For most of the residents of Port Fiso, such a major event with a wide range of implications does not seem to have any repercussions, and many people do not even know it happened.

Compared with the drastic changes that have taken place in this city recently, the arrest of a wealthy foreigner is nothing.

Hua Zhenxing, who had just participated in the negotiation and seen the world, was still a boy in the grocery store. After experiencing the near-miss arrest operation, he was slightly relieved, and returned to the grocery store that night. Very calm, but still very excited.

It was rare that old man Yang was at home at night, and he sat in the courtyard and glanced at him and said, "Every time you face a major event, you are calm, let alone this is not a major event, can't you calm down?"

Hua Zhenxing wondered, "Why am I not calm?"

Old man Yang's words were suspicious of being picky: "I think you're walking a bit erratically, your heels didn't touch the ground just now... It's been so long, have you completed the alchemy task?"

Well, Hua Zhenxing has to admit that his steps just now were a bit too brisk, and he has delayed the "Task Five" issued by the "system" for a long time, and he has been a little careless recently.

So that night, Hua Zhenxing honestly refined pure gold.After breaking through the four realms of cultivation, he found that his efficiency was much higher, and he could actually extract three kilograms of gold at a time.

On the other hand, the method of refining his spiritual consciousness has also changed or evolved. He feels that he can continue to process these pure golds. It is no longer ordinary gold.

This kind of perception is actually the basis of refining equipment, but Huazhenxing did not use gold to train its hands. The pure gold still has to be used as money. It is used to pay for the construction of the heavy oil power plant in installments. The refiner can be replaced with something else.

Refining three kilograms of pure gold in one hour, and recovering after exhaustion. If it were another person, he might feel tired and weak, but Hua Zhenxing was still full of energy and vitality after waking up the next morning. He has long been used to it.

Old man Yang was elusive, and he was nowhere to be seen in the grocery store.The Wuqi Chunrong Pill in the alchemy room is still being refined, and no one needs to watch it. Hua Zhenxing can't even be counted as a fire boy.

The nine alchemy furnaces and a folding fan seem to be alive, or have been programmed with some kind of automatic program. According to old man Yang's bragging, it is the "nine-turn purple gold furnace array" he arranged with the wind ring fan as the pivot. .

It is obviously a nine-mouth pot stove, but once this name is changed, it feels not only tall, but also magical.

Hua Zhenxing made breakfast for himself, then opened the door of the grocery store, but when he opened the door, he was startled and subconsciously stepped back.Because the lawyer Yokole was standing in front of the door, the noses of the two were only a foot away.

As a monk in the four realms, a mere door has long been unable to block Hua Zhenxing's senses, but he didn't notice the other party's existence before opening the door.Fortunately, his concentration was good, and the Yin Shen Spear didn't make a move, but just stared and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Yue Gaole smiled: "Didn't anyone tell you yesterday? Always be calm when you are faced with an important event! Since it is a business, you will be surprised when you open the door and see customers? You finally opened the door. I have been waiting for a long time. This is a grocery store , I just came to buy groceries."

Chapter 169 I Want To Do My Work

Hua Zhenxing was shocked again. How did Yue Gaole know what old man Yang said to him in the yard last night?

Thinking back carefully, old man Yang didn't show any supernatural powers at that time, he just had a very ordinary conversation, but people outside the yard should not be able to hear him, not to mention that Yue Gaole was at the police station, several kilometers away from here.

Looking carefully at Yue Gaole's appearance, his expression is peaceful and normal, and there is no abnormality in the rhythm of life.

He has blond half-length hair with a slightly curly curvature, blue irises, and three-dimensional facial features. It can be said that he is quite handsome, and his posture is very tall and straight, which can be regarded as personable.

When Hua Zhenxing opened the door and saw him, he was startled, but he kept smiling calmly and didn't care at all. He actually spoke fluent Dongguo, even with a slight accent of a certain local dialect.

How did Hua Zhenxing hear it?Although he has never been to Dongguo, among the employees of Huanxiang Industrial, some people speak with such an accent.

When escorting Rothschild away more than half a year ago, Hua Zhenxing was 1.7 meters tall, and now he has grown a lot taller, at least 1.8 meters three, and Yue Gaole is about the same height as him.

Yokole is wearing a casual shirt and loose linen trousers. It seems very casual. There is no trademark on the clothes, but judging from the materials, cutting and sewing workmanship, it is obviously worth a lot, even more than those so-called luxury goods. Big names are expensive.

He didn't have any extra accessories on him, no watches, rings, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks, bracelets... etc. His trouser pockets should be empty, and he didn't even bring his wallet and mobile phone. How can he buy things like this?

Seeing Hua Zhenxing's surprised look, Yue Gaole said again: "Boss Hua, what's wrong with you? Do you just stare at the customer when you come to the door? Fortunately, I am not a lady, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding."

Hua Zhenxing finally opened his mouth and said: "You are standing at the door, there is no need to put your face so close. I was shocked just now, but you can actually knock on the door! I am not the boss, but just a boy."

Yue Gaole: "I was rude, and I apologize to you! I admit that I planned to peek in through the crack of the door just now, but you suddenly opened the door... As for the boss, the boss is the one who has the final say. Obviously, now You should have the final say here."

This made Hua Zhenxing a little uncomfortable. He took a step back and let Yue Gaole in: "Please come in! What do you want to buy?"

Yue Gaole stepped into the door: "The so-called groceries are all-inclusive. I want to buy two things today. One is legal services with local characteristics, and the other is a bail procedure."

Hua Zhenxing asked back: "For legal services, you are a lawyer yourself. Why do you come to me? As for the bail procedures, you should go to the Public Security Bureau. Why are you here?"

Yue Gaole explained in a very sincere tone: "Although I am a lawyer, I am not a local lawyer. I don't have the qualifications to practice in Jili Kingdom.

My employer, Mr. Oldham, is a guest invited by Huanxiang Industry.You Huanxiang Industry has a legal department. Now that he has legal troubles, I think Huanxiang Industry should also provide corresponding help.

I have inquired about it, and the director of Huan Xiang Industrial's legal department is called Dong Zegang, who is the lawyer here. I want to hire him temporarily for the client.As for the bail procedures, to be honest, even the leaders of the Public Security Bureau here don't know what to do, because there is no time to formulate regulations. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Lawyer Dong, I can call him later, and you can talk to him yourself. As for the procedures for bail, even the Public Security Bureau has no regulations, so it's useless for you to come to me."

Yue Gaole said unhurriedly: "I once watched a Dongguo movie, and I was deeply impressed by a line in it, 'If you want an imperial decree, let's write him one'.

The Public Security Bureau has not formulated regulations yet, so please ask Boss Hua to formulate them.We can also invite lawyer Dong to discuss how to formulate it, and try to ensure that it is reasonable, reasonable and legal.

This place is still under the jurisdiction of Jili Kingdom, and it is also possible to follow the laws and regulations of Jili Kingdom. If you want how much bail, just give a number.From what I knew of Mr. Oldham, he would definitely try to jump bail and abscond. "

If these words were uttered on another occasion or by another person, they might be shocking.But Jogale's tone was very flat, and his expression was very calm. He was just telling a certain fact, and he even said that Oheim would definitely jump bail and abscond.

Hua Zhenxing was stunned before replying: "Mr. Yue Gaole, are you sure you are Oldheim's lawyer? Tell me in advance that he will abscond and want to release him on bail?"

Yue Gaole laughed again: "Looking at Boss Hua's reaction, he is indeed a person who has the final say, because what you are questioning is actually this issue, not others.

I only say this out of frankness, lest you would think I was his accomplice if he bailed and he absconded.

I'm just telling you what Mr. Oldheim will do, and if you know what he's going to do, he can't get away.I'm just performing my duties, and I can't take other people's consulting fees in vain.

You should have heard that I'm actually here to send money, and it's a big deal.When customers come to the door, does Boss Hua just stand and talk like this?Could you invite me to have a cup of tea in the back yard, and we can talk slowly.

I know you have a lot of doubts about me, otherwise you wouldn't have been performing healing spells on me with that little girl these two days.Although I am very healthy, I have to thank you for your care. "

These words made Hua Zhenxing blush, it was very interesting to ask Gao Le, Hua Zhenxing had never even met someone like him, and he said everything out of the way, but he still seemed very calm.

Hua Zhenxing and Manman secretly performed so many magical healing spells, trying to test each other's reactions, but they already knew it well, and today they came to "thank you" specially.This kind of thing is really embarrassing for whoever does it.

Invite Yue Gaole into the backyard, sit under the lychee tree, and make a pot of tea. Hua Zhenxing pours it for the other party first. I still feel a little dazed. Why did I invite him here? This lawyer Really unfathomable.

But Hua Zhenxing is not afraid either, he has never been afraid of anyone on his own territory, no matter how powerful Yue Gaole is, can he be better than the three old men?Even though old man Yang is not at home at the moment, he may come out unexpectedly when necessary.

This is Hua Zhenxing's confidence. It can also be said that old man Yang raised him a bit recklessly. Anyway, he invited him in for tea, and then asked: "Mr. Yue, are you also a magician?"

Since the other party spoke so bluntly, Hua Zhenxing didn't go around the bush anymore, and his address was very interesting, Yue Gaole itself was a surname, and he directly came up with an abbreviation, just like calling Rothschild Dr. Luo.

Yue Gaole held the teacup and said: "Of course I am a magician, but like you, I am not just a magician. I have learned a lot besides magic. For example, I am a lawyer now. degrees, certificates."

Hua Zhenxing: "May I ask how high your cultivation is?"

This is an impolite or even taboo sentence among strange monks.Those who are familiar with each other will know each other's cultivation level. When monks meet for the first time, they can only observe and judge. Unless the other party is willing to talk, it is not easy to ask questions.

Hua Zhenxing also knew this was important, but at the moment he was led astray by Yue Gaole, so he asked if he wanted to.

Yue Gaole replied with a smile: "When meeting for the first time, in a social situation, if you suddenly ask the other party what their education background is, it is out of style, and it is not an interview.

But I can tell you that I am a doctor of law. As for how high my cultivation level is, I can't say it, and I don't need to say it. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I was rude. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. You pretend I didn't ask, but why don't you have to say it?"

Yue Gaole: "Because when I came here, I didn't intend to use magic at all. As long as no one uses magic to deal with me, I can be regarded as an ordinary lawyer... This tea is good, thank you!"

He had already finished his cup of tea and handed over the empty cup in his hand.Hua Zhenxing poured another half of the glass for him, and asked for something to say: "According to your habits, it seems that you should invite me to drink a glass of wine. Why did you say you want to drink tea just now?"

Yue Gaole: "This is not just doing as the Romans do, but drinking as you please, because it's too much to drink when you get up early in the morning. Should you continue to sleep after drinking too much? Let's talk about gossip later, let's talk about business."

Hua Zhenxing: "What business is it?" For the first time in his life, he felt absurd about the word business.

Yue Gaole said solemnly: "The bail procedures of my employer, Mr. Oldham. There is no legal order in many places in Jili, but the legal provisions are still very complete. I believe that the Port of Fiso can also implement it. The leaders of your public security bureau are currently still there. Not very comfortable.

Mr Oldham has been charged with a serious offense of conducting numerous illegal drug tests without the knowledge of the test subjects.And based on what we've come to know about this guy, he's definitely going to try to jump bail and abscond.

For such a person, the amount of bail must be set so high that he will have to pay the price even if he jumps bail and absconds.Excuse me, this place of yours is still very poor, this is not derogatory, it is describing the truth.

If Mr. Oldham jumps bail, the bail money will be forfeited.I don't know the total financial revenue of the local government of Port Fiso last year, but I suggest that you charge him bail based on this figure. "

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "The fiscal revenue of the Feisuo Port government last year? The statistics are very confusing, but you really asked the right person. I know a rough figure, which is about 600 million yuan. The source is more complicated, even including many gangsters." Handed over the management fee."

Yue Gaole interjected: "As far as I know, the official name should be Community Tax Agent."

Hua Zhenxing: "Call it whatever you want, but I don't intend to let Oldham be released on bail. No matter what happens to this man in the future, he must accept a formal trial and be convicted."

Yue Gaole: "Boss Hua, you may have misunderstood. I didn't want Oldheim to escape. I just told you the procedure. If he wants to jump bail and abscond, you just need to catch him again.

The 600 million gold is indeed a bit low. This year, the municipal government of Feisuo Port should spend a lot, so let's triple it and charge him 800 million bail.

According to the laws of Jili Kingdom, only 180% of the payment is required in advance, which is [-] million meters of gold, but a full amount of guarantee must also be provided.

I believe that Mr. Oldham has enough financial resources to provide cash and guarantees, and I will also help him complete the relevant procedures, even if it is a meeting gift. "

Hua Zhenxing wondered: "Meeting ceremony? Mr. Yue, why are you doing this, we are not familiar!"

Yue Gaole said with a wry smile: "Boss Hua, in fact, you misunderstood again. It is my duty to help the employer solve the problem. If I didn't find you and say such a thing, there are other ways to release Aoheim on bail." come out?

If I did, it would be enough to prove that I am a good lawyer who can help employers solve complex emergencies.He must have hoped to be released on bail, looking at me with pleading eyes yesterday, like a drowning man trying to grab a branch on the shore.

As for jumping bail and absconding, it is just my judgment. If it really happened to him, it is his own choice. As an adult, there is some common sense that no one else needs to tell.

So this meeting ceremony was actually given by Oldham himself, and it is also needed here. He should try his best to make up for what he has done. "

Hua Zhenxing: "This compensation is not enough!"

Yue Gaole smiled again: "Boss Hua, what we were talking about just now was just bail, and I hope to complete my task. If Mr. Oldham is convicted, the court can also impose a huge fine on him. That is another matter. something happened.

From what I know about him, he will definitely pay the bail, but he is definitely unwilling to pay the huge fine. He would rather spend money to bribe the guards so that he can have a chance to escape from here. "

Hua Zhenxing was speechless, and after a long time he asked back: "Are you really speaking for your client?"

Yue Gaole: "Ming people don't say dark words. Even if I don't say these things, I believe you can think of them. Even if you can't think of them for a while, there are many talented people around you who can think of them. Then you might as well talk about it. I like to do my job."

Chapter 170 A lot of information

From a lawyer's point of view, Yue Gaole is simply too competent.This kind of competence is not reflected in his understanding of the laws of Jili Kingdom, but that he found the right way very accurately and provided a plan. He said everything in an open and honest manner, making it impossible to refuse the negotiation.

In the place of Port Fiso, if another lawyer came, I'm afraid it would be impossible to bail Oldham out.Facing such a person, who can say everything clearly, Xiaohua felt his immaturity.

A child of his age can't be considered an adult yet, but he already regards himself as an adult psychologically. He feels that he can do everything well, and he will try his best to prove it in action. Annoyed.

Hua Zhenxing has such a great ability and has experienced so many things. It is impossible for him not to be self-righteous. When he sees so many adults in Feisuo Port on weekdays, would he think that his knowledge and skills are not as good as them?

Fortunately, there are three elderly people at home, and there are always unpredictable references to suppress him.But when dealing with outsiders, even Flick, the great magician, was killed by Hua Zhenxing himself.

But facing Yue Gaole today, he felt a sense of powerlessness, as if he knew he couldn't beat him before he started, but he just said that he wouldn't use any magical means, and he was here to talk about business.

After weighing, Hua Zhenxing finally let go and said: "Mr. Yue, you have misunderstood some things. According to the local regulations of Feisuo Port, the client of legal affairs does not have to be a lawyer, and a person with full legal capacity can do so." .

Of course, it may be more convenient to leave some things to lawyers because they are more familiar with the procedures.I didn't want Oldham's to be released on bail, but from what you've said, it's all right.

Just do as you said just now, the bail of 800 meters shall be paid up to [-]% in accordance with the regulations of Jiliguo, and full guarantee shall be provided at the same time.

You can release Oldham on bail, but he must be placed under residential surveillance and cannot leave Port Fiso, nor can he take the opportunity to engage in activities such as colluding confessions and destroying criminal evidence, otherwise he will lose his eligibility for bail at any time. "

Yue Gaole got up and bowed: "Thank you for letting me complete the task. It seems that calling you Boss Hua is indeed right."

Hua Zhenxing didn't answer this question. Since the other party has seen some things, there is no need to defend them. He asked again: "When are you going to do it?"

Yue Gaole: "I have to meet Oldham this afternoon and get his entrustment authorization. I can bail him out tomorrow, and I have to wrong him to stay inside for one more night."

Hua Zhenxing: "At the same time, three researchers from the International Hospital were also arrested. They cannot be released on bail."

Yue Gaole: "I don't even want to release them on bail. My employer is only Mr. Oldham. He has already collected money, so I have to work."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then you can do it, I will ask someone to say hello."

Yue Gaole sat down again: "Don't worry, the tea is not finished yet. After talking about the business, I am more interested in other things here. I believe you have many questions."

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm really worried. If Oldham tries to escape, will the three magicians around him take action against the police in Port Fiso? I must get a promise that they won't do so, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain."

Yue Gaole: "I can only make promises for my own behavior, and I can't promise anything for others. But I can tell you my judgment, they won't! In fact, you already have the answer yourself, otherwise you wouldn't agree to the Austrian Heim let it out, why ask me again?"

If those three magicians really would openly confront the local police, there would have been a conflict yesterday. Since they didn't really do anything, it means that they have already made a choice.This is what Hua Zhenxing has already seen, that's why Yue Gaole said that.

Hua Zhenxing asked again: "If Oldham wants to jump bail and abscond, will you help?"

Yue Gaole: "As I said just now, as long as no one uses magic spells against me here, I will not use magic spells against anyone. But as Auheim's legal advisor, I will provide legal advice. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Where are the three magicians?"

Yue Gaole: "You counted wrong, now there are two. That Mr. Gu Wentong has already been imprisoned by you, do you want me to release him on bail?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said, "There is no way for him to be released on bail. He will be detained for 30 days in accordance with the newly promulgated "Public Security Management Punishment Regulations" in Fiso Port because he is seeking to cause trouble."

Yue Gaole: "So he is the one with the most thieves. He not only shows his loyalty to his employer, but also avoids getting involved in later troubles. Anyway, he has been locked up and can't participate in anything.

As for Blaise and Pidan, if they can help Oldheim escape without confronting the local police, they will definitely help.It was this job that he took Oheim's money to do, and he would escort Oheim out of Jiliguo.

We can do a simple deduction.If this happens, it is unlikely that the local police can track them down. They are either monks or magicians, such as you.

In this case, they will shoot.

If you don't want a conflict or even casualties, keep an eye on Oldheim and don't give him a chance to escape.If you're looking for a chance to take someone out, let that happen.

So it's not about what I do, it's about your choice. "

Hua Zhenxing was not used to it. The lawyer Yue Gaole could always explain things thoroughly in a few words, as if there was no secret in front of him.

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