One punch, two punches, three punches...

Following Li Mingdi's punch after punch attack, the beast had already become bloody, but he still didn't stop as if he was going crazy.

It wasn't until he was exhausted that he had no strength left, so he sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

There are too many things I have experienced today. First of all, just after practicing, my mother rushed in and told him to escape quickly. When he was unwilling to leave, she even slapped him, which made him very wronged.

You know, his mother never lifted a finger against him since he was a child, and he didn't blame his mother, because he knew that he must have encountered some serious danger before his mother would let him go.

Immediately afterwards, he encountered bad people and broke the only sound transmission talisman used to communicate with his uncle. If he hadn't used the teleportation talisman to escape, he would have been arrested and taken away.But what to do next, he was also very confused.

"Yoyo, who's cutie is this? Why are you crying here?"

Chapter 164

The sudden voice made Li Mingdi jump up in shock, staring nervously around and asking: "Who, who are you, come out quickly."

An old woman suddenly appeared, with a smile on her kind old face and said, "Little cutie, why are you crying here? Tell your mother-in-law and see if she can help you?"

Li Mingdi stared at her vigilantly, did not speak, his red eyes were cold, and now he couldn't believe anyone.

The old woman saw something and said with a smile: "If you don't tell the mother-in-law, how can the mother-in-law send you back?"

Emperor Li Ming still didn't speak, but stood there vigilantly. When the old woman approached him, he took a few steps back like a wounded little animal.

In the end, the old woman stopped and sighed: "Little guy, you don't want to say it, and the mother-in-law doesn't ask any more questions. Judging by your cultivation at the third level of qi training, you must not be able to bigu."

"You should be hungry too. I'll leave these spiritual fruits for you to eat. Grandma is leaving first. If you have anything to do, go to the valley ahead to find grandma."

After finishing speaking, the old woman took out a few spiritual fruits and put them on the ground, then left without stopping.

Emperor Li Ming's lips moved, but he still didn't say a word in the end. He looked at the spiritual fruit on the ground, couldn't help swallowing, then closed his eyes, sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Not far away, the old woman looked at Emperor Li Ming suspiciously, and murmured: "I don't know what this little guy has gone through to be so wary of others."

"However, since you can come to Nanfeng Island, it means that you are destined for me. It just so happens that the old woman's lifespan is coming soon. After leaving behind the inheritance of the Mad Demon Hammer, it's time to go there."

Crazy Demon Hammer, if outside cultivators hear this name, they will either call it the Crazy Demon Grandmaster or the Crazy Demon Boss.

Why?Because the old woman forged a seventh-order spirit treasure with a crazy hammer, the four seas were shaken, and all the people were sent to snatch it, and finally they pointed the finger at the old woman.

All the powers dispatched strong men, wanting to rob the old woman for them to refine weapons, but the old woman refused and rejected her very forcefully. As a result, her maid died in Fangshi the next day.

The old woman became angry. It turned out that she was a strong person in the late stage of transformation. At this time, she chose to explode, carrying the seventh-level spiritual treasure, the crazy hammer, and beat all four sea areas, leaving behind the name of crazy old monster.

The power that killed her maid also existed with the God Transformation powerhouse, but overnight, the God Transformation powerhouse was killed, and the entire sect was hammered to the ground.

Therefore, the reputation of the crazy old monster spread, and no one dared to provoke the old woman anymore, but the old woman was disheartened and lived in seclusion on Nanfeng Island, and there were very few people who knew where she was.

The old woman glanced at Emperor Li Ming who was practicing again, then turned around and returned to the wooden house in the valley.


"I didn't expect the body load to be so heavy this time. Although this wind and thunder formation can speed up, it will cause too much damage to the body."

On that island, Li Qingyang checked his body, dumbfounded.

For the safety of his sister and nephew, he didn't take that much into account before, only now did he realize that he had suffered such a serious injury.

Li Qingyang smiled wryly: "My physical strength is as strong as a fourth-order middle-grade magic weapon, but I didn't expect to be injured. It seems that it is still not enough."

"However, let's recover from the injury first, and then hurry to find Emperor Ming. I don't know how he is doing?"


On Qifeng Island, Li Qingluan stopped refining jade talismans after receiving Li Yihua's news, and went directly to his cave.

Li Yihua sighed: "Qingluan, Qingtong has fallen."

Hearing this sentence, Li Qingluan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in disbelief: "Brother, what are you talking about? How could the second sister have fallen? You lied to me, right?"

Li Yihua smiled wryly and said: "The news came from the deity that Qingtong really disappeared, leaving behind a son, but lost for some reason, and I am looking for it."

Li Qingluan fell to the ground with a thud, and kept muttering: "How could this happen? How could she have fallen? How could she have fallen, brother, are you lying to me?"

Li Qingluan has been cultivating immortals with Li Qingyang and Li Qingtong since she was six years old. They love her very much. In her eyes, her brother and sister are the best people in the world.

But I didn't expect this news to come out suddenly, Li Qingluan's character is not enough, coupled with this news, he has symptoms of madness for a while.

"How did this happen? Second sister, what happened?"

Seeing him like that, Li Yihua quickly helped her up, and shouted with all his mana: "Qingluan, wake up quickly."

This sound was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, directly blasting in Li Qingluan's mind, and Li Qingluan's eyes became clear for a while.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I almost lost my temper just now. It seems that my xinxing is really bad. Next, I will go to the secret realm to hone my xinxing. The family will be entrusted to you."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran out of Li Yihua's cave, directly entered the Fire Phoenix Secret Realm, and then drove out the green bird inside, sealing the secret realm.


Royal Insect Island, this is Li Qingyin's name. At this time, she is about to study the formation thoroughly, and understands most of everything in the formation.

For the spirit insects in the formation, Li Qingyin only needs to get the eggs of the spirit insects. After all, those who have been raised since childhood are the most obedient.

The grown-up spirit insects are not very easy to cultivate anyway, it is better to get the eggs and hatch and cultivate them yourself.

Moreover, there was a half-collapsed cave in this formation. Li Qingyin controlled Jin Chan to go in and take a look, and found a pile of clothes, a storage belt and a small bag she didn't recognize next to it.

The pile of clothes was actually intact, and the second-order golden cicada did not tear it apart, so it could be seen that it was at least a treasure of third-order or above.

Thinking about the realm of Taoist Yu Chong, the magic weapon used must be above the fourth or fifth rank, so he is relieved.

Thinking of the storage belt with the power of the ancient god of transformation, Li Qingyin's heart was very hot. What good things would there be in it?I'm looking forward to it.

But Li Qingyin didn't rush in, otherwise there are so many spirit insects inside, they wouldn't be vegetarians.

She sent her golden cicadas in as a new race, and then started fighting with other races, snatching territory, and finally brought out the enemy's eggs.

Li Qingyin is waiting outside, as long as there are races that have been exterminated by the golden cicada, and the eggs are sent out, she will cultivate them, and finally get the natal spirit insects.

Then wait until the natal spirit insects grow up, and then send them into the formation to help Jin Chan fight, and just like that, slowly consume all the spirit insects inside.

As for the storage belt and magic weapon of Taoist Insect Master, just give it to Jin Chan after she takes over the territory. Anyway, the spirit insects here don't know how to use those things.

Li Qingyin herself was not idle, she took out the Insect Code, and began to check the methods of raising insects and controlling insects, especially making spirit insects form various formations.

"This worm formation is really good. Fortunately, my formation method is not bad, otherwise I really can't understand it."

Li Qingyin looked at the unhatched gold-thirsty ants not far away, and couldn't help laughing. If there were a lot of these spirit insects, they would definitely be terrifying. Even Nascent Soul monsters would be afraid.


The eggs of the gold-loving ants began to break, and from time to time gold-loving ants crawled out of the broken eggs.

"Huh? About to hatch?"

Li Qingyin looked at them with a smile on her face. This gold-thirsty ant is a spirit insect that is even more terrifying than the golden cicada, unless the ancient six-winged golden cicada is a heterogeneous species.

Seeing a few golden worms crawling out of a few larger eggs, and they began to devour the gold-loving ants, Li Qingyin couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"No, isn't this a gold-loving ant? This, is this..."

Chapter 165 Li Qinglong's Chance

"This turned out to be a gold-thirsty bug, the legendary ancient alien species of gold-thirsty bug, this, how is this possible?"

"However, it's mine now, hehehe, as long as these little babies are cultivated, they will definitely become my biggest help."

Seeing more and more gold addicts crawling out of the eggs, Li Qingyin looked overjoyed, and then quickly pinched the formula, and began to connect with the gold addicts.

Not long after, she became connected with the gold-thirsty worm, who was devouring the gold-thirsty ants and egg shells. When she glanced at Li Qingyin, Li Qingyin felt an intimate feeling in her mind.

"Little babies, you have to be obedient, grow up quickly, and then help sister deal with the enemy."

Just imagine, even Nascent Soul cultivators would be afraid of hordes of gold-thirsty ants, but what about gold-thirsty ants with higher bloodlines than them?

The gold worms made a "hissing" sound, and then continued to devour the gold ants and egg shells. They ate very fast, and so many gold ants and eggs were swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

"There are more than a hundred gold addicts. It won't be long before I can have an army of gold addicts. As long as I have enough resources, with their growth rate, I will definitely improve my cultivation quickly."

The natal spirit worm has a close relationship with her cultivation base, as long as the spirit worm's cultivation level continues to rise, her realm will also be the same, and as long as the worm cultivator maintains his original heart, it doesn't matter if his heart is not high.

Li Qingyin grabbed a gold bug, touched it, and felt that their bodies were very hard. After a little effort, the gold bug still didn't respond.

Finally, when the mana of the Foundation Establishment Realm was used to bless it, the gold addicts felt pain, and Li Qingyin couldn't help but click her tongue. These hundred or so little things are just first-level top-grade spirit insects.


On the deserted island, after Li Qingyang recovered from his injuries, he began to look for Emperor Li Ming. He didn't know where Emperor Li Ming had gone, so he would look for him in all directions, as long as it was a city.

Qianyuan Island Fangshi, Li Qingyang landed, his figure flashed, he joined Fangshi directly, and then searched in Fangshi.

Half a day later, he quickly flew out of Fangshi again, with an anxious look on his face, obviously no trace of Emperor Li Ming was found.

Next, Li Qingyang searched from one city to another, even the deserted islands between the cities, but there was no sign of Emperor Li Ming.

At this moment, news came from Li Yihua that there was a new movement from the Ghost Clan, and that there would be a lot of ghost troops and ghost generals dispatched this time.

Li Qingyang knew that the situation was urgent, and he could not continue looking for it. He murmured: "Emperor Ming, you have to take good care of yourself. After the disaster of the family is over, uncle will come to you again and wait for me."


On Fenglei Island, Li Qinglong's eyes were firm, and he stepped into the Gangfeng area, and the Gangfeng instantly blew on his body, making him shiver.

The strong wind did not cut any scars on Li Qinglong's body, but his body was a little white. It seems that a third-level physical cultivation can walk in this strong wind.

As he continued to go deeper, the wind became stronger and stronger, but for him it was the best way to temper his body. Li Qinglong's physical cultivation had just broken through to the third level, and these winds could just stabilize.

With the continuous tempering of Gangfeng, Li Qinglong couldn't help laughing: "In this case, I'm a little weak, at least I have to condense the body of wind and thunder."

"However, if this is the case, this cultivation method will need to be modified, but I don't know if I, who have the body of the wind and thunder, can match the speed of the sixth child's wind and thunder wings."

"Whether it is comparable or not, as long as Fenglei's body is fully developed, both attack power and speed will increase a lot, so keep going."

As he continued to move forward, the gang wind became stronger and stronger, and Li Qinglong was struggling more and more, but when he felt that he was almost at the limit, he stopped.

Sitting cross-legged on the spot, he slowly sorted out his body tempering exercises. In fact, the body tempering exercises and so on were all deduced from the most basic, and now they are just constantly improving, so that the body has the power of wind and thunder.

As he practiced, the thunder and fire from outside kept pouring into his body, and the strong wind also kept entering his body.

In this way, Li Qinglong's body became like a lair of Leihuo and Gangfeng, and a steady stream of Gangfeng and Leihuo got into it.

From a distance, Li Qinglong looked like a black hole, devouring the energy of wind and thunder.

The middle level of the third level of physical training, the top level of the third level of physical training, the peak level of the third level of physical training, the limit of the third level of physical training, suddenly, the realm of physical training is stuck here.

The wind and thunder energy outside has not weakened, and it still continuously enters the body, and the magic power in the body slowly possesses the power of wind and thunder.

Then all the mana began to be compressed, and slowly transformed into wind and thunder mana, which continued to increase.

Moreover, Li Qinglong's body was surrounded by a large amount of wind and thunder power, as if he had become the god of wind and thunder.

Those wind and thunder forces suddenly began to gather, and then formed two huge monster images behind him, looking from a distance, they looked like two monstrous monsters.

On Fenglei Island, the Fenglei Beast King who was training suddenly woke up, and looked in the direction of Leihuogu, his eyes widened involuntarily.

"This is, the Sky Wind Beast and the Thunder Fire Beast, no, it's the Ancient Wind Beast and the Ancient Thunder Fire Beast. How did he do it? Although the Ancient Wind Beast and the Thunder Beast are not comparable to the Ancient Sky Wind Beast and the Thunder Fire Beast, but It is also extremely powerful.”

"Forget it, don't think too much about it, it's not surprising that this kid did anything, well, my cultivation is not far from the peak of Tier [-], continue to practice."

Shaking his head, he continued to lie down and go to sleep. Although the other third-order wind and thunder beasts not far away had doubts, they didn't investigate further, lying lazily on the spot.

Fenglei Island, the residence of the Li family, Li Qinghe and others looked at Leihuogu with shock in their eyes, as if there was no one else except their Patriarch Li Qinglong.

Li Qing'ao said in surprise: "Third brother, is this really made by the head of the family? Well, it's so powerful."

Li Qinghe said: "Yes, big brother's cultivation has increased again, we can't fall behind, Qing Ao, Qing Ning, you have good talents, you have to work hard to cultivate."

Li Qingao and Li Qingning replied: "Don't worry, third brother, we will work hard."

Li Qingning, a single line of golden spirit roots, that is, metallic heavenly spirit roots, is a rising star of the family, and has now reached the foundation building stage.

Li Qingao, with dual spiritual roots, golden and fire dual spiritual roots, practiced the Skyfire Purple Gold Art, but he has not found the correct cultivation method, and he is in the late stage of foundation establishment.

There are a few more foundation-building monks in the Fenglei Li family than before, and with the original ones, there are already eleven, which is not a lot, but for a Zifu family, this kind of combat power is just right.

Li Qingyao nodded and said: "Don't be afraid of training resources, the family has a lot of alchemists, and there are only two at the second level. I will do my best to help you cultivate."

Li Qingao and the two nodded, the family resources were all tilted towards them, the main reason was to let the family have two more Zifu monks to lighten Li Qinglong's burden.

Li Qinghe and others are not qualified. Although Li Qinghe has reached the late stage of foundation establishment, there is still no hope for Zifu, and he will need more Zifu pills when he can't tell.

There are not many Purple Mansion Pills in the family, only three. If he is not more than [-]% sure, he will not choose to open up the Purple Mansion.

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