Who is Locke?He is Lord Avaji Fulgan, a widely acclaimed philanthropist, the owner of a foundation worth tens of billions of dollars, and the direct successor of the Fulgan family.

Brexi and Pidan are just two magicians sent by Cambistine to be in charge of communication. Will they come here to offend people like Locke when they are full?

Cambistine didn't know what happened ten years ago, but did he know what happened this year?You, the person involved, didn't tell them, even I just found out!

And even if they know the inside story, who can tell if Locke is right?Locke is not only innocent and irresponsible, but more importantly, he is in charge of the Forgan Foundation.

Such a rich man, a great philanthropist, a direct descendant of the Templar Knights, and a magician, is a rare resource for Cambistine.

Locke's current identity is almost a wild magician.This description may not sound very good, but I can't find a more suitable title, because he has never established any contact with Cambistine.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't contact Gambisting. Gambisting can send someone to contact him. From the perspective of responsibility, tell him the code of conduct for magicians and incorporate it into Gambisting's registration management system.

From a personal point of view, who wouldn't want to befriend such a person? "

Hua Zhenxing opened his mouth and said after a few seconds: "What you said is too reasonable, I was led astray by you just now... Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the case.

But in this way, I am even more confused. Since I came to find Locke to contact him, why did the Ode magician hide in the detention center? "

Yue Gaole: "Gambestine is a group organization. It is impossible to have only one consciousness, let alone a monolithic organization. There are also various factions inside. If you look at the Forgan Foundation back then, isn't it also very complicated?

What Mr. Gu thinks, I actually don't know very well.There is only one thing I can tell you, although Brexi is the head of these three magicians, Gu Wentong is the one with the highest cultivation level.

The person in charge of leading the team this time is Blaise, and if there are any benefits and credits, they should all belong to him.But after all, they came with a mission, and they might offend people here in some aspects, such as you.

At that time, Gu Wentong may be the one who will be responsible, so I guess, Gu Wentong should simply stay out of the matter. "

Hua Zhenxing: "How high is Gu Wentong's cultivation?"

Yue Gaole: "Boss Hua is also an expert, so he should know that this kind of question is hard to answer. But as far as I know, he thinks he will soon become a great magician."

Hua Zhenxing: "As long as he doesn't make trouble in the detention center, he will be ignored for the time being. According to what you said just now, Brexi and Pidan may still offend people here?"

Yue Gaole: "They are here on behalf of Cambistine, and of course they are willing to have a good relationship with Locke from a personal point of view, but as I said just now, there are different factions in Cambistine, and they may have given them different tasks.

Do you want to know what they are talking about?If it is allowed, can I perform a magic spell here? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Didn't you say just now that you will not take the initiative to perform magic?"

Yue Gaole: "It's always okay to be passive, right? In Boss Hua's yard, I used it at the request of Boss Hua. I didn't use it to deal with anyone, it was just for demonstration. And strictly speaking, what I want to use is not a god. It’s not a spell, but a spell learned in the Eastern Kingdom.”

Hua Zhenxing's appetite was really whetted, he nodded and said, "Then you can try it!"

Yue Gaole turned sideways, raised his finger and drew a circle in the air on the side, and a "screen" appeared a few meters away in front of the two of them.

The screen is just a forced metaphor. An area shows the image of Locke, and it seems that a hole has been dug in the space. The other side of the hole is connected to the reception room of Jindianhang, where a group of people are sitting and talking. .

Someone in the reception room looked up immediately, as if they had seen through this "screen", and their eyes fell on Hua Zhenxing and Yue Gaole, it was Ke Mengchao.

There were five people in the reception room of Jin Dian Xing. Brexi, Pi Dan, Locke, and Lian Na were divided into guests and hosts, and Ke Mengchao was also present, and sat in the chief seat.

Ke Mengchao should have been present as the executive director of Huanxiang Industrial. After all, when Feng Zibin was away, he was in charge of the daily work of Huanxiang Industrial.

Seeing Ke Fuzi appearing over there, Hua Zhenxing was inexplicably uncomfortable.The two magicians ran to look for Locke, and Ke Fuzi went to support him, while Yue Gaole ran to look for him, but old man Yang hid somewhere.

If old man Yang hadn't said something with his divine sense, Hua Zhenxing felt that he was really overwhelmed today.

When Ke Fuzi looked over, Hua Zhenxing couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yue, is your detection spell one-way or two-way? Could it really open up the space?"

Yue Gaole: "It's just watching a live broadcast, how can it be so exaggerated! This is one-way, we can observe them, but they can't see us."

Hua Zhenxing: "Someone seems to have noticed it over there, and just took a look at it."

Yue Gaole: "Is Boss Hua referring to Director Ke? An expert like him, when observed by your consciousness, will naturally respond."

Hua Zhenxing: "This technique is called circular light mirror?"

Yue Gaole: "Yes, I studied in Dongguo."

Hua Zhenxing: "Who did you learn from?"

Yue Gaole: "I didn't learn it from anyone. I saw a person perform it. I went back and thought about it myself."

Hua Zhenxing: "Have you been to Dongguo too?"

Yue Gaole: "I have stayed there for a long time."

Hua Zhenxing: "Why didn't you write it in your resume?"

Yue Gaole turned to look at him and said, "We are meeting for the first time today, how could Boss Hua have seen my resume?"

Hua Zhenxing slipped his tongue, and simply changed the topic and said, "Who have you seen used it?"

Yue Gaole withdrew his gaze: "I won't mention this anymore... Are you interested in circular light mirrors? I'll teach you how to do it!"

Following the voice, a divine thought was transmitted to Hua Zhenxing's primordial spirit, the content of which was the inheritance of the spell "Circle Light Mirror".In the haste, Hua Zhenxing didn't have time to enter into meditation, but he already understood its general mystery.

With his current cultivation in the four realms, he still can't perform it as wonderfully as Yue Gaole... It is roughly the reach of his consciousness and the appearance of the void, but it consumes a lot of mana.

Hua Zhenxing also has a feeling that this spell is very suitable for Manman to practice, but he has not yet mastered the means of divine sense, and it is a bit difficult to transfer it to Manman.

Hua Zhenxing: "Thank you!"

Yue Gaole: "Reciprocity is reciprocal! Actually, you don't need to tell me about the Forgan Foundation. Since I tempted you to ask, how can I ask for nothing? I didn't bring a wallet when I went out today, so I will teach you this technique.

In fact, you should also be able to detect divine arts, especially the puppet eye art. It is not difficult to see these at a high level.But I have been using it all these years, and I still feel that this hand of round light is the most convenient way for others to see it at the same time. "

Hua Zhenxing praised sincerely: "Yes, it is really convenient, just like watching a live broadcast!"

Both of them turned sideways, watching the conversation in the reception room of Jin Dian Hang side by side.

Chapter 173 The Magician Database

The conversation in the reception room has been going on for a long time.

Brexi and Pidan came to visit and behaved in accordance with traditional etiquette. They first showed their identities, and expressed their concern and condolences to the recent changes in the Fulgan Foundation on behalf of Cambistine and His Majesty Tingzong.

Then the two expressed their admiration for Lord Fulgan's noble charitable deeds, and presented in person the commendation document personally signed by Emperor Tingzong, which was Cambistine's compliment to the noble magician.

Locke took it respectfully according to the etiquette, expressing both gratitude and humility.Brecy and Pidan also expressed their respects to Mr. Locke in their own names. In short, it was all kinds of compliments and praises.

Next, the two magicians told Locke and Friars Fulgrim that as long as there is any need here, Cambistine will try its best to provide all kinds of help.If Brother Fulgrim encounters any difficulties in the future, he can also ask Cambistine for help.

From a personal perspective, this is the main purpose of Blahy and Pidan's trip.They are the envoys of Cambistine, and they gave Locke various hints and indications on this occasion. If Locke needs any help from Cambistine, they will try their best to create convenience.

There is a saying in the Eastern Kingdom that "someone in the court is easy to handle", and what they want to play is the role of "the man in the court". Because Locke has not had any contact with Cambisting so far, this gave the two of them a chance.

They are willing to serve as Locke's close collaborators within Cambistine and help Locke with affairs.The reason for seeking benefits for Locke in this huge organization is also logical-out of respect for Lord Fulgan!

If this kind of relationship is established, then the great philanthropist and rich man, Mr. Locke, will certainly not treat them badly.Brexi is very fortunate that this time he came to the Port of Fiso to meet with Locke, and it really caught up with a good time.

If it were replaced by the Fulgan Foundation not long ago, when Frick was in charge, there was no shortage of internal resources and no external threats. He did not need the so-called help of Cambisting, because that would mean that his internal affairs would also be affected. Interference, they only maintain nominal respect for Gambisting.

But today's Fulgan Foundation has just undergone major changes, and the group of magicians headed by Frick has been completely destroyed, leaving only two kittens, Locke and Lianna.

One is an alternative dude who never cares about business and only cares about going to the Black Desolate Continent to do charity, and the other is a high-class socialite who doesn't care about business.

If they still want to preserve the inheritance and strength of the Fulgrim Brothers, and thus stably control the Fulgrim Foundation behind the scenes, they will definitely need some external help.

The Fulgrim Brotherhood is now in a worrying situation. This long-established divine art inheritance group is even in danger of being wiped out, but they are still very strong in other aspects, such as economic strength.

In fact, in the registration and management of Gambisting, there are also many small families who are suffering. The population is sparse and the inheritance is worrying. I have never seen Brexi with such enthusiasm. warmth.

Bracy still secretly thanked the well-informed Jogale for introducing him to such a good job.When Yue Gaole opened the round light mirror, the talks had almost reached this stage, and the host and guest were talking happily.

Faced with Brexi's enthusiasm, Locke politely stated that if it was really necessary in the future and what happened was related to Cambistine, he would take the initiative to contact Cambistine.

At this point in the conversation, the atmosphere is a bit delicate. Locke is similar to Frick at the beginning, and even more alienated than Frick.

He only maintained an attitude of recognition and respect for Cambistine, but he didn't want to have an overly close relationship. He neither needed Cambistine's help, nor did he want Cambistine to intervene in the affairs of the Forgan Brotherhood.

Today is the first time for Locke to deal with Cambistine, but he is different from Hua Zhenxing. He already knew the existence of Cambistine when he was studying with Mr. Dawson in his early years, and he knew more about it.

What's more, after Brexi came to the door today, he also gave a very detailed introduction, including the past and current situation, purpose and responsibilities of Cambistine, as well as the historical glory of the Forgan family and their relationship with Cambistine .

The reason why Locke received the two visitors according to the traditional etiquette of magicians, and accepted the order of commendation from Emperor Tingzong, was because he had to acknowledge this historical origin.

He was born in a family that inherited divine arts. The great magician of his ancestors was once a Templar of Cambistine, and the divine arts he practiced also originated from Cambestine.

Locke's attitude was actually seen by the two visiting magicians.

This is not surprising, they are not disappointed at all, because a "big man" like Locke who has power and wealth in his hands does not need to deliberately curry favor with anyone, not to mention that today is the first time with Gambi It is normal to have some reservations when dealing with Si Ting.

But in the future, when Brother Fulgrim will encounter problems and need help, he will know the usefulness of Cambistine.Their trip is first of all to establish contacts, communicate feelings, especially to establish a good relationship from a personal perspective.

Everything that should be said has been said, and all the retreat matters have been completed, but after all, they came with the responsibility of messengers, and then issued a formal "official" invitation.

It is said to be an invitation, but it is actually a requirement. All divine arts inheritance organizations related to Cambistine must be registered and managed. The behavior of magicians must be supervised by Cambistine and consciously abide by the corresponding guidelines.

In fact, the Forgan Foundation has been in the registration and management system of Cambistine for 300 years, but in the era when Frick was in power, this was only a nominal form.

According to the requirements of Cambistine, each magician must conduct a careful screening and inspection during the stage of selecting apprentices, and establish files of all apprentice magicians under his sect, including family background, conduct records, mentor comments, and reasons for selection, etc. The details are then submitted to the Cambisting archives.

When a trainee magician is promoted to a full-time magician, a formal and complete file must be established, including various background investigation materials, and even a blood sample must be submitted during the most stringent period in history.

But in modern times, especially for the divine arts inheritance families and groups other than Cambistine, this requirement has become less strict.

For example, when Locke was still studying under Mr. Dawson, he was already a third-level trainee magician, but Brother Fulgrim never submitted his file to Cambistine.

The usual way is to wait until he is promoted to a full-time magician, and then ask his mentor, Mr. Dawson, to make up for it.

So much so that after the accident happened to the Fulgan Foundation, Cambistine was also very confused. Where did another Avaji Fulgan appear?There is no record in the magician's file at all!

After inquiring, I found out that Avaji Fulgan, whose pseudonym was Locke, had only recently become an official magician, and the former head of the Fulgrim Brothers had not had time to report it.

Blahy's visit this time is not to investigate the Fulgan Foundation's previous management non-compliance issues, as long as there is a decent explanation, his first task is to re-manage the registration.

Locke did not refuse this request.He admitted that he was a magician, and also admitted that the Fulgan family's magic inheritance originated from Cambistine, and that Cambistine was qualified and necessary to control this information, let alone embarrass Brech and others.

Blank format file materials are brought, and can be registered on site.Blood samples are no longer required, but there are other, more modern records, such as fingerprints and facial recognition data.

Cambistine has mastered the largest and most complete magician archives and databases since ancient times. If something happens to a magician somewhere, Cambistine can identify it as quickly as possible.

Whether and how it will intervene is another matter.

A magician's file contains a lot of content, including family background, learning of magic arts, detailed resume, etc., and also includes the magic arts he is good at. Only the name is required, and no specific secret method is required.

Cambistine already has Lianna's registration file, and it is enough to reconfirm today. Only Locke needs to completely create a new file.The file looks very formal, but there is still one place that does not meet the requirements, which is the witness.

For example, if Locke became an official magician ten years ago, his witness should be Mr. Dawson.Mr. Dawson needs to fill in his reasons for teaching Locke's magic in the file, and leave comments on Locke's character and talent.

If Mr. Dawson was no longer alive at that time, Frick, the head of the Forgan Brothers, would do it for him.The witness is also a guarantor in a certain sense. If something happens to the magician, the witness will also bear the corresponding responsibility.

But where can Locke find a witness now, and who will write his evaluation?Lian Na is the only magician left in the Fulgan Foundation, and it is not suitable for Lian Na to write.

Faced with this embarrassing situation, Brexi filled in his name in the column of the witness, signed the deed of divine magic, and wrote an extremely praiseworthy evaluation for Locke.

Putting away the completed file, Brexi shook hands with Locke and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lord, for your cooperation, and welcome to bathe in the grace of God. If you have anything to do in the future, just contact me, and I will inform you as soon as I have any news." you."

Locke replied: "If you have a divine favor, you should be grateful; if you don't have a divine favor, don't ask for it; in this world, you should cultivate first and not be confused. In fact, I should thank you all the more. It is difficult for you to travel all the way!

Your Excellencies, you don't have to be polite, I am just submitting the information that should be registered as a magician today, because this is an unchangeable fact. "

These words made both Brexi and Pidan slightly discolored. As the magicians of Cambistine, how could they not understand the meaning, and they couldn't answer for a while.

Chapter 174 The Investigator

Jogale, who was sitting in front of the "screen" watching the "live broadcast", frowned slightly and said, "This is not something a person who is firm and devout in God should say."

Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but asked back: "Which thing did he say wrong?"

Yue Gaole smiled lightly: "I'm not saying that he is wrong in anything, but I'm describing a fact. In front of the emissary of Cambistine, where does he have the confidence?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Did you just sit there without looking at me, Uncle Ke?"

Yue Gaole: "Aren't you usually called Ke Fuzi?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Calling Master is out of respect, and calling Uncle looks close."

Yue Gaole: "Why offend Cambistine in order to please an expert?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Loke is not trying to please anyone, I believe he is telling the truth."

Yue Gaole: "He can choose not to say, such a smart person will not fail to understand. Boss Hua, do you understand why he is?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I don't understand, do you understand?"

In fact, Hua Zhenxing is also very puzzled, Locke is not a straightforward person, the fact is on the contrary, this fluffy head who has experienced a ten-year career as the boss behind the gangster scene is actually very shady, and he is not as low-key and honest as he appears on the surface.

Yue Gaole turned his head again and said: "He wants to draw a clear line from the beginning, so as not to cause misunderstandings. If he is vague now, it may be more difficult to deal with many things later."

Hua Zhenxing was quick to see through, then nodded and said: "It's not a sign. If you don't want it to happen at all, then don't even let it out.

Sometimes it seems unnecessary, but it is the way with the least cost.The so-called lack of outstanding achievements by those who are good at fighting is a state of inaction, because from the beginning, possible troubles in the future are avoided. "

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