by the way.

With Syndra killed in battle, Lin Ran has a lot more room to move, and Kandy's tragic game has just begun.

At 7 minutes and 20 seconds, Xiao Tian went back to the city to make up for the warrior jungler, and Lin Ran went back to the city to make up for the Hextech revolver.

In 8 minutes, Kandi has not reached level 6, and there is nothing for him to farm in the wild.

"What's going on with Kandy, is there no one to help him?" Miller shouted.

Xiao Tian was not satisfied with this, and relied on his strength to spread his vision to Kandi's lower half of the wild area. After finding the position of the men and horses, he boarded Xiao Mingtam's black car and went straight to the wild area. Lin Ran also joined in the fun and rushed over.

Kandi, who has no flashes or R, drives E and spreads all four hooves and runs hard, showing an amazing desire to survive.

But Xiao Ming flashed a lick and succeeded in slowing down, Prince EQ knocked into the air and then caught up with W to slow down, Lin Ran took control of EWQ, Nakanosuke and Nakano three killed this man who had not yet reached 6 with ease.

Xiaotian was still not satisfied with the head being taken by the prince, so he counted the time and ate the newly refreshed F4, and even left him a small raptor out of kindness.

This scene was captured by Xi Ye's vision.

Candy's face turned dark.

joker also kept silent, he glanced at the level and economic gap, and knew that Kandi had already collapsed.

Chapter 119: Obsessed with Global Flow

"Once the wild area falls, it will be difficult to arrange WE's vision." Miller shook his head and sighed.

"The centaur hasn't been revived yet, so doesn't Xiaotian plan to eat the wind dragon?" Waffle asked curiously when she found that Xiaotian didn't intend to eat the wind dragon at all.

"Maybe the Wind Dragon attribute is too weak..." Joker finally found a chance to say something.

Then the three of them saw Xiao Tian hurried down the road.

"This is 4 packs of 2," Doll raised her voice, "YM's signature support!"

"It's 5 packs of 2! The last one to get this kind of treatment was Uzi!" Miller exclaimed.

The time has come to eight and a half minutes, Lin Ran and Xiaotian's two big moves are 120S cooldown, and it has turned for the better at this time.

Jin Gong, who was on the road, also retreated to the vicinity of the second tower, and opened R [Secret Profound Meaning!Compassion saves the soul from falling].

A thick shield was added to the prince's body. He EQ crossed the wall and let out a loud shout.

One ride is worth a thousand!

The heaven and earth shattered on Jin under the tower.

Zero's bull's head tried its best to protect the fragile ADC, and the bull's horn pushed Xiaozeng out, but Shen had already landed, and the ice girl's crampons also extended from behind the grass.

Five people from YM under the tower encircle and suppress, who can survive?

Mystic simply doesn't hand in any of the flash treatments, and he dies as soon as he dies, saving the skills for the next time.

Zero's Bull Head opened R and wanted to resist, but the YM five immediately exited the range of the defense tower after killing Jhin, and after the effect of Bull Head's R [Firm Will] disappeared, they swarmed up to share the beef.

The top two in WE couldn't help their teammates, so they simply pushed the line into the tower to make YM lose part of the line economy.

Lin Ran stood in front of WE's next tower and TP rushed to the top lane with the most soldiers.

And JKL and Xiao Ming also moved to the middle lane to eat the soldiers who had already entered the tower after grinding the blood volume of the bottom tower.

Xiaotian and Jin Gong shared the gold coin reward for the first tower on the bottom road.

With a wave of 5 packs of 2, the economies of both sides expanded to 3K in an instant.

If the previous version was left behind, the economic snowball would be about 2.5K after this wave of tower jumping, but in version 6.15, Riot changed the mechanism of the first blood tower.

In addition to the regular rewards, the team that knocks down the first defense tower now has an additional reward totaling 400 gold coins.

The goal of Riot's changes before the World Championship is quite clear-to speed up the early rhythm and confrontation.

A team like YM that mainly supports roaming in the early and mid-term is quite advantageous.

After pushing the blood tower, Xiaotian went to eat the wind dragon.

"It's done, WE fans can wait 20 minutes to watch the next game, oh, except joker, he has to endure it for a while."

"Is the joker's face swollen? I heard that YM is gone?"

The barrage began to sneer at joker's previous remarks.

Lin Ran ate a large wave of soldiers, and went back to the city to make up for the rocket belt.

When they came to the road again, Xiye also followed, insisting on continuing to fight Lin Ran.

But Lin Ran won't give him another chance, Q + rocket belt cleared the pawn line, and then ran into the jungle to find Kandi to play.

Kandi is eating the marsh frog, which is one of the few wild monsters he can still control.

But Lin Ran ran over again, insisting on interfering with his jungle clearing.

Kandi, the sunshine rainbow little white horse, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He wanted to fight back when Lin Ran didn't have R, but as soon as he kicked Lin Ran with the hoof of E, Tam's R [Abyss Diving] brought the prince out of the ground.

Helpless, Kandi could only use his first big move to escape.

But Xiaotian was not reluctant, EQ passed through the wall two times, and continued to follow up.

Candi didn't dare to turn his head, and ran down the second tower in a daze.

Suddenly, he heard mystic's urgent reminder, and a spinning magic crystal arrow shot over with infinite power and a bone-piercing cold breath.

Xiaotian's golden holy shield slowed him down again.

Unavoidable, Candy gets the arrow, and My Little Pony stays where he is.

The audience in the audience exclaimed.

"JKL's arrow has a bit of anticipation, and it hits Kandy accurately!" Waowa shouted excitedly.

The three of YM Nakanosuke raised their knives and fell, and the heads were distributed to Lin Ran.

Xiye had just walked to the river, and saw that My Little Pony had turned into a corpse and became food for plants in the wild, so he had no choice but to go back and continue to eat soldiers.

Xiaotian regards the Kangdi wild area as his back garden in this dish. When his wild monsters are full, he runs over to go shopping to eat.

Coupled with Lin Ran and Xiao Ming's conjoined roaming, Kandi just reached level 12 in 7 minutes, while Xiaotian's level was already approaching level 10.

"It's really difficult to play. Kandi has no rhythm, and WE is like a misfire." Miller shook his head and sighed.

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