Citizens have the freedom to believe in a certain god, and also have the freedom not to believe in a certain god, even the gods cannot take it away.If the gods come here, the local authority of Port Fesso also guarantees this right for it.

When drafting, Ke Mengchao asked a question, not to the two envoys of Cambistine, but to Locke: "Do you think that the people of the Sea God Clan have the freedom not to believe in the Sea God, or have the freedom not to believe in the Sea God?" ?"

Locke replied: "Yes, of course!" So Ke Mengchao wrote it.

According to this principle, another more important regulation is derived: Any person or organization that establishes a religious institution in Port Fiso must not violate the principle of freedom. The prohibited content of the teaching is as follows——

[-]. To threaten, intimidate, slander, belittle or vilify those who do not believe in the gods of the religion.

[-]. Obstruct and prohibit believers from no longer believing in the gods of this religion, and threatening, intimidating, slandering, belittling or vilifying them.

[-]. Citizens of Xuanyang must believe in the gods of this religion, otherwise they will be retaliated and punished.

[-]. Call and encourage believers, attack or discriminate against non-believers.

[-]. Other circumstances that violate the principle of freedom.

For any organization to set up a religious institution in Port Fiso, the teachings it preaches must be reviewed by the management department, and the preaching can be approved if it does not violate the above regulations.This provision is only for the public establishment of religious institutions, and their scriptures and teachings must be reviewed, and it does not interfere with personal belief choices.

Ke Mengchao wrote very quickly and finished his work.While he was writing, Locke was translating. After the "principle of freedom", he stipulated the "principle of equality", "principle of anti-discrimination", and "principle of anti-superstition", which can be regarded as an extension and supplement to the principle of freedom.

The so-called principle of equality not only refers to the equality between religious denominations whose teachings conform to the regulations, but also the equality between believers and non-believers.

The principle of anti-discrimination further refines various prohibited sexual acts.For example, as long as an organization is established to preach, its public teachings must allow the public, including believers and non-believers, to interpret and judge.

As for the anti-superstition principle, it does not mean that a certain belief is superstition, but a series of specific regulations, such as no one can claim to be a god, no one can claim that only he represents the will of the gods, no one can use deception or Coercion means to make others believe in a certain god.

At the end of the draft, it is emphasized again that if the gods come to the world, no matter which gods they are, they will also enjoy the same rights as the citizens of Port Fiso and abide by the same regulations.

At this time, Pi Dan whispered: "Ridiculous mortal."

Ke Mengchao was not angry when he heard it, and said calmly, "We are all ridiculous mortals, and these are the rules made by mortals."

Pidan: "Should the teachings preached by Cambistine also be reviewed by the local management of Port Fiso?"

Ke Mengchao shook his head and said, "Of course the teachings that Cambistine preaches in Cambistine are not under the jurisdiction of Port Fiso. But to openly set up an institution to preach here, you must abide by the religious management regulations of Port Fiso."

Pidan: "How do you know that these regulations are reasonable?"

Ke Mengchao smiled: "We can argue that logically speaking, it must be reasonable. For example, if it is unreasonable, how can you preach among the Sea Gods?"

Pidan wanted to say something more, but Brexi shook his head slightly at him, signaling him not to dwell on this topic any more.

But Lian Na interjected: "If the gods come here... But don't forget, the gods have supernatural powers!"

Ke Mengchao asked back: "You also have the power of magic! This is the same as everyone's knowledge, ability, and skill. It is your advantage, your enjoyment, your capital, your detachment and great freedom.

If the god you believe in comes to the world, does it not have the freedom to believe in whom or not to believe in, does it also obey your will to believe in itself? "

Chapter 178

In the backyard of the grocery store, Yue Gaole suddenly laughed.

Hua Zhenxing wondered, "Is it so funny?"

Yue Gaole waved his hand and said: "Don't talk to me, let me laugh for a while!" After a long time, he stopped laughing and said, "I just think it's so interesting! This draft obviously refers to Dongguo's regulations. But it’s stricter than Dongguk’s regulations.”

Hua Zhenxing: "It must be strict, because once some things have taken root and sprouted, and there are fait accomplis, the cost of remediation will be too high. If you can strictly stipulate the regulations from the beginning, it is best to do so, and you will avoid a lot of troubles in the future. disaster.

The situation here is very special. People's world view is very chaotic, and they believe in all kinds of messy things, but these have not yet affected their values ​​or judgments in daily life.People don't care about ghosts and gods, that's not what they care about most. "

In Hua Zhenxing's view, the reason why such a draft can be formulated is because Feisuo Port has the conditions to implement it. Although people here believe in various gods and witchcraft, they are basically not popular, and secular life has not yet been ruled by various people. Infiltration of religious organizations.

Therefore, it is necessary to promulgate and implement this draft as soon as possible. If it is changed to another place, the provisions in this draft may not be so easy to implement, and it will take a lot of money to implement it.

Yue Gaole asked again: "What do you want to achieve by implementing such a policy?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You might as well put it another way. What do we not want? There are too many conflicts in this world. How did they provoke them? Fiso Port is too small, too poor, and too chaotic. I can't afford such a toss.

You have clearly learned the lesson, so why make the same mistakes and take those detours?A minefield that someone has already waded through, just avoid it, this is not a policy specifically against Cambistine.

As things stand, any decree should be discussed from three aspects: rationality, necessity, and feasibility.About the lawyer, do you think there is a problem? "

What Ke Mengchao said just now was mainly about the rationality of the content of the draft, but now Hua Zhenxing explained the necessity and feasibility.

Yue Gaole blinked his eyes and said: "No problem, I think it's no problem too! In fact, in my opinion, this is to protect people's rights, and they can choose what they believe in, what they entrust, and what they realize.

The laws and decrees enacted by man serve man himself, even if it is related to God, it does not serve God.The so-called temples are all built for people, and where there are no people, of course there are no temples, and God does not need these. "

Hua Zhenxing asked curiously again: "Master Yue Gaole, how do you view God?"

Jokole put his right hand on his chest: "I have been with God, I have walked with God, I have been in chains, and I have been redeemed."

These words made Hua Zhenxing a little confused, he was stunned for a while before he said: "Your experience is quite complicated! So now?"

Yue Gaole seemed to answer the question out of question: "Now? This is the way of understanding the world and the world." Then he looked at Hua Zhen as he walked. "If God came to the world, it should be very simple. I don't think you can do it. You think too much."

Hua Zhenxing said with a smile: "You want to say that I am colorful?"

Yue Gaole laughed again: "You are a bit of a fool, who taught you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "My lord taught me!"

Yue Gaole: "You answered a lot of questions today. It's unimaginable that a child who has never gone to school actually said it."

Hua Zhenxing: "Although I haven't been to school, it's not that I haven't learned something, and it's not that I haven't been taught."

Yue Gaole: "You are not surprised by the regulations drafted by Mr. Ke. You even said what he didn't say. Is this what you mean?"

Hua Zhenxing: "This is what I mean. If I were asked to draft it, it would be the same content."

Yue Gaole: "It turns out that Boss Hua is the boss behind the new alliance. He is the driving force behind all the changes here. Disrespect, disrespect!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Didn't Mr. Yue know about it a long time ago, otherwise why would you come to me today? You must not be the boy who came to the grocery store!"

Yue Gaole: "You are smart, you guessed right! I know your identity, but please rest assured, I will not reveal it, and please keep it a secret for me. In fact, being a big capitalist is quite comfortable. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I am the biggest capitalist here."

Yue Gaole actually laughed again: "You are simply too shameless!"

This sentence seemed to have some meaning, Hua Zhenxing was not angry, but replied solemnly: "My face is not important."

In the lounge of Jin Dian Xing, the "Draft for the Management of Religious Affairs in Port Fiso" has been drawn up, and Brexi didn't bother about anything, and only said that it will be discussed after the release of relevant regulations in Port Fiso.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that according to the content of this draft, if the teachings of Cambistine were not revised, it would be impossible to set up a church here.However, revising the doctrine seems to split into another sect, which will be regarded as heresy by fundamentalists, so don't touch this issue again.

It was not that easy to set up a sanctuary. The reason why he made this proposal was to win over Locke to gain benefits and expand influence. Since it is not feasible, let it go, and there is no loss anyway.

He thought for a while and then said: "Actually, there are three envoys of Cambistine, and an Ode magician was detained by the police here because of his impulsive behavior. He should be responsible for some things. "

Locke: "If there is anything else, just say it."

Brecy: "It's an investigation involving your good friend, Lord Rothschild. Lord Rothschild established a Vitality Club in Brussels. The members are all celebrities and dignitaries. In the club, he taught the 'vitality cultivation and enhancement technique' .

Some people in the Cambist Court believe that this is an unauthorized way to teach divine magic publicly, while others believe that Lord Rothschild is using divine magic to seek improper interests in the world, and he has not been formally sworn by a magician .

As far as we know, Lord Rothschild himself was not a magician, and the secret arts he taught could not have been created by himself.Based on your relationship with him, someone thinks that you taught him privately. Is there such a thing? "

Lian Na replied first: "You said it is the nourishing magic technique? I am also a member of the Vitality Club and have learned it. But as far as I know, this is not Cambistine's magic at all, nor is it any kind of magic. , and has nothing to do with Locke.

Lord Rothschild should have learned it here. It has become very popular in Port Fiso, and many people are practicing it.Presumably Lord Rothschild felt that it had the effect of exercising the body and mind, so he passed it on to his friends. "

Blahy: "Do you know where it came from, who taught it?"

Ke Mengchao said: "I know about this. Yuan Yang has been widely spread here. And I've heard people who practice it mention it. It's hard to say the specific occasion. It is said that a person named Xu Zihua first summed it up. And sorted it out. If you want to investigate, go investigate this person."

Locke frowned and said, "Someone went to investigate Rothschild because of this?"

Blaise: "As far as the current situation is concerned, Lord Rothschild has no problem, and you have nothing to do with this matter. Inside Cambistine, everyone has different opinions on this.

Please rest assured that I will directly report the results of the investigation to His Majesty Ting Zong, and it will not have any adverse effects on you or your friends.The Vitality Club is just a small private circle, so it doesn't matter if it is their internal hobbies.

Although this kind of nourishing technique is not the magical technique of Cambistine, it is taught on a large scale here. The people who are taught cannot be monitored at any time without inspection and assessment. It may also cause serious adverse effects. I hope Your Excellency will pay attention to it . "

Locke pondered: "If there are any adverse effects and I find that it does more harm than good, I will definitely pay attention to it, and I will try my best to suggest rectification."

In the backyard of the grocery store, Jogale shook his head and said, "This Brexi, he's lying! As far as I know, Gambisting has already investigated the Vitality Club, and Tingzong has come to a conclusion.

Yangyuanshu is not Cambistine's magic, nor does it involve the use of any specific magic methods. It is just a pure physical and mental cultivation, and there is no suspicion of black magic.

What Rothschild did has nothing to do with Cambistine. Unless there is some unexpected situation that causes social harm, there is no need to pursue this matter, just keep paying attention. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Then why did he lie?"

Yue Gaole: "He didn't have any malicious intentions, but a little selfishness. He was reminding Locke of such a thing, and at the same time he was showing favor to Locke, making Locke think that he helped settle the matter.

In fact, Cambistine is more interested in who is spreading these things across borders and for what purpose? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Over the boundary?"

Yue Gaole looked into his eyes and said, "What do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing: "In many places in ancient times, only priests mastered writing, and commoners were not allowed to learn writing privately. Today, is it only the Cambistine who masters divine arts, and without permission, ordinary people are not allowed to teach or learn divine arts privately?" ? Is that what you mean by crossing the line?"

Jogale said calmly: "Gambisting used to have a similar regulation. Without permission, it is not allowed to privately teach or learn divine arts. There is indeed a faction within Gambisting, who has always wanted to resume the implementation of this law. stipulated and strictly enforced.

But the times have changed, and the magic has been passed down for a long time. It must be admitted that many places are beyond the jurisdiction of Cambistine.Today's Gambisting implements a system of registration and reporting and responsibility supervision.

We will not interfere with the magic master's teaching of magic, but we have to know who he taught it to and why, so that if there is an unexpected situation, we will not be unable to react in time.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. Cambistine is now a sacred place recognized by magicians and the source of various magic arts, so it must take its due responsibilities.

I know that Locke taught you and that young girl priest of the Sea God tribe the magic arts, but that happened before he accepted the registration management of Cambistine, and you are not pure magicians, so Cambistine will not pursue Locke's responsibility .

But if you use magic to endanger society, Locke is responsible, he is obliged to stop it, and Cambistine will also pursue it.Because it is difficult for ordinary people to investigate such things clearly, this is the rationality and necessity you just mentioned.

The example you give of words and priests is actually a kind of sophistry, because you yourself know that no one has absolute freedom.I heard that the New Alliance has banned guns in the port of Fiso. Why do you not allow civilians to privately manufacture and sell arms?

Even in modern society, there are a lot of knowledge and skills that cannot be taught openly without restriction and without supervision. Those who learn it must obey certain regulations and management, especially those who teach them.

I won't give other examples, such as lockpicking training courses, you can understand.You are also a Kunlun monk, and the transmission of the secret method of Kunlun practice also has its rules and restrictions.

You should be clear that if an ordinary person does not have the guidance and control of a teacher, he can practice the secret method blindly there, and if he fails to practice it, it will be fine. If there is any deviation, it may bring consequences to himself and the people around him.

That's what I mean by crossing the line. Hasn't Boss Hua thought about it? "

Chapter 179 Consulting

Hua Zhenxing did not refute what Yue Gaole said, because what he said was indeed reasonable, and he used the logic that Hua Zhenxing had just said.

Hua Zhenxing thought for a while before answering: "Mr. Yue, thank you!" This was the second time he thanked him today, and the first time was because Yue Gaole taught him the secret technique of circular light mirror.

Yue Gaole: "Why do you want to thank me again?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I've actually thought about the problem you mentioned a long time ago. I'm not very clear about Cambistine's policy, but someone told me about Kunlun monk's scatter precepts a long time ago.

But I haven't considered it too maturely, I only have a rough outline.Because my own cultivation level is still very low, and I don’t have many conditions for publicizing Yangyuanshu, so I didn’t think too much about it. Maybe I’m being lazy. "

Yue Gaole interjected: "At your age, your cultivation level is not low! And as far as I know, you are not lazy at all. You are not only diligent but also have many things to do."

Hua Zhenxing: "You came today as a wake-up call to me, and you also gave me good advice. It's like telling me what to do if I want to publicly promote Yuan Yang."

Yue Gaole stared and said: "Publicly promote the Yangyuan technique? Sure enough, the source is from you!"

Hua Zhenxing: "There is nothing I can't admit to what I have done. I taught Dr. Luo's cultivation of vitality. I also taught Locke and the people of the Sea God tribe. I am planning to promote it among the high-level executives of Huanxiang Industry. .

I think you should be clear about the difference between the so-called Dao, Dharma, and Art. Although Yangyuan Art is called an art, it is actually a method of self-cultivation. You can also use it as radio gymnastics or meditation, and it does not involve any supernatural powers. ..."

Jogale interrupted him and said: "Gambistine got the content of Nourishing Soul Technique taught by Rothschild, organized a group of great magicians to analyze it, and the conclusion reached is consistent with what you said, so there is no Keep chasing, just stay tuned.

For the group of people in the Vitality Club, it's okay to practice Yuanshu as a hobby, at most, they can adjust their bodies for comfort.If someone really achieves it, Cambistine will follow up.

When analyzing Nourishing Yuan Technique, I also came to three conclusions.The first is that it completely demystifies and does not involve any beliefs, not even the content of immortality advocated by Kunlun monks.

The second is not to consider any specific operation, while reducing the side effects, even if you can't break through the realm, it won't cause obvious physical and mental harm.

The third is to formulate a clear grading assessment standard. Whether it is a traditional magician or a monk, such an assessment standard is ridiculous and unnecessary.How can one not know one's self when one's realm is reached, and one has to designate a craft specifically?

But after watching the Nourishing Yuan Technique, I realized that it is necessary for it.Since Yangyuanshu itself does not pursue the use of techniques, how can outsiders be allowed to evaluate the realm?It seems that you have also thought of a lot of ways, whether it is reasonable or not, at least there is a standard. "

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "You are so expert! I plan to issue grade certificates."

Yue Gaole was amused again, and this time he almost burst into tears. It took a long time before he patted his chest and said: "Since ancient times, I have never heard of issuing grade certificates to monks. How can there be such a need! This qualification?"

Hua Zhenxing also laughed: "It's a bit funny, but I'm serious. I'll either issue a cultivation certificate to monks, or a certificate of Yangyuanshu level. In the future, registration management will be implemented, and there will be corresponding benefits!

In my plan, when the national education system in Port Fiso is established, it will be included in the compulsory education curriculum of secondary schools.After your reminder, I think it is time to formulate an effective management system. "

Yue Gaole was startled, and opened his mouth several times before asking back: "What did you say! I heard it right, right? You want it included in the compulsory education curriculum?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You mentioned the Vitality Club just now, and you think that it doesn't matter if those people can't practice well. The big deal is to recuperate the body and comfort the spirit. If someone really achieves success in practice, Cambistine will intervene in time to guide.

I can learn from this idea. I think I can refer to Gambisting’s registration and reporting and responsibility supervision system for magicians. Wait a minute... I’ll get a pen and paper and draw up a management regulation on the spot draft. "

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