Xie Liqiu was trembling with anger, he had never seen such an arrogant student who actually contradicted himself in front of his face.

Originally, he had a bad impression of Luo Yao, but now it has become even worse.

"President Xie, you are the chief instructor and a senior, why are you that kind of person?" Luo Yao leaned over, picked up the teacup in front of Xie Liqiu, bent over and gave it to him, and suddenly lowered his posture, "Don't Get angry, take a sip of water, and speak slowly, you have an opinion on me, just say it out, don’t hold it in your heart, you’ll break your body, then who will guide our training?”

This was a soft knife that pierced Xie Liqiu's heart, and he didn't know what to say.

"Old Xie, sit down and talk." Yu Jie gave Xie Liqiu a step down in a timely manner, and then said, "Our instructors' behavior during the teaching process needs to be regulated. Think about it differently. Have we ever suffered How about this kind of unfair treatment? We can't just like the daughter-in-law who has become a mother-in-law, and put the crimes we have suffered on our own daughter-in-law, right?"

"Deputy Director Yu's analogy is not appropriate. I admit that our instructors beat and insult students during the teaching process, but it is for their own good. Some people don't beat them. He can't remember. This has led soldiers since ancient times. Isn’t that how wars are done?” Wu Yukun retorted.

"I think there must be someone behind this matter who is colluding and agitating. Our special training class must have been infiltrated with communists. I suggest a strict investigation!" Wang Hua said sinisterly.

Automatic filtering, Wang Hua always talks about "anti-communism" when he talks about it, everyone looks like "the Communist Party" to him, and everyone is used to it.

But such accusations are vicious.

"Zhennan, you are studying in Germany. Is there such a situation in German military academies?" Yu Jie also felt a little disgusted with Wang Hua, but he had no choice but to change the subject and asked.

Jiang Zhennan touched his shiny hair, straightened his military uniform, sat up straight and said, "In Germany, it is very common for instructors to beat and scold military cadets. It is absolutely not allowed to use black hands in teaching due to personal grievances, and once discovered, the instructor will be sent to a military court for trial."

"I don't think corporal punishment and insults are good training methods. There should be better alternatives." Luo Yao insisted on his point of view and continued to speak.

"Okay, Luo Yao, don't say any more. Let's all make concessions on this matter. It is not impossible for you to ask for three chapters, but the rights and obligations are equal. You supervise the behavior of the instructors, but the instructors' behavior in teaching The right to punish also needs to be guaranteed, otherwise, where is the prestige of the instructors?" Yu Jie interrupted Luo Yao's conversation, and if the debate continued, there might be no way to end it.

Yu Jie did not completely favor Luo Yao and the others, which made Xie Liqiu and the others relieved. At least, Yu Jie still had concerns and did not dare to act recklessly.

"Instructors can have the right to punish, but only in teaching, and they must be moderate and measured to ensure that nothing like Yan Ming will happen again." Li Fu and Luo Yao looked at each other, and they had already guessed, This is probably the bottom line of the instructor team and the class department.

"About the establishment of a disciplinary committee, there is no need for that. Isn't there a picket in the cadet corps? Once a dispute arises, the picket can come forward to judge and punish it." Deputy chief Wang Yueqing said.

In fact, Luo Yao never thought about this request at all. Li Fu made it up, just wanting to pull Luo Yao's back together and share some of the hatred with him, most of it.

"Yes, but most of the pickets were done by instructors before, and the number of pickets must be more than half of the students. The pickets are selected by our students themselves, and they are rotated every half a month!"

Yu Jie, Wang Yueqing and Xie Liqiu bowed their heads to discuss and agreed to the request of the three student representatives Li Fu, Luo Yao and Xu Jihong.

At this point in the meeting, a consensus has basically been reached, and there is one last topic left, which is how to deal with Instructor Jin Minjie.

There is no objection to a public apology and compensation for medical expenses.

The question is how to punish?

Jin Minjie is Dai Yunong's favorite general, with extraordinary martial arts skills and outstanding marksmanship. She is arranged to be an instructor in the special training class. It is high hope that she can cultivate a few good seedlings in the special training class.

But now that something like this happened, can she still stay in the special training class?

Definitely not expulsion.

Jin Minjie is such a face-saving woman, she can't help but take revenge even if she says a few words behind the students' backs. If she is expelled, wouldn't that be a great shame?

Boss Dai may not be able to explain it either.

After discussing and discussing, there is no way to get the best of both worlds, and I can only report it to Boss Dai.


Dai Yunong had just returned to Jiangcheng from Xuzhou with Commander-in-Chief Jiang. When he got off the plane, he received a telegram from Yu Jie and scanned the content.

Those tired eyes instantly burst into a glamorous light.

"Qi Wu, what do you think about this matter?"

"Boss, could this be Yu Jie's temptation?" Mao Qiwu speculated, "The battle in the fifth war zone is coming soon, you can't take care of both. You personally arranged to go in again..."

"Are you thinking too much?" Dai Yunong frowned. He was afraid of Yu Jie, but Yu Jie had a dark history. Even if he had the idea of ​​seizing power, the old man would not agree.

"I do not know then."

"Any news from Ruoping?"

"Yes, the general situation is the same as what Yu Jie reported, but Ruoping also mentioned that Wang Hua, the director of the political training department, feels that there may be an organization behind the Communist Party behind the collective strike of the special training class this time." Mao Qiwu said.

Hearing the words, Dai Yunong gave Mao Qiwu a cold look, and Mao Qiwu hurriedly lowered his head in shock. The students recruited this time were all strictly checked. If they got mixed up with the Communist Party, it would be a great fun up.

"Boss, I think that Wang Hua's theoretical propaganda is okay, but other aspects need to be discussed." Mao Qiwu hurriedly said, "The Communist Party is not that stupid. Even if someone really sneaks into the special training class, they dare not take the lead Yes, isn't this self-exposed?"

Dai Yunong nodded. There are more than 1000 people, and he can't say that there is no problem with any of them, but it is definitely not a good thing to pick the leader.

The members of the Communist Party are all monkey spirits, how could they take the initiative to hand over the handle to their opponents?

Besides, it almost killed someone.

It's not a big deal for a lot of people to die during training, but the problem is that these people are his carefully cultivated backup force, they are talents, and he feels sorry for them even if they die.

"Military commander" has been drawn out separately, and the opportunity to flex his muscles has come. He needs people, urgently, and he has high hopes for the temporary training class.

"Call Yu Jie back, revoke Jin Minjie's position as an instructor, transfer him to Chongqing, and demote him to another appointment." Dai Yunong thought about it for a while, "Also, Qi Wu, please urge Tao Yishan to take up his post in Linli as soon as possible. It has been issued for a month, why hasn’t the person arrived yet?”

"Understood, I'll do it right now." Mao Qiwu and Dai Yunong have been with Dai Yunong for many years, and he knows exactly what his boss is thinking, and he arranged Tao Yishan as the captain to check and balance Yu Jie.

Even Tao can replace Yu at critical moments.


Coming out of the meeting room, Li Fu and Luo Yao were cheered like heroes, Li Fu was the most excited, his prestige finally surpassed that of Wen Zishan.

He and Wen Zishan have been competing with each other since they entered the special training class. No matter what aspect, the two of them fought with great joy, but the strength of the two is equal, so it's hard to say, who is stronger and who is weaker.

But this time, Li Fu did beat Wen Zishan in terms of prestige among the students, and this time, among the three student representatives.

Wen Zishan didn't even enter it, obviously losing out.

As for Luo Yao, if he wasn't the captain of Yan Ming's team, he probably wouldn't be qualified to represent him. This guy is really lucky. He found out that Shan Flood and the bandit "Peng Rentu" had made meritorious service, and now he followed Li Fu to gain reputation. , What a shit luck.

But others don't know, but both Li Fu and Xu Jihong know that Luo Yao is definitely not because of good luck. His sharp words at the meeting, even the chief instructor Xie Liqiu couldn't open his mouth. What's more, the most dreadful thing is, This guy can say black and white, and it makes you feel quite reasonable.

When it was time for Li Fu to perform, Luo Yao would not try to steal his limelight. Standing behind him, he calmly listened to Li Fu's presentation of the meeting and negotiations to the students.

After the students finished listening, they burst into cheers.

Through this kind of non-intense struggle, I have won respect and gained my own dignity, even if it is discounted, it is much better than before.

Chapter 0038 Test

Jin Minjie refused to accept the decision of the headquarter of the temporary training class to deal with her, but she dared not disobey Boss Dai's order, so she could only obediently apologize at the weekly meeting and promised to compensate Yan Ming for his medical expenses.

When Jin Minjie left the training base, no one saw him off, and Shen Yu sent a car from the General Affairs Office to take her to the train station, leaving alone.

After three chapters of the agreement, the attitude of the instructors is much better, and they will continue to curse, but there will be no such words that insult personality.

After training.

"We have completely offended this woman."

"Why, are you afraid that Instructor Jin will retaliate against us in the future?" Li Fu had a piece of grass in his mouth. He and Luo Yao had a very strange relationship. Sometimes they seemed like old friends who were familiar with each other, and sometimes they were like rivals. If you don't trouble the other party for a day, and don't try your best to trick the other party once, you feel that you are at a disadvantage.

"It is undeniable that this woman has abilities, but her actions are a bit extreme. I hope we will not encounter each other in the future." Luo Yao sat up and said.

"By the way, we're about to choose a major. Those of us have a chance to choose on our own." Li Fu asked, "Which direction do you plan to choose?"

"I didn't think about it." Luo Yao narrowed his eyes and said.

Luo Yao is telling the truth, the current training class is mainly based on basic training, learning popular secret agent skills, laying the foundation, which is something everyone should master.

Of course, the next step is to refine the direction according to each person's training results, mainly military, intelligence, operations, and espionage.

The girls' team can choose telecommunications and accounting.

"I'm going to choose the spy team. I like to think, and I'm good at intelligence analysis. Going to the spy team can give full play to my strengths." Li Fu expressed his thoughts without hesitation.

"Well, the spy is good. After you come out, you will be an intelligence officer. The salary is high, the benefits are good, and the promotion is fast. The most important thing is to stay in the rear, where the danger is the least." Luo Yao laughed, "It seems that you have long wanted to Well, I'm on my way."

"I'm not afraid of sacrifice, but someone has to do the work, and it's different who does it. I'm not good at action, and my fighting power is scum. If I insist on showing off, it will harm others and myself." Li Fu said, "How about it, Luo Yao, I think you are good at guns, but unfortunately your marksmanship is too bad, why don't you come with me?"

"Well, it makes sense. However, I'm not very quiet, and I always like to fight against you. If I'm with you, I'm afraid you won't have a good life. Have you thought about it?" Luo Yao said playfully. smile.

"What do you think you can do to me?" Li Fu raised his provocative brows.

Luo Yao patted the dust in his hands, stood up and said, "I'm not interested in you. In fact, I like a more exciting life. I don't like the position of intelligence officer."

"Then you plan to choose intelligence or action?" Li Fu was a little surprised. He thought that Luo Yao, who likes to plot and deceive people behind his back, should choose the direction of espionage, which requires more brain power.

Both intelligence and action directions may be sent to work in enemy-occupied areas, and the danger is very great. It is human nature for a gentleman not to stand under a dangerous wall, and to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"Look, maybe I'll change my mind then?"

"Luo Yao, do you know that someone now ranks me, Wen Zishan and you as the three Musketeers of the training class?" Li Fu spat.

"Who is so boring?"

"I don't know, but I like to compare you to us anyway." Li Fu giggled, "Do you want to be the boss of the Three Musketeers?"

"Children are the ones competing for the first place, it's too boring." Luo Yao laughed, clapped his hands, and stood up, "I won't accompany you in nonsense, I'm going to the intelligence room."

"Don't rush away, we haven't finished talking yet, how is the fight in Teng County..."

"It's been a couple of days since the city was destroyed."

Luo Yao said sadly without turning his head.

Although there are black square characters and a string of cold numbers on the battle report, Luo Yao can tell that at this moment, Tengxian County has been surrounded by the 10th Japanese Infantry Regiment. Food is exhausted, being able to hold on to this moment is already very remarkable.

The unbeatable Sichuan army is all tough!

Then came the world-famous victory, which was one of the few bright moments of the national army on the frontal battlefield, even though it was also a tragic victory.

And the tragedy that followed...

Luo Yao knew that he could not change the general situation, the only thing he could do was to do his best to do what he could do well, get out of the temporary training class as soon as possible, and go to his own battlefield.

But what he didn't expect was that he would have the opportunity to go to the "battlefield" so soon.

The city of Teng County was destroyed, and the division commander Wang Mingzhang died in battle. When the news came, all the soldiers and civilians were deeply saddened, and the trainees in the temporary training class were much more taciturn during training.

Everyone is training desperately, desperately mastering the skills they should master, in order to be able to put into work this morning and contribute to the anti-Japanese and killing the enemy.

Time is running out, everyone is training hard and mastering various skills. That night, Luo Yao just lay down and prepared to sleep.

Yu Jie's secretary Liao Xia came over.

"Luo Yao, Deputy Director Yu is going to see you now, you go to his office immediately."

Liao Xia's tone was urgent, Luo Yao didn't understand what was going on, but he couldn't refuse Yu Jie's summons, so he quickly got dressed and followed him.

"Teacher." Luo Yao had already changed his words to Yu Jie. Without outsiders, he directly called Yu Jie a teacher.

Yu Jie appreciates him very much and is willing to train him. Basically, he has established the "teacher-student" relationship. His student is different from the students in the temporary training class.

"Here we come." Yu Jie took a pair of wine glasses and came over, opened a bottle of red wine himself, poured about one-third of the wine glasses for the two of them each.

"Thank you teacher." Luo Yao said, "You know, I'm not used to foreign wine."

"If you're not used to drinking, you have to learn, and you'll need it in the future." Yu Jie taught him a lesson, raised his glass and said, Luo Yao nodded slightly.

"Alcohol is a good thing, but you can't drink too much, especially for us in our business, this is the most important thing." Yu Jie said with a sip.

"Teacher, what's the matter, just ask." Luo Yao naturally sensed that there was something in Yu Jie's words, and asked as he put down his wine glass.

"Read this telegram first." Yu Jie put down his wine glass, took out a telegram from the folder and handed it over.

Luo Yao took it suspiciously, and after seeing the contents of the telegram, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Boss Dai wants to transfer me to Jiangcheng to assist him in handling the case?"

"Boss Dai knows that you have a pair of magical ears. Now there is a secret radio station of the Japanese intelligence agency hidden in Jiangcheng. He wants you to go there and help him find it." Yu Jie nodded.

"Boss Dai also knows about my ear?" Luo Yao was surprised. What does his ear have to do with finding a radio station?

"Can your ears hear very far and very subtle sounds that others can't hear?"

"Teacher, you know that my ears are a little more sensitive than ordinary people, and I'm actually not that magical. I've never done it before, and I don't have any experience at all?"

"You don't need to have any experience, as long as you can hear the specific location of the station."

"Teacher, how do you hear this?"

"So, Boss Dai asked me to test you first. If I can help you, I will let you go. If not, then don't go. You will return without success." Yu Jie explained.


"Yes, the test." Yu Jie nodded, "This test is only for you, and it is strictly kept secret from the outside world. No one will know about it except me."

"Okay, teacher, I promise to test, when?"

"Right now." Yu Jie said.

"Now?" Luo Yao froze for a moment, a little confused.

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