The white paper magpie flew around Locke, and when it landed in his hand, it turned into an ordinary paper airplane again.But the change is not over yet, the paper airplane folds automatically, looking like a roughly triangular piece of paper.

The piece of paper was soft, and Locke twirled it with his fingers, turning it into a small paper roll less than two inches long, and then picked it up.It's a miracle, amazing!

Hua Zhenxing had been holding back for more than two hours, and finally said: "Locke, have you broken through the four realms?"

There was a little reservedness in Locke's smile, he nodded and said, "Yes, I'm already an official magician."

Hua Zhenxing: "Congratulations! When did it happen?"

Locke: "After you left the night before yesterday, I suddenly realized that I entered the magic realm during meditation, and after breaking the magic realm, I was already a magician, that is, I had reached the four realms you mentioned.

I spent another day consolidating my memory, summing up the gains and losses of the past ten years, and finally folded such a paper airplane. "

In the past ten years, it is hard to say how much power has been accumulated by Locke, after all, his injury has not healed.But when it comes to life's great sorrows and joys, great ups and downs, the attachment to paper airplanes, and the ultimate relief, it can be regarded as a long-term accumulation along with the breakthrough of the realm. He chose to refine this weapon at the most appropriate time.

Hua Zhenxing: "This is a treasure, it can also be called a paper magpie, a real paper magpie."

Locke: "You can also call it a paper angel. It's a pity that I don't know many magic arts. I didn't become a formal magician at the beginning, and there are many things that the teacher hasn't had time to teach."

Hua Zhenxing: "What Mr. Dawson left for you probably includes a systematic inheritance of divine arts... let's not talk about that, congratulations on breaking through the realm and becoming a treasure. I will show you some things. "

Locke: "During this time, it seems that I shouldn't leave here, let alone being discovered by others."

Hua Zhenxing: "It's okay, the things are on the third floor, in another room."

The ultra-luxury suite belonging to Feng Zibin is located at the easternmost end of the third floor, facing the coast.There are two suites in the south and one north next to it, with a corridor in the middle. Locke lives in the north suite these days.

In addition to the ultra-luxury suite at the easternmost end and the private restaurant at the westernmost end, there are twelve suites on the third floor.The room that Hua Zhenxing took Locke to was on the west side of the third floor, next to Mo Shangtong's director's office.

Walking into the living room, there is a large table in the middle, and a batch of things that have been arranged are piled up on the table.Hua Zhenxing picked up a chain inlaid with pure white dodecahedron spar, and asked Locke, "Do you know this thing?"

Locke was taken aback: "The legendary Dance of the Wind? I heard Lian Na mention that the most important inheritance treasure of the Dawson family is a space artifact, which can also inspire many wind magic and space magic. .Could it be this thing that Frick is carrying with him?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes, this was also found on Frick's body."

Locke: "How did Flick die?"

Hua Zhenxing said with a wry smile: "Don't ask, I can't understand it if you ask, in short, he did it himself!"

Locke nodded knowingly and said: "Well, I won't ask any more questions in the future, even if someone asks me, I can only say the answer you gave me.

What's the matter with these things?Could it be that Flick carried them with him? Unless it was installed in a space artifact, it would be impossible. "

1000 million Luo yuan in cash was neatly stacked on the table, each with a denomination of [-], a stack of [-] cards, and a bundle of ten stacks, which happened to be twenty bundles.

Some things have an intangible influence on the subconscious mind. Hua Zhenxing suggested that Locke’s condition to the Fogan Foundation was to ask the other party to take 1000 million Luo in cash, because he had seen the real thing with his own eyes, so he subconsciously said that.

In addition, there was a pile of documents on the table, and next to them were seven cylindrical objects. The largest one was shaped like a cigar, and the smallest one was like a filter tip torn off from a cigarette, with complex patterns on the surface.

Hua Zhenxing replied: "You are right, except for the ring on Flick's hand, other things, including the few documents I have given you, are all taken from this space artifact. "

Locke asked in surprise: "How is this possible? Although I don't know how to use this kind of artifact, I also know that it must be inherited before it can be used, and only great magicians can use it, and it cannot be opened if it falls into the hands of outsiders."

Hua Zhenxing: "Uncle Mo said the same thing, but he also said a method, that is, the cultivation base above Feixian, using water to grind the time to re-sacrifice, to erase the original imprint of the soul little by little, and then sacrifice Refining your own soul brand.

But the premise of doing so is to have enough patience, enough subtle means, and enough understanding of the magic of artifacts.

When he got it in his hands, the spirit brand of this artifact was wiped clean, but it was not re-sacrificed, so everything can be taken out, but now it is an ownerless artifact. "

Locke was shocked. Even if he had become an official magician, he couldn't imagine such a thing, and exclaimed in surprise: "It's only been a few days, who did it?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Uncle Mo didn't say anything, anyway, it wasn't his old man who did it, it was just like that when he got it, so don't ask...some things here are very unfamiliar, Uncle Mo told me not to move around, do you know?"

The space artifact can be roughly compared to this house where things are stored, and the inheritance of the imprint of the soul is the key to open the door.Only Flake had the key, and no one else could open it, but someone had removed the lock without replacing it with a new one.

What Mo Shangtong got from Mr. Feng was such a space artifact. With his old man's cultivation, he only needed to take out the contents.

Hua Zhen was also there when they took things out at night, and there were quite a lot of broken items.Frick actually brought 1000 million Luo in cash with him, and there are also a batch of documents that are the most important to the Fulgan Foundation.

Among them, several documents about the Forgan family and Locke's life experience have been handed over by Hua Zhenxing to Locke himself, and the rest are here.

These documents not only include the most complete list of assets and accounts of the Forgan Foundation, but also some important transaction materials, involving many important exchange of interests and cooperation, and even the privacy and scandals of many important figures.

For example, within the Fulgan Foundation, how Bonn Mosen and others used charitable donations and other activities to enrich their own pockets, colluded with outsiders to write off accounts and share the spoils, and used various means to attack and frame "troublemakers", and even accepted commissions to engage in shady activities. activities... Frick actually collected evidence and kept the materials.

Mo Shangtong just took out these things, what to do with Hua Zhenxing is up to Hua Zhenxing himself, and the attitude of the elders is very clear not to intervene in this matter.

Information about the Forgan family and Locke's life experience has been handed over to Locke himself by Hua Zhenxing.After experiencing the scene just now, he finally brought Locke to watch the rest.

The most special thing among Frick's relics is the seven cylindrical things, which must be magical items.

Locke observed carefully and said: "These are scrolls, which can be understood as one-time items that record and inspire some kind of divine magic. The patterns on the outside of it are not decorations, but symbols of divine magic."

Hua Zhenxing: "Can you understand? Tell me about it, it will open my eyes too!"

Locke: "Of course I can understand, these are the basic lessons when I was an apprentice..."

The so-called scrolls are somewhat similar in principle to Locke's original paper airplanes. They are all disposable consumables, and they record some kind of magic.

Of course, the "Paper Angel" that Locke successfully sacrificed today is not a one-time consumable, it is already a magic weapon, and it is different from a scroll.

In fact, Locke's original paper airplane cannot be regarded as a scroll, after all, the power and function are very different.There is another thing whose nature is closer to it, that is, the talismans used by oriental monks.

For example, if a certain expert knows the divine night thunder technique, he can cast a spell on the spot to attract the divine thunder with a sword, or he can record this spell on a talisman through special means.Theoretically, the talisman can be reserved for oneself, but in fact, it is basically handed over to the disciples for self-defense.

Because the cultivator himself usually doesn't need it, if he can't do it as he pleases, he can't make the corresponding talisman.He himself casts the same technique, which is faster and more powerful than using talismans.

Sacrificing and refining talismans has great limitations. Not only does it need to process special materials, but the effort required to refine a magic weapon is not much different, and the consumption is many times greater than casting a spell by yourself.

Making a talisman may fail, and if it is accidentally damaged, it may hurt yourself.The upper limit of the power of the talisman does not exceed the power of the magic spell cast by the creator himself.

What's more troublesome is that mastering a certain technique does not mean that you will be able to make the corresponding talisman. That is another set of separate inheritance, and you need to master both.

Therefore, the real spells and talismans are precious and rare, and are only given to the closest disciples.In order to prevent the talisman from being lost or robbed, and the holder suffering from it, there are some unique techniques when using the talisman, which is difficult for monks who are not in the same inheritance system to master.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to set up stalls to sell talismans in Xianxia novels, and talismans of unknown origin cannot be used easily, because no one knows what will happen.

The most powerful talisman is the legendary talisman, which can only be crafted and used with a cultivation base of the Nine Realms.

The production principle and function of the scroll are similar to that of the talisman, but there are differences in the material carrier and production method.

Some common magic scrolls have even achieved a certain degree of standardization and standardization through the exchanges and research of magicians of all ages.No matter who made it, its use method and effect are similar, and it has certain versatility.

Universal scrolls like this can be exchanged, provided that the producer and provider have sufficient credit guarantees, otherwise scrolls of unknown origin cannot be used at will.

Except for this kind of general-purpose scrolls, other kinds of scrolls are considered special scrolls, which are often only internal things of a certain divine arts inheritance group, and it is difficult for outsiders to have the opportunity to obtain them, and it is also difficult to master the know-how of their use.

Chapter 136 The Chain of Anji Fareux

Usually, only great magicians can make scrolls. Although ordinary magicians can theoretically make scrolls, the success rate is too low, the risk factor is too high, and the scrolls they make are not powerful enough, so the gains outweigh the losses.

Usually only official magicians can use scrolls, scrolls with the same effect, the less demanding the user, the more precious they are.

As a veteran great magician, Frick should also make scrolls, but as far as Locke knew at the time, Frick was not good at this, and he had never heard of him making scrolls.

It's normal to think about it. As the person in charge of the Fulgan Foundation, Frick doesn't have to do the kind of hard work that hurts himself and others, and may be dangerous. If he wants something, he can use his wealth and connections to do it. exchange.

Frick carried seven scrolls with him, not only because they were precious, but more importantly because they were all invisible.These seven scrolls were made by three great magicians. They were all surnamed Fugen, and they belonged to the covered up history...

After listening to Locke's introduction, Hua Zhenxing said: "I'm afraid these things are not Frick's. They should all come from the Forgan Foundation, and the Forgan Foundation actually belongs to you, so I will return them to you... Only this material and A friend of mine has something to do with it, so I'll take it first."

Locke was very moved, but he still restrained his excitement. It would be superfluous to say thank you. He smiled bitterly and said, "Hua, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would never know the truth and live in lies and darkness forever. Maybe dead with no burial.

I didn't do anything, the Golden Gang even fought against the new alliance, and you gave a new world.I only need some of the files, and this scroll of space teleportation.As for the other things, I didn't get them, they shouldn't be mine..."

Hua Zhenxing interrupted him and said, "Don't be so hasty to say polite words! The things of the Fugan Foundation belong to you, and I happened to pick them up. This is fate!"

Locke: "Since you are at my disposal, can I give it to you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "In the future, you will take over the Fogan Foundation, welcome to support the construction of Kelin District!"

Locke: "I support it now, and I will support it in the future."

Hua Zhenxing shook the chain and said, "This item shouldn't be a treasure inherited from the Lusen family, right?"

Noke picked up the scroll and said, "When I saw this scroll, I knew it was called the Angel Chain, and it was indeed not from the Lusen family."

What he picked up was a space teleportation scroll, only the size of a cigarette filter tip, and there was another one on the table, if it was hidden in the palm of his hand, he would not be able to see it. The maker was a great magician named Sherman Forgan division.

The magic of space teleportation is very advanced, and Sherman also needs to rely on the family's artifact, the Angel Chain, to perform it. These two scrolls were also made with the help of the magic of the artifact, and the purpose is to leave it to future generations for self-defense.

It can instantly move the user out of a space distance within two kilometers, in a straight line or a curved line. When using it, you need to set the direction and distance with your spiritual consciousness.

It is best for the user to be familiar with the surrounding environment, including the situation of the destination, and the obstacles between the location and the destination, otherwise it is easy to cause problems. After all, it is not a magic technique that I have mastered.

These are all the messages left by the great magician Sherman on the scroll. He did not mention what kind of artifact the Angel Chain is. Presumably, the descendants who get the scroll will know that it should be the one worn by Frick. chain.

Hua Zhenxing's focus is a bit special: "Angel Chain, such a vulgar name?"

Locke made a joke: "If it is transliterated and spoken in your Dongguo language, An Jifa will leave the platinum chain, will it feel different?"

Hua Zhenxing was amused by him: "It feels even more rustic! Can't you speak well? You are now an official magician. Can you use this Anjifa Liu platinum chain inherited from your family? ?”

When Hua Zhenxing spoke, he thought in his heart that Locke was really different. His change was not only the improvement of his cultivation level, but after seeing these things, he sighed regretfully, and even made a few jokes with himself.Perhaps it was this change of mood that enabled him to break through.

Locke heard the words, but the smile on his face disappeared. He shook his head and said: "The core of this artifact is the special god stone inlaid on it. I have only seen it in the classics before, and this is the first time I have seen it today. to the real thing.

It itself is the prototype of a divine tool, it can be used directly as a magic weapon, and it has a beneficial effect on air and space magic, so it is precious and rare for any magician.

But the prototype of the artifact is only a prototype after all, and it needs further sacrifices to endow it with magical effects if it wants to become a real artifact.I guess it was not only made into a space artifact, but also solidified into a kind of flying magic. These two uses must be mastered by a great magician.

But now, the imprint of the sacrificial refining has been erased, and it has become an ownerless artifact. I have never heard of such a special situation.Even if I get the original inheritance and become a great magician in the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it unless..."

At this point, he hesitated to speak, as if he was thinking about how to organize his words.Hua Zhenxing said: "Unless you have the Nine Realm Earth Immortal cultivation base above Feixian in the future, you can sacrifice it yourself, or have someone else sacrifice it, and leave it to you."

Locke took a breath: "That's pretty much what I mean."

Hua Zhenxing: "People have to have ideals, maybe you will have such a great ability in the future."

Locke smiled bitterly again: "If I really have that great ability, I won't need this kind of thing."

Hua Zhenxing: "I understand. I will give this angel treasure chain to Uncle Mo and the others to think of a way to see if they can sacrifice the artifact to re-endow it with magical functions, and then leave it as a legacy."

Locke said in amazement: "How many old men have such clever means?"

Hua Zhenxing accidentally made a slip of the tongue, and quickly interrupted: "This book was also made by Uncle Mo, do you see if it looks like the book of inheritance that Mr. Dawson gave you?" He took it out of the drawer while speaking. A book was handed to Locke, a black cover with gold stripes.

Locke was shocked again: "Even I can't tell the difference. If you don't tell me, I almost think it is true!"

The real book of inheritance was deposited in the bank deposit box by Locke under another pseudonym eight years ago, and it can only be taken out with his seal when handling it.

Even the bank employees who went through the formalities at the time were no longer in Port Fiso. If Locke didn't say anything, no one would know. Even Frick, who had visited him secretly, didn't find out.

Locke is also considered an old fox. After hearing about the situation, he didn't take out the book at all, as if he had forgotten about it. If there were still people spying in the dark, they would not be able to find clues from him.

Hua Zhenxing asked Uncle Mo to make a fake, and Uncle Mo processed it according to Locke's description.It can neither be opened nor searched with spiritual consciousness. This requirement is very simple, just make it solid and isolate the spiritual consciousness.

The key is that the appearance can also be made to look like the real one, even Locke himself can hardly tell the difference, this level is too high.Hua Zhenxing wondered if Uncle Mo had tried to sneak a peek at the real thing, because he knew where it was.

He didn't mention this, nodded and said: "It's more reassuring! I have another question, it's very important, you must tell me the answer seriously."

Hearing his serious tone, Locke also said solemnly: "Say it."

Hua Zhenxing: "You are also a magician now, can you fight against guns?"

Locke thought about it seriously: "If I meet the gunman from back then, and I'm prepared beforehand, I'm absolutely sure to kill him."

Hua Zhenxing: "That's not what I meant...forget it, just say it straight!

If there are four heavy machine guns with 800 rounds of ammunition chains, and the rate of fire of each gun is more than a dozen rounds per second, from a distance of [-] meters to one kilometer, how big are you for cross-fire sneak attacks? Are you sure you can handle it? "

Locke was stunned, and after looking at Hua Zhenxing for a while, he asked back: "Do you think I'm a god? How sure are you?"

Chapter 137 No Choice

Locke thought to himself that he would never be able to deal with such a big battle, and Hua Zhenxing reminded again: "This is not used to deal with you."

Locke: "I know who you want to deal with. Although they are mortal enemies, they feel too cruel! They are not gods, even Flick. If they are unprepared, slow to react or are unlucky and get shot at the first time, I'm afraid It didn’t end well either.”

Hua Zhenxing was still a little worried, and reminded again: "Although there are no great magicians in the Fugen Foundation, there are still many masters. Their cultivation level is not inferior to yours. As far as I know, there are two five-year-olds among them. super magician."

Locke sneered and said: "I have been at ease for many years, and I am proud of being noble. I have a strong lord inside, no danger outside, and I am full of wealth and everything. With such an elevated state, I may learn a richer system of divine arts, but now I am more or less I don't like it.

As far as I know, Bo En and Lian Na are now official magicians.But in my opinion, if there is another gunslinger, they may not be able to handle it in a hurry.They have never experienced that kind of scene, and they don't need to experience it.

As for the magical masters of the five realms, they are actually not much better than those of the four realms. They are mainly brilliant in other places.Although it is difficult for me to break through the four realms, I have a feeling that it will not be difficult to break through the five realms in the future.

If it was Flick wearing the angel chain and we didn't succeed in an instant, then the battle you arranged is not enough, and you have to guard against being killed by him at any time.But Frick is dead, and the Angel Chain is here, so the rest of them are not afraid. "

Frick is so powerful, and wearing the angel chain is even more powerful, Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but feel scared again, just as Mr. Feng said, he was almost dead at that time.

He had already made up his mind, besides a heavy machine gun and two rounds of [-] shells, he would also take the stick with him during this operation, since it didn't weigh much anyway.The origami crane that old man Yang gave him didn't return, and he kept it in his pocket as well.

Hua Zhenxing asked again: "Originally, I was quite confident. But after seeing such a scroll, you tell me that it can move people two kilometers in an instant, and a magician can use it. This is troublesome."

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